
en de
-1 [-1] No answer [-1] No answer
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] Does not apply
-3 [-3] Implausible value [-3] Implausible value
-4 [-4] Inadmissable multiple response [-4] Inadmissable multiple response
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Only available in less restricted edition
-8 [-8] Question this year not part of survey [-8] Question this year not part of survey
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: [de] Mitarbeiter vor Pandemie (Februar 2020)

: Mitarbeiter vor Pandemie (Februar 2020)

pl – Data from individual questionnaires (long)



: multiple

: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
Min. 0.0
1st Qu. 1.0
Median 3.0
Mean 22.000874125874127
3rd Qu. 14.0
Max. 2600.0
valid 1144
invalid 762079

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)