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en | de | |
4 | [4] Afghan | [4] afghanisch |
8 | [8] Albanian | [8] albanisch |
10 | [10] [de] Antarktis | [10] Antarktis |
12 | [12] Algerian | [12] algerisch |
16 | [16] [de] Amerikanisch-Samoa | [16] Amerikanisch-Samoa |
20 | [20] Andorran | [20] andorranisch |
24 | [24] Angolan | [24] angolanisch |
28 | [28] Antiguan | [28] antiguanisch |
31 | [31] Azerbaijani | [31] aserbaidschanisch |
32 | [32] Argentinian | [32] argentinisch |
36 | [36] Australian | [36] australisch |
40 | [40] Austrian | [40] österreichisch |
44 | [44] Bahamian | [44] bahamaisch |
48 | [48] Bahraini | [48] bahrainisch |
50 | [50] Bangladeshi | [50] bangladeschisch |
51 | [51] Armenian | [51] armenisch |
52 | [52] Barbadian | [52] barbadisch |
56 | [56] Belgian | [56] belgisch |
60 | [60] [de] Bermuda | [60] Bermuda |
64 | [64] Bhutanese | [64] bhutanisch |
68 | [68] Bolivian | [68] bolivianisch |
70 | [70] Bosnian-Herzegovinian | [70] bosnisch-herzegowinisch |
72 | [72] Botswanan | [72] botsuanisch |
74 | [74] [de] Bouvetinsel | [74] Bouvetinsel |
76 | [76] Brazilian | [76] brasilianisch |
84 | [84] Belizean | [84] belizisch |
86 | [86] [de] Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean | [86] Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean |
90 | [90] Solomon Island | [90] salomonisch |
92 | [92] [de] Britische Jungferninseln | [92] Britische Jungferninseln |
96 | [96] Bruneian | [96] bruneiisch |
100 | [100] Bulgarian | [100] bulgarisch |
104 | [104] Namibian | [104] myanmarisch |
108 | [108] Burundian | [108] burundisch |
112 | [112] Belarusian | [112] weißrussisch |
116 | [116] Cambodian | [116] kambodschanisch |
120 | [120] Cameroonian | [120] kamerunisch |
124 | [124] Canadian | [124] kanadisch |
132 | [132] Cape Verdean | [132] cabo-verdisch |
136 | [136] [de] Kaimaninseln | [136] Kaimaninseln |
140 | [140] Central African | [140] zentralafrikanisch |
144 | [144] Sri Lankan | [144] sri-lankisch |
148 | [148] Chadian | [148] tschadisch |
152 | [152] Chilean | [152] chilenisch |
156 | [156] Chinese | [156] chinesisch |
158 | [158] Taiwanese | [158] taiwanisch |
162 | [162] [de] Weihnachtsinsel | [162] Weihnachtsinsel |
166 | [166] [de] Kokosinseln | [166] Kokosinseln |
170 | [170] Colombian | [170] kolumbianisch |
174 | [174] Comorian | [174] komorisch |
175 | [175] [de] Mayotte | [175] Mayotte |
178 | [178] Congolese (Republic of the Congo) | [178] kongolesisch |
180 | [180] Congolese (Democratic Republic of the Congo) | [180] der Demokratischen Republik Kongo |
184 | [184] [de] Cookinseln | [184] Cookinseln |
188 | [188] Costa Rican | [188] costa-ricanisch |
191 | [191] Croatian | [191] kroatisch |
192 | [192] Cuban | [192] kubanisch |
196 | [196] Cypriot | [196] zyprisch |
203 | [203] Czech | [203] tschechisch |
204 | [204] Beninese | [204] beninisch |
208 | [208] Danish | [208] dänisch |
212 | [212] Dominican (Dominica) | [212] dominicanisch |
214 | [214] Dominican | [214] dominikanisch |
218 | [218] Ecuadorian | [218] ecuadorianisch |
222 | [222] Salvadoran | [222] salvadorianisch |
226 | [226] Equatorial Guinean | [226] äquatorialguineisch |
231 | [231] Ethiopian | [231] äthiopisch |
