
en de
11 [11] Magister [11] Magister
12 [12] Diplom (University) [12] Diplom (Universität)
13 [13] Bachelor [13] Bachelor, n. Lehramt (Universität)
14 [14] Master [14] Master, n. Lehramt (Universität)
15 [15] 1st State Examination [15] 1. Staatsexamen, n. Lehramt
16 [16] Other state examination [16] sonst. Staatsexamen, n. Lehramt
21 [21] Diplom (at technical college, technical college for administration) [21] Diplom (FH, VerwaltungsFH)
22 [22] Bachelor (at technical college, technical college for administration) [22] Bachelor, n. Lehramt (FH, VerwaltungsFH)
23 [23] Master (at technical college, technical college for administration) [23] Master, n. Lehramt (FH, VerwaltungsFH)
31 [31] Teacher training,BA,MA at elementary, lower secondary schools/primary level [31] Lehramt,BA,MA an Grund-,Hauptschulen/Primarstufe
32 [32] Teacher training,BA,MA at 2ndary level 1/elementary schools/primary level [32] Lehramt,BA,MA, Sek I/Grundschulen/Primarstufe
33 [33] Teacher training,BA,MA at intermediate scndry schools/scndry level I [33] Lehramt,BA,MA, an Realschulen/Sek I
34 [34] Teacher training, BA, MA at secondary level II and I [34] Lehramt,BA,MA, Sek II und I
35 [35] Teacher training,BA,MA at academic 2ndry schools,2ndry levl 2,genrl school [35] Lehramt,BA,MA, Gymnasien/Sek II, allg.bil.Schulen
36 [36] Teacher training, BA, MA at special needs schools [36] Lehramt,BA,MA, an Sonder-/Förderschulen
37 [37] Teacher training, BA, MA at vocational schools [37] Lehramt,BA,MA, an beruflichen Schulen
38 [38] Teacher training, other [38] Lehramt,sonstiges
41 [41] Academic degree in the arts [41] künstlerischer Abschluss
42 [42] Doctorate [42] Promotion
43 [43] Post-doctoral dissertation (Habilitation) [43] Habilitation
44 [44] Other Degree [44] Sonstiger Abschluss
98 [98] Not categorizable [98] nicht zuzuordnen
-1 [-1] No Answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Answer improbable [-3] nicht valide
-4 [-4] Inadmissible multiple response [-4] Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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No concept available.

: Type of tertiary degree

: Hochschulabschluss, angelehnt an StaBu Fachserie 11-4.1

pgen – Person-related Status and Generated Variables



: 0



Measure Value
valid 622
invalid 72346

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)