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0 | [0] (0) Military occupations | [0] (0) Militär |
1 | [1] (1) Occupations in agriculture, forestry, farming, and gardening | [1] (1) Land-, Forst-, Tierwirtschaft, Gartenbau |
2 | [2] (2) Occupations in production of raw materials and goods, and manufacturing | [2] (2) Rohstoffgewinnung, Produktion, Fertigung |
3 | [3] (3) Occupations in construction, architecture, surveying and technical building services | [3] (3) Bau,Architektur,Vermessung,Gebäudetechn. |
4 | [4] (4) Occupations in natural sciences, geography and informatics | [4] (4) Naturwissenschaft, Geografie, Informatik |
5 | [5] (5) Occupations in traffic, logistics, safety and security | [5] (5) Verkehr, Logistik, Schutz und Sicherheit |
6 | [6] (6) Occupations in commercial services, trading, sales, the hotel business and tourism | [6] (6) Kaufm.Dienstl.,Handel,Vertrieb,Tourismus |
7 | [7] (7) Occupations in business organisation, accounting, law and administration | [7] (7) Unternehmensorga,Buchhalt,Recht,Verwalt. |
8 | [8] (8) Occupations in health care, the social sector, teaching and education | [8] (8) Gesundheit, Soziales, Lehre u. Erziehung |
9 | [9] (9) Occupations in philology, literature, humanities, social sciences, economics, media, art, culture, and design | [9] (9) Geisteswissenschaften, Kultur,Gestaltung |
11 | [11] (11) Occupations in agriculture, forestry, and farming | [11] (11) Land-, Tier-, Forstwirtschaftsberufe |
12 | [12] (12) Occupations in gardening and floristry | [12] (12) Gartenbauberufe, Floristik |
21 | [21] (21) Occupations in production and processing of raw materials, glass- and ceramic-making and -processing | [21] (21) Rohstoffgewinn,Glas-,Keramikverarbeitung |
22 | [22] (22) Occupations in plastic-making and -processing, and wood-working and -processing | [22] (22) Kunststoff- u. Holzherst.,-verarbeitung |
23 | [23] (23) Occupations in paper-making and -processing, printing, and in technical media design | [23] (23) Papier-,Druckberufe, tech.Mediengestalt. |
24 | [24] (24) Occupations in metal-making and -working, and in metal construction | [24] (24) Metallerzeugung,-bearbeitung, Metallbau |
25 | [25] (25) Technical occupations in machine-building and automotive industry | [25] (25) Maschinen- und Fahrzeugtechnikberufe |
26 | [26] (26) Occupations in mechatronics, energy electronics and electrical engineering | [26] (26) Mechatronik-, Energie- u. Elektroberufe |
27 | [27] (27) Occupations in technical research and development, construction, and production planning and scheduling | [27] (27) Techn.Entwickl.Konstr.Produktionssteuer. |
28 | [28] (28) Occupations in textile- and leather-making and -processing | [28] (28) Textil- und Lederberufe |
29 | [29] (29) Occupations in food-production and -processing | [29] (29) Lebensmittelherstellung u. -verarbeitung |
31 | [31] (31) Occupations in construction scheduling, architecture and surveying | [31] (31) Bauplanung,Architektur,Vermessungsberufe |
32 | [32] (32) Occupations in building construction above and below ground | [32] (32) Hoch- und Tiefbauberufe |
33 | [33] (33) Occupations in interior construction | [33] (33) (Innen-)Ausbauberufe |
34 | [34] (34) Occupations in building services engineering and technical building services | [34] (34) Gebäude- u. versorgungstechnische Berufe |
41 | [41] (41) Occupations in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics | [41] (41) Mathematik-Biologie-Chemie-,Physikberufe |
42 | [42] (42) Occupations in geology, geography and environmental protection | [42] (42) Geologie-,Geografie-,Umweltschutzberufe |
43 | [43] (43) Occupations in computer science, information and communication technology | [43] (43) Informatik- und andere IKT-Berufe |
51 | [51] (51) Occupations in traffic and logistics (without vehicle driving) | [51] (51) Verkehr, Logistik (außer Fahrzeugführ.) |
52 | [52] (52) Drivers and operators of vehicles and transport equipment | [52] (52) Führer von Fahrzeug- u. Transportgeräten |
53 | [53] (53) Occupations in safety and health protection, security and surveillance | [53] (53) Schutz-,Sicherheits-, Überwachungsberufe |
54 | [54] (54) Occupations in cleaning services | [54] (54) Reinigungsberufe |
61 | [61] (61) Occupations in purchasing, sales and trading | [61] (61) Einkaufs-, Vertriebs- und Handelsberufe |
62 | [62] (62) Sales occupations in retail trade | [62] (62) Verkaufsberufe |
63 | [63] (63) Occupations in tourism, hotels and restaurants | [63] (63) Tourismus-, Hotel- und Gaststättenberufe |
71 | [71] (71) Occupations in business management and organisation | [71] (71) Berufe Unternehmensführung,-organisation |
72 | [72] (72) Occupations in financial services, accounting and tax consultancy | [72] (72) Finanzdienstl.Rechnungsw.,Steuerberatung |
73 | [73] (73) Occupations in law and public administration | [73] (73) Berufe in Recht und Verwaltung |
81 | [81] (81) Medical and health care occupations | [81] (81) Medizinische Gesundheitsberufe |
82 | [82] (82) Occupations in non-medical healthcare, body care, wellness and medical technicians | [82] (82) Nichtmed.Gesundheit,Körperpfl.,Medizint. |
83 | [83] (83) Occupations in education and social work, housekeeping, and theology | [83] (83) Erziehung,soz.,hauswirt.Berufe,Theologie |
84 | [84] (84) Occupations in teaching and training | [84] (84) Lehrende und ausbildende Berufe |
91 | [91] (91) Occupations in in philology, literature, humanities, social sciences, and economics | [91] (91) Geistes-Gesellschafts-Wirtschaftswissen. |
92 | [92] (92) Occupations in advertising and marketing, in commercial and editorial media design | [92] (92) Werbung,Marketing,kaufm,red.Medienberufe |
93 | [93] (93) Occupations in product design, artisan craftwork, fine arts and the making of musical instruments | [93] (93) Produktdesign, Kunsthandwerk |
94 | [94] (94) Occupations in the performing arts and entertainment | [94] (94) Darstellende, unterhaltende Berufe |
110 | [110] (0110) Commissioned officers | [110] (0110) Offiziere |
111 | [111] (111) Occupations in farming | [111] (111) Landwirtschaft |
112 | [112] (112) Occupations in animal husbandry | [112] (112) Tierwirtschaft |
113 | [113] (113) Occupations in horsekeeping | [113] (113) Pferdewirtschaft |
114 | [114] (114) Occupations in fishing | [114] (114) Fischwirtschaft |
115 | [115] (115) Occupations in animal care | [115] (115) Tierpflege |
116 | [116] (116) Occupations in vini- and viticulture | [116] (116) Weinbau |
117 | [117] (117) Occupations in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation | [117] (117) Forst-,Jagdwirtschaft, Landschaftspflege |
120 | [120] (0120) Senior non-commissioned officers and higher | [120] (0120) Unteroffiziere mit Portepee |
121 | [121] (121) Occupations in gardening | [121] (121) Gartenbau |
122 | [122] (122) Occupations in floristry | [122] (122) Floristik |
130 | [130] (0130) Junior non-commissioned officers | [130] (0130) Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee |
140 | [140] (0140) Armed forces personnel in other ranks | [140] (0140) Angeh. reguläre Streitkräfte sonst.Ränge |
211 | [211] (211) Occupations in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering | [211] (211) Berg-, Tagebau und Sprengtechnik |
212 | [212] (212) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials | [212] (212) Naturstein-,Mineral-,Baustoffherstell. |
213 | [213] (213) Occupations in industrial glass-making and -processing | [213] (213) Industrielle Glasherstell.,-verarbeitung |
214 | [214] (214) Occupations in industrial ceramic-making and -processing | [214] (214) Industrielle Keramikherstell.,-verarbeit |
221 | [221] (221) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing | [221] (221) Kunststoff,Kautschukherstell.,verarbeit |
222 | [222] (222) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing | [222] (222) Farb- und Lacktechnik |
223 | [223] (223) Occupations in wood-working and -processing | [223] (223) Holzbe- und -verarbeitung |
231 | [231] (231) Technical occupations in paper-making and -processing and packaging | [231] (231) Papier- und Verpackungstechnik |
232 | [232] (232) Occupations in technical media design | [232] (232) Technische Mediengestaltung |
233 | [233] (233) Occupations in photography and photographic technology | [233] (233) Fototechnik und Fotografie |
234 | [234] (234) Occupations in printing technology, print finishing, and book binding | [234] (234) Drucktechnik,-weiterverarb.,Buchbinderei |
241 | [241] (241) Occupations in metal-making | [241] (241) Metallerzeugung |
242 | [242] (242) Occupations in metalworking | [242] (242) Metallbearbeitung |
243 | [243] (243) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces | [243] (243) Metalloberflächenbehandlung |
244 | [244] (244) Occupations in metal constructing and welding | [244] (244) Metallbau und Schweißtechnik |
245 | [245] (245) Occupations in precision mechanics and tool making | [245] (245) Feinwerk- und Werkzeugtechnik |
251 | [251] (251) Occupations in machine-building and -operating | [251] (251) Maschinenbau- und Betriebstechnik |
252 | [252] (252) Technical occupations in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries | [252] (252) Fahrzeug-Luft-Raumfahrt-,Schiffbautechn. |
261 | [261] (261) Occupations in mechatronics, automation and control technology | [261] (261) Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik |
262 | [262] (262) Technical occupations in energy technologies | [262] (262) Energietechnik |
263 | [263] (263) Occupations in electrical engineering | [263] (263) Elektrotechnik |
271 | [271] (271) Occupations in technical research and development | [271] (271) Technische Forschung und Entwicklung |
272 | [272] (272) Draftspersons, technical designers, and model makers | [272] (272) Techn. Zeichnen, Konstruktion, Modellbau |
273 | [273] (273) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling | [273] (273) Technische Produktionsplanung,-steuerung |
281 | [281] (281) Occupations in textile making | [281] (281) Textiltechnik und -produktion |
282 | [282] (282) Occupations in the production of clothing and other textile products | [282] (282) Textilverarbeitung |
283 | [283] (283) Occupations in leather- and fur-making and -processing | [283] (283) Leder-, Pelzherstellung u. -verarbeitung |
291 | [291] (291) Occupations in beverage production | [291] (291) Getränkeherstellung |
292 | [292] (292) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products | [292] (292) Lebensmittel- u. Genussmittelherstellung |
293 | [293] (293) Cooking occupations | [293] (293) Speisenzubereitung |
311 | [311] (311) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture | [311] (311) Bauplanung u. -überwachung, Architektur |
312 | [312] (312) Occupations in surveying and cartography | [312] (312) Vermessung und Kartografie |
321 | [321] (321) Occupations in building construction | [321] (321) Hochbau |
322 | [322] (322) Occupations in civil engineering | [322] (322) Tiefbau |
331 | [331] (331) Floor layers | [331] (331) Bodenverlegung |
332 | [332] (332) Painters and varnishers, plasterers, occupations in the waterproofing of buildings, preservation of structures and wooden building components | [332] (332) Maler.,Stuckat.,Bauwerksabd,Bautenschutz |
333 | [333] (333) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and jalousie installation | [333] (333) Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimmer.Glas.Roll.bau |
341 | [341] (341) Occupations in building services engineering | [341] (341) Gebäudetechnik |
342 | [342] (342) Occupations in plumping, sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning | [342] (342) Klempnerei,Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik |
343 | [343] (343) Occupations in building services and waste disposal | [343] (343) Ver- und Entsorgung |
411 | [411] (411) Occupations in mathematics and statistics | [411] (411) Mathematik und Statistik |
412 | [412] (412) Occupations in biology | [412] (412) Biologie |
413 | [413] (413) Occupations in chemistry | [413] (413) Chemie |
414 | [414] (414) Occupations in physics | [414] (414) Physik |
421 | [421] (421) Occupations in geology, geography and meteorology | [421] (421) Geologie, Geografie und Meteorologie |
422 | [422] (422) Occupations in environmental protection engineering | [422] (422) Umweltschutztechnik |
423 | [423] (423) Occupations in environmental protection management and environmental protection consulting | [423] (423) Umweltmanagement und -beratung |
431 | [431] (431) Occupations in computer science | [431] (431) Informatik |
432 | [432] (432) Occupations in IT-system-analysis, IT-application-consulting and IT-sales | [432] (432) IT-Systemanalyse,Anwenderber,IT-Vertrieb |
433 | [433] (433) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation | [433] (433) IT-Netzwerkt.,-Koord.,-Administr.,-Orga. |
434 | [434] (434) Occupations in software development and programming | [434] (434) Softwareentwicklung und Programmierung |
511 | [511] (511) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation | [511] (511) Tech.Betrieb Eisenb.,Luft,Schiffsverkehr |
512 | [512] (512) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of traffic infrastructure | [512] (512) Überwachung,WartungVerkehrsinfrastruktur |
513 | [513] (513) Occupations in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling | [513] (513) Lagerwirt.,Post,Zustellung,Güterumschlag |
514 | [514] (514) Service occupations in passenger traffic | [514] (514) Servicekräfte im Personenverkehr |
515 | [515] (515) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control | [515] (515) Überwachung u. Steuerung Verkehrsbetrieb |
516 | [516] (516) Management assistants in transport and logistics | [516] (516) Kaufleute - Verkehr und Logistik |
521 | [521] (521) Driver of vehicles in road traffic | [521] (521) Fahrzeugführung im Straßenverkehr |
522 | [522] (522) Drivers of vehicles in railway traffic | [522] (522) Fahrzeugführung im Eisenbahnverkehr |
523 | [523] (523) Aircraft pilots | [523] (523) Fahrzeugführung im Flugverkehr |
524 | [524] (524) Ship’s officers and masters | [524] (524) Fahrzeugführung im Schiffsverkehr |
525 | [525] (525) Drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment | [525] (525) Bau- und Transportgeräteführung |
531 | [531] (531) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety | [531] (531) Obj.-,Pers.-,Brandschutz,Arbeitssicherh. |
532 | [532] (532) Occupations in police and criminal investigation, jurisdiction and the penal institution | [532] (532) Polizei,Kriminald.,Gerichts,Justizvollz. |
533 | [533] (533) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection | [533] (533) Gewerbe,Gesundheitsaufsicht,Desinfektion |
541 | [541] (541) Occupations in cleaning services | [541] (541) Reinigung |
611 | [611] (611) Occupations in purchasing and sales | [611] (611) Einkauf und Vertrieb |
612 | [612] (612) Trading occupations | [612] (612) Handel |
613 | [613] (613) Occupations in real estate and facility management | [613] (613) Immobilienwirtschaft,Facility-Management |
621 | [621] (621) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation) | [621] (621) Verkauf (ohne Produktspezialisierung) |
622 | [622] (622) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling clothing, electronic devices, furniture, motor vehicles and other durables | [622] (622) Verkauf Bekleid.,Elektro,KFZ,Hartwaren |
623 | [623] (623) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs | [623] (623) Verkauf von Lebensmitteln |
624 | [624] (624) Sales occupations (retail) selling drugstore products, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and healthcare goods | [624] (624) Verkauf drog.apotheken.Waren,Medizinbed. |
625 | [625] (625) Sales occupations (retail) selling books, art, antiques, musical instruments, recordings or sheet music | [625] (625) Buch-Kunst-Antiquitäten-,Musikfachhandel |
631 | [631] (631) Occupations in tourism and the sports (and fitness) industry | [631] (631) Tourismus und Sport |
632 | [632] (632) Occupations in hotels | [632] (632) Hotellerie |
633 | [633] (633) Gastronomy occupations | [633] (633) Gastronomie |
634 | [634] (634) Occupations in event organisation and management | [634] (634) Veranstaltungsservice, -management |
711 | [711] (711) Managing directors and executive board members | [711] (711) Geschäftsführung und Vorstand |
712 | [712] (712) Legislators and senior officials of special interest organisations | [712] (712) Angeh. gesetzgeb. Körp., Interessenorg. |
713 | [713] (713) Occupations in business organisation and strategy | [713] (713) Unternehmensorganisation und -strategie |
714 | [714] (714) Office clerks and secretaries | [714] (714) Büro und Sekretariat |
715 | [715] (715) Occupations in human resources management and personnel service | [715] (715) Personalwesen und -dienstleistung |
721 | [721] (721) Occupations in insurance and financial services | [721] (721) Versicherungs- u. Finanzdienstleistungen |
722 | [722] (722) Occupations in accounting, controlling and auditing | [722] (722) Rechnungswesen, Controlling und Revision |
723 | [723] (723) Occupations in tax consultancy | [723] (723) Steuerberatung |
731 | [731] (731) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court | [731] (731) Rechtsberatung, -sprechung und -ordnung |
732 | [732] (732) Occupations in public administration | [732] (732) Verwaltung |
733 | [733] (733) Occupations in media, documentation and information services | [733] (733) Medien-Dokumentations-Informationsdienst |
811 | [811] (811) Doctors’ receptionists and assistants | [811] (811) Arzt- und Praxishilfe |
812 | [812] (812) Laboratory occupations in medicine | [812] (812) Medizinisches Laboratorium |
813 | [813] (813) Occupations in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics | [813] (813) Gesundh.,Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.Geburtsh. |
814 | [814] (814) Occupations in human medicine and dentistry | [814] (814) Human- und Zahnmedizin |
815 | [815] (815) Occupations in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners | [815] (815) Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde |
816 | [816] (816) Occupations in psychology and non-medical psychotherapy | [816] (816) Psychologie, nichtärztl. Psychotherapie |
817 | [817] (817) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine | [817] (817) Nicht ärztliche Therapie und Heilkunde |
818 | [818] (818) Occupations in pharmacy | [818] (818) Pharmazie |
821 | [821] (821) Occupations in geriatric care | [821] (821) Altenpflege |
822 | [822] (822) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness | [822] (822) Ernährungs-,Gesundheitsberatung,Wellness |
823 | [823] (823) Occupations in body care | [823] (823) Körperpflege |
824 | [824] (824) Occupations in funeral services | [824] (824) Bestattungswesen |
825 | [825] (825) Technical occupations in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation | [825] (825) Medizin-, Orthopädie- und Rehatechnik |
831 | [831] (831) Occupations in education and social work, and pedagogic specialists in social care work | [831] (831) Erziehung,Sozialarb.,Heilerziehungspfl. |
832 | [832] (832) Occupations in housekeeping and consumer counselling | [832] (832) Hauswirtschaft und Verbraucherberatung |
833 | [833] (833) Occupations in theology and church community work | [833] (833) Theologie und Gemeindearbeit |
841 | [841] (841) Teachers in schools of general education | [841] (841) Lehrtätigkeit an allgemeinbild. Schulen |
842 | [842] (842) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools and in-company instructors in vocational training | [842] (842) Lehrt.berufsb.Fächer,betr.Ausb.,Betr.päd |
843 | [843] (843) Teachers and researcher at universities and colleges | [843] (843) Lehr-,Forschungstätigkeit an Hochschulen |
844 | [844] (844) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (except driving, flying and sports instructors) | [844] (844) Lehrtätigk. außerschul.Bildungseinricht. |
845 | [845] (845) Driving, flying and sports instructors at educational institutions other than schools | [845] (845) Fahr-,Sportunterricht außerschul. Bild. |
911 | [911] (911) Occupations in philology | [911] (911) Sprach-, Literaturwissenschaften |
912 | [912] (912) Occupations in the humanities | [912] (912) Geisteswissenschaften |
913 | [913] (913) Occupations in the social sciences | [913] (913) Gesellschaftswissenschaften |
914 | [914] (914) Occupations in economics | [914] (914) Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
921 | [921] (921) Occupations in advertising and marketing | [921] (921) Werbung und Marketing |
922 | [922] (922) Occupations in public relations | [922] (922) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
923 | [923] (923) Occupations in publishing and media management | [923] (923) Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft |
924 | [924] (924) Occupations in editorial work and journalism | [924] (924) Redaktion und Journalismus |
931 | [931] (931) Occupations in product and industrial design | [931] (931) Produkt- und Industriedesign |
932 | [932] (932) Occupations in interior design, visual marketing, and interior decoration | [932] (932) Innenarchitektur, Raumausstattung |
933 | [933] (933) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts | [933] (933) Kunsthandwerk und bildende Kunst |
934 | [934] (934) Artisans designing ceramics and glassware | [934] (934) Kunsthandwerkl. Keramik-, Glasgestaltung |
935 | [935] (935) Artisans working with metal | [935] (935) Kunsthandwerkliche Metallgestaltung |
936 | [936] (936) Occupations in musical instrument making | [936] (936) Musikinstrumentenbau |
941 | [941] (941) Musicians, singers and conductors | [941] (941) Musik-, Gesang-, Dirigententätigkeiten |
942 | [942] (942) Actors, dancers, athletes and related occupations | [942] (942) Schauspiel, Tanz und Bewegungskunst |
943 | [943] (943) Presenters and entertainers | [943] (943) Moderation und Unterhaltung |
944 | [944] (944) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions | [944] (944) Theater-, Film- und Fernsehproduktion |
945 | [945] (945) Occupations in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering | [945] (945) Veranstaltungs-, Kamera-, Tontechnik |