232 | [232] Eritrean | [232] eritreisch |
233 | [233] Estonian | [233] estnisch |
234 | [234] [de] Färöer | [234] Färöer |
238 | [238] [de] Falklandinseln | [238] Falklandinseln |
239 | [239] [de] Südgeorgien und die südlichen Sandwichinseln | [239] Südgeorgien und die südlichen Sandwichinseln |
242 | [242] Fijian | [242] fidschianisch |
246 | [246] Finnish | [246] finnisch |
248 | [248] [de] Åland | [248] Åland |
250 | [250] French | [250] französisch |
254 | [254] [de] Französisch-Guayana | [254] Französisch-Guayana |
258 | [258] [de] Französisch-Polynesien | [258] Französisch-Polynesien |
260 | [260] [de] Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete | [260] Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete |
262 | [262] Djiboutian | [262] dschibutisch |
266 | [266] Gabonese | [266] gabunisch |
268 | [268] Georgian | [268] georgisch |
270 | [270] Gambian | [270] gambisch |
275 | [275] Palestinian | [275] palästinensisch |
276 | [276] German | [276] deutsch |
288 | [288] Ghanaian | [288] ghanaisch |
292 | [292] [de] Gibraltar | [292] Gibraltar |
296 | [296] Kiribati | [296] kiribatisch |
300 | [300] Greek | [300] griechisch |
304 | [304] [de] Grönland | [304] Grönland |
308 | [308] Grenadian | [308] grenadisch |
312 | [312] [de] Guadeloupe | [312] Guadeloupe |
316 | [316] [de] Guam | [316] Guam |
320 | [320] Guatemalan | [320] guatemaltekisch |
324 | [324] Guinean | [324] guineisch |
328 | [328] Guyanese | [328] guyanisch |
332 | [332] Haitian | [332] haitianisch |
334 | [334] [de] Heard und McDonaldinseln | [334] Heard und McDonaldinseln |
336 | [336] Vatican | [336] vatikanisch |
340 | [340] Honduran | [340] honduranisch |
344 | [344] Chinese | [344] chinesisch (Hongkong) |
348 | [348] Hungarian | [348] ungarisch |
352 | [352] Icelandic | [352] isländisch |
356 | [356] Indian | [356] indisch |
360 | [360] Indonesian | [360] indonesisch |
364 | [364] Iranian | [364] iranisch |
368 | [368] Iraqi | [368] irakisch |
372 | [372] Irish | [372] irisch |
376 | [376] Israeli | [376] israelisch |
380 | [380] Italian | [380] italienisch |
384 | [384] Ivorian | [384] ivorisch |
388 | [388] Jamaican | [388] jamaikanisch |
392 | [392] Japanese | [392] japanisch |
398 | [398] Kazakh | [398] kasachisch |
400 | [400] Jordanian | [400] jordanisch |
404 | [404] Kenyan | [404] kenianisch |
408 | [408] North Korean | [408] der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea |
410 | [410] South Korean | [410] der Republik Korea |
414 | [414] Kuwaiti | [414] kuwaitisch |
417 | [417] Kyrgyz | [417] kirgisisch |
418 | [418] Laotian | [418] laotisch |
422 | [422] Lebanese | [422] libanesisch |
426 | [426] Basotho | [426] lesothisch |
428 | [428] Latvian | [428] lettisch |
430 | [430] Liberian | [430] liberianisch |
434 | [434] Libyan | [434] libysch |
438 | [438] Liechtensteiner | [438] liechtensteinisch |
440 | [440] Lithuanian | [440] litauisch |
442 | [442] Luxembourgish | [442] luxemburgisch |
446 | [446] Chinese (Macau) | [446] chineisch (Macau) |
450 | [450] Malagasy | [450] madagassisch |
454 | [454] Malawian | [454] malawisch |
458 | [458] Malaysian | [458] malaysisch |
462 | [462] Maldivian | [462] maledivisch |
466 | [466] Malian | [466] malisch |
