ilanguage/isk13_land5: Lived abroad for at least six months in the following country: no. 5

00010680700125235660000551650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000055000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010,00020,00030,00040,00050,00060,00070,00080,00090,000100,000110,000120,000[-8] Question not part of the ...[-7] Only available in less re...[-6] Version of questionnaire ...[-5] Not included in this vers...[-4] Inadmissible multiple res...[-3] Answer improbable[-2] Does not apply[-1] No Answer[194] Cyprus[193] Central African Republic...[192] Vietnam[191] United Kingdom[190] United States of America...[189] United Arab Emirates[188] Venezuela[187] Vanuatu[186] Uzbekistan[185] Uruguay[184] Hungary[183] Ukraine[182] Uganda[181] Tuvalu[180] Turkmenistan[179] Turkey[178] Tunisia[177] Czech Republic[176] Chad[175] Trinidad and Tobago[174] Tonga[173] Togo[172] Timor-Leste[171] Thailand[170] Tanzania[169] Tajikistan[168] Syria[167] Swaziland[166] Suriname[165] South Sudan[164] South Korea[163] Sudan[162] South Africa[161] Saint Vincent and the Gr...[160] Saint Kitts and Nevis[159] Sri Lanka[158] Spain[157] Somalia[156] Slovenia[155] Slovakia[154] Singapore[153] Zimbabwe[152] Sierra Leone[151] Serbia[150] Senegal[149] Switzerland[148] Sweden[147] Saudi Arabia[146] Sao Tome and Principe[145] San Marino[144] Samoa[143] Zambia[142] Solomon Islands[141] Romania[140] Rwanda[139] Portugal[138] Poland[137] Philippines[136] Peru[135] Paraguay[134] Papua New Guinea[133] Panama[132] Palau[131] Pakistan[130] Austria[129] Oman[128] Norwegen[127] North Korea[126] Nigeria[125] Niger[124] Netherlands[123] Nicaragua[122] New Zealand[121] Nepal[120] Nauru[119] Namibia[118] Myanmar[117] Mozambique[116] Montenegro[115] Mongolia[114] Monaco[113] Moldova[112] Micronesia[111] Mexico[110] Macedonia[109] Mauritius[108] Mauritania[107] Marshall Islands[106] Morocco[105] Malta[104] Mali[103] Maldives[102] Malaysia[101] Malawi[100] Madagascar[95] Luxembourg[94] Lithuania[93] Liechtenstein[92] Libya[91] Liberia[90] Lebanon[89] Latvia[88] Lesotho[87] Laos[86] Kuwait[85] Cuba[84] Croatia[83] Republic of the Congo[82] Comoros[81] Colombia[80] Kiribati[79] Kyrgyzstan[78] Kenya[77] Qatar[76] Kazakhstan[75] Cape Verde[74] Canada[73] Cameroon[72] Cambodia[71] Jordan[70] Yemen[69] Japan[68] Jamaica[67] Italy[66] Israel[65] Iceland[64] Ireland[63] Iran[62] Iraq[61] Indonesia[60] India[59] Honduras[58] Haiti[57] Guyana[56] Guinea-Bissau[55] Guinea[54] Guatemala[53] Greece[52] Grenada[51] Ghana[50] Georgia[49] The Gambia[48] Gabon[47] France[46] Finland[45] Fiji[44] Estonia[43] Eritrea[42] Ivory Coast[41] El Salvador[40] Ecuador[39] Djibouti[38] Dominican Republic[37] Dominica[36] Germany[35] Democratic Republic of th...[34] Denmark[33] Costa Rica[32] China[31] Chile[30] Burundi[29] Burkina Faso[28] Bulgaria[27] Brunei[26] Brazil[25] Botswana[24] Bosnia and Herzegovina[23] Bolivia[22] Bhutan[21] Benin[20] Belize[19] Belgium[18] Belarus[17] Barbados[16] Bangladesh[15] Bahrain[14] The Bahamas[13] Australia[12] Ethiopia[11] Azerbaijan[10] Armenia[9] Argentina[8] Equatorial Guinea[7] Antigua and Barbuda[6] Angola[5] Andorra[4] Algeria[3] Albania[2] Egypt[1] Afghanistan
Value Labels
en de
1 [1] Afghanistan [1] Afghanistan
2 [2] Egypt [2] Aegypten
3 [3] Albania [3] Albanien
4 [4] Algeria [4] Algerien
5 [5] Andorra [5] Andorra
6 [6] Angola [6] Angola
7 [7] Antigua and Barbuda [7] Antigua und Barbuda
8 [8] Equatorial Guinea [8] Aequatorialguinea