946 | [946] (946) Occupations in stage, costume and prop design, | [946] (946) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei, Requisite |
947 | [947] (947) Technical and management occupations in museums and exhibitions | [947] (947) Museumstechnik und -management |
1104 | [1104] (01104) Commissioned officers | [1104] (01104) Offiziere |
1110 | [1110] (1110) Occupations in farming (without specialisation) | [1110] (1110) Berufe in der Landwirtschaft (o.S.) |
1111 | [1111] (1111) Technical occupations in farming | [1111] (1111) Berufe in der Landtechnik |
1112 | [1112] (1112) Agricultural experts | [1112] (1112) Landwirtschaftliche Sachverständige |
1113 | [1113] (1113) Technical laboratory occupations in agriculture | [1113] (1113) Berufe landwirtsch.-techn. Laboratorium |
1118 | [1118] (1118) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [1118] (1118) Berufe in der Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) |
1119 | [1119] (1119) Supervisors and managers in farming | [1119] (1119) Aufsicht und Führung - Landwirtschaft |
1121 | [1121] (1121) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming) | [1121] (1121) Berufe in der Nutztierhaltung |
1122 | [1122] (1122) Occupations in poultry farming | [1122] (1122) Berufe in der Geflügelhaltung |
1123 | [1123] (1123) Occupations in beekeeping | [1123] (1123) Berufe in der Imkerei |
1128 | [1128] (1128) Occupations in animal husbandry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [1128] (1128) Berufe in der Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) |
1129 | [1129] (1129) Supervisors and managers in animal husbandry | [1129] (1129) Aufsicht und Führung - Tierwirtschaft |
1130 | [1130] (1130) Occupations in horsekeeping (without specialisation) | [1130] (1130) Berufe in der Pferdewirtschaft (o.S.) |
1131 | [1131] (1131) Occupations in horse breeding | [1131] (1131) Berufe i.d. Pferdewirtschaft-Pferdezucht |
1132 | [1132] (1132) Occupations in horsekeeping: riding | [1132] (1132) Berufe in der Pferdewirtschaft - Reiten |
1133 | [1133] (1133) Farrier | [1133] (1133) Hufbeschlagschmiede/-schmiedinnen |
1134 | [1134] (1134) Coachman | [1134] (1134) Kutscher/innen |
1139 | [1139] (1139) Supervisors and managers in horsekeeping | [1139] (1139) Aufsicht und Führung - Pferdewirtschaft |
1140 | [1140] (1140) Occupations in fishing (without specialisation) | [1140] (1140) Berufe in der Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) |
1141 | [1141] (1141) Occupations in fish farming | [1141] (1141) Berufe in der Fischzucht |
1142 | [1142] (1142) Occupations in fishery | [1142] (1142) Berufe in der Fischerei |
1149 | [1149] (1149) Supervisors and managers in fishing | [1149] (1149) Aufsicht und Führung - Fischwirtschaft |
1150 | [1150] (1150) Occupations in animal care (without specialisation) | [1150] (1150) Berufe in der Tierpflege (o.S.) |
1151 | [1151] (1151) Occupations in livestock care | [1151] (1151) Berufe in der Nutztierpflege |
1152 | [1152] (1152) Occupations in pet and zoo animal care | [1152] (1152) Berufe in der Haus-, Zootierpflege |
1158 | [1158] (1158) Occupations in animal care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [1158] (1158) Berufe in der Tierpflege (s.s.T.) |
1159 | [1159] (1159) Supervisors and managers in animal care | [1159] (1159) Aufsicht und Führung - Tierpflege |
1160 | [1160] (1160) Occupations in vini- and viticulture | [1160] (1160) Berufe im Weinbau |
1169 | [1169] (1169) Supervisors and managers in vini- and viticulture | [1169] (1169) Aufsicht und Führung - Weinbau |
1171 | [1171] (1171) Occupations in forestry | [1171] (1171) Berufe in der Forstwirtschaft |
1172 | [1172] (1172) Occupations in landscape preservation | [1172] (1172) Berufe in der Natur-, Landschaftspflege |
1173 | [1173] (1173) Occupations in hunting and gamekeeping | [1173] (1173) Berufe in der Jagdwirtschaft, Wildhege |
1174 | [1174] (1174) Picking and extracting plants and other natural products | [1174] (1174) Sammeln von Pflanzen, Naturprodukten |
1179 | [1179] (1179) Supervisors and managers in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation | [1179] (1179) Aufsicht,Führung-Forst,Landschaftspflege |
1203 | [1203] (01203) Senior non-commissioned officers and higher | [1203] (01203) Unteroffiziere mit Portepee |
1210 | [1210] (1210) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation) | [1210] (1210) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) |
1211 | [1211] (1211) Occupations in fruit and vegetable farming | [1211] (1211) Berufe im Obst-, Gemüsebau |
1212 | [1212] (1212) Occupations in tree, perennial and ornamental plants farming | [1212] (1212) Berufe BaumschuleStauden,Zierpflanzenbau |
1213 | [1213] (1213) Occupations in cemetery gardening | [1213] (1213) Berufe in der Friedhofsgärtnerei |
1214 | [1214] (1214) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance | [1214] (1214) Berufe Garten-,Landschafts,Sportplatzbau |
1219 | [1219] (1219) Supervisors and managers in gardening | [1219] (1219) Aufsicht und Führung - Gartenbau |
1220 | [1220] (1220) Occupations in floristry | [1220] (1220) Berufe in der Floristik |
1229 | [1229] (1229) Supervisors and managers in floristry | [1229] (1229) Aufsicht und Führung - Floristik |
1302 | [1302] (01302) Junior non-commissioned officers | [1302] (01302) Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee |
1402 | [1402] (01402) Armed forces personnel in other ranks | [1402] (01402) Angeh. reguläre Streitkräfte sonst.Ränge |
2111 | [2111] (2111) Occupations in underground and surface mining | [2111] (2111) Berufe im Berg- und Tagebau |
2112 | [2112] (2112) Occupations in blasting engineering | [2112] (2112) Berufe in der Sprengtechnik |
2119 | [2119] (2119) Supervisors and managers in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering | [2119] (2119) Aufsicht,Führung-Bergbau,Sprengtechn. |
2120 | [2120] (2120) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials (without specialisation) | [2120] (2120) Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffherstell(o.S) |
2121 | [2121] (2121) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals | [2121] (2121) Berufe Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereitung |
2122 | [2122] (2122) Production of building materials | [2122] (2122) Berufe in der Baustoffherstellung |
2123 | [2123] (2123) Occupations in stonemasonry | [2123] (2123) Berufe in der Steinmetztechnik |
2129 | [2129] (2129) Supervisors in conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials | [2129] (2129) Aufsicht-Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffher. |
2131 | [2131] (2131) Occupations in glass-making | [2131] (2131) Berufe in der Glasherstellung |
2132 | [2132] (2132) Manufacturing of glass instruments | [2132] (2132) Berufe im Glasapparatebau |
2133 | [2133] (2133) Occupations in industrial glassblowing | [2133] (2133) Berufe in der industriellen Glasbläserei |
2134 | [2134] (2134) Occupations in glass finishing | [2134] (2134) Berufe in der Glasveredelung |
2135 | [2135] (2135) Occupations in adjusting of glass instruments | [2135] (2135) Berufe in der Glasapparatejustierung |
2136 | [2136] (2136) Occupations in precision optics | [2136] (2136) Berufe in der Feinoptik |
2139 | [2139] (2139) Supervisors in industrial glass-making and -processing | [2139] (2139) Aufsicht-Industri.Glasherst.,-verarbeit. |
2141 | [2141] (2141) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials | [2141] (2141) Industriekeramik (Verfahren,Anlagentech) |
2142 | [2142] (2142) Occupations in industrial ceramic model making | [2142] (2142) Industriekeramik (Modelltechnik) |
2149 | [2149] (2149) Supervisors in industrial ceramic-making and -processing | [2149] (2149) Aufsicht-Industrielle Keramikherstellung |
2210 | [2210] (2210) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation) | [2210] (2210) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherstellung (o.S.) |
2211 | [2211] (2211) Technical occupations in tire production and vulcanisation | [2211] (2211) Berufe i.d.Reifen-,Vulkanisationstechnik |
2218 | [2218] (2218) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2218] (2218) Kunststoff,Kautschukherst.,-verarb.(ssT) |
2219 | [2219] (2219) Supervisors in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing | [2219] (2219) Aufsicht-Kunststoff,Kautschukher,verarb. |
2220 | [2220] (2220) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation) | [2220] (2220) Berufe in der Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) |
2221 | [2221] (2221) Vehicle paintwork | [2221] (2221) Berufe in der Fahrzeuglackierung |
2222 | [2222] (2222) Occupations in varnishing laboratories | [2222] (2222) Berufe im Lacklaboratorium |
2229 | [2229] (2229) Supervisors in colour coating and varnishing | [2229] (2229) Aufsicht - Farb-, Lacktechnik |
2230 | [2230] (2230) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation) | [2230] (2230) Berufe i.d. Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (o.S.) |
2231 | [2231] (2231) Occupations in wood drying and preservation | [2231] (2231) Berufe Holztrocknung,-konservierung |
2232 | [2232] (2232) Occupations producing wood-based materials and wooden components | [2232] (2232) Produktion v. Holzwerkstoffen,-bauteilen |
2233 | [2233] (2233) Occupations producing finished products from wood and wood-based materials | [2233] (2233) Produktion v. Fertigprodukten aus Holz |
2234 | [2234] (2234) Occupations in wood construction, furniture and cabinet making, and interior finishing | [2234] (2234) Berufe im Holz-, Möbel-, Innenausbau |
2235 | [2235] (2235) Wickerwork manufacturers, broom and brush makers | [2235] (2235) FlechtwerkgestalterBürsten-,Pinselmacher |
2238 | [2238] (2238) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2238] (2238) Berufe i.d. Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (ssT) |
2239 | [2239] (2239) Supervisors and managers in wood-working and –processing | [2239] (2239) Aufsicht,Führung - Holzbe-,-verarbeitung |
2310 | [2310] (2310) Technical occupations in paper-making and -processing and packaging (without specialisation) | [2310] (2310) Berufe Papier-,Verpackungstechnik (o.S.) |
2311 | [2311] (2311) Occupations in paper-making | [2311] (2311) Berufe in der Papierherstellung |
2312 | [2312] (2312) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging | [2312] (2312) Berufe Papierverarb., Verpackungstechnik |
2319 | [2319] (2319) Supervisors in paper-making and -processing and packaging | [2319] (2319) Aufsicht - Papier-, Verpackungstechnik |
2321 | [2321] (2321) Occupations in digital and print media design | [2321] (2321) Berufe Digital-, Printmediengestaltung |
2322 | [2322] (2322) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design | [2322] (2322) Berufe Grafik-Kommunikations-,Fotodesign |
2328 | [2328] (2328) Occupations in technical media design (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2328] (2328) Berufe technische Mediengestaltung (ssT) |
2329 | [2329] (2329) Supervisors and managers in technical media design | [2329] (2329) Aufsicht,Führung-Techn. Mediengestaltung |
2331 | [2331] (2331) Occupations in photographic technology | [2331] (2331) Berufe in der Fototechnik |
2332 | [2332] (2332) Occupations in photography | [2332] (2332) Berufe in der Fotografie |
2339 | [2339] (2339) Supervisors in photography and photographic technology | [2339] (2339) Aufsicht - Fototechnik und Fotografie |
2341 | [2341] (2341) Occupations in printing technology | [2341] (2341) Berufe in der Drucktechnik |
2342 | [2342] (2342) Occupations in book binding and print finishing | [2342] (2342) Berufe Buchbinderei, Druckweiterverarb. |
2349 | [2349] (2349) Supervisors in printing technology, print finishing, and book binding | [2349] (2349) Aufsicht-Drucktechnik,Buchbinderei |
2410 | [2410] (2410) Occupations in metal-making (without specialisation) | [2410] (2410) Berufe in der Metallerzeugung (o.S.) |
2411 | [2411] (2411) Occupations in metallurgy | [2411] (2411) Berufe in der Hüttentechnik |
2412 | [2412] (2412) Occupations in metal moulding | [2412] (2412) Berufe in der Metallumformung |
2413 | [2413] (2413) Occupations in industrial metal casting | [2413] (2413) Berufe in der industriellen Gießerei |
2414 | [2414] (2414) Occupations in manual metal and bell founding | [2414] (2414) Berufe handwerkl.Metall-,Glockengießerei |
2419 | [2419] (2419) Supervisors in metal-making | [2419] (2419) Aufsicht - Metallerzeugung |
2420 | [2420] (2420) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation) | [2420] (2420) Berufe in der Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) |
2421 | [2421] (2421) Occupations in metalworking: non-cutting | [2421] (2421) Berufe i.d. spanlosen Metallbearbeitung |
2422 | [2422] (2422) Occupations in metalworking: grinding | [2422] (2422) Berufe i.d. schleifenden Metallbearbeit. |
2423 | [2423] (2423) Occupations in metalworking: cutting | [2423] (2423) Berufe i.d. spanenden Metallbearbeitung |
2424 | [2424] (2424) Occupations in laser-assisted metalworking | [2424] (2424) Berufe Metallbearbeitung d. Laserstrahl |
2429 | [2429] (2429) Supervisors in metalworking | [2429] (2429) Aufsicht - Metallbearbeitung |
2430 | [2430] (2430) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation) | [2430] (2430) Berufe Metalloberflächenbehandlung (o.S) |
2438 | [2438] (2438) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2438] (2438) Berufe Metalloberflächenbehandlung (ssT) |
2439 | [2439] (2439) Supervisors in treatment of metal surfaces | [2439] (2439) Aufsicht - Metalloberflächenbehandlung |
2441 | [2441] (2441) Occupations in metal constructing | [2441] (2441) Berufe im Metallbau |
2442 | [2442] (2442) Occupations in welding and joining | [2442] (2442) Berufe i.d. Schweiß-, Verbindungstechnik |
2443 | [2443] (2443) Industrial divers and other diving occupations | [2443] (2443) Industrietaucher/innen u.a.Taucherberufe |
2449 | [2449] (2449) Supervisors in metal constructing and welding | [2449] (2449) Aufsicht - Metallbau und Schweißtechnik |
2451 | [2451] (2451) Occupations in precision mechanics | [2451] (2451) Berufe in der Feinwerktechnik |
2452 | [2452] (2452) Occupations in tool making | [2452] (2452) Berufe in der Werkzeugtechnik |
2453 | [2453] (2453) Occupations in watchmaking | [2453] (2453) Berufe im Uhrmacherhandwerk |
2459 | [2459] (2459) Supervisors in precision mechanics and tool making | [2459] (2459) Aufsicht - Feinwerk- u. Werkzeugtechnik |
2510 | [2510] (2510) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation) | [2510] (2510) Berufe Maschinenbau-, Betriebstechn.(oS) |
2511 | [2511] (2511) Machine and equipment assemblers | [2511] (2511) Maschinen-, Gerätezusammensetzer/innen |
2512 | [2512] (2512) Machine and plant operators | [2512] (2512) Maschinen- und Anlagenführer/innen |
2513 | [2513] (2513) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair | [2513] (2513) Tech.ServicekräfteWartung,Instandhaltung |
2518 | [2518] (2518) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2518] (2518) Berufe Maschinenbau,Betriebstechn.(ssT) |
2519 | [2519] (2519) Supervisors and managers in machine-building and -operating | [2519] (2519) Aufsicht,Führung-Maschinenbau,Betriebst. |
2520 | [2520] (2520) Technical occupations in the automotive industries (without specialisation) | [2520] (2520) Berufe in der Fahrzeugtechnik (o.S.) |
2521 | [2521] (2521) Technical occupations in the automotive industries | [2521] (2521) Berufe in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik |
2522 | [2522] (2522) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery | [2522] (2522) Berufe i.d. Land-, Baumaschinentechnik |
2523 | [2523] (2523) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries | [2523] (2523) Berufe in der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik |
2524 | [2524] (2524) Technical occupations in ship building | [2524] (2524) Berufe in der Schiffbautechnik |
2525 | [2525] (2525) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes | [2525] (2525) Berufe in der Zweiradtechnik |
2529 | [2529] (2529) Supervisors and managers in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries | [2529] (2529) Aufsicht,Führung-Fahr.LuftRaum.Schiffbau |
2611 | [2611] (2611) Occupations in mechatronics | [2611] (2611) Berufe in der Mechatronik |
2612 | [2612] (2612) Occupations in automation and control technology | [2612] (2612) Berufe in der Automatisierungstechnik |
2619 | [2619] (2619) Supervisors in mechatronics and automation and control technology | [2619] (2619) Aufsicht-Mechatronik,Automatisierungst. |
2621 | [2621] (2621) Electricians in construction | [2621] (2621) Berufe in der Bauelektrik |
2622 | [2622] (2622) Technical occupations in maintenance of electric machines | [2622] (2622) Berufe in der Elektromaschinentechnik |
2623 | [2623] (2623) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology | [2623] (2623) Berufe i.d. Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik |
2624 | [2624] (2624) Occupations in renewable energy technology | [2624] (2624) Berufe i.d. regenerativen Energietechnik |
2625 | [2625] (2625) Occupations in installing and maintaining electrical machines and equipment in plants | [2625] (2625) Berufe i.d. elektrischen Betriebstechnik |
2626 | [2626] (2626) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables | [2626] (2626) Berufe Leitungsinstallation,-wartung |
2629 | [2629] (2629) Supervisors in energy technology | [2629] (2629) Aufsicht - Energietechnik |
2630 | [2630] (2630) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation) | [2630] (2630) Berufe in der Elektrotechnik (o.S.) |
2631 | [2631] (2631) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology | [2631] (2631) Berufe Informations,Telekommunikationst. |
2632 | [2632] (2632) Occupations in microsystems technology | [2632] (2632) Berufe in der Mikrosystemtechnik |
2633 | [2633] (2633) Occupations in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics | [2633] (2633) Berufe Luftver.,Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron. |
2638 | [2638] (2638) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2638] (2638) Berufe in der Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) |
2639 | [2639] (2639) Supervisors in electrical engineering | [2639] (2639) Aufsicht - Elektrotechnik |
2710 | [2710] (2710) Occupations in technical research and development (without specialisation) | [2710] (2710) Berufe tech. Forschung, Entwicklung (oS) |
2718 | [2718] (2718) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2718] (2718) Berufe tech.Forschung, Entwicklung (ssT) |
2719 | [2719] (2719) Managers in technical research and development | [2719] (2719) Führung - Techn. Forschung, Entwicklung |
2721 | [2721] (2721) Draftspersons | [2721] (2721) Technische Zeichner/innen |
2722 | [2722] (2722) Occupations in technical design and apparatus building | [2722] (2722) Berufe i.d. Konstruktion u. im Gerätebau |
2723 | [2723] (2723) Model makers | [2723] (2723) Berufe im Modellbau |
2728 | [2728] (2728) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2728] (2728) Techn.Zeichnen, Konstrukt.,Modellb.(ssT) |
2729 | [2729] (2729) Supervisors and managers in technical drawing, engineering design and model making | [2729] (2729) Aufsicht,Führung-TechZeich.Konstr.Modell |
2730 | [2730] (2730) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling | [2730] (2730) Berufe tech. Produktionsplan.,-steuerung |
2731 | [2731] (2731) Technical occupations in quality control | [2731] (2731) Berufe technische Qualitätssicherung |
2739 | [2739] (2739) Supervisors and managers in production planning and scheduling | [2739] (2739) Aufsicht,Führung-Produktionsplan,steuer. |
2810 | [2810] (2810) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation) | [2810] (2810) Berufe in der Textiltechnik (o.S.) |
2811 | [2811] (2811) Occupations in textile design | [2811] (2811) Berufe in der Textilgestaltung |
2812 | [2812] (2812) Occupations in textile production | [2812] (2812) Berufe in der Textilherstellung |
2813 | [2813] (2813) Occupations in spinning and rope-making | [2813] (2813) Berufe in der Garn- und Seilherstellung |
2814 | [2814] (2814) Occupations in textile finishing | [2814] (2814) Berufe in der Textilveredlung |
2819 | [2819] (2819) Supervisors and managers in textile making | [2819] (2819) Aufsicht,Führung-Textiltechn.,-produkt. |
2821 | [2821] (2821) Occupations in fashion design | [2821] (2821) Berufe im Modedesign |
2822 | [2822] (2822) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making | [2822] (2822) Berufe i.d. Bekleidungsherstellung |
2823 | [2823] (2823) Occupations in manufacturing of heavy duty textile products, sail makers | [2823] (2823) Technische Konfektionäre, Segelmacher |
2824 | [2824] (2824) Occupations in upholstery and interior fitting of vehicles | [2824] (2824) Berufe Polsterei, Fahrzeuginnenausstat. |
2829 | [2829] (2829) Supervisors and managers in the production of clothing and other textile products | [2829] (2829) Aufsicht,Führung - Textilverarbeitung |
2830 | [2830] (2830) Occupations in leather- and fur-making and -processing (without specialisation) | [2830] (2830) Berufe Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.(oS) |
2831 | [2831] (2831) Occupations in leather making | [2831] (2831) Berufe in der Lederherstellung |
2832 | [2832] (2832) Occupations in saddlery and production of leather wares | [2832] (2832) Berufe Sattlerei, Herst. Lederutensilien |
2833 | [2833] (2833) Occupations in shoemaking | [2833] (2833) Berufe in der Schuhherstellung |
2834 | [2834] (2834) Occupations in fur treatment and processing | [2834] (2834) Berufe in der Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung |
2839 | [2839] (2839) Supervisors and managers in leather- and fur-making and -processing | [2839] (2839) Aufsicht,Führung-Leder-,Pelzher.,verarb. |
2910 | [2910] (2910) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation) | [2910] (2910) Berufe in der Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) |
2911 | [2911] (2911) Brewers and maltsters | [2911] (2911) Brauer/innen und Mälzer/innen |
2912 | [2912] (2912) Coopers | [2912] (2912) Weinküfer/innen |
2913 | [2913] (2913) Distillers | [2913] (2913) Brenner/innen, Destillateure/innen |
