
en de
0 [0] Head Of HH, Contact Person [0] Haushaltsvorstand,Bezugsperson
11 [11] Spouse Of HH Head [11] Ehegatte/in
12 [12] Same-Sex Partner [12] gleichgeschl.Partner/in
13 [13] Life Partner [13] Lebenspartner/in
21 [21] Natural Son, Daughter [21] Leibliches Kind
22 [22] Stepchild (Child of the Partner) [22] Stiefkind(Kind d.Ehe-/LPartners)
23 [23] Adoptive Child [23] Adoptivkind
24 [24] Foster Child [24] Pflegekind
25 [25] Grandchild [25] Enkelkind
26 [26] Great-Grandchild [26] Urenkelkind
27 [27] Son, Daughter-In-Law [27] Schwsohn,-tocher (Ehe-/LPartner v.Kind)
31 [31] Father, Mother [31] Leibliche/r Vater,Mutter
32 [32] Step Father / Step Mother / Spouse of Father or Mother [32] Stiefvater,-mutter/Partner v.Vater,Mutter
33 [33] Adoptive Father or Mother [33] Adoptivvater,-mutter
34 [34] Foster Father or Mother [34] Pflegevater,-mutter
35 [35] Parent-In-Law [35] Schwiegervater,-mutter,(Ehe-/LPartner v.Eltern)
36 [36] Grandfather, -mother [36] Grossvater,-mutter
41 [41] Brother, Sister [41] Leibliche/r Bruder,Schwester
42 [42] Half-Brother, Half-sister [42] Halbbruder,-schwester
43 [43] Stepbrother, Stepsister [43] Stiefschwester,-bruder(von Elternteilen.verh/lpar)
44 [44] Adoptive Brother/Sister [44] Adoptivbruder,-schwester
45 [45] Foster Brother/Sister [45] Pflegebruder,-schwester
51 [51] Brother, Sister -in Law (spouse of brother/sister) [51] Schwa(e)ger/in (Ehe-/LPartner v.Geschwistern)
52 [52] Brother, Sister -in Law (brother/sister of spouse) [52] Schwa(e)ger/in (Geschwister v.Ehe-/LPartner)
61 [61] Aunt, Uncle [61] Tante,Onkel
62 [62] niece/nephew [62] Nichte/Neffe
63 [63] Cousin/Cousine [63] Cousin/Cousine
64 [64] Other Relative [64] Andere Verwandte
71 [71] Others [71] Sonstige
99 [99] Relation to Head of Household Unknown [99] Stellung zu HV unbekannt
-1 [-1] No Answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Answer improbable [-3] nicht valide
-4 [-4] Inadmissible multiple response [-4] Unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
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: Relationship To Head Of Household

: Stellung zum HV, Bezugsperson

bgpbrutto – Gross individual data 2016



: 2016

: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
valid 56667
invalid 0

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)