9 [9] Argentina [9] Argentinien
10 [10] Armenia [10] Armenien
11 [11] Azerbaijan [11] Aserbaidschan
12 [12] Ethiopia [12] Aethiopien
13 [13] Australia [13] Australien
14 [14] The Bahamas [14] Bahamas
15 [15] Bahrain [15] Bahrain
16 [16] Bangladesh [16] Bangladesch
17 [17] Barbados [17] Barbados
18 [18] Belarus [18] Belarus
19 [19] Belgium [19] Belgien
20 [20] Belize [20] Belize
21 [21] Benin [21] Benin
22 [22] Bhutan [22] Bhutan
23 [23] Bolivia [23] Bolivien
24 [24] Bosnia and Herzegovina [24] Bosnien und Herzegowina
25 [25] Botswana [25] Botswana
26 [26] Brazil [26] Brasilien
27 [27] Brunei [27] Brunei
28 [28] Bulgaria [28] Bulgarien
29 [29] Burkina Faso [29] Burkina Faso
30 [30] Burundi [30] Burundi
31 [31] Chile [31] Chile
32 [32] China [32] China
33 [33] Costa Rica [33] Costa Rica
34 [34] Denmark [34] Dänemark
35 [35] Democratic Republic of the Congo [35] Demokratische Republik Kongo
36 [36] Germany [36] Deutschland
37 [37] Dominica [37] Dominica
38 [38] Dominican Republic [38] Dominikanische Republik
39 [39] Djibouti [39] Dschibuti
40 [40] Ecuador [40] Ecuador
41 [41] El Salvador [41] El Salvador
42 [42] Ivory Coast [42] Elfenbeinküste
43 [43] Eritrea [43] Eritrea
44 [44] Estonia [44] Estland
45 [45] Fiji [45] Fidschi
46 [46] Finland [46] Finnland
47 [47] France [47] Frankreich
48 [48] Gabon [48] Gabun
49 [49] The Gambia [49] Gambia
50 [50] Georgia [50] Georgien
51 [51] Ghana [51] Ghana
52 [52] Grenada [52] Grenada
53 [53] Greece [53] Griechenland
54 [54] Guatemala [54] Guatemala
55 [55] Guinea [55] Guinea
56 [56] Guinea-Bissau [56] Guinea-Bissau
57 [57] Guyana [57] Guyana
58 [58] Haiti [58] Haiti
59 [59] Honduras [59] Honduras
60 [60] India [60] Indien
61 [61] Indonesia [61] Indonesien
62 [62] Iraq [62] Irak
63 [63] Iran [63] Iran
64 [64] Ireland [64] Irland
65 [65] Iceland [65] Island
66 [66] Israel [66] Isräl
67 [67] Italy [67] Italien
68 [68] Jamaica [68] Jamaika
69 [69] Japan [69] Japan
70 [70] Yemen [70] Jemen
71 [71] Jordan [71] Jordanien
72 [72] Cambodia [72] Kambodscha
73 [73] Cameroon [73] Kamerun
74 [74] Canada [74] Kanada
75 [75] Cape Verde [75] Kap Verde
76 [76] Kazakhstan [76] Kasachstan
77 [77] Qatar [77] Katar
78 [78] Kenya [78] Kenia
79 [79] Kyrgyzstan [79] Kirgistan
80 [80] Kiribati [80] Kiribati
81 [81] Colombia [81] Kolumbien
82 [82] Comoros [82] Komoren
83 [83] Republic of the Congo [83] Kongo
84 [84] Croatia [84] Kroatien
85 [85] Cuba [85] Kuba
86 [86] Kuwait [86] Kuwait
87 [87] Laos [87] Laos
88 [88] Lesotho [88] Lesotho
89 [89] Latvia [89] Lettland
90 [90] Lebanon [90] Libanon
91 [91] Liberia [91] Liberia
92 [92] Libya [92] Libyen
93 [93] Liechtenstein [93] Liechtenstein
94 [94] Lithuania [94] Litaün
95 [95] Luxembourg [95] Luxemburg
100 [100] Madagascar [100] Madagaskar
101 [101] Malawi [101] Malawi
102 [102] Malaysia [102] Malaysia
103 [103] Maldives [103] Malediven
104 [104] Mali [104] Mali
105 [105] Malta [105] Malta
106 [106] Morocco [106] Marokko
107 [107] Marshall Islands [107] Marshallinseln
108 [108] Mauritania [108] Mauretanien
109 [109] Mauritius [109] Mauritius
110 [110] Macedonia [110] Mazedonien
111 [111] Mexico [111] Mexiko
112 [112] Micronesia [112] Mikronesien
113 [113] Moldova [113] Moldau
114 [114] Monaco [114] Monaco
115 [115] Mongolia [115] Mongolei
116 [116] Montenegro [116] Montenegro
117 [117] Mozambique [117] Mosambik
118 [118] Myanmar [118] Myanmar
119 [119] Namibia [119] Namibia
120 [120] Nauru [120] Nauru
121 [121] Nepal [121] Nepal
122 [122] New Zealand [122] Neuseeland