2914 | [2914] (2914) Occupations in fruit juice production | [2914] (2914) Berufe in der Fruchtsafttechnik |
2915 | [2915] (2915) Tasters of foodstuffs and beverages | [2915] (2915) Nahrungsmittel- u. Getränkekoster/innen |
2919 | [2919] (2919) Supervisors and managers in beverages production | [2919] (2919) Aufsicht,Führung - Getränkeherstellung |
2920 | [2920] (2920) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation) | [2920] (2920) Berufe i.d. Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) |
2921 | [2921] (2921) Occupations in the production of milling products and animal feeds | [2921] (2921) Berufe Mühlenprodukt-,Futtermittelherst. |
2922 | [2922] (2922) Occupations in the production of baked goods and pastries | [2922] (2922) Berufe Back-, Konditoreiwarenherstell. |
2923 | [2923] (2923) Occupations in meat processing | [2923] (2923) Berufe in der Fleischverarbeitung |
2924 | [2924] (2924) Occupations in fish processing | [2924] (2924) Berufe in der Fischverarbeitung |
2925 | [2925] (2925) Occupations in the production of dairy goods | [2925] (2925) Berufe in der Milchproduktherstellung |
2926 | [2926] (2926) Occupations in confectionery production | [2926] (2926) Berufe in der Süßwarenherstellung |
2927 | [2927] (2927) Occupations in the manufacturing of tobacco products | [2927] (2927) Berufe in der Tabakwarenherstellung |
2928 | [2928] (2928) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2928] (2928) Berufe i.d.Lebensmittelherstellung (ssT) |
2929 | [2929] (2929) Supervisors and managers in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products | [2929] (2929) Aufsicht,Führung-Lebens-,Genussmittelher |
2930 | [2930] (2930) Cooks (without specialisation) | [2930] (2930) Köche/Köchinnen (o.S.) |
2931 | [2931] (2931) Hors d'œuvrier, pantry or pastry cooks | [2931] (2931) Vor-, Kalt- und Süßspeisenköche/innen |
2932 | [2932] (2932) Roast, grill or fish cooks | [2932] (2932) Grill-, Braten- u. Fischköche/-köchinnen |
2938 | [2938] (2938) Cooks (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [2938] (2938) Köche/Köchinnen (s.s.T.) |
2939 | [2939] (2939) Supervisors and managers in cooking | [2939] (2939) Aufsicht, Führung - Speisenzubereitung |
3110 | [3110] (3110) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation) | [3110] (3110) Berufe Bauplanung u. -überwachung (o.S.) |
3111 | [3111] (3111) Occupations in architecture | [3111] (3111) Berufe in der Architektur |
3112 | [3112] (3112) Occupations in urban and spatial planning | [3112] (3112) Berufe in der Stadt- und Raumplanung |
3113 | [3113] (3113) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure | [3113] (3113) Berufe Bauplanung Verkehrswege, -anlagen |
3114 | [3114] (3114) Occupations in water resource management | [3114] (3114) Berufe in der Wasserwirtschaft |
3115 | [3115] (3115) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings | [3115] (3115) Berufe Bauwerkserhaltung und -erneuerung |
3116 | [3116] (3116) Construction surveyors and inspectors | [3116] (3116) Bausachverständige und Baukontrolleure |
3117 | [3117] (3117) Occupations in construction accounting and cost calculation for buildings | [3117] (3117) Berufe i.d. Bauabrechnung, -kalkulation |
3119 | [3119] (3119) Supervisors and managers in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture | [3119] (3119) Aufsicht,Führung-Bauplan,-überw,Archit. |
3121 | [3121] (3121) Occupations in surveying | [3121] (3121) Berufe in der Vermessungstechnik |
3122 | [3122] (3122) Occupations in cartography | [3122] (3122) Berufe in der Kartografie |
3210 | [3210] (3210) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation) | [3210] (3210) Berufe im Hochbau (o.S.) |
3211 | [3211] (3211) Occupations in the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures | [3211] (3211) Berufe im Beton- und Stahlbetonbau |
3212 | [3212] (3212) Occupations in the bricklayer's trade | [3212] (3212) Berufe im Maurerhandwerk |
3213 | [3213] (3213) Occupations in chimney construction | [3213] (3213) Berufe im Schornsteinbau |
3214 | [3214] (3214) Occupations in roofing | [3214] (3214) Berufe in der Dachdeckerei |
3215 | [3215] (3215) Occupations in facade construction | [3215] (3215) Berufe im Fassadenbau |
3216 | [3216] (3216) Occupations in scaffolding | [3216] (3216) Berufe im Gerüstbau |
3217 | [3217] (3217) Occupations in building demolition | [3217] (3217) Berufe im Bauwerksabbruch |
3219 | [3219] (3219) Supervisors in building construction | [3219] (3219) Aufsicht - Hochbau |
3220 | [3220] (3220) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation) | [3220] (3220) Berufe im Tiefbau (o.S.) |
3221 | [3221] (3221) Pavers and stone setters | [3221] (3221) Pflasterer/innen, Steinsetzer/innen |
3222 | [3222] (3222) Occupations in road and asphalt construction | [3222] (3222) Berufe im Straßen- und Asphaltbau |
3223 | [3223] (3223) Occupations in railroad construction | [3223] (3223) Berufe im Gleisbau |
3224 | [3224] (3224) Occupations in well construction | [3224] (3224) Berufe im Brunnenbau |
3225 | [3225] (3225) Occupations in canal and tunnel construction | [3225] (3225) Berufe im Kanal- und Tunnelbau |
3226 | [3226] (3226) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction | [3226] (3226) Berufe im Kultur- und Wasserbau |
3229 | [3229] (3229) Supervisors in civil engineering | [3229] (3229) Aufsicht - Tiefbau |
3310 | [3310] (3310) Floor layers (without specialisation) | [3310] (3310) Berufe in der Bodenverlegung (o.S.) |
3311 | [3311] (3311) Pavers, tile setters and mosaic-layers | [3311] (3311) Berufe Fliesen-,Platten-,Mosaikverlegung |
3312 | [3312] (3312) Composition floor and terrazzo-layers | [3312] (3312) Berufe Estrich- und Terrazzoverlegung |
3313 | [3313] (3313) Parquet floor layers | [3313] (3313) Berufe in der Parkettverlegung |
3319 | [3319] (3319) Supervisors in floor laying | [3319] (3319) Aufsicht - Bodenverlegung |
3321 | [3321] (3321) Painters and varnishers | [3321] (3321) Berufe für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten |
3322 | [3322] (3322) Plasterers | [3322] (3322) Berufe für Stuckateurarbeiten |
3323 | [3323] (3323) Occupations in the waterproofing of buildings | [3323] (3323) Berufe in der Bauwerksabdichtung |
3324 | [3324] (3324) Occupations in the preservation of structures and wooden building components | [3324] (3324) Berufe im Holz- und Bautenschutz |
3329 | [3329] (3329) Supervisors in the painting, varnishing, plastering, water proofing of buildings, preservation of structures and wooden building components | [3329] (3329) Aufsicht-MalerStuckBauwerksabdBautensch. |
3330 | [3330] (3330) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation) | [3330] (3330) Berufe im Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) |
3331 | [3331] (3331) Occupations in insulation | [3331] (3331) Berufe in der Isolierung |
3332 | [3332] (3332) Carpenters | [3332] (3332) Berufe in der Zimmerei |
3333 | [3333] (3333) Joiners | [3333] (3333) Berufe in der Bautischlerei |
3334 | [3334] (3334) Glaziers | [3334] (3334) Berufe in der Glaserei |
3335 | [3335] (3335) Roller shutter and jalousie installers | [3335] (3335) Berufe im Rollladen- und Jalousiebau |
3339 | [3339] (3339) Supervisors in interior construction and dry walling, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and jalousie installation | [3339] (3339) Aufsicht-Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimm.Glas. |
3410 | [3410] (3410) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation) | [3410] (3410) Berufe in der Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) |
3411 | [3411] (3411) Green keepers and equipment managers | [3411] (3411) Platz-, Gerätewarte/innen |
3419 | [3419] (3419) Supervisors in building services engineering | [3419] (3419) Aufsicht - Gebäudetechnik |
3420 | [3420] (3420) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation) | [3420] (3420) Berufe in der Klempnerei (o.S.) |
3421 | [3421] (3421) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning | [3421] (3421) Berufe Sanitär-, Heizungs-, Klimatechnik |
3422 | [3422] (3422) Occupations in the construction of stoves, storage heaters, and forced-air heating systems | [3422] (3422) Berufe im Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau |
3423 | [3423] (3423) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning | [3423] (3423) Berufe in der Kältetechnik |
3429 | [3429] (3429) Supervisors in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning | [3429] (3429) Aufsicht-Klemp.Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatech |
3430 | [3430] (3430) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation) | [3430] (3430) Berufe in der Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) |
3431 | [3431] (3431) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal | [3431] (3431) Berufe Wasserversorgung,Abwassertechnik |
3432 | [3432] (3432) Occupations in pipeline construction | [3432] (3432) Berufe im Rohrleitungsbau |
3433 | [3433] (3433) Occupations in waste management | [3433] (3433) Berufe in der Abfallwirtschaft |
3434 | [3434] (3434) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction | [3434] (3434) Berufe Anlagen-, Behälter-, Apparatebau |
3439 | [3439] (3439) Supervisors in building services and waste disposal | [3439] (3439) Aufsicht - Ver- und Entsorgung |
4110 | [4110] (4110) Occupations in mathematics (without specialisation) | [4110] (4110) Berufe in der Mathematik (o.S.) |
4111 | [4111] (4111) Occupations in statistics | [4111] (4111) Berufe in der Statistik |
4118 | [4118] (4118) Occupations in mathematics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4118] (4118) Berufe in der Mathematik (s.s.T.) |
4119 | [4119] (4119) Managers in mathematics and statistics | [4119] (4119) Führung - Mathematik und Statistik |
4120 | [4120] (4120) Occupations in biology (without specialisation) | [4120] (4120) Berufe in der Biologie (o.S.) |
4121 | [4121] (4121) Biological technical laboratory occupations | [4121] (4121) Berufe im biologisch-techn. Laboratorium |
4122 | [4122] (4122) Occupations in the preparation of biological specimen | [4122] (4122) Berufe in der biologischen Präparation |
4123 | [4123] (4123) Occupations in ecology | [4123] (4123) Berufe in der Biologie (Ökologie) |
4124 | [4124] (4124) Occupations in botany | [4124] (4124) Berufe in der Biologie (Botanik) |
4125 | [4125] (4125) Occupations in zoology | [4125] (4125) Berufe in der Biologie (Zoologie) |
4126 | [4126] (4126) Occupations in microbiology | [4126] (4126) Berufe in der Biologie (Mikrobiologie) |
4127 | [4127] (4127) Occupations in human biology | [4127] (4127) Berufe in der Biologie (Humanbiologie) |
4128 | [4128] (4128) Occupations in biology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4128] (4128) Berufe in der Biologie (s.s.T.) |
4129 | [4129] (4129) Supervisors and managers in biology | [4129] (4129) Aufsicht und Führung - Biologie |
4130 | [4130] (4130) Occupations in chemistry (without specialisation) | [4130] (4130) Berufe in der Chemie (o.S.) |
4131 | [4131] (4131) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering | [4131] (4131) Berufe in der Chemie- und Pharmatechnik |
4132 | [4132] (4132) Chemical technical laboratory occupations | [4132] (4132) Berufe im chemisch-techn. Laboratorium |
4133 | [4133] (4133) Operators of chemical production plants | [4133] (4133) Steuerer chemische Verfahrensanlagen |
4134 | [4134] (4134) Operators of oil and gas refinery plants | [4134] (4134) Steuerer Erdöl-,Erdgasraffinationsanlag. |
4138 | [4138] (4138) Occupations in chemistry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4138] (4138) Berufe in der Chemie (s.s.T.) |
4139 | [4139] (4139) Supervisors and managers in chemistry | [4139] (4139) Aufsicht und Führung - Chemie |
4140 | [4140] (4140) Occupations in physics (without specialisation) | [4140] (4140) Berufe in der Physik (o.S.) |
4141 | [4141] (4141) Occupations in physical technical laboratory | [4141] (4141) Berufe physikalisch-techn. Laboratorium |
4142 | [4142] (4142) Occupations in material engineering | [4142] (4142) Berufe in der Werkstofftechnik |
4143 | [4143] (4143) Occupations in construction materials testing | [4143] (4143) Berufe in der Baustoffprüfung |
4148 | [4148] (4148) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4148] (4148) Berufe in der Physik (s.s.T.) |
4149 | [4149] (4149) Supervisors and managers in physics | [4149] (4149) Aufsicht und Führung - Physik |
4211 | [4211] (4211) Occupations in geotechnical engineering | [4211] (4211) Berufe in der Geotechnik |
4212 | [4212] (4212) Occupations in geology | [4212] (4212) Berufe in der Geologie |
4213 | [4213] (4213) Occupations in geography | [4213] (4213) Berufe in der Geografie |
4214 | [4214] (4214) Occupations in meteorology | [4214] (4214) Berufe in der Meteorologie |
4220 | [4220] (4220) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation) | [4220] (4220) Berufe in der Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) |
4221 | [4221] (4221) Chimney sweeps | [4221] (4221) Schornsteinfeger/innen |
4228 | [4228] (4228) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4228] (4228) Berufe i.d. Umweltschutztechnik (s.s.T.) |
4229 | [4229] (4229) Supervisors in environmental protection engineering | [4229] (4229) Aufsicht - Umweltschutztechnik |
4231 | [4231] (4231) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting | [4231] (4231) Berufe Umweltschutzverwaltung, -beratung |
4232 | [4232] (4232) Water pollution and emission control, waste management commissioners | [4232] (4232) Gewässer-Immissionsschutz,Abfallbeauftr. |
4233 | [4233] (4233) Radiation protection commissioners | [4233] (4233) Strahlenschutzbeauftragte |
4239 | [4239] (4239) Managers in environmental protection administration and consulting | [4239] (4239) Führung - Umweltmanagement und -beratung |
4310 | [4310] (4310) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation) | [4310] (4310) Berufe in der Informatik (o.S.) |
4311 | [4311] (4311) Occupations in business informatics | [4311] (4311) Berufe in der Wirtschaftsinformatik |
4312 | [4312] (4312) Occupations in computer engineering | [4312] (4312) Berufe in der technischen Informatik |
4313 | [4313] (4313) Occupations in bio- and medical informatics | [4313] (4313) Berufe in der Bio- und Medizininformatik |
4314 | [4314] (4314) Occupations in geoinformatics | [4314] (4314) Berufe in der Geoinformatik |
4315 | [4315] (4315) Occupations in media informatics | [4315] (4315) Berufe in der Medieninformatik |
4319 | [4319] (4319) Managers in computer science | [4319] (4319) Führung - Informatik |
4321 | [4321] (4321) Occupations in IT-system-analysis | [4321] (4321) Berufe in der IT-Systemanalyse |
4322 | [4322] (4322) Occupations in IT-application-consulting | [4322] (4322) Berufe in der IT-Anwendungsberatung |
4323 | [4323] (4323) Occupations in IT-sales | [4323] (4323) Berufe im IT-Vertrieb |
4329 | [4329] (4329) Managers in IT-system-analysis, IT-application-consulting and IT-sales | [4329] (4329) Führung-IT-System,-Anwendung,-Vertrieb |
4331 | [4331] (4331) Occupations in IT-network engineering | [4331] (4331) Berufe in der IT-Netzwerktechnik |
4332 | [4332] (4332) Occupations in IT-coordination | [4332] (4332) Berufe in der IT-Koordination |
4333 | [4333] (4333) Occupations in IT-organisation | [4333] (4333) Berufe in der IT-Organisation |
4334 | [4334] (4334) Occupations in IT-system-administration | [4334] (4334) Berufe in der IT-Systemadministation |
4335 | [4335] (4335) Occupations in database development and administration | [4335] (4335) Berufe Datenbankentwickl., -administr. |
4336 | [4336] (4336) Occupations in web administration | [4336] (4336) Berufe in der Webadministration |
4338 | [4338] (4338) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4338] (4338) IT-Netzwerkt.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Org.(ssT) |
4339 | [4339] (4339) Managers in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [4339] (4339) Führung-IT-Netzw.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Orga. |
4341 | [4341] (4341) Occupations in software development | [4341] (4341) Berufe in der Softwareentwicklung |
4342 | [4342] (4342) Occupations in programming | [4342] (4342) Berufe in der Programmierung |
4349 | [4349] (4349) Managers in software development and programming | [4349] (4349) Führung-Softwareentwickl.,Programmierung |
5111 | [5111] (5111) Technical occupations in railway operation | [5111] (5111) Berufe im technischen Eisenbahnbetrieb |
5112 | [5112] (5112) Technical occupations in aircraft operation | [5112] (5112) Berufe technischer Luftverkehrsbetrieb |
5113 | [5113] (5113) Technical occupations in ship operation | [5113] (5113) Berufe technisch. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb |
5118 | [5118] (5118) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [5118] (5118) TechBetriebEisenb.Luft,Schiffsverk.(ssT) |
5119 | [5119] (5119) Supervisors in railway, aircraft and ship operation | [5119] (5119) Aufsicht-TechBetr.Eisenb.LuftSchiffsverk |
5121 | [5121] (5121) Road and tunnel inspection and controlling commissioners | [5121] (5121) Straßen- und Tunnelwärter/innen |
5122 | [5122] (5122) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure | [5122] (5122) Überwach.,Wartung Eisenbahninfrastruktur |
5123 | [5123] (5123) Technical occupations in air traffic control | [5123] (5123) Berufe in der Flugsicherungstechnik |
5124 | [5124] (5124) Waterway and bridges inspection and controlling commissioners | [5124] (5124) Wasserstraßen- und Brückenwärter/innen |
5129 | [5129] (5129) Supervisors in the inspection and maintenance of traffic infrastructure | [5129] (5129) Aufsicht - Überw.,Wart.Verkehrsinfraktur |
5131 | [5131] (5131) Occupations in warehousing and logistics | [5131] (5131) Berufe in der Lagerwirtschaft |
5132 | [5132] (5132) Occupations in postal and other delivery services | [5132] (5132) Berufe für Post- und Zustelldienste |
5133 | [5133] (5133) Occupations in cargo handling | [5133] (5133) Berufe im Güter- und Warenumschlag |
5139 | [5139] (5139) Supervisors and managers in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling | [5139] (5139) Aufsicht,Führung-Lagerw.Zustell.Güterum. |
5141 | [5141] (5141) Service occupations in road and railway traffic | [5141] (5141) Servicefachkräfte Straßen-,Schienenverk. |
5142 | [5142] (5142) Service occupations in air traffic | [5142] (5142) Servicefachkräfte im Luftverkehr |
5143 | [5143] (5143) Service occupations in shipping traffic | [5143] (5143) Servicefachkräfte im Schiffsverkehr |
5149 | [5149] (5149) Supervisors of service personnel in passenger traffic | [5149] (5149) Aufsicht-Personenverkehr(Servicebereich) |
5150 | [5150] (5150) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (without specialisation) | [5150] (5150) Berufe Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb (oS) |
5151 | [5151] (5151) Occupations in the surveillance and control of road traffic | [5151] (5151) Berufe Überwachung Straßenverkehrsbetr. |
5152 | [5152] (5152) Occupations in the surveillance and control of railway traffic | [5152] (5152) Berufe Überwachung Eisenbahnverkehrsbetr |
5153 | [5153] (5153) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic | [5153] (5153) Berufe Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetrieb |
5154 | [5154] (5154) Occupations in the surveillance and control of shipping traffic | [5154] (5154) Berufe Überwachung Schiffsverkehrsbetr. |
5158 | [5158] (5158) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [5158] (5158) Berufe Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb (ssT) |
5159 | [5159] (5159) Supervisors and managers in traffic surveillance and control | [5159] (5159) Aufsicht,Führung-Überwach. Verkehrsbetr. |
5161 | [5161] (5161) Management assistants in transport | [5161] (5161) Verkehrskaufleute |
5162 | [5162] (5162) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics | [5162] (5162) Speditions- und Logistikkaufleute |
5163 | [5163] (5163) Management assistants in road and railway transport | [5163] (5163) Straßen- und Schienenverkehrskaufleute |
5164 | [5164] (5164) Management assistants in air transport | [5164] (5164) Luftverkehrskaufleute |
5165 | [5165] (5165) Management assistants in shipping transport | [5165] (5165) Schifffahrtskaufleute |
5166 | [5166] (5166) Management assistants in courier services, express and postal delivery services | [5166] (5166) Kurier-Express-Postdienstleistungskaufl. |
5169 | [5169] (5169) Managers in transport and logistics | [5169] (5169) Führung-Verkehr,Logistik (kaufm.Bereich) |
5211 | [5211] (5211) Professional drivers (passengers transport) | [5211] (5211) Berufskraftfahrer(Personentransport/PKW) |
5212 | [5212] (5212) Professional drivers (cargo trucks) | [5212] (5212) Berufskraftfahrer (Güterverkehr/LKW) |
5213 | [5213] (5213) Bus and tram drivers | [5213] (5213) Bus-, Straßenbahnfahrer/innen |
5218 | [5218] (5218) Drivers of vehicles in road traffic (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [5218] (5218) Fahrzeugführer im Straßenverkehr(s.s.T.) |
5220 | [5220] (5220) Drivers of train engines and other railway vehicles | [5220] (5220) Triebfahrzeugführer Eisenbahnverkehr(oS) |
5231 | [5231] (5231) Pilots of planes and airliners | [5231] (5231) Piloten und Verkehrsflugzeugführer |
5238 | [5238] (5238) Aircraft pilots (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [5238] (5238) Fahrzeugführer im Flugverkehr (s.s.T.) |
5241 | [5241] (5241) Deck officers/mates and ship’s captains or skippers | [5241] (5241) Nautische Schiffsoffiziere und Kapitäne |
5242 | [5242] (5242) Ship’s masters in inland navigation and port traffic | [5242] (5242) Schiffsführer Binnen-,Hafenverkehr |
5251 | [5251] (5251) Drivers of agricultural and forestry machines | [5251] (5251) Führer land-,forstwirtschaftl. Maschinen |
5252 | [5252] (5252) Drivers of earthmoving and related machines | [5252] (5252) Führer Erdbewegungs-,verwandte Maschinen |
5253 | [5253] (5253) Operators of cranes, lifts and related lifting devices | [5253] (5253) Kranführer, Bediener Hebeeinrichtungen |
5259 | [5259] (5259) Supervisors of drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment | [5259] (5259) Aufsicht - Bau-, Transportgeräteführung |