470 | [470] Maltese | [470] maltesisch |
474 | [474] [de] Martinique | [474] Martinique |
478 | [478] Mauritanian | [478] mauretanisch |
480 | [480] Mauritian | [480] mauritisch |
484 | [484] Mexican | [484] mexikanisch |
492 | [492] Monegasque | [492] monegassisch |
496 | [496] Mongolian | [496] mongolisch |
498 | [498] Moldovan | [498] moldauisch |
499 | [499] Montenegrin | [499] montenegrinisch |
500 | [500] [de] Montserrat | [500] Montserrat |
504 | [504] Moroccan | [504] marokkanisch |
508 | [508] Mozambican | [508] mosambikanisch |
512 | [512] Omani | [512] omanisch |
516 | [516] Namibian | [516] namibisch |
520 | [520] Nauruan | [520] nauruisch |
524 | [524] Nepalese | [524] nepalesisch |
528 | [528] Dutch | [528] niederländisch |
531 | [531] [de] Curaçao | [531] Curaçao |
533 | [533] [de] Aruba | [533] Aruba |
534 | [534] [de] St. Martin (niederländischer Teil) | [534] St. Martin (niederländischer Teil) |
535 | [535] [de] Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius | [535] Bonaire, Saba, St. Eustatius |
540 | [540] [de] Neukaledonien | [540] Neukaledonien |
548 | [548] Vanuatu | [548] vanuatuisch |
554 | [554] New Zealand | [554] neuseeländisch |
558 | [558] Nicaraguan | [558] nicaraguanisch |
562 | [562] Nigerien | [562] nigrisch |
566 | [566] Nigerian | [566] nigerianisch |
570 | [570] [de] Niue | [570] Niue |
574 | [574] [de] Norfolkinsel | [574] Norfolkinsel |
578 | [578] Norwegian | [578] norwegisch |
580 | [580] [de] Nördliche Marianen | [580] Nördliche Marianen |
581 | [581] [de] Kleinere Amerikanische Überseeinseln | [581] Kleinere Amerikanische Überseeinseln |
583 | [583] Micronesian | [583] mikronesisch |
584 | [584] Marshallese | [584] marshallisch |
585 | [585] Palauan | [585] palauisch |
586 | [586] Pakistani | [586] pakistanisch |
591 | [591] Panamanian | [591] panamaisch |
598 | [598] Papua New Guinean | [598] papua-neuguineisch |
600 | [600] Paraguayan | [600] paraguayisch |
604 | [604] Peruvian | [604] peruanisch |
608 | [608] Filipino | [608] philippinisch |
612 | [612] [de] Pitcairninseln | [612] Pitcairninseln |
616 | [616] Polish | [616] polnisch |
620 | [620] Portuguese | [620] portugiesisch |
624 | [624] Bissau-Guinean | [624] guinea-bissauisch |
626 | [626] from East Timor | [626] von Timor-Leste |
630 | [630] [de] Puerto Rico | [630] Puerto Rico |
634 | [634] Qatari | [634] katarisch |
638 | [638] [de] Réunion | [638] Réunion |
642 | [642] Romanian | [642] rumänisch |
643 | [643] Russian | [643] russisch |
646 | [646] Rwandan | [646] ruandisch |
652 | [652] [de] St. Barthélemy | [652] St. Barthélemy |
654 | [654] [de] St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha | [654] St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha |
659 | [659] from Saint Kitts and Nevis | [659] von St. Kitts und Nevis |
660 | [660] [de] Anguilla | [660] Anguilla |
662 | [662] Saint Lucian | [662] lucianisch |
663 | [663] [de] St. Martin (französischer Teil) | [663] St. Martin (französischer Teil) |
666 | [666] [de] St. Pierre und Miquelon | [666] St. Pierre und Miquelon |
670 | [670] Vincentian | [670] vincentisch |
674 | [674] Sammarinese | [674] san-marinesisch |
678 | [678] São Toméan | [678] são-toméisch |
