
In what professional position was your father/mother when you yourself were 15 years old?

Blue-collar worker (Arbeiter) (also in agriculture) [Father]
Blue-collar worker (Arbeiter) (also in agriculture) [Mother]
White-collar worker (Angestellte) [Father]
White-collar worker (Angestellte) [Mother]
Civil servant or public administration employee (including judges and professional soldiers) [Father]
Civil servant or public administration employee (including judges and professional soldiers) [Mother]
Self-employed (including family members working for the self-employed) [Father]
Self-employed (including family members working for the self-employed) [Mother]


In welcher beruflichen Stellung war Ihr Vater / Ihre Mutter, als Sie selbst 15 Jahre alt waren?

Arbeiter (auch in der Landwirtschaft) [Vater]
Arbeiter (auch in der Landwirtschaft) [Mutter]
Angestellter [Vater]
Angestellte [Mutter]
Beamter / Staatsverwaltung (einschl. Richter und Berufssoldaten) [Vater]
Beamte / Staatsverwaltung (einschl. Richter und Berufssoldaten) [Mutter]
Selbständiger (einschl. mithelfende Familienangehörige) [Vater]
Selbständige (einschl. mithelfende Familienangehörige) [Mutter]

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