5311 | [5311] (5311) Occupations in physical security, protection of valuables, and personal protection | [5311] (5311) Berufe im Objekt-,Werte-, Personenschutz |
5312 | [5312] (5312) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology | [5312] (5312) Berufe Arbeitssicherh. Sicherheitstech. |
5313 | [5313] (5313) Occupations in fire protection | [5313] (5313) Berufe im Brandschutz |
5314 | [5314] (5314) Pool attendants and lifeguards | [5314] (5314) Berufe in der Badeaufsicht |
5315 | [5315] (5315) Private detectives | [5315] (5315) Detektive/Detektivinnen |
5316 | [5316] (5316) Debt collectors | [5316] (5316) Inkassobeauftragte |
5318 | [5318] (5318) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [5318] (5318) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz,Arbeitssicherh(ssT) |
5319 | [5319] (5319) Supervisors and managers in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety | [5319] (5319) Aufsicht,Führung-Objekt-,Brandschutz |
5321 | [5321] (5321) Uniformed police personnel | [5321] (5321) Berufe im Polizeivollzugsdienst |
5322 | [5322] (5322) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments | [5322] (5322) Berufe im Kriminaldienst |
5323 | [5323] (5323) Court officers | [5323] (5323) Berufe im Gerichtsvollzug |
5324 | [5324] (5324) Police officers in penal institutions | [5324] (5324) Berufe im Justizvollzugsdienst |
5331 | [5331] (5331) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration | [5331] (5331) Berufe in der Gewerbeaufsicht |
5332 | [5332] (5332) Occupations in public health authority and hygiene control | [5332] (5332) Gesundheitsaufsicht, Hygieneüberwachung |
5333 | [5333] (5333) Occupations in food control | [5333] (5333) Berufe in der Lebensmittelkontrolle |
5334 | [5334] (5334) Occupations in disinfection and pest control | [5334] (5334) Berufe Desinfektion,Schädlingsbekämpfung |
5339 | [5339] (5339) Supervisors and managers in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection | [5339] (5339) Aufsicht,Führung-Gewerbe,Gesundheitsauf. |
5410 | [5410] (5410) Occupations in cleaning services (without specialisation) | [5410] (5410) Berufe in der Reinigung (o.S.) |
5411 | [5411] (5411) Occupations in building cleaning services | [5411] (5411) Berufe in der Gebäudereinigung |
5412 | [5412] (5412) Occupations in glass and window cleaning services | [5412] (5412) Berufe in der Glas-, Fensterreinigung |
5413 | [5413] (5413) Occupations in textile cleaning services | [5413] (5413) Berufe in der Textilreinigung |
5414 | [5414] (5414) Occupations in machine and equipment cleaning services | [5414] (5414) Berufe i.d. Maschinen-, Anlagenreinigung |
5415 | [5415] (5415) Occupations in vehicle cleaning services | [5415] (5415) Berufe in der Fahrzeugreinigung |
5418 | [5418] (5418) Occupations in cleaning services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [5418] (5418) Berufe in der Reinigung (s.s.T.) |
5419 | [5419] (5419) Supervisors in cleaning services | [5419] (5419) Aufsicht - Reinigung |
6111 | [6111] (6111) Occupations in purchasing | [6111] (6111) Berufe im Einkauf |
6112 | [6112] (6112) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies) | [6112] (6112) Berufe im Vertrieb (außer IKT) |
6113 | [6113] (6113) Trade brokers and auctioneers | [6113] (6113) Handelsmakler/innen u. Auktionator/innen |
6114 | [6114] (6114) Occupations in placing and servicing vending machines | [6114] (6114) Kaufleute im Automatenservice |
6115 | [6115] (6115) Money lenders and pawn brokers | [6115] (6115) Berufe im Geld- und Pfandverleih |
6116 | [6116] (6116) Occupations in rental services (except money lending and pawn broking) | [6116] (6116) Berufe im Verleih (außer Geld u. Pfand) |
6119 | [6119] (6119) Managers in purchasing and sales | [6119] (6119) Führung - Einkauf und Vertrieb |
6120 | [6120] (6120) Management assistants in trade (without specialisation) | [6120] (6120) Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) |
6121 | [6121] (6121) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade | [6121] (6121) Kaufleute im Groß- und Außenhandel |
6128 | [6128] (6128) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [6128] (6128) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T.) |
6129 | [6129] (6129) Managers in trade | [6129] (6129) Führung - Handel |
6131 | [6131] (6131) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration | [6131] (6131) Berufe Immobilienvermarktung,-verwaltung |
6132 | [6132] (6132) Occupations in facility management | [6132] (6132) Berufe im Facility-Management |
6139 | [6139] (6139) Managers in real estate and facility management | [6139] (6139) Führung-Immobilienwirt., Facility-Manag. |
6210 | [6210] (6210) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation) | [6210] (6210) Berufe im Verkauf (ohne Produktspezial.) |
6211 | [6211] (6211) Cashiers and ticket agents | [6211] (6211) Kassierer/innen, Kartenverkäufer/innen |
6212 | [6212] (6212) Stall and market sellers | [6212] (6212) Verkaufsstand-, Marktverkäufer/innen |
6218 | [6218] (6218) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation; with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [6218] (6218) Berufe im Verkauf (o. Produktspez.)(ssT) |
6219 | [6219] (6219) Supervisors and managers in retail trade | [6219] (6219) Aufsicht und Führung - Verkauf |
6221 | [6221] (6221) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling clothing, sporting goods, leather goods and shoes | [6221] (6221) Berufe im Verkauf (Bekleid.,Leder,Sport) |
6222 | [6222] (6222) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling jewellery and watches | [6222] (6222) Berufe im Verkauf (Schmuck, Uhren) |
6223 | [6223] (6223) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling office supplies, gifts and toys | [6223] (6223) Berufe im Verkauf (Büro, Geschenk,Spiel) |
6224 | [6224] (6224) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling electrical and electronic goods, and household supplies | [6224] (6224) Berufe im Verkauf (Elektro,Haushaltsw.) |
6225 | [6225] (6225) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling furniture and furnishings | [6225] (6225) Berufe im Verkauf (Möbel, Einrichtung) |
6226 | [6226] (6226) Sales occupations (retail trade) in gardening stores, home improvement stores, pet shops and zoo supplies stores | [6226] (6226) Berufe im Verkauf (Garten, Heimwerk.) |
6227 | [6227] (6227) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling motor vehicles, bicycles, motorbikes, and related supplies | [6227] (6227) Berufe im Verkauf (KFZ, Zweirad,Zubehör) |
6228 | [6228] (6228) Sales occupations in retail trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [6228] (6228) Berufe im Verkauf (ssT) |
6230 | [6230] (6230) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (without specialisation) | [6230] (6230) Berufe im Verkauf von Lebensmitteln (oS) |
6231 | [6231] (6231) Sales occupations (retail) selling baked goods, pastries and confectionaries | [6231] (6231) Berufe Verkauf Back-, Konditoreiwaren |
6232 | [6232] (6232) Sales occupations (retail) selling meat products | [6232] (6232) Berufe im Verkauf von Fleischwaren |
6238 | [6238] (6238) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [6238] (6238) Berufe Verkauf von Lebensmitteln (s.s.T) |
6241 | [6241] (6241) Sales occupations (retail) selling drugstore products and pharmaceuticals | [6241] (6241) Verkauf drogerie-,apothekenübliche Waren |
6242 | [6242] (6242) Sales occupations (retail) selling medical supplies and healthcare goods | [6242] (6242) Berufe Verkauf Sanitäts-, Medizinbedarf |
6251 | [6251] (6251) Sales occupations (retail) selling books | [6251] (6251) Berufe im Buchhandel |
6252 | [6252] (6252) Sales occupations (retail) selling art and antiques | [6252] (6252) Berufe im Kunst- und Antiquitätenhandel |
6253 | [6253] (6253) Sales occupations (retail) selling musical instruments, recordings or sheet music | [6253] (6253) Berufe im Musikfachhandel |
6311 | [6311] (6311) Management assistants in tourism | [6311] (6311) Tourismuskaufleute |
6312 | [6312] (6312) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators | [6312] (6312) Sport-, Fitnesskaufleute, Sportmanager |
6313 | [6313] (6313) Animators and guest attendants | [6313] (6313) Animateur/innen, Gästebetreuer/innen |
6314 | [6314] (6314) Tourist guides and tour guides | [6314] (6314) Reiseleiter/innen, Fremdenführer/innen |
6319 | [6319] (6319) Managers in tourism and the sports (and fitness) industry | [6319] (6319) Führung - Tourismus und Sport |
6321 | [6321] (6321) Management assistants in hotels | [6321] (6321) Hotelkaufleute |
6322 | [6322] (6322) Occupations in hotel service | [6322] (6322) Berufe im Hotelservice |
6329 | [6329] (6329) Supervisors and managers in hotels | [6329] (6329) Aufsicht und Führung - Hotellerie |
6330 | [6330] (6330) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation) | [6330] (6330) Berufe im Gastronomieservice (o.S.) |
6331 | [6331] (6331) Occupations in system catering | [6331] (6331) Berufe in der Systemgastronomie |
6332 | [6332] (6332) Barkeepers | [6332] (6332) Barkeeper/innen |
6338 | [6338] (6338) Gastronomy occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [6338] (6338) Berufe in der Gastronomie (s.s.T.) |
6339 | [6339] (6339) Supervisors and managers in gastronomy and system catering | [6339] (6339) Aufsicht und Führung - Gastronomie |
6340 | [6340] (6340) Occupations in event organisation and management | [6340] (6340) Berufe im Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. |
7110 | [7110] (7110) Managing directors and executive board members | [7110] (7110) Geschäftsführer/innen und Vorstände |
7121 | [7121] (7121) Legislators | [7121] (7121) Angehörige gesetzgebender Körperschaften |
7122 | [7122] (7122) Senior officials of special interest organisations | [7122] (7122) Leit. Bedienstete Interessenorganisation |
7123 | [7123] (7123) Elected employee representatives in firms | [7123] (7123) Betriebsinterne Wahlämter |
7130 | [7130] (7130) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation) | [7130] (7130) Berufe kaufm.,techn.Betriebswirtsch.(oS) |
7131 | [7131] (7131) Occupations in business organisation and planning | [7131] (7131) Berufe Unternehmensorganisation,-planung |
7132 | [7132] (7132) Occupations in business consulting | [7132] (7132) Berufe in der Unternehmensberatung |
7133 | [7133] (7133) Occupations in business development | [7133] (7133) Berufe in der Wirtschaftsförderung |
7138 | [7138] (7138) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [7138] (7138) Berufe Unternehmensorga.,strategie (ssT) |
7139 | [7139] (7139) Supervisors and managers in business organisation and strategy | [7139] (7139) Aufsicht,Führung-Unternehmensorg,strateg |
7140 | [7140] (7140) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation) | [7140] (7140) Büro- und Sekretariatskräfte (o.S.) |
7141 | [7141] (7141) Foreign language secretaries and foreign language correspondence clerks | [7141] (7141) Fremdsprachensekretäre,-korrespondenten |
7142 | [7142] (7142) Interpreters and translators | [7142] (7142) Dolmetscher/innen und Übersetzer/innen |
7143 | [7143] (7143) Shorthand and audio typists | [7143] (7143) Steno-, Phonotypisten/-typistinnen |
7144 | [7144] (7144) Coders, proof readers and related clerks | [7144] (7144) Kodierer,Korrekturleser,verw.Bürokräfte |
7145 | [7145] (7145) Customer or passenger information office clerks | [7145] (7145) Berufe i.d. Auskunft, Kundeninformation |
7149 | [7149] (7149) Supervisors of office clerks and secretaries | [7149] (7149) Aufsicht - Büro und Sekretariat |
7151 | [7151] (7151) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service | [7151] (7151) Berufe Personalentwickl.,-sachbearbeit. |
7152 | [7152] (7152) Occupations in recruiting and employment services | [7152] (7152) Berufe in der Personaldienstleistung |
7159 | [7159] (7159) Managers in human resources management and personnel services | [7159] (7159) Führung - Personalwesen, -dienstleistung |
7211 | [7211] (7211) Bankers | [7211] (7211) Bankkaufleute |
7212 | [7212] (7212) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services | [7212] (7212) Anlageberater u. sonst. Finanzdienstl. |
7213 | [7213] (7213) Insurance salespersons | [7213] (7213) Versicherungskaufleute |
7214 | [7214] (7214) Financial analysts | [7214] (7214) Finanzanalysten/innen |
7218 | [7218] (7218) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [7218] (7218) Berufe Versicherungs,Finanzdienstl.(ssT) |
7219 | [7219] (7219) Managers in insurance and financial services | [7219] (7219) Führung-Versicherung-,Finanzdienstleist. |
7221 | [7221] (7221) Occupations in accounting | [7221] (7221) Berufe in der Buchhaltung |
7222 | [7222] (7222) Occupations in cost accounting and calculation | [7222] (7222) Berufe in Kostenrechnung und Kalkulation |
7223 | [7223] (7223) Occupations in controlling | [7223] (7223) Berufe im Controlling |
7224 | [7224] (7224) Occupations in auditing | [7224] (7224) Berufe in Wirtschaftsprüfung |
7229 | [7229] (7229) Managers in accounting, controlling and auditing | [7229] (7229) Führung-Rechnungsw.,Controlling,Revision |
7230 | [7230] (7230) Occupations in tax consultancy | [7230] (7230) Berufe in der Steuerberatung |
7310 | [7310] (7310) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (without specialisation) | [7310] (7310) Rechtsberatung, -sprechung,-ordnung(oS) |
7311 | [7311] (7311) Assistants in lawyers’ and notaries' offices | [7311] (7311) Assistenz Rechtsanwaltskanzlei,Notariat |
7312 | [7312] (7312) Notaries | [7312] (7312) Notare/Notarinnen |
7313 | [7313] (7313) Lawyers | [7313] (7313) Rechtsanwälte/-anwältinnen |
7314 | [7314] (7314) Prosecutors | [7314] (7314) Staatsanwälte/-anwältinnen |
7315 | [7315] (7315) Judges | [7315] (7315) Richter/innen |
7316 | [7316] (7316) Occupations in the national security service | [7316] (7316) Berufe im Verfassungsschutz |
7318 | [7318] (7318) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [7318] (7318) Rechtsberatung,-sprechung,-ordnung (ssT) |
7319 | [7319] (7319) Managers in legal services, jurisdiction, and of other officers of the court | [7319] (7319) Führung-Rechtsberatung,sprechung,ordnung |
7320 | [7320] (7320) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation) | [7320] (7320) Berufe i.d. öffentlichen Verwaltung (oS) |
7321 | [7321] (7321) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system | [7321] (7321) Berufe Sozialverwaltung, versicherung |
7322 | [7322] (7322) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system | [7322] (7322) Verwalt. Berufe Sozial-,Gesundheitswesen |
7323 | [7323] (7323) Occupations in tax administration | [7323] (7323) Berufe in der Steuerverwaltung |
7324 | [7324] (7324) Occupations in the customs service | [7324] (7324) Berufe im Zolldienst |
7325 | [7325] (7325) Occupations in the administration of justice | [7325] (7325) Berufe in der Justizverwaltung |
7328 | [7328] (7328) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [7328] (7328) Berufe öffentliche Verwaltung (s.s.T.) |
7329 | [7329] (7329) Supervisors and managers in public administration | [7329] (7329) Aufsicht und Führung - Verwaltung |
7331 | [7331] (7331) Occupations in archiving | [7331] (7331) Berufe im Archivwesen |
7332 | [7332] (7332) Library occupations | [7332] (7332) Berufe im Bibliothekswesen |
7333 | [7333] (7333) Occupations in documentation and information services | [7333] (7333) Berufe Dokumentations,Informationsdienst |
7334 | [7334] (7334) Occupations in medical documentation | [7334] (7334) Berufe i.d. medizinischen Dokumentation |
7339 | [7339] (7339) Managers in media, documentation and information services | [7339] (7339) Führung-Medien-Dokument.-,Informationsd. |
8110 | [8110] (8110) Medical assistants (without specialisation) | [8110] (8110) Medizinische Fachangestellte (o.S.) |
8111 | [8111] (8111) Dental assistants | [8111] (8111) Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte |
8112 | [8112] (8112) Podologists | [8112] (8112) Podologen/Podologinnen |
8113 | [8113] (8113) Orthoptists | [8113] (8113) Orthoptisten/Orthoptistinnen |
8114 | [8114] (8114) Veterinary assistants | [8114] (8114) Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte |
8118 | [8118] (8118) Medical assistants (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8118] (8118) Medizinische Fachangestellte (s.s.T.) |
8121 | [8121] (8121) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine | [8121] (8121) Medizinisch-techn.Berufe im Laboratorium |
8122 | [8122] (8122) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics | [8122] (8122) Medizin-tech. Berufe Funktionsdiagnostik |
8123 | [8123] (8123) Technical occupations in radiology | [8123] (8123) Medizinisch-technische Berufe Radiologie |
8124 | [8124] (8124) Technical occupations in veterinary medicine | [8124] (8124) Medizin.-techn. Berufe Veterinärmedizin |
8129 | [8129] (8129) Managers in medical laboratories | [8129] (8129) Führung - Medizinisches Laboratorium |
8130 | [8130] (8130) Occupations in nursing (without specialisation) | [8130] (8130) Berufe Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (o.S) |
8131 | [8131] (8131) Occupations in nursing specialised in a particular branch of nursing | [8131] (8131) Berufe in der Fachkrankenpflege |
8132 | [8132] (8132) Occupations in nursing specialised in paediatrics | [8132] (8132) Berufe in der Fachkinderkrankenpflege |
8133 | [8133] (8133) Surgical and medico-technical assistants | [8133] (8133) Berufe operations-/med.-techn. Assistenz |
8134 | [8134] (8134) Occupations in emergency medical services | [8134] (8134) Berufe im Rettungsdienst |
8135 | [8135] (8135) Occupations in obstetrics and maternity care | [8135] (8135) Berufe Geburtshilfe, Entbindungspflege |
8138 | [8138] (8138) Occupations in nursing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8138] (8138) Berufe Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (ssT) |
8139 | [8139] (8139) Supervisors and managers in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics | [8139] (8139) Aufsicht,Führung-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd. |
8140 | [8140] (8140) Medical doctors (without specialisation) | [8140] (8140) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (o. S.) |
8141 | [8141] (8141) Medical doctors specialised in pediatrics and adolescent medicine | [8141] (8141) Fachärzte i.d. Kinder- u. Jugendmedizin |
8142 | [8142] (8142) Medical doctors specialised in internal medicine | [8142] (8142) Fachärzte/innen in der Inneren Medizin |
8143 | [8143] (8143) Medical doctors specialised in surgery | [8143] (8143) Fachärzte/innen in der Chirurgie |
8144 | [8144] (8144) Medical doctors specialised in dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, andrology or related medical fields | [8144] (8144) Fachärzte Hautkr.,Sinnes-Geschlechtsorg. |
8145 | [8145] (8145) Medical doctors specialised in anaesthesiology | [8145] (8145) Fachärzte/-ärztinnen Anästhesiologie |
8146 | [8146] (8146) Medical doctors specialised in neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine | [8146] (8146) Fachärzte Neurol.,Psychiatr.,Psychother. |
8147 | [8147] (8147) Dentists and orthodontists | [8147] (8147) Zahnärzte/innen, Kieferorthopäden/innen |
8148 | [8148] (8148) Medical doctors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8148] (8148) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (s.s.T.) |
8149 | [8149] (8149) Managers in human medicine and dentistry | [8149] (8149) Führung - Human- und Zahnmedizin |
8150 | [8150] (8150) Veterinaries (without specialisation) | [8150] (8150) Tierärzte/-ärztinnen (o.S.) |
8151 | [8151] (8151) Veterinaries for large and farm animals | [8151] (8151) Tierärzte/-ärztinnen f. Groß-, Nutztiere |
8152 | [8152] (8152) Veterinaries for pets | [8152] (8152) Tierärzte/ärztinnen für Haus-, Heimtiere |
8153 | [8153] (8153) Non-medical animal health practitioners | [8153] (8153) Tierheilpraktiker/innen |
8158 | [8158] (8158) Occupations in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8158] (8158) Berufe Tiermedizin, Tierheilkunde (ssT) |
8159 | [8159] (8159) Managers in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners | [8159] (8159) Führung - Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde |
8161 | [8161] (8161) Occupations in non-clinical psychology | [8161] (8161) Berufe i.d. nicht klinischen Psychologie |
8162 | [8162] (8162) Occupations in clinical psychology | [8162] (8162) Berufe in der klinischen Psychologie |
8163 | [8163] (8163) Occupations in non-medical psychotherapy | [8163] (8163) Berufe nicht ärztliche Psychotherapie |
8171 | [8171] (8171) Occupations in physiotherapy | [8171] (8171) Berufe in der Physiotherapie |
8172 | [8172] (8172) Occupations in occupational therapy | [8172] (8172) Berufe in der Ergotherapie |
8173 | [8173] (8173) Occupations in speech therapy | [8173] (8173) Berufe in der Sprachtherapie |
8174 | [8174] (8174) Occupations in music and art therapy | [8174] (8174) Berufe in der Musik-, Kunsttherapie |
8175 | [8175] (8175) Practitioners of alternative medicine and homeopathy | [8175] (8175) Berufe in der Heilkunde und Homöopathie |
8176 | [8176] (8176) Dieticians and Nutritionists | [8176] (8176) Berufe i.d. Diät- und Ernährungstherapie |
8178 | [8178] (8178) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8178] (8178) Berufe nichtärztl. Therapie,Heilk.(ssT) |
8179 | [8179] (8179) Managers in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine | [8179] (8179) Führung - Nichtärztl. Therapie,Heilkunde |
8180 | [8180] (8180) Pharmacists | [8180] (8180) Apotheker, Pharmazeuten |
8181 | [8181] (8181) Medical doctors specialised in pharmacology | [8181] (8181) Fachärzte/innen in der Pharmakologie |
8182 | [8182] (8182) Pharmaceutical-technical assistants | [8182] (8182) Berufe pharmazeutisch-techn. Assistenz |
8188 | [8188] (8188) Occupations in pharmacy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8188] (8188) Berufe in der Pharmazie (s.s.T.) |
8189 | [8189] (8189) Managers in pharmacy | [8189] (8189) Führung - Pharmazie |
8210 | [8210] (8210) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation) | [8210] (8210) Berufe in der Altenpflege (o.S.) |
