
en de
1 [1] Certainly Not, 0% [1] sicher nicht, 0%
2 [2] 10% [2] 10%
3 [3] 20% [3] 20%
4 [4] 30% [4] 30%
5 [5] 40% [5] 40%
6 [6] 50% [6] 50%
7 [7] 60% [7] 60%
8 [8] 70% [8] 70%
9 [9] 80% [9] 80%
10 [10] 90% [10] 90%
11 [11] Certainly, 100% [11] sicher, 100%
-1 [-1] No Answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Answer improbable [-3] nicht valide
-4 [-4] Inadmissible multiple response [-4] Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
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No concept available.

: Many very important things happen in the world about which the public

: Es gesch. wichtige Dinge in d. Welt, ü. die die Öffentlichk. nie inform. wird

inno – Variables from the Innovation Modules



: 0



Measure Value
valid 1905
invalid 45385

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)