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en | de | |
1 | [1] Construction | [1] Baugewerbe |
2 | [2] Accommodation and catering | [2] Beherbergung und Gastronomie |
3 | [3] Mining and quarrying | [3] Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen und Erden |
4 | [4] Energy supply sector (electricity, gas, steam supply) | [4] Energieversorgung (Strom-, Gas-, Dampfversorgung) |
5 | [5] Education and teaching/training | [5] Erziehung und Unterricht (Bildung) |
6 | [6] Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies | [6] Exterritoriale Organisationen und Körperschaften |
7 | [7] Freelance, scientific and technical services | [7] Freiberufliche, wissenschaftliche und technische Dienstleistungen |
8 | [8] Health and social services | [8] Gesundheit und Sozialarbeit |
9 | [9] Wholesale and retail; vehicle workshops | [9] Groß- und Einzelhandel, Werkstätten für Kraftfahrzeuge |
10 | [10] Real-estate industry | [10] Immobilienwirtschaft |
11 | [11] Information and communication | [11] Information und Kommunikation |
12 | [12] Banking and finance | [12] Kredit- und Finanzwesen |
13 | [13] Arts, entertainment and leisure | [13] Kunst, Unterhaltung und Erholung |
14 | [14] Agriculture, forestry and fishing | [14] Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft und Fischerei |
15 | [15] Public administration; defence; social security | [15] Öffentliche Verwaltung, Verteidigung, Sozialversicherungswesen |
16 | [16] Private Households With Employed Persons | [16] Private Haushalte mit Hauspersonal |
17 | [17] Manufacturing industries | [17] Verarbeitendes Gewerbe |
18 | [18] Transportation and warehousing/storage | [18] Verkehr und Lagerhaltung |
19 | [19] Water supply; sewage and waste disposal and removal of environmental pollutants | [19] Wasserversorgung, Abwasser-/ Abfallentsorgung u. Beseitigung v. Umweltverschmutzungen |
20 | [20] Other economic/commercial services | [20] Sonstige wirtschaftliche Dienstleistungen |
21 | [21] Other services | [21] Sonstige Dienstleistungen |
22 | [22] None of the above / don‘t know | [22] Nichts davon / Weiß nicht |
-1 | [-1] No answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Not valid | [-3] nicht valide |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissible multiple response | [-4] Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not Included In Questionnaire Version | [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterführung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar |
: Branch of Current Company
: Branche des derzeitigen Unternehmens
bijugend – Data from youth questionnaire for 16-17-year-olds 2018
: 2018
Measure | Value |
valid | 2 |
invalid | 566 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.