8218 | [8218] (8218) Occupations in geriatric care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8218] (8218) Berufe in der Altenpflege (s.s.T.) |
8219 | [8219] (8219) Managers in geriatric care | [8219] (8219) Führung - Altenpflege |
8221 | [8221] (8221) Occupations providing health counselling | [8221] (8221) Berufe in der Gesundheitsberatung |
8222 | [8222] (8222) Occupations in wellness | [8222] (8222) Wellnessberufe |
8223 | [8223] (8223) Occupations providing nutritional advice | [8223] (8223) Berufe in der Ernährungsberatung |
8224 | [8224] (8224) Quality assurance representative in the health care system | [8224] (8224) Qualitätsbeauftragte im Gesundheitswesen |
8228 | [8228] (8228) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8228] (8228) Ernährungs,Gesundheitsber.,Wellness(ssT) |
8231 | [8231] (8231) Occupations in hairdressing | [8231] (8231) Berufe im Friseurgewerbe |
8232 | [8232] (8232) Occupations in cosmetics | [8232] (8232) Berufe in der Kosmetik |
8233 | [8233] (8233) Tattooists and piercers | [8233] (8233) Tätowierer/innen und Piercer/innen |
8234 | [8234] (8234) Make-up artists | [8234] (8234) Berufe in der Maskenbildnerei |
8239 | [8239] (8239) Supervisors in body care | [8239] (8239) Aufsicht - Körperpflege |
8240 | [8240] (8240) Occupations in funeral services | [8240] (8240) Berufe im Bestattungswesen |
8249 | [8249] (8249) Supervisors and managers in funeral services | [8249] (8249) Aufsicht und Führung - Bestattungswesen |
8250 | [8250] (8250) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation) | [8250] (8250) Medizintechnik (o.S.) |
8251 | [8251] (8251) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation | [8251] (8251) Berufe in der Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik |
8252 | [8252] (8252) Occupations in ophthalmic optics | [8252] (8252) Berufe in der Augenoptik |
8253 | [8253] (8253) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics | [8253] (8253) Berufe in der Hörgeräteakustik |
8254 | [8254] (8254) Technical occupations in prosthetic dentistry | [8254] (8254) Berufe in der Zahntechnik |
8259 | [8259] (8259) Supervisors and managers in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology | [8259] (8259) Aufsicht,Führung-Med-Orthopäd,Rehatechn. |
8311 | [8311] (8311) Occupations in child care and child-rearing | [8311] (8311) Berufe i.d. Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung |
8312 | [8312] (8312) Occupations in social work and social pedagogics | [8312] (8312) Berufe i.d. Sozialarbeit,Sozialpädagogik |
8313 | [8313] (8313) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education | [8313] (8313) Berufe Heilerziehungspflege, Sonderpäd. |
8314 | [8314] (8314) Social care workers specialized in household assistance and family care | [8314] (8314) Berufe in der Haus- und Familienpflege |
8315 | [8315] (8315) Occupations in social, educational and addiction counselling | [8315] (8315) Berufe Sozial-,Erziehungs-,Suchtberatung |
8319 | [8319] (8319) Supervisors and managers in education and social work, and of pedagogic specialists in social care work | [8319] (8319) Aufsicht,Führung-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit |
8321 | [8321] (8321) Occupations in housekeeping | [8321] (8321) Berufe in der Hauswirtschaft |
8322 | [8322] (8322) Occupations in consumer counselling | [8322] (8322) Berufe in der Verbraucherberatung |
8329 | [8329] (8329) Supervisors in housekeeping and consumer counselling | [8329] (8329) Aufsicht-Hauswirtschaft,Verbraucherber. |
8331 | [8331] (8331) Occupations in theology | [8331] (8331) Berufe in der Theologie |
8332 | [8332] (8332) Occupations in church community work | [8332] (8332) Berufe in der Gemeindearbeit |
8333 | [8333] (8333) Members of religious orders | [8333] (8333) Angehörige geistl. Orden, Mutterhäuser |
8338 | [8338] (8338) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8338] (8338) Berufe in Theologie,Gemeindearbeit (ssT) |
8339 | [8339] (8339) Managers in theology and church community work | [8339] (8339) Führung - Theologie und Gemeindearbeit |
8411 | [8411] (8411) Teachers in primary education | [8411] (8411) Lehrkräfte in der Primarstufe |
8412 | [8412] (8412) Teachers in secondary education | [8412] (8412) Lehrkräfte in der Sekundarstufe |
8413 | [8413] (8413) Teachers in schools for special needs education | [8413] (8413) Lehrkräfte an Sonderschulen |
8414 | [8414] (8414) Occupations in teacher training | [8414] (8414) Berufe in der Lehrerausbildung |
8418 | [8418] (8418) Teachers in schools of general education (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8418] (8418) Lehrkräfte allgemeinbild. Schulen (ssT) |
8419 | [8419] (8419) Managers in schools of general education | [8419] (8419) Führung - Allgemeinbildende Schulen |
8421 | [8421] (8421) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools | [8421] (8421) Lehrkräfte für berufsbildende Fächer |
8422 | [8422] (8422) In-company instructors in vocational training | [8422] (8422) Berufe betriebl. Ausbildung, Berufspäd. |
8429 | [8429] (8429) Managers in vocational schools, and in-company training of apprentices | [8429] (8429) Führung - BBS, betriebl.Ausb., Betr.päd. |
8430 | [8430] (8430) Teachers and researcher at universities and colleges | [8430] (8430) Berufe i. d. Hochschullehre, -forschung |
8439 | [8439] (8439) Managers at universities and colleges | [8439] (8439) Führung - Hochschullehre und -forschung |
8440 | [8440] (8440) Teachers in adult education (without specialisation) | [8440] (8440) Berufe in der Erwachsenenbildung (o.S.) |
8441 | [8441] (8441) Occupations in music education | [8441] (8441) Berufe in der Musikpädagogik |
8442 | [8442] (8442) Occupations in religious education | [8442] (8442) Berufe in der Religionspädagogik |
8443 | [8443] (8443) Occupations in art and theatre education | [8443] (8443) Berufe in der Kunst-, Theaterpädagogik |
8444 | [8444] (8444) Occupations in IT-application training | [8444] (8444) Berufe im IT-Anwendungstraining |
8445 | [8445] (8445) (Foreign) Language teachers | [8445] (8445) (Fremd-)Sprachenlehrer/innen |
8448 | [8448] (8448) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified except driving, flying and sports instructors) | [8448] (8448) Lehrkräfte außerschul.Bild.einrich.(ssT) |
8449 | [8449] (8449) Managers at educational institutions other than schools | [8449] (8449) Führung-Außerschul.Bildungseinrichtungen |
8450 | [8450] (8450) Sports instructors (without specialisation) | [8450] (8450) Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) |
8451 | [8451] (8451) Driving instructors | [8451] (8451) Fahrlehrer/innen |
8452 | [8452] (8452) Flying instructors | [8452] (8452) Fluglehrer/innen |
8453 | [8453] (8453) Dance instructors | [8453] (8453) Tanzlehrer/innen |
8454 | [8454] (8454) Coaches in ball sports | [8454] (8454) Trainer/innen - Ballsportarten |
8455 | [8455] (8455) Trainer in fitness and gymnastics | [8455] (8455) Trainer/innen - Fitness und Gymnastik |
8458 | [8458] (8458) Sports instructors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [8458] (8458) Sportlehrer/innen (s.s.T.) |
9110 | [9110] (9110) Occupations in philology (without specialisation) | [9110] (9110) Berufe in Sprach-, Literaturwissen.(oS) |
9111 | [9111] (9111) Occupations in German philology | [9111] (9111) Berufe in der Germanistik |
9112 | [9112] (9112) Occupations in English and American philology | [9112] (9112) Berufe in der Anglistik, Amerikanistik |
9113 | [9113] (9113) Occupations in Romance philology | [9113] (9113) Berufe in der Romanistik |
9114 | [9114] (9114) Occupations in Slavic philology | [9114] (9114) Berufe i.d. Slawistik, verw. Bereichen |
9115 | [9115] (9115) Occupations in Arabic and Oriental philology | [9115] (9115) Berufe in der Arabistik, Orientalistik |
9116 | [9116] (9116) Occupations in Asian philology | [9116] (9116) Berufe Sprach-, Literaturwis. asiat.Raum |
9117 | [9117] (9117) Occupations in Classics | [9117] (9117) Berufe in der Altphilologie |
9118 | [9118] (9118) Occupations in philology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9118] (9118) Berufe Sprach-,Literaturwissensch. (ssT) |
9121 | [9121] (9121) Occupations in philosophy, religion and ethics | [9121] (9121) Berufe in Philosophie, Religion, Ethik |
9122 | [9122] (9122) Occupations in history | [9122] (9122) Berufe in Geschichtswissenschaften |
9123 | [9123] (9123) Occupations in archaeology | [9123] (9123) Berufe in der Archäologie |
9124 | [9124] (9124) Occupations in media science and theatre studies | [9124] (9124) Berufe in Medien-, Theaterwissenschaft |
9125 | [9125] (9125) Occupations in regional science | [9125] (9125) Berufe in der Regionalwissenschaft |
9126 | [9126] (9126) Occupations in anthropology and ethnology | [9126] (9126) Berufe in der Anthropologie, Ethnologie |
9131 | [9131] (9131) Occupations in political science | [9131] (9131) Berufe in der Politologie |
9132 | [9132] (9132) Occupations in sociology | [9132] (9132) Berufe in der Soziologie |
9133 | [9133] (9133) Occupations in pedagogy | [9133] (9133) Berufe in der Erziehungswissenschaft |
9134 | [9134] (9134) Occupations in market and opinion research | [9134] (9134) Berufe in der Markt-, Meinungsforschung |
9135 | [9135] (9135) Occupations in demography | [9135] (9135) Berufe in der Demografie |
9138 | [9138] (9138) Occupations in the social sciences (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9138] (9138) Berufe Gesellschaftswissenschaften (ssT) |
9140 | [9140] (9140) Occupations in economics (without specialisation) | [9140] (9140) Berufe in Wirtschaftswissenschaften (oS) |
9148 | [9148] (9148) Occupations in economics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9148] (9148) Berufe in Wirtschaftswissenschaften(ssT) |
9211 | [9211] (9211) Occupations in advertising and marketing | [9211] (9211) Berufe in Werbung und Marketing |
9212 | [9212] (9212) Occupations in dialog marketing | [9212] (9212) Berufe im Dialogmarketing |
9213 | [9213] (9213) Occupations in customer management | [9213] (9213) Berufe im Kundenmanagement |
9219 | [9219] (9219) Managers in advertising and marketing | [9219] (9219) Führung - Werbung und Marketing |
9220 | [9220] (9220) Occupations in public relations | [9220] (9220) Berufe in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
9229 | [9229] (9229) Managers in public relations | [9229] (9229) Führung - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
9230 | [9230] (9230) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation) | [9230] (9230) Verlags- und Medienkaufleute (o.S.) |
9238 | [9238] (9238) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields) | [9238] (9238) Verlags- und Medienkaufleute (s.s.T.) |
9239 | [9239] (9239) Managers in publishing and media management | [9239] (9239) Führung - Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft |
9241 | [9241] (9241) Editors and journalists | [9241] (9241) Redakteure/innen, Journalisten/innen |
9242 | [9242] (9242) Copy editors | [9242] (9242) Lektoren/innen |
9243 | [9243] (9243) Authors and writers | [9243] (9243) Autoren/Autorinnen, Schriftsteller/innen |
9249 | [9249] (9249) Managers in editorial work and journalism | [9249] (9249) Führung - Redaktion und Journalismus |
9310 | [9310] (9310) Occupations in product and industrial design | [9310] (9310) Berufe im Produkt- und Industriedesign |
9321 | [9321] (9321) Occupations in interior design | [9321] (9321) Berufe in der Innenarchitektur |
9322 | [9322] (9322) Occupations in visual marketing | [9322] (9322) Berufe im visuellen Marketing |
9323 | [9323] (9323) Occupations in interior decoration | [9323] (9323) Berufe in der Raumausstattung |
9329 | [9329] (9329) Supervisors in interior design, visual marketing, and interior decoration | [9329] (9329) Aufsicht-Innenarchitektur,Raumausstatt. |
9330 | [9330] (9330) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation) | [9330] (9330) Berufe Kunsthandwerk, bildend.Kunst (oS) |
9331 | [9331] (9331) Occupations in sculpting | [9331] (9331) Berufe in der Bildhauerei |
9332 | [9332] (9332) Painters and illustrators | [9332] (9332) Kunstmaler/innen, Zeichner/innen |
9333 | [9333] (9333) Occupations in turnery and toy manufacture | [9333] (9333) Berufe Drechslerei, Spielzeugherstellung |
9334 | [9334] (9334) Gilders | [9334] (9334) Berufe im Vergolderhandwerk |
9335 | [9335] (9335) Chandlers | [9335] (9335) Berufe in der Wachszieherei |
9338 | [9338] (9338) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9338] (9338) Berufe Kunsthandwerk, bild. Kunst (ssT) |
9339 | [9339] (9339) Supervisors in artisan craftwork and fine arts | [9339] (9339) Aufsicht - Kunsthandwerk,bildende Kunst |
9341 | [9341] (9341) Artisans designing ceramics | [9341] (9341) Berufe kunsthandwerkl. Keramikgestaltung |
9342 | [9342] (9342) Artisans painting glassware, ceramics and porcelain | [9342] (9342) Berufe kunsthand.GlasKeram,Porzellanmal. |
9343 | [9343] (9343) Artisans working in glass blowing | [9343] (9343) Berufe kunsthandwerkliche Glasbläserei |
9349 | [9349] (9349) Supervisors in artisan craftwork using ceramics and glassware | [9349] (9349) Aufsicht-Kunsthandw.Keramik,Glasgestalt. |
9351 | [9351] (9351) Artisans working with metal | [9351] (9351) Berufe kunsthandwerkl. Metallgestaltung |
9352 | [9352] (9352) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals | [9352] (9352) Kunsthandw.Schmuckherst.,Edelsteinbearb. |
9353 | [9353] (9353) Engravers | [9353] (9353) Berufe in der Gravur |
9354 | [9354] (9354) Producers of advertising signs and illuminated advertisements | [9354] (9354) Berufe Schilder-,Lichtreklameherstellung |
9359 | [9359] (9359) Supervisors of artisans working with metal | [9359] (9359) Aufsicht-Kunsthandwerkl.Metallgestaltung |
9360 | [9360] (9360) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation) | [9360] (9360) Berufe im Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) |
9361 | [9361] (9361) Occupations making bowed and plucked string instruments | [9361] (9361) Berufe im Streich-, Zupfinstrumentenbau |
9362 | [9362] (9362) Occupations making woodwind instruments | [9362] (9362) Berufe im Holzblasinstrumentenbau |
9363 | [9363] (9363) Occupations making brass instruments | [9363] (9363) Berufe im Metallblasinstrumentenbau |
9364 | [9364] (9364) Occupations making pianos and harpsichords | [9364] (9364) Berufe im Klavier- und Cembalobau |
9365 | [9365] (9365) Occupations making organs and harmoniums | [9365] (9365) Berufe im Orgel- und Harmoniumbau |
9368 | [9368] (9368) Occupations in musical instrument making (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9368] (9368) Berufe im Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.) |
9369 | [9369] (9369) Supervisors in musical instrument making | [9369] (9369) Aufsicht - Musikinstrumentenbau |
9411 | [9411] (9411) Musicians | [9411] (9411) Musiker/innen |
9412 | [9412] (9412) Singers | [9412] (9412) Sänger/innen |
9413 | [9413] (9413) Conductors | [9413] (9413) Dirigenten/Dirigentinnen |
9414 | [9414] (9414) Composers | [9414] (9414) Komponisten/Komponistinnen |
9418 | [9418] (9418) Musicians, singers and conductors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9418] (9418) Musik-,Gesangs-, Dirigententätigk. (ssT) |
9421 | [9421] (9421) Actors | [9421] (9421) Schauspieler/innen |
9422 | [9422] (9422) Dancers and choreographers | [9422] (9422) Tänzer/innen, Choreografen/innen |
9423 | [9423] (9423) Models | [9423] (9423) Mannequins, Dressmen, sonstige Models |
9424 | [9424] (9424) Athletes and professional sportspersons | [9424] (9424) Athleten, Berufssportler |
9425 | [9425] (9425) Occupations in personal escort services | [9425] (9425) Berufe personenbezog. Dienstleistungen |
9428 | [9428] (9428) Occupations in acting, dancing, athletics and related occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9428] (9428) BerufeSchauspielTanz,Bewegungskunst(ssT) |
9430 | [9430] (9430) Presenters and entertainers (without specialisation) | [9430] (9430) Berufe in Moderation, Unterhaltung (oS) |
9431 | [9431] (9431) Comedians and cabaret artists | [9431] (9431) Komiker/innen, Kabarettisten/innen |
9432 | [9432] (9432) Magicians and illusionists | [9432] (9432) Zauberer/innen, Illusionisten/innen |
9433 | [9433] (9433) Radio and television presenters | [9433] (9433) Hörfunk-, Fernsehmoderatoren/innen |
9434 | [9434] (9434) Occupations in gambling and betting | [9434] (9434) Berufe im Bereich Glücks- und Wettspiel |
9438 | [9438] (9438) Occupations in presentation and entertainment (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9438] (9438) Berufe in Moderation, Unterhaltung (ssT) |
9440 | [9440] (9440) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation) | [9440] (9440) Berufe Theater-,Film-,Fernsehproduk.(oS) |
9441 | [9441] (9441) Occupations in managing theatre, film and television productions | [9441] (9441) Berufe in der Regie |
9448 | [9448] (9448) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9448] (9448) Berufe Theater-,Film-, Fernsehprod.(ssT) |
9449 | [9449] (9449) Supervisors and managers in theatre, film and television productions | [9449] (9449) Aufsicht,Führung-TheaterFilm,Fernsehprod |
9451 | [9451] (9451) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft | [9451] (9451) Berufe Veranstaltungs- und Bühnentechnik |
9452 | [9452] (9452) Cinematographers, camera assistants, and projectionists | [9452] (9452) Berufe in der Kameratechnik |
9453 | [9453] (9453) Technical occupations in video and sound production | [9453] (9453) Berufe in der Bild- und Tontechnik |
9458 | [9458] (9458) Occupations in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [9458] (9458) Berufe Veranstalt.-Kamera-,Tontech.(ssT) |
9459 | [9459] (9459) Supervisors in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering | [9459] (9459) Aufsicht-Veranstaltungs-Kamera-,Tontech. |
9461 | [9461] (9461) Occupations in stage and costume design | [9461] (9461) Berufe i.d. Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei |
9462 | [9462] (9462) Prop designers | [9462] (9462) Berufe in der Requisite |
9469 | [9469] (9469) Supervisors in stage, costume and prop design | [9469] (9469) Aufsicht-Bühnen-,Kostümbildn.,Requisite |
9470 | [9470] (9470) Occupations in museums (without specialisation) | [9470] (9470) Museumsberufe (o.S.) |
9471 | [9471] (9471) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions | [9471] (9471) Berufe Museums- und Ausstellungstechnik |
9472 | [9472] (9472) Art experts | [9472] (9472) Kunstsachverständige |
9479 | [9479] (9479) Managers in museum | [9479] (9479) Führung - Museum |
11101 | [11101] (11101) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [11101] (11101) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Helfer |
11102 | [11102] (11102) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [11102] (11102) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
11103 | [11103] (11103) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [11103] (11103) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Spezialist |
11104 | [11104] (11104) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [11104] (11104) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Experte |
11113 | [11113] (11113) Technical occupations in farming-complex tasks | [11113] (11113) Landtechnik - Spezialist |
11114 | [11114] (11114) Technical occupations in farming-highly complex tasks | [11114] (11114) Landtechnik - Experte |
11123 | [11123] (11123) Agricultural experts-complex tasks | [11123] (11123) Landwirtsch.Sachverständige - Spezialist |
11124 | [11124] (11124) Agricultural experts-high complex tasks | [11124] (11124) Landwirtschaftl. Sachverständige-Experte |
11132 | [11132] (11132) Technical laboratory occupations in agriculture-skilled tasks | [11132] (11132) Landwirtsch.-tech.Laboratorium-Fachkraft |
11133 | [11133] (11133) Technical laboratory occupations in agriculture-complex tasks | [11133] (11133) Landwirtsch.-tech.Laborat.-Spezialist |
11182 | [11182] (11182) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [11182] (11182) Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
11183 | [11183] (11183) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [11183] (11183) Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
11184 | [11184] (11184) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [11184] (11184) Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Experte |
11193 | [11193] (11193) Supervisors in farming | [11193] (11193) Aufsicht - Landwirtschaft |
11194 | [11194] (11194) Managers in farming | [11194] (11194) Führung - Landwirtschaft |
11211 | [11211] (11211) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [11211] (11211) Nutztierhaltung - Helfer |
11212 | [11212] (11212) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-skilled tasks | [11212] (11212) Nutztierhaltung - Fachkraft |
11213 | [11213] (11213) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-complex tasks | [11213] (11213) Nutztierhaltung - Spezialist |
11214 | [11214] (11214) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-highly complex tasks | [11214] (11214) Nutztierhaltung - Experte |
11222 | [11222] (11222) Occupations in poultry farming-skilled tasks | [11222] (11222) Geflügelhaltung - Fachkraft |
11223 | [11223] (11223) Occupations in poultry farming-complex tasks | [11223] (11223) Geflügelhaltung - Spezialist |
11232 | [11232] (11232) Occupations in beekeeping-skilled tasks | [11232] (11232) Imkerei - Fachkraft |
11233 | [11233] (11233) Occupations in beekeeping-complex tasks | [11233] (11233) Imkerei - Spezialist |
11282 | [11282] (11282) Occupations in animal husbandry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [11282] (11282) Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
11283 | [11283] (11283) Occupations in animal husbandry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [11283] (11283) Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
11293 | [11293] (11293) Supervisors in animal husbandry | [11293] (11293) Aufsicht - Tierwirtschaft |
11294 | [11294] (11294) Managers in animal husbandry | [11294] (11294) Führung - Tierwirtschaft |
11302 | [11302] (11302) Occupations in horsekeeping (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [11302] (11302) Pferdewirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
