The variable PGLABGRO represents the imputed gross labor income in the previous month generated for all SOEP respondents who are employed in a main job in each respective wave. Interviewees should consider overtime payments but no irregular one-time payments such as holiday or bonuses. Income details are consistently provided in euros for all waves. Item nonresponse is imputed in a two-stage procedure: first, with the “Row-and-Column” method of Little und Su (1989) using individual longitudinal data as well as cross-sectional trend data (cf. Joachim R. Frick and Markus M. Grabka (2005): Item-Non-Response on Income Questions in Panel surveys: Incidence, Imputation and the Impact on the Income Distribution. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv (ASTA) 89, 49-61). Alternatively, if no individual longitudinal information is available, we base the imputation on a regression using different Mincer covariates, also taking into account current net labor income. If both types of income information are lacking, first we impute current net labor income and then current gross labor income. Imputed values are flagged (PGIMPGRO).
The corresponding varialbles in file PL are PLC0013_V1 and PLC0013_V2. The original variables coming from the $P files are: ap3301, bp4301, cp5201, dp4401, ep4401, fp4501, gp4301, hp5401, ip5401, jp5401, kp6401, lp5301, mp4701, np5401, op4501, pp6001, qp5601, rp5701, sp5801, tp7601, up5901, vp7101, wp5901, xp7301, yp6801, zp7201, bap6101, bbp7301, bcp5901, bdp7701, bep5701, bfp10201, bgp8101, bhp_97_01.
The variable PGLABGRO represents the imputed gross labor income in the previous month generated for all SOEP respondents who are employed in a main job in each respective wave. Interviewees should consider overtime payments but no irregular one-time payments such as holiday or bonuses. Income details are consistently provided in euros for all waves. Item nonresponse is imputed in a two-stage procedure: first, with the “Row-and-Column” method of Little und Su (1989) using individual longitudinal data as well as cross-sectional trend data (cf. Joachim R. Frick and Markus M. Grabka (2005): Item-Non-Response on Income Questions in Panel surveys: Incidence, Imputation and the Impact on the Income Distribution. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv (ASTA) 89, 49-61). Alternatively, if no individual longitudinal information is available, we base the imputation on a regression using different Mincer covariates, also taking into account current net labor income. If both types of income information are lacking, first we impute current net labor income and then current gross labor income. Imputed values are flagged (PGIMPGRO).
The corresponding varialbles in file PL are PLC0013_V1 and PLC0013_V2. The original variables coming from the $P files are: ap3301, bp4301, cp5201, dp4401, ep4401, fp4501, gp4301, hp5401, ip5401, jp5401, kp6401, lp5301, mp4701, np5401, op4501, pp6001, qp5601, rp5701, sp5801, tp7601, up5901, vp7101, wp5901, xp7301, yp6801, zp7201, bap6101, bbp7301, bcp5901, bdp7701, bep5701, bfp10201, bgp8101, bhp_97_01.