123 [123] Nicaragua [123] Nicaragua
124 [124] Netherlands [124] Niederlande
125 [125] Niger [125] Niger
126 [126] Nigeria [126] Nigeria
127 [127] North Korea [127] Nordkorea
128 [128] Norwegen [128] Norwegen
129 [129] Oman [129] Oman
130 [130] Austria [130] Österreich
131 [131] Pakistan [131] Pakistan
132 [132] Palau [132] Palau
133 [133] Panama [133] Panama
134 [134] Papua New Guinea [134] Papua-Neuguinea
135 [135] Paraguay [135] Paraguay
136 [136] Peru [136] Peru
137 [137] Philippines [137] Philippinen
138 [138] Poland [138] Polen
139 [139] Portugal [139] Portugal
140 [140] Rwanda [140] Ruanda
141 [141] Romania [141] Rumänien
142 [142] Solomon Islands [142] Salomonen
143 [143] Zambia [143] Sambia
144 [144] Samoa [144] Samoa
145 [145] San Marino [145] San Marino
146 [146] Sao Tome and Principe [146] Sao Tome und Principe
147 [147] Saudi Arabia [147] Saudi-Arabien
148 [148] Sweden [148] Schweden
149 [149] Switzerland [149] Schweiz
150 [150] Senegal [150] Senegal
151 [151] Serbia [151] Serbien
152 [152] Sierra Leone [152] Sierra Leone
153 [153] Zimbabwe [153] Simbabwe
154 [154] Singapore [154] Singapur
155 [155] Slovakia [155] Slowakei
156 [156] Slovenia [156] Slowenien
157 [157] Somalia [157] Somalia
158 [158] Spain [158] Spanien
159 [159] Sri Lanka [159] Sri Lanka
160 [160] Saint Kitts and Nevis [160] St. Kitts und Nevis
161 [161] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [161] St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
162 [162] South Africa [162] Südafrika
163 [163] Sudan [163] Sudan
164 [164] South Korea [164] Südkorea
165 [165] South Sudan [165] Südsudan
166 [166] Suriname [166] Suriname
167 [167] Swaziland [167] Swasiland
168 [168] Syria [168] Syrien
169 [169] Tajikistan [169] Tadschikistan
170 [170] Tanzania [170] Tansania
171 [171] Thailand [171] Thailand
172 [172] Timor-Leste [172] Timor-Leste
173 [173] Togo [173] Togo
174 [174] Tonga [174] Tonga
175 [175] Trinidad and Tobago [175] Trinidad und Tobago
176 [176] Chad [176] Tschad
177 [177] Czech Republic [177] Tschechien
178 [178] Tunisia [178] Tunesien
179 [179] Turkey [179] Türkei
180 [180] Turkmenistan [180] Turkmenistan
181 [181] Tuvalu [181] Tuvalu
182 [182] Uganda [182] Uganda
183 [183] Ukraine [183] Ukraine
184 [184] Hungary [184] Ungarn
185 [185] Uruguay [185] Uruguay
186 [186] Uzbekistan [186] Usbekistan
187 [187] Vanuatu [187] Vanuatu
188 [188] Venezuela [188] Venezüla
189 [189] United Arab Emirates [189] Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
190 [190] United States of America [190] Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
191 [191] United Kingdom [191] Vereinigtes Königreich
192 [192] Vietnam [192] Vietnam
193 [193] Central African Republic [193] Zentralafrikanische Republik
194 [194] Cyprus [194] Zypern
-1 [-1] No Answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Answer improbable [-3] nicht valide
-4 [-4] Inadmissible multiple response [-4] Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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No concept available.

English label: Lived abroad for at least six months in the following country: no. 5

German label: Für mindestens sechs Monate in diesem Land gelebt: Nr.5

ilanguage – Innovative Language Modules

Analysis Unit : Individual

Dataset Type: Original

Period: 0


Study: SOEP-IS

Measure Value
valid 330
invalid 232702

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German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP) Imprint