11312 | [11312] (11312) Occupations in horse breeding-skilled tasks | [11312] (11312) Pferdewirtschaft-Pferdezucht - Fachkraft |
11322 | [11322] (11322) Occupations in horsekeeping: riding-skilled tasks | [11322] (11322) Pferdewirtschaft-Reiten - Fachkraft |
11333 | [11333] (11333) Farrier-complex tasks | [11333] (11333) Hufbeschlagschmiede/innen - Spezialist |
11342 | [11342] (11342) Coachman-skilled tasks | [11342] (11342) Kutscher/innen - Fachkraft |
11393 | [11393] (11393) Supervisors in horsekeeping | [11393] (11393) Aufsicht - Pferdewirtschaft |
11394 | [11394] (11394) Managers in horsekeeping | [11394] (11394) Führung - Pferdewirtschaft |
11401 | [11401] (11401) Occupations in fishing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [11401] (11401) Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) - Helfer |
11402 | [11402] (11402) Occupations in fishing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [11402] (11402) Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
11412 | [11412] (11412) Occupations in fish farming-skilled tasks | [11412] (11412) Fischzucht - Fachkraft |
11422 | [11422] (11422) Occupations in fishery-skilled tasks | [11422] (11422) Fischerei - Fachkraft |
11423 | [11423] (11423) Occupations in fishery-complex tasks | [11423] (11423) Fischerei - Spezialist |
11424 | [11424] (11424) Occupations in fishery-highly complex tasks | [11424] (11424) Fischerei - Experte |
11493 | [11493] (11493) Supervisors in fishing | [11493] (11493) Aufsicht - Fischwirtschaft |
11494 | [11494] (11494) Managers in fishing | [11494] (11494) Führung - Fischwirtschaft |
11501 | [11501] (11501) Occupations in animal care (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [11501] (11501) Tierpflege (o.S.) - Helfer |
11502 | [11502] (11502) Occupations in animal care (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [11502] (11502) Tierpflege (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
11512 | [11512] (11512) Occupations in livestock care-skilled tasks | [11512] (11512) Nutztierpflege - Fachkraft |
11522 | [11522] (11522) Occupations in pet and zoo animal care-skilled tasks | [11522] (11522) Haus-, Zootierpflege - Fachkraft |
11582 | [11582] (11582) Occupations in animal care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [11582] (11582) Tierpflege (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
11593 | [11593] (11593) Supervisors in animal care | [11593] (11593) Aufsicht - Tierpflege |
11594 | [11594] (11594) Managers in animal care | [11594] (11594) Führung - Tierpflege |
11602 | [11602] (11602) Occupations in vini- and viticulture-skilled tasks | [11602] (11602) Weinbau - Fachkraft |
11603 | [11603] (11603) Occupations in vini- and viticulture-complex tasks | [11603] (11603) Weinbau - Spezialist |
11604 | [11604] (11604) Occupations in vini- and viticulture-highly complex tasks | [11604] (11604) Weinbau - Experte |
11693 | [11693] (11693) Supervisors in vini- and viticulture | [11693] (11693) Aufsicht - Weinbau |
11694 | [11694] (11694) Managers in vini- and viticulture | [11694] (11694) Führung - Weinbau |
11711 | [11711] (11711) Occupations in forestry-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [11711] (11711) Forstwirtschaft - Helfer |
11712 | [11712] (11712) Occupations in forestry-skilled tasks | [11712] (11712) Forstwirtschaft - Fachkraft |
11713 | [11713] (11713) Occupations in forestry-complex tasks | [11713] (11713) Forstwirtschaft - Spezialist |
11714 | [11714] (11714) Occupations in forestry-highly complex tasks | [11714] (11714) Forstwirtschaft - Experte |
11722 | [11722] (11722) Occupations in landscape preservation-skilled tasks | [11722] (11722) Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Fachkraft |
11723 | [11723] (11723) Occupations in landscape preservation-complex tasks | [11723] (11723) Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Spezialist |
11724 | [11724] (11724) Occupations in landscape preservation-highly complex tasks | [11724] (11724) Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Experte |
11732 | [11732] (11732) Occupations in hunting and gamekeeping-skilled tasks | [11732] (11732) Jagdwirtschaft, Wildhege - Fachkraft |
11742 | [11742] (11742) Picking and extracting plants and other natural products-skilled tasks | [11742] (11742) Sammeln von Naturprodukten - Fachkraft |
11793 | [11793] (11793) Supervisors in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation | [11793] (11793) Aufsicht - Forst,Jagd, Landschaftspflege |
11794 | [11794] (11794) Managers in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation | [11794] (11794) Führung - Forst,Jagd, Landschaftspflege |
12101 | [12101] (12101) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [12101] (12101) Gartenbau (o.S.) - Helfer |
12102 | [12102] (12102) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [12102] (12102) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
12103 | [12103] (12103) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [12103] (12103) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist |
12104 | [12104] (12104) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [12104] (12104) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Experte |
12112 | [12112] (12112) Occupations in fruit and vegetable farming-skilled tasks | [12112] (12112) Berufe im Obst-, Gemüsebau - Fachkraft |
12113 | [12113] (12113) Occupations in fruit and vegetable farming-complex tasks | [12113] (12113) Berufe im Obst-, Gemüsebau - Spezialist |
12122 | [12122] (12122) Occupations in tree, perennial and ornamental plants farming-skilled tasks | [12122] (12122) BaumschuleStauden,Zierpflanzen-Fachkraft |
12123 | [12123] (12123) Occupations in tree, perennial and ornamental plants farming-complex tasks | [12123] (12123) BaumschuleStaudenZierpflanzen-Spezialist |
12132 | [12132] (12132) Occupations in cemetery gardening-skilled tasks | [12132] (12132) Friedhofsgärtnerei - Fachkraft |
12133 | [12133] (12133) Occupations in cemetery gardening-complex tasks | [12133] (12133) Friedhofsgärtnerei - Spezialist |
12142 | [12142] (12142) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance-skilled tasks | [12142] (12142) GartenLandschaftsSportplatzb.-Fachkraft |
12143 | [12143] (12143) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance-complex tasks | [12143] (12143) GartenLandschaftsSportplatzb.-Spezialist |
12144 | [12144] (12144) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance-highly complex tasks | [12144] (12144) Garten-Landschafts,Sportplatzbau-Experte |
12193 | [12193] (12193) Supervisors in gardening | [12193] (12193) Aufsicht - Gartenbau |
12194 | [12194] (12194) Managers in gardening | [12194] (12194) Führung - Gartenbau |
12202 | [12202] (12202) Occupations in floristry-skilled tasks | [12202] (12202) Floristik - Fachkraft |
12203 | [12203] (12203) Occupations in floristry-complex tasks | [12203] (12203) Floristik - Spezialist |
12293 | [12293] (12293) Supervisors in floristry | [12293] (12293) Aufsicht - Floristik |
12294 | [12294] (12294) Managers in floristry | [12294] (12294) Führung - Floristik |
21111 | [21111] (21111) Occupations in underground and surface mining-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [21111] (21111) Berg- und Tagebau - Helfer |
21112 | [21112] (21112) Occupations in underground and surface mining-skilled tasks | [21112] (21112) Berg- und Tagebau - Fachkraft |
21113 | [21113] (21113) Occupations in underground and surface mining-complex tasks | [21113] (21113) Berg- und Tagebau - Spezialist |
21114 | [21114] (21114) Occupations in underground and surface mining-highly complex tasks | [21114] (21114) Berg- und Tagebau - Experte |
21122 | [21122] (21122) Occupations in blasting engineering-skilled tasks | [21122] (21122) Sprengtechnik - Fachkraft |
21123 | [21123] (21123) Occupations in blasting engineering-complex tasks | [21123] (21123) Sprengtechnik - Spezialist |
21124 | [21124] (21124) Occupations in blasting engineering-highly complex tasks | [21124] (21124) Sprengtechnik - Experte |
21193 | [21193] (21193) Supervisors in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering | [21193] (21193) Aufsicht -Berg-,Tagebau, Sprengtechnik |
21194 | [21194] (21194) Managers in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering | [21194] (21194) Führung -Berg-,Tagebau, Sprengtechnik |
21201 | [21201] (21201) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [21201] (21201) Naturstein,Baustoffherstell (o.S)-Helfer |
21212 | [21212] (21212) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals-skilled tasks | [21212] (21212) Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereit.-Fachkraft |
21213 | [21213] (21213) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals-complex tasks | [21213] (21213) Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereit.-Spezialist |
21222 | [21222] (21222) Production of building materials-skilled tasks | [21222] (21222) Baustoffherstellung - Fachkraft |
21223 | [21223] (21223) Production of building materials-complex tasks | [21223] (21223) Baustoffherstellung - Spezialist |
21232 | [21232] (21232) Occupations in stonemasonry-skilled tasks | [21232] (21232) Steinmetztechnik - Fachkraft |
21233 | [21233] (21233) Occupations in stonemasonry-complex tasks | [21233] (21233) Steinmetztechnik - Spezialist |
21293 | [21293] (21293) Supervisors in conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials | [21293] (21293) Aufsicht-Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffher. |
21311 | [21311] (21311) Occupations in glass-making-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [21311] (21311) Glasherstellung - Helfer |
21312 | [21312] (21312) Occupations in glass-making-skilled tasks | [21312] (21312) Glasherstellung - Fachkraft |
21313 | [21313] (21313) Occupations in glass-making-complex tasks | [21313] (21313) Glasherstellung - Spezialist |
21322 | [21322] (21322) Manufacturing of glass instruments engineering-skilled tasks | [21322] (21322) Glasapparatebau - Fachkraft |
21323 | [21323] (21323) Manufacturing of glass instruments engineering-complex tasks | [21323] (21323) Glasapparatebau - Spezialist |
21332 | [21332] (21332) Occupations in industrial glassblowing-skilled tasks | [21332] (21332) Industrielle Glasbläserei - Fachkraft |
21342 | [21342] (21342) Occupations in glass finishing-skilled tasks | [21342] (21342) Glasveredelung - Fachkraft |
21352 | [21352] (21352) Occupations in adjusting of glass instruments-skilled tasks | [21352] (21352) Glasapparatejustierung - Fachkraft |
21362 | [21362] (21362) Occupations in precision optics-skilled tasks | [21362] (21362) Feinoptik - Fachkraft |
21363 | [21363] (21363) Occupations in precision optics-complex tasks | [21363] (21363) Feinoptik - Spezialist |
21393 | [21393] (21393) Supervisors in industrial glass-making and -processing | [21393] (21393) Aufsicht-Industri.Glasherst.,-verarbeit. |
21411 | [21411] (21411) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [21411] (21411) Industriekeramik (Verfahren)-Helfer |
21412 | [21412] (21412) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials-skilled tasks | [21412] (21412) Industriekeramik (Verfahren)-Fachkraft |
21413 | [21413] (21413) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials-complex tasks | [21413] (21413) Industriekeramik(Verfahren)-Spezialist |
21422 | [21422] (21422) Occupations in industrial ceramic model making-skilled tasks | [21422] (21422) Industriekeramik(Modelltechn.)-Fachkraft |
21423 | [21423] (21423) Occupations in industrial ceramic model making-complex tasks | [21423] (21423) Industriekeramik(Modelltechn)-Spezialist |
21493 | [21493] (21493) Supervisors in industrial ceramic-making and -processing | [21493] (21493) Aufsicht-Industrielle Keramikherstellung |
22101 | [22101] (22101) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [22101] (22101) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst. (oS.)-Helfer |
22102 | [22102] (22102) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [22102] (22102) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst(oS)-Fachkraft |
22103 | [22103] (22103) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [22103] (22103) Kunststoff-,Kautschukhers(oS)-Spezialist |
22104 | [22104] (22104) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [22104] (22104) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst. (oS)-Experte |
22112 | [22112] (22112) Technical occupations in tire production and vulcanisation-skilled tasks | [22112] (22112) Reifen-, Vulkanisationstechnik-Fachkraft |
22182 | [22182] (22182) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [22182] (22182) Kunststoff,Kautschukverar(ssT)-Fachkraft |
22183 | [22183] (22183) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [22183] (22183) Kunststoff,Kautschukver.(ssT)-Spezialist |
22184 | [22184] (22184) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [22184] (22184) Kunststoff,Kautschukverarb.(ssT)-Experte |
22193 | [22193] (22193) Supervisors in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing | [22193] (22193) Aufsicht-Kunststoff,Kautschukher,verarb. |
22201 | [22201] (22201) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [22201] (22201) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Helfer |
22202 | [22202] (22202) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [22202] (22202) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
22203 | [22203] (22203) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [22203] (22203) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
22204 | [22204] (22204) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [22204] (22204) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Experte |
22212 | [22212] (22212) Vehicle paintwork-skilled tasks | [22212] (22212) Fahrzeuglackierung - Fachkraft |
22222 | [22222] (22222) Occupations in varnishing laboratories-skilled tasks | [22222] (22222) Lacklaboratorium - Fachkraft |
22293 | [22293] (22293) Supervisors in colour coating and varnishing | [22293] (22293) Aufsicht - Farb-, Lacktechnik |
22301 | [22301] (22301) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [22301] (22301) Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (o.S.) - Helfer |
22302 | [22302] (22302) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [22302] (22302) Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
22303 | [22303] (22303) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [22303] (22303) Holzbe-,-verarbeitung(o.S.) - Spezialist |
22304 | [22304] (22304) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [22304] (22304) Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (o.S.) - Experte |
22312 | [22312] (22312) Occupations in wood drying and preservation-skilled tasks | [22312] (22312) Holztrocknung,-konservierung - Fachkraft |
22322 | [22322] (22322) Occupations producing wood-based materials and wooden components-skilled tasks | [22322] (22322) Prod. Holzwerkstoffe,-bauteile-Fachkraft |
22332 | [22332] (22332) Occupations producing finished products from wood and wood-based materials-skilled tasks | [22332] (22332) Prod. Fertigprodukte aus Holz -Fachkraft |
22333 | [22333] (22333) Occupations producing finished products from wood and wood-based materials-complex tasks | [22333] (22333) Prod. Fertigprodukte aus Holz-Spezialist |
22342 | [22342] (22342) Occupations in wood construction, furniture and cabinet making, and interior finishing-skilled tasks | [22342] (22342) Holz-, Möbel-, Innenausbau - Fachkraft |
22343 | [22343] (22343) Occupations in wood construction, furniture and cabinet making, and interior finishing-complex tasks | [22343] (22343) Holz-, Möbel-, Innenausbau - Spezialist |
22352 | [22352] (22352) Wickerwork manufacturers, broom and brush makers-skilled tasks | [22352] (22352) Flechtwerk,Bürste,Pinselmacher-Fachkraft |
22382 | [22382] (22382) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [22382] (22382) Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (ssT) - Fachkraft |
22393 | [22393] (22393) Supervisors in wood-working and -processing | [22393] (22393) Aufsicht - Holzbe-, -verarbeitung |
22394 | [22394] (22394) Managers in wood-working and -processing | [22394] (22394) Führung - Holzbe-, -verarbeitung |
23101 | [23101] (23101) Technical occupations in paper-making and -processing and packaging (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [23101] (23101) Papier-,Verpackungstechnik (oS) - Helfer |
23112 | [23112] (23112) Occupations in paper-making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [23112] (23112) Papierherstellung - Fachkraft |
23113 | [23113] (23113) Occupations in paper-making (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [23113] (23113) Papierherstellung - Spezialist |
23114 | [23114] (23114) Occupations in paper-making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [23114] (23114) Papierherstellung - Experte |
23122 | [23122] (23122) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging-skilled tasks | [23122] (23122) Papierverarb,Verpackungstechn.-Fachkraft |
23123 | [23123] (23123) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging-complex tasks | [23123] (23123) Papierverarb,Verpackungstechn-Spezialist |
23124 | [23124] (23124) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging-highly complex tasks | [23124] (23124) Papierverarb.,Verpackungstechn.-Experte |
23193 | [23193] (23193) Supervisors in paper-making and -processing and packaging | [23193] (23193) Aufsicht - Papier-, Verpackungstechnik |
23212 | [23212] (23212) Occupations in digital and print media design-skilled tasks | [23212] (23212) Digital-,Printmediengestaltung-Fachkraft |
23213 | [23213] (23213) Occupations in digital and print media design-complex tasks# | [23213] (23213) Digital,Printmediengestaltung-Spezialist |
23222 | [23222] (23222) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design-skilled tasks | [23222] (23222) Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Fachkraft |
23223 | [23223] (23223) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design-complex tasks | [23223] (23223) Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Spezialist |
23224 | [23224] (23224) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design-highly complex tasks | [23224] (23224) Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Experte |
23282 | [23282] (23282) Occupations in technical media design (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [23282] (23282) Techn.Mediengestaltung (ssT) - Fachkraft |
23293 | [23293] (23293) Supervisors in technical media design | [23293] (23293) Aufsicht - Technische Mediengestaltung |
23294 | [23294] (23294) Managers in technical media design | [23294] (23294) Führung - Technische Mediengestaltung |
23312 | [23312] (23312) Occupations in photographic technology-skilled tasks | [23312] (23312) Fototechnik - Fachkraft |
23313 | [23313] (23313) Occupations in photographic technology-complex tasks | [23313] (23313) Fototechnik - Spezialist |
23314 | [23314] (23314) Occupations in photographic technology-highly complex tasks | [23314] (23314) Fototechnik - Experte |
23322 | [23322] (23322) Occupations in photography-skilled tasks | [23322] (23322) Fotografie - Fachkraft |
23393 | [23393] (23393) Supervisors in photography and photographic technology | [23393] (23393) Aufsicht - Fototechnik und Fotografie |
23411 | [23411] (23411) Occupations in printing technology-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [23411] (23411) Drucktechnik - Helfer |
23412 | [23412] (23412) Occupations in printing technology-skilled tasks | [23412] (23412) Drucktechnik - Fachkraft |
23413 | [23413] (23413) Occupations in printing technology-complex tasks | [23413] (23413) Drucktechnik - Spezialist |
23414 | [23414] (23414) Occupations in printing technology-highly complex tasks | [23414] (23414) Drucktechnik - Experte |
23422 | [23422] (23422) Occupations in book binding and print finishing-skilled tasks | [23422] (23422) Buchbinderei,Druckweiterverarb-Fachkraft |
23423 | [23423] (23423) Occupations in book binding and print finishing-complex tasks | [23423] (23423) Buchbinderei,Druckweiterver.-Spezialist |
23493 | [23493] (23493) Supervisors in printing technology, print finishing, and book binding | [23493] (23493) Aufsicht-Drucktechnik,Buchbinderei |
24101 | [24101] (24101) Occupations in metal-making (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [24101] (24101) Metallerzeugung (o.S.) - Helfer |
24112 | [24112] (24112) Occupations in metallurgy-skilled tasks | [24112] (24112) Hüttentechnik - Fachkraft |
24113 | [24113] (24113) Occupations in metallurgy-complex tasks | [24113] (24113) Hüttentechnik - Spezialist |
24114 | [24114] (24114) Occupations in metallurgy-highly complex tasks | [24114] (24114) Hüttentechnik - Experte |
24122 | [24122] (24122) Occupations in metal moulding-skilled tasks | [24122] (24122) Metallumformung - Fachkraft |
24123 | [24123] (24123) Occupations in metal moulding-complex tasks | [24123] (24123) Metallumformung - Spezialist |
24124 | [24124] (24124) Occupations in metal moulding-highly complex tasks | [24124] (24124) Metallumformung - Experte |
24132 | [24132] (24132) Occupations in industrial metal casting-skilled tasks | [24132] (24132) Industrielle Gießerei - Fachkraft |
24133 | [24133] (24133) Occupations in industrial metal casting-complex tasks | [24133] (24133) Industrielle Gießerei - Spezialist |
24134 | [24134] (24134) Occupations in industrial metal casting -highly complex tasks | [24134] (24134) Industrielle Gießerei - Experte |
24142 | [24142] (24142) Occupations in manual metal and bell founding-skilled tasks | [24142] (24142) Handw.Metall-,Glockengießerei-Fachkraft |
24193 | [24193] (24193) Supervisors in metal-making | [24193] (24193) Aufsicht - Metallerzeugung |
24201 | [24201] (24201) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [24201] (24201) Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Helfer |
24202 | [24202] (24202) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [24202] (24202) Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
24203 | [24203] (24203) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [24203] (24203) Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Spezialist |