682 | [682] Saudi Arabian | [682] saudi-arabisch |
686 | [686] Senegalese | [686] senegalesisch |
688 | [688] Serbian | [688] serbisch |
690 | [690] Seychellois | [690] seychellisch |
694 | [694] Sierra Leonean | [694] sierra-leonisch |
702 | [702] Singaporean | [702] singapurisch |
703 | [703] Slovakian | [703] slowakisch |
704 | [704] Vietnamese | [704] vietnamesisch |
705 | [705] Slovenian | [705] slowenisch |
706 | [706] Somali | [706] somalisch |
710 | [710] South African | [710] südafrikanisch |
716 | [716] Zimbabwean | [716] simbabwisch |
724 | [724] Spanish | [724] spanisch |
728 | [728] South Sudanese | [728] südsudanesisch |
729 | [729] Sudanese | [729] sudanesisch |
732 | [732] [de] Westsahara | [732] Westsahara |
740 | [740] Surinamese | [740] surinamisch |
744 | [744] [de] Svalbard und Jan Mayen | [744] Svalbard und Jan Mayen |
748 | [748] Swazi | [748] eswatinisch |
752 | [752] Swedish | [752] schwedisch |
756 | [756] Swiss | [756] schweizerisch |
760 | [760] Syrian | [760] syrisch |
762 | [762] Tajik | [762] tadschikisch |
764 | [764] Thai | [764] thailändisch |
768 | [768] Togolese | [768] togoisch |
772 | [772] [de] Tokelau | [772] Tokelau |
776 | [776] Tongan | [776] tongaisch |
780 | [780] from Trinidad and Tobago | [780] von Trinidad und Tobago |
784 | [784] Emirati | [784] der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate |
788 | [788] Tunisian | [788] tunesisch |
792 | [792] Turkish | [792] türkisch |
795 | [795] Turkmen | [795] turkmenisch |
796 | [796] [de] Turks- und Caicosinseln | [796] Turks- und Caicosinseln |
798 | [798] Tuvaluan | [798] tuvaluisch |
800 | [800] Ugandan | [800] ugandisch |
804 | [804] Ukrainian | [804] ukrainisch |
807 | [807] Macedonian / of the Republic of Northern Macedonia | [807] mazedonisch/der Republik Nordmazedonien |
818 | [818] Egyptan | [818] ägyptisch |
826 | [826] British | [826] britisch |
831 | [831] [de] Guernsey | [831] Guernsey |
832 | [832] [de] Jersey | [832] Jersey |
833 | [833] [de] Insel Man | [833] Insel Man |
834 | [834] Tanzanian | [834] tansanisch |
840 | [840] American | [840] amerikanisch |
850 | [850] [de] Amerikanische Jungferninseln | [850] Amerikanische Jungferninseln |
854 | [854] Burkinabe | [854] burkinisch |
858 | [858] Uruguayan | [858] uruguayisch |
860 | [860] Uzbek | [860] usbekisch |
862 | [862] Venezuelan | [862] venezolanisch |
876 | [876] [de] Wallis und Futuna | [876] Wallis und Futuna |
882 | [882] Samoan | [882] samoanisch |
887 | [887] Yemeni | [887] jemenitisch |
894 | [894] Zambian | [894] sambisch |
900 | [900] Kosovar | [900] kosovar |
-1 | [-1] No answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Implausible value | [-3] unplausibler Wert |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissable multiple response | [-4] unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] nur in weniger eingeschraenkter Edition verfuegbar |
-8 | [-8] Question this year not part of survey | [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms |
: [de] Kind zweite Staatsangehörigkeit
: Kind zweite Staatsangehörigkeit
: multiple
Measure | Value |
valid | 126 |
invalid | 272079 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.