24212 | [24212] (24212) Occupations in metalworking: non-cutting-skilled tasks | [24212] (24212) Spanlose Metallbearbeitung - Fachkraft |
24222 | [24222] (24222) Occupations in metalworking: grinding-skilled tasks | [24222] (24222) Schleifende Metallbearbeitung-Fachkraft |
24232 | [24232] (24232) Occupations in metalworking: cutting-skilled tasks | [24232] (24232) Spanende Metallbearbeitung - Fachkraft |
24233 | [24233] (24233) Occupations in metalworking: cutting-complex tasks | [24233] (24233) Spanende Metallbearbeitung - Spezialist |
24243 | [24243] (24243) Occupations in laser-assisted metalworking-complex tasks | [24243] (24243) Metallbearbeitung Laserstrahl-Spezialist |
24244 | [24244] (24244) Occupations in laser-assisted metalworking-highly complex tasks | [24244] (24244) Metallbearbeitung Laserstrahl-Experte |
24293 | [24293] (24293) Supervisors in metalworking | [24293] (24293) Aufsicht - Metallbearbeitung |
24301 | [24301] (24301) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [24301] (24301) Metalloberflächenbehandl. (oS) - Helfer |
24302 | [24302] (24302) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [24302] (24302) Metalloberflächenbehandl.(oS)-Fachkraft |
24303 | [24303] (24303) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [24303] (24303) Metalloberflächenbehandl.(oS)-Spezialist |
24304 | [24304] (24304) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [24304] (24304) Metalloberflächenbehandl. (oS)-Experte |
24382 | [24382] (24382) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [24382] (24382) Metalloberflächenbehandl.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
24393 | [24393] (24393) Supervisors in treatment of metal surfaces | [24393] (24393) Aufsicht - Metalloberflächenbehandlung |
24411 | [24411] (24411) Occupations in metal constructing-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [24411] (24411) Metallbau - Helfer |
24412 | [24412] (24412) Occupations in metal constructing-skilled tasks | [24412] (24412) Metallbau - Fachkraft |
24413 | [24413] (24413) Occupations in metal constructing-complex tasks | [24413] (24413) Metallbau - Spezialist |
24414 | [24414] (24414) Occupations in metal constructing-highly complex tasks | [24414] (24414) Metallbau - Experte |
24422 | [24422] (24422) Occupations in welding and joining-skilled tasks | [24422] (24422) Schweiß-, Verbindungstechnik - Fachkraft |
24423 | [24423] (24423) Occupations in welding and joining-complex tasks | [24423] (24423) Schweiß-,Verbindungstechnik - Spezialist |
24424 | [24424] (24424) Occupations in welding and joining-highly complex tasks | [24424] (24424) Schweiß-, Verbindungstechnik - Experte |
24432 | [24432] (24432) Industrial divers and other diving occupations-skilled tasks | [24432] (24432) Industrietaucher/innen u.a. - Fachkraft |
24493 | [24493] (24493) Supervisors in metal constructing and welding | [24493] (24493) Aufsicht - Metallbau und Schweißtechnik |
24511 | [24511] (24511) Occupations in precision mechanics-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [24511] (24511) Feinwerktechnik - Helfer |
24512 | [24512] (24512) Occupations in precision mechanics-skilled tasks | [24512] (24512) Feinwerktechnik - Fachkraft |
24513 | [24513] (24513) Occupations in precision mechanics-complex tasks | [24513] (24513) Feinwerktechnik - Spezialist |
24514 | [24514] (24514) Occupations in precision mechanics-highly complex tasks | [24514] (24514) Feinwerktechnik - Experte |
24522 | [24522] (24522) Occupations in tool making-skilled tasks | [24522] (24522) Werkzeugtechnik - Fachkraft |
24523 | [24523] (24523) Occupations in tool making-complex tasks | [24523] (24523) Werkzeugtechnik - Spezialist |
24524 | [24524] (24524) Occupations in tool making-highly complex tasks | [24524] (24524) Werkzeugtechnik - Experte |
24532 | [24532] (24532) Occupations in watchmaking- skilled tasks | [24532] (24532) Uhrmacherhandwerk - Fachkraft |
24533 | [24533] (24533) Occupations in watchmaking-complex tasks | [24533] (24533) Uhrmacherhandwerk - Spezialist |
24593 | [24593] (24593) Supervisors in precision mechanics and tool making | [24593] (24593) Aufsicht - Feinwerk- u. Werkzeugtechnik |
25101 | [25101] (25101) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [25101] (25101) Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechnik(oS)-Helfer |
25102 | [25102] (25102) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [25102] (25102) Maschinenbau-,Betriebstech(oS)-Fachkraft |
25103 | [25103] (25103) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [25103] (25103) Maschinenbau,Betriebstech(oS)-Spezialist |
25104 | [25104] (25104) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [25104] (25104) Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechn.(oS)-Experte |
25112 | [25112] (25112) Machine and equipment assemblers-skilled tasks | [25112] (25112) Maschinen,Gerätezusammensetzer-Fachkraft |
25122 | [25122] (25122) Machine and plant operators-skilled tasks | [25122] (25122) Maschinen-, Anlagenführer - Fachkraft |
25131 | [25131] (25131) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [25131] (25131) Tech.Servicekr. Wartung,Instand.-Helfer |
25132 | [25132] (25132) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-skilled tasks | [25132] (25132) Tech.Servicekr.Wartung,Instand-Fachkraft |
25133 | [25133] (25133) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-complex tasks | [25133] (25133) TechServicekr.Wartung,Instand-Spezialist |
25134 | [25134] (25134) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-highly complex tasks | [25134] (25134) Tech.Servicekr.Wartung,Instand.-Experte |
25182 | [25182] (25182) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [25182] (25182) Maschinenbau,Betriebstech(ssT)-Fachkraft |
25183 | [25183] (25183) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [25183] (25183) Maschinenbau,Betriebstec(ssT)-Spezialist |
25184 | [25184] (25184) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [25184] (25184) Maschinenbau,Betriebstechn.(ssT)-Experte |
25193 | [25193] (25193) Supervisors in machine-building and -operating | [25193] (25193) Aufsicht - Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechnik |
25194 | [25194] (25194) Managers in machine-building and -operating | [25194] (25194) Führung - Maschinenbau-, Betriebstechnik |
25201 | [25201] (25201) Technical occupations in the automotive industries (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [25201] (25201) Fahrzeugtechnik (o.S.) - Helfer |
25212 | [25212] (25212) Technical occupations in the automotive industries-skilled tasks | [25212] (25212) Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Fachkraft |
25213 | [25213] (25213) Technical occupations in the automotive industries-complex tasks | [25213] (25213) Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Spezialist |
25214 | [25214] (25214) Technical occupations in the automotive industries-highly complex tasks | [25214] (25214) Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Experte |
25222 | [25222] (25222) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery-skilled tasks | [25222] (25222) Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Fachkraft |
25223 | [25223] (25223) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery-complex tasks | [25223] (25223) Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Spezialist |
25224 | [25224] (25224) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery-highly complex tasks | [25224] (25224) Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Experte |
25232 | [25232] (25232) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries-skilled tasks | [25232] (25232) Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Fachkraft |
25233 | [25233] (25233) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries-complex tasks | [25233] (25233) Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Spezialist |
25234 | [25234] (25234) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries-highly complex tasks | [25234] (25234) Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Experte |
25242 | [25242] (25242) Technical occupations in ship building-skilled tasks | [25242] (25242) Schiffbautechnik - Fachkraft |
25243 | [25243] (25243) Technical occupations in ship building-complex tasks | [25243] (25243) Schiffbautechnik - Spezialist |
25244 | [25244] (25244) Technical occupations in ship building-highly complex tasks | [25244] (25244) Schiffbautechnik - Experte |
25252 | [25252] (25252) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes-skilled tasks | [25252] (25252) Zweiradtechnik - Fachkraft |
25253 | [25253] (25253) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes-complex tasks | [25253] (25253) Zweiradtechnik - Spezialist |
25254 | [25254] (25254) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes-highly complex tasks | [25254] (25254) Zweiradtechnik - Experte |
25293 | [25293] (25293) Supervisors in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries | [25293] (25293) Aufsicht-FahrzeugLuftRaumf.Schiffbautech |
25294 | [25294] (25294) Managers in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries | [25294] (25294) Führung-FahrzeugLuftRaumf.Schiffbautech |
26112 | [26112] (26112) Occupations in mechatronics-skilled tasks | [26112] (26112) Mechatronik - Fachkraft |
26113 | [26113] (26113) Occupations in mechatronics-complex tasks | [26113] (26113) Mechatronik - Spezialist |
26114 | [26114] (26114) Occupations in mechatronics-highly complex tasks | [26114] (26114) Mechatronik - Experte |
26122 | [26122] (26122) Occupations in automation and control technology-skilled tasks | [26122] (26122) Automatisierungstechnik - Fachkraft |
26123 | [26123] (26123) Occupations in automation and control technology-complex tasks | [26123] (26123) Automatisierungstechnik - Spezialist |
26124 | [26124] (26124) Occupations in automation and control technology-highly complex tasks | [26124] (26124) Automatisierungstechnik - Experte |
26193 | [26193] (26193) Supervisors in mechatronics and automation and control technology | [26193] (26193) Aufsicht-Mechatronik,Automatisierungst. |
26212 | [26212] (26212) Electricians in construction-skilled tasks | [26212] (26212) Bauelektrik - Fachkraft |
26222 | [26222] (26222) Technical occupations in maintenance of electric machines-skilled tasks | [26222] (26222) Elektromaschinentechnik - Fachkraft |
26223 | [26223] (26223) Technical occupations in maintenance of electric machines-complex tasks | [26223] (26223) Elektromaschinentechnik - Spezialist |
26232 | [26232] (26232) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology-skilled tasks | [26232] (26232) Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Fachkraft |
26233 | [26233] (26233) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology-complex tasks | [26233] (26233) Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Spezialist |
26234 | [26234] (26234) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology-highly complex tasks | [26234] (26234) Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Experte |
26242 | [26242] (26242) Occupations in renewable energy technology-skilled tasks | [26242] (26242) Regenerative Energietechnik - Fachkraft |
26243 | [26243] (26243) Occupations in renewable energy technology-complex tasks | [26243] (26243) Regenerative Energietechnik - Spezialist |
26244 | [26244] (26244) Occupations in renewable energy technology-highly complex tasks | [26244] (26244) Regenerative Energietechnik - Experte |
26252 | [26252] (26252) Occupations in installing and maintaining electrical machines and equipment in plants-skilled tasks | [26252] (26252) Elektrische Betriebstechnik - Fachkraft |
26253 | [26253] (26253) Occupations in installing and maintaining electrical machines and equipment in plants-complex tasks | [26253] (26253) Elektrische Betriebstechnik - Spezialist |
26262 | [26262] (26262) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables-skilled tasks | [26262] (26262) Leitungsinstallation,-wartung -Fachkraft |
26263 | [26263] (26263) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables-complex tasks | [26263] (26263) Leitungsinstallation,-wartung-Spezialist |
26264 | [26264] (26264) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables-highly complex tasks | [26264] (26264) Leitungsinstallation,-wartung - Experte |
26293 | [26293] (26293) Supervisors in energy technology | [26293] (26293) Aufsicht - Energietechnik |
26301 | [26301] (26301) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [26301] (26301) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Helfer |
26302 | [26302] (26302) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [26302] (26302) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
26303 | [26303] (26303) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [26303] (26303) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
26304 | [26304] (26304) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [26304] (26304) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Experte |
26312 | [26312] (26312) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology-skilled tasks | [26312] (26312) Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Fachkraft |
26313 | [26313] (26313) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology-complex tasks | [26313] (26313) Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Spezialist |
26314 | [26314] (26314) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology-highly complex tasks | [26314] (26314) Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Experte |
26322 | [26322] (26322) Occupations in microsystems technology-skilled tasks | [26322] (26322) Mikrosystemtechnik - Fachkraft |
26323 | [26323] (26323) Occupations in microsystems technology-complex tasks | [26323] (26323) Mikrosystemtechnik - Spezialist |
26324 | [26324] (26324) Occupations in microsystems technology-highly complex tasks | [26324] (26324) Mikrosystemtechnik - Experte |
26332 | [26332] (26332) Occupations in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics-skilled tasks | [26332] (26332) Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron.-Fachkraft |
26333 | [26333] (26333) Occupations in in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics-complex tasks | [26333] (26333) Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron-Spezialist |
26334 | [26334] (26334) Occupations in in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics-highly complex tasks | [26334] (26334) Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektronik-Experte |
26382 | [26382] (26382) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [26382] (26382) Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
26383 | [26383] (26383) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [26383] (26383) Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
26384 | [26384] (26384) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [26384] (26384) Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Experte |
26393 | [26393] (26393) Supervisors in electrical engineering | [26393] (26393) Aufsicht - Elektrotechnik |
27103 | [27103] (27103) Occupations in technical research and development (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [27103] (27103) Techn.Forschung,Entwickl.(oS)-Spezialist |
27104 | [27104] (27104) Occupations in technical research and development (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [27104] (27104) Techn.Forschung,Entwickl.(oS)-Experte |
27182 | [27182] (27182) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [27182] (27182) Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
27183 | [27183] (27183) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [27183] (27183) Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Spezialist |
27184 | [27184] (27184) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [27184] (27184) Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Experte |
27194 | [27194] (27194) Managers in technical research and development | [27194] (27194) Führung - Techn. Forschung, Entwicklung |
27212 | [27212] (27212) Draftspersons-skilled tasks | [27212] (27212) Technische Zeichner/innen - Fachkraft |
27223 | [27223] (27223) Occupations in technical design and apparatus building-complex tasks | [27223] (27223) Konstruktion und Gerätebau - Spezialist |
27224 | [27224] (27224) Occupations in technical design and apparatus building-highly complex tasks | [27224] (27224) Konstruktion und Gerätebau - Experte |
27232 | [27232] (27232) Model makers-skilled tasks | [27232] (27232) Modellbau - Fachkraft |
27282 | [27282] (27282) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [27282] (27282) TechZeich,Konstr,Modellb.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
27283 | [27283] (27283) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [27283] (27283) TechZeich,Konstr,Modellb(ssT)-Spezialist |
27284 | [27284] (27284) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [27284] (27284) TechZeich.,Konstr.,Modellb.(ssT)-Experte |
27293 | [27293] (27293) Supervisors in technical drawing, engineering design and model making | [27293] (27293) Aufsicht-TechZeichnen,Konstrukt.Modellb. |
27294 | [27294] (27294) Managers in technical drawing, engineering design and model making | [27294] (27294) Führung-TechZeichnen,Konstrukt.Modellb. |
27302 | [27302] (27302) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling-skilled tasks | [27302] (27302) Tech.Produktionspl.,-steuerung-Fachkraft |
27303 | [27303] (27303) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling-complex tasks | [27303] (27303) Tech.Produktionspl.,steuerung-Spezialist |
27304 | [27304] (27304) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling-highly complex tasks | [27304] (27304) Tech.Produktionspl.,-steuerung-Experte |
27312 | [27312] (27312) Technical occupations in quality control-skilled tasks | [27312] (27312) Technische Qualitätssicherung-Fachkraft |
27313 | [27313] (27313) Technical occupations in quality control-complex tasks | [27313] (27313) Technische Qualitätssicherung-Spezialist |
27314 | [27314] (27314) Technical occupations in quality control-highly complex tasks | [27314] (27314) Technische Qualitätssicherung - Experte |
27393 | [27393] (27393) Supervisors in production planning and scheduling | [27393] (27393) Aufsicht-Techn.Produktionsplan.,-steuer. |
27394 | [27394] (27394) Managers in production planning and scheduling | [27394] (27394) Führung- Techn.Produktionsplan.,-steuer. |
28101 | [28101] (28101) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [28101] (28101) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Helfer |
28102 | [28102] (28102) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [28102] (28102) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
28103 | [28103] (28103) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [28103] (28103) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
28104 | [28104] (28104) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [28104] (28104) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Experte |
28112 | [28112] (28112) Occupations in textile design-skilled tasks | [28112] (28112) Textilgestaltung - Fachkraft |
28113 | [28113] (28113) Occupations in textile design-complex tasks | [28113] (28113) Textilgestaltung - Spezialist |
28114 | [28114] (28114) Occupations in textile design-highly complex tasks | [28114] (28114) Textilgestaltung - Experte |
28122 | [28122] (28122) Occupations in textile production-skilled tasks | [28122] (28122) Textilherstellung - Fachkraft |
28123 | [28123] (28123) Occupations in textile production-complex tasks | [28123] (28123) Textilherstellung - Spezialist |
28132 | [28132] (28132) Occupations in spinning and rope-making-skilled tasks | [28132] (28132) Garn- und Seilherstellung - Fachkraft |
28133 | [28133] (28133) Occupations in spinning and rope-making-complex tasks | [28133] (28133) Garn- und Seilherstellung - Spezialist |
28142 | [28142] (28142) Occupations in textile finishing-skilled tasks | [28142] (28142) Textilveredlung - Fachkraft |
28143 | [28143] (28143) Occupations in textile finishing-complex tasks | [28143] (28143) Textilveredlung - Spezialist |
28193 | [28193] (28193) Supervisors in textile making | [28193] (28193) Aufsicht - Textiltechnik, -produktion |
28194 | [28194] (28194) Managers in textile making | [28194] (28194) Führung - Textiltechnik, -produktion |
28212 | [28212] (28212) Occupations in fashion design-skilled tasks | [28212] (28212) Modedesign - Fachkraft |
28213 | [28213] (28213) Occupations in fashion design-complex tasks | [28213] (28213) Modedesign - Spezialist |
28214 | [28214] (28214) Occupations in fashion design-highly complex tasks | [28214] (28214) Modedesign - Experte |
28221 | [28221] (28221) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [28221] (28221) Bekleidungsherstellung - Helfer |
28222 | [28222] (28222) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-skilled tasks | [28222] (28222) Bekleidungsherstellung - Fachkraft |
28223 | [28223] (28223) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-complex tasks | [28223] (28223) Bekleidungsherstellung - Spezialist |
28224 | [28224] (28224) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-highly complex tasks | [28224] (28224) Bekleidungsherstellung - Experte |
28232 | [28232] (28232) Occupations in manufacturing of heavy duty textile products, sail makers-skilled tasks | [28232] (28232) Tech.Konfektionäre,Segelmacher-Fachkraft |
28242 | [28242] (28242) Occupations in upholstery and interior fitting of vehicles-skilled tasks | [28242] (28242) Polsterei,Fahrzeuginnenausstat-Fachkraft |
28293 | [28293] (28293) Supervisors in the production of clothing and other textile products | [28293] (28293) Aufsicht - Textilverarbeitung |
28294 | [28294] (28294) Managers in the production of clothing and other textile products | [28294] (28294) Führung - Textilverarbeitung |
28301 | [28301] (28301) Occupations in leather- and fur-making and -processing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [28301] (28301) Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.(oS)-Helfer |
28312 | [28312] (28312) Occupations in leather making-skilled tasks | [28312] (28312) Lederherstellung - Fachkraft |
28313 | [28313] (28313) Occupations in leather making-complex tasks | [28313] (28313) Lederherstellung - Spezialist |
28314 | [28314] (28314) Occupations in leather making-highly complex tasks | [28314] (28314) Lederherstellung - Experte |
28322 | [28322] (28322) Occupations in saddlery and production of leather wares | [28322] (28322) Sattlerei,Herst. Lederutensil.-Fachkraft |
28332 | [28332] (28332) Occupations in shoemaking-skilled tasks | [28332] (28332) Schuhherstellung - Fachkraft |
28333 | [28333] (28333) Occupations in shoemaking-complex tasks | [28333] (28333) Schuhherstellung - Spezialist |
28342 | [28342] (28342) Occupations in fur treatment and processing-skilled tasks | [28342] (28342) Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung - Fachkraft |
28343 | [28343] (28343) Occupations in fur treatment and processing-complex tasks | [28343] (28343) Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung - Spezialist |
28393 | [28393] (28393) Supervisors in leather- and fur-making and -processing | [28393] (28393) Aufsicht - Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb. |
28394 | [28394] (28394) Managers in leather- and fur-making and -processing | [28394] (28394) Führung - Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb. |
29102 | [29102] (29102) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [29102] (29102) Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
29103 | [29103] (29103) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [29103] (29103) Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) - Spezialist |
29104 | [29104] (29104) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [29104] (29104) Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) - Experte |
29112 | [29112] (29112) Brewers and maltsters-skilled tasks | [29112] (29112) Brauer/innen, Mälzer/innen - Fachkraft |
29113 | [29113] (29113) Brewers and maltsters-complex tasks | [29113] (29113) Brauer/innen, Mälzer/innen - Spezialist |
29114 | [29114] (29114) Brewers and maltsters-highly complex tasks | [29114] (29114) Brauer/innen, Mälzer/innen - Experte |
29122 | [29122] (29122) Coopers-skilled tasks | [29122] (29122) Weinküfer/innen - Fachkraft |
29123 | [29123] (29123) Coopers-complex tasks | [29123] (29123) Weinküfer/innen - Spezialist |
29132 | [29132] (29132) Distillers-skilled tasks | [29132] (29132) Brenner, Destillateure - Fachkraft |
29133 | [29133] (29133) Distillers-complex tasks | [29133] (29133) Brenner, Destillateure - Spezialist |
29134 | [29134] (29134) Distillers-highly complex tasks | [29134] (29134) Brenner, Destillateure - Experte |
29142 | [29142] (29142) Occupations in fruit juice production-skilled tasks | [29142] (29142) Fruchtsafttechnik - Fachkraft |
29143 | [29143] (29143) Occupations in fruit juice production-complex tasks | [29143] (29143) Fruchtsafttechnik - Spezialist |
29152 | [29152] (29152) Tasters of foodstuffs and beverages-skilled tasks | [29152] (29152) Nahrungsmittel-,Getränkekoster-Fachkraft |
29193 | [29193] (29193) Supervisors in beverages production | [29193] (29193) Aufsicht - Getränkeherstellung |
29194 | [29194] (29194) Managers in beverages production | [29194] (29194) Führung - Getränkeherstellung |
29201 | [29201] (29201) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [29201] (29201) Lebensmittelherstellung (o.S.) - Helfer |
29202 | [29202] (29202) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [29202] (29202) Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) - Fachkraft |
29203 | [29203] (29203) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [29203] (29203) Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) -Spezialist |
29204 | [29204] (29204) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [29204] (29204) Lebensmittelherstellung (o.S.) - Experte |
29212 | [29212] (29212) Occupations in the production of milling products and animal feeds-skilled tasks | [29212] (29212) Mühlenprod.-,Futtermittelher.-Fachkraft |
29213 | [29213] (29213) Occupations in the production of milling products and animal feeds-complex tasks | [29213] (29213) Mühlenprod.-,Futtermittelher.-Spezialist |
29222 | [29222] (29222) Occupations in the production of baked goods and pastries-skilled tasks | [29222] (29222) Back-, Konditoreiwarenherst.-Fachkraft |
29223 | [29223] (29223) Occupations in the production of baked goods and pastries-complex tasks | [29223] (29223) Back-, Konditoreiwarenherst.-Spezialist |
29232 | [29232] (29232) Occupations in meat processing-skilled tasks | [29232] (29232) Fleischverarbeitung - Fachkraft |
29233 | [29233] (29233) Occupations in meat processing-complex tasks | [29233] (29233) Fleischverarbeitung - Spezialist |
29242 | [29242] (29242) Occupations in fish processing-skilled tasks | [29242] (29242) Fischverarbeitung - Fachkraft |
29243 | [29243] (29243) Occupations in fish processing-complex tasks | [29243] (29243) Fischverarbeitung - Spezialist |
29252 | [29252] (29252) Occupations in the production of dairy goods-skilled tasks | [29252] (29252) Milchproduktherstellung - Fachkraft |
29253 | [29253] (29253) Occupations in the production of dairy goods-complex tasks | [29253] (29253) Milchproduktherstellung - Spezialist |
29262 | [29262] (29262) Occupations in confectionery production-skilled tasks | [29262] (29262) Süßwarenherstellung - Fachkraft |
29263 | [29263] (29263) Occupations in confectionery production-complex tasks | [29263] (29263) Süßwarenherstellung - Spezialist |
29272 | [29272] (29272) Occupations in the manufacturing of tobacco products-skilled tasks | [29272] (29272) Tabakwarenherstellung - Fachkraft |
29273 | [29273] (29273) Occupations in the manufacturing of tobacco products-complex tasks | [29273] (29273) Tabakwarenherstellung - Spezialist |
29282 | [29282] (29282) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [29282] (29282) Lebensmittelherstellung(ssT) - Fachkraft |
29283 | [29283] (29283) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [29283] (29283) Lebensmittelherstellung(ssT) -Spezialist |
29284 | [29284] (29284) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [29284] (29284) Lebensmittelherstellung (ssT) - Experte |
29293 | [29293] (29293) Supervisors in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products | [29293] (29293) Aufsicht-Lebens-,Genussmittelherstellung |
29294 | [29294] (29294) Managers in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products | [29294] (29294) Führung-Lebens-,Genussmittelherstellung |
29301 | [29301] (29301) Cooks (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [29301] (29301) Köche/Köchinnen (o.S.) - Helfer |
29302 | [29302] (29302) Cooks (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [29302] (29302) Köche/Köchinnen (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
29312 | [29312] (29312) Hors d'œuvrier, pantry or pastry cooks-skilled tasks | [29312] (29312) Vor-, Kalt-, Süßspeisenköche - Fachkraft |
29322 | [29322] (29322) Roast, grill or fish cooks-skilled tasks | [29322] (29322) Grill-, Braten-, Fischköche - Fachkraft |
29382 | [29382] (29382) Cooks (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [29382] (29382) Köche/Köchinnen (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
29393 | [29393] (29393) Supervisors in cooking | [29393] (29393) Aufsicht - Speisenzubereitung |
29394 | [29394] (29394) Managers in cooking | [29394] (29394) Führung - Speisenzubereitung |
31102 | [31102] (31102) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [31102] (31102) Bauplanung,-überwachung (oS)-Fachkraft |
31103 | [31103] (31103) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [31103] (31103) Bauplanung,-überwachung (oS)-Spezialist |
31104 | [31104] (31104) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [31104] (31104) Bauplanung, -überwachung (oS) - Experte |
31114 | [31114] (31114) Occupations in architecture-highly complex tasks | [31114] (31114) Architektur - Experte |
31124 | [31124] (31124) Occupations in urban and spatial planning-highly complex tasks | [31124] (31124) Stadt- und Raumplanung - Experte |
31132 | [31132] (31132) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure-skilled tasks | [31132] (31132) Bauplan. Verkehrswege,-anlagen-Fachkraft |
31133 | [31133] (31133) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure-complex tasks | [31133] (31133) Bauplan Verkehrswege,-anlagen-Spezialist |
31134 | [31134] (31134) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure-highly complex tasks | [31134] (31134) Bauplan. Verkehrswege,-anlagen - Experte |
31142 | [31142] (31142) Occupations in water resource management-skilled tasks | [31142] (31142) Wasserwirtschaft - Fachkraft |
31143 | [31143] (31143) Occupations in water resource management-complex tasks | [31143] (31143) Wasserwirtschaft - Spezialist |
31144 | [31144] (31144) Occupations in water resource management-highly complex tasks | [31144] (31144) Wasserwirtschaft - Experte |
31152 | [31152] (31152) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings-skilled tasks | [31152] (31152) Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Fachkraft |
31153 | [31153] (31153) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings-complex tasks | [31153] (31153) Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Spezialist |
31154 | [31154] (31154) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings-highly complex tasks | [31154] (31154) Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Experte |
31163 | [31163] (31163) Construction surveyors and inspectors-complex tasks | [31163] (31163) Bausachverständ,-kontrolleure-Spezialist |
31164 | [31164] (31164) Construction surveyors and inspectors-highly complex tasks | [31164] (31164) Bausachverständige,-kontrolleure-Experte |
31173 | [31173] (31173) Occupations in construction accounting and cost calculation for buildings-complex tasks | [31173] (31173) Bauabrechnung,-kalkulation - Spezialist |
31174 | [31174] (31174) Occupations in construction accounting and cost calculation for buildings-highly complex tasks | [31174] (31174) Bauabrechnung, -kalkulation - Experte |
31193 | [31193] (31193) Supervisors in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture | [31193] (31193) Aufsicht-Bauplan.,-überwach.,Architektur |
31194 | [31194] (31194) Managers in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture | [31194] (31194) Führung-Bauplan.,-überwach., Architektur |
31212 | [31212] (31212) Occupations in surveying-skilled tasks | [31212] (31212) Vermessungstechnik - Fachkraft |
31213 | [31213] (31213) Occupations in surveying-complex tasks | [31213] (31213) Vermessungstechnik - Spezialist |
31214 | [31214] (31214) Occupations in surveying-highly complex tasks | [31214] (31214) Vermessungstechnik - Experte |
31222 | [31222] (31222) Occupations in cartography-skilled tasks | [31222] (31222) Kartografie - Fachkraft |
31223 | [31223] (31223) Occupations in cartography-complex tasks | [31223] (31223) Kartografie - Spezialist |
31224 | [31224] (31224) Occupations in cartography-highly complex tasks | [31224] (31224) Kartografie - Experte |
32101 | [32101] (32101) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [32101] (32101) Hochbau (o.S.) - Helfer |
32102 | [32102] (32102) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [32102] (32102) Hochbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
32103 | [32103] (32103) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [32103] (32103) Hochbau (o.S.) - Spezialist |
32104 | [32104] (32104) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [32104] (32104) Hochbau (o.S.) - Experte |
32112 | [32112] (32112) Occupations in the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures-skilled tasks | [32112] (32112) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau - Fachkraft |
32113 | [32113] (32113) Occupations in the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures-complex tasks | [32113] (32113) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau - Spezialist |
32122 | [32122] (32122) Occupations in the bricklayer's trade-skilled tasks | [32122] (32122) Maurerhandwerk - Fachkraft |
32123 | [32123] (32123) Occupations in the bricklayer's trade-complex tasks | [32123] (32123) Maurerhandwerk - Spezialist |
32132 | [32132] (32132) Occupations in chimney construction-skilled tasks | [32132] (32132) Schornsteinbau - Fachkraft |
32142 | [32142] (32142) Occupations in roofing-skilled tasks | [32142] (32142) Dachdeckerei - Fachkraft |
32152 | [32152] (32152) Occupations in facade construction-skilled tasks | [32152] (32152) Fassadenbau - Fachkraft |
32162 | [32162] (32162) Occupations in scaffolding-skilled tasks | [32162] (32162) Gerüstbau - Fachkraft |
32172 | [32172] (32172) Occupations in building demolition-skilled tasks | [32172] (32172) Bauwerksabbruch - Fachkraft |
32193 | [32193] (32193) Supervisors in building construction | [32193] (32193) Aufsicht - Hochbau |
32201 | [32201] (32201) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [32201] (32201) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Helfer |
32202 | [32202] (32202) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [32202] (32202) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
32203 | [32203] (32203) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [32203] (32203) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Spezialist |
32204 | [32204] (32204) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [32204] (32204) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Experte |
32212 | [32212] (32212) Pavers and stone setters-skilled tasks | [32212] (32212) Pflasterer, Steinsetzer - Fachkraft |
32222 | [32222] (32222) Occupations in road and asphalt construction-skilled tasks | [32222] (32222) Straßen- und Asphaltbau - Fachkraft |
32223 | [32223] (32223) Occupations in road and asphalt construction-complex tasks | [32223] (32223) Straßen- und Asphaltbau - Spezialist |
32224 | [32224] (32224) Occupations in road and asphalt construction-highly complex tasks | [32224] (32224) Straßen- und Asphaltbau - Experte |
32232 | [32232] (32232) Occupations in railroad construction-skilled tasks | [32232] (32232) Gleisbau - Fachkraft |
32233 | [32233] (32233) Occupations in railroad construction-complex tasks | [32233] (32233) Gleisbau - Spezialist |
32242 | [32242] (32242) Occupations in well construction-skilled tasks | [32242] (32242) Brunnenbau - Fachkraft |
32243 | [32243] (32243) Occupations in well construction-complex tasks | [32243] (32243) Brunnenbau - Spezialist |
32252 | [32252] (32252) Occupations in canal and tunnel construction-skilled tasks | [32252] (32252) Kanal- und Tunnelbau - Fachkraft |
32253 | [32253] (32253) Occupations in canal and tunnel construction-complex tasks | [32253] (32253) Kanal- und Tunnelbau - Spezialist |
32262 | [32262] (32262) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction-skilled tasks | [32262] (32262) Kultur- und Wasserbau - Fachkraft |
32263 | [32263] (32263) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction-complex tasks | [32263] (32263) Kultur- und Wasserbau - Spezialist |
32264 | [32264] (32264) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction-highly complex tasks | [32264] (32264) Kultur- und Wasserbau - Experte |
32293 | [32293] (32293) Supervisors in civil engineering | [32293] (32293) Aufsicht - Tiefbau |
33101 | [33101] (33101) Floor layers (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [33101] (33101) Bodenverlegung (o.S.) - Helfer |
33102 | [33102] (33102) Floor layers (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [33102] (33102) Bodenverlegung (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
33112 | [33112] (33112) Pavers, tile setters and mosaic-layers-skilled tasks | [33112] (33112) Fliesen-Platten-,Mosaikverleg.-Fachkraft |
33122 | [33122] (33122) Composition floor and terrazzo-layers-skilled tasks | [33122] (33122) Estrich-, Terrazzoverlegung - Fachkraft |
33132 | [33132] (33132) Parquet floor layers-skilled tasks | [33132] (33132) Parkettverlegung - Fachkraft |
33133 | [33133] (33133) Parquet floor layers-complex tasks | [33133] (33133) Parkettverlegung - Spezialist |
33193 | [33193] (33193) Supervisors in floor laying | [33193] (33193) Aufsicht - Bodenverlegung |
33211 | [33211] (33211) Painters and varnishers-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [33211] (33211) Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Helfer |
33212 | [33212] (33212) Painters and varnishers-skilled tasks | [33212] (33212) Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Fachkraft |
33213 | [33213] (33213) Painters and varnishers-complex tasks | [33213] (33213) Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Spezialist |
33222 | [33222] (33222) Plasterers-skilled tasks | [33222] (33222) Stuckateurarbeiten - Fachkraft |
33223 | [33223] (33223) Plasterers-complex tasks | [33223] (33223) Stuckateurarbeiten - Spezialist |
33232 | [33232] (33232) Occupations in the waterproofing of buildings -skilled tasks | [33232] (33232) Bauwerksabdichtung - Fachkraft |
33233 | [33233] (33233) Occupations in the waterproofing of buildings -complex tasks | [33233] (33233) Bauwerksabdichtung - Spezialist |
33242 | [33242] (33242) Occupations in the preservation of structures and wooden building components-skilled tasks | [33242] (33242) Holz- und Bautenschutz - Fachkraft |
33243 | [33243] (33243) Occupations in the preservation of structures and wooden building components-complex tasks | [33243] (33243) Holz- und Bautenschutz - Spezialist |
33293 | [33293] (33293) Supervisors in the painting, varnishing, plastering, water proofing of buildings, preservation of structures and wooden building components | [33293] (33293) Aufsicht-MalerStuckBauwerksabdBautensch. |
33301 | [33301] (33301) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [33301] (33301) Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Helfer |
33302 | [33302] (33302) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [33302] (33302) Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
33303 | [33303] (33303) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [33303] (33303) Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist |
33312 | [33312] (33312) Occupations in insulation-skilled tasks | [33312] (33312) Isolierung - Fachkraft |
33322 | [33322] (33322) Carpenters-skilled tasks | [33322] (33322) Zimmerei - Fachkraft |
33323 | [33323] (33323) Carpenters-complex tasks | [33323] (33323) Zimmerei - Spezialist |
33332 | [33332] (33332) Joiners-skilled tasks | [33332] (33332) Bautischlerei - Fachkraft |
33342 | [33342] (33342) Glaziers-skilled tasks | [33342] (33342) Glaserei - Fachkraft |
33352 | [33352] (33352) Roller shutter and jalousie installers-skilled tasks | [33352] (33352) Rollladen- und Jalousiebau - Fachkraft |
33393 | [33393] (33393) Supervisors in interior construction and dry walling, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and jalousie installation | [33393] (33393) Aufsicht-Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimm.Glas. |
34102 | [34102] (34102) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [34102] (34102) Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
34103 | [34103] (34103) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [34103] (34103) Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
34104 | [34104] (34104) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [34104] (34104) Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) - Experte |
34112 | [34112] (34112) Green keepers and equipment managers-skilled tasks | [34112] (34112) Platz-, Gerätewarte/innen - Fachkraft |
34193 | [34193] (34193) Supervisors in building services engineering | [34193] (34193) Aufsicht - Gebäudetechnik |
34201 | [34201] (34201) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [34201] (34201) Klempnerei (o.S.) - Helfer |
34202 | [34202] (34202) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [34202] (34202) Klempnerei (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
34203 | [34203] (34203) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [34203] (34203) Klempnerei (o.S.) - Spezialist |
34212 | [34212] (34212) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-skilled tasks | [34212] (34212) Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik - Fachkraft |
34213 | [34213] (34213) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-complex tasks | [34213] (34213) Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik -Spezialist |
34214 | [34214] (34214) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-highly complex tasks | [34214] (34214) Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik - Experte |
34222 | [34222] (34222) Occupations in the construction of stoves, storage heaters, and forced-air heating systems-skilled tasks | [34222] (34222) Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau - Fachkraft |
34232 | [34232] (34232) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning-skilled tasks | [34232] (34232) Kältetechnik - Fachkraft |
34233 | [34233] (34233) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning-complex tasks | [34233] (34233) Kältetechnik - Spezialist |
34234 | [34234] (34234) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning-highly complex tasks | [34234] (34234) Kältetechnik - Experte |
34293 | [34293] (34293) Supervisors in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning | [34293] (34293) Aufsicht-Klemp.Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatech |
34301 | [34301] (34301) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [34301] (34301) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Helfer |
34302 | [34302] (34302) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [34302] (34302) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
34303 | [34303] (34303) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [34303] (34303) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Spezialist |
34304 | [34304] (34304) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [34304] (34304) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Experte |
34312 | [34312] (34312) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal-skilled tasks | [34312] (34312) Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Fachkraft |
34313 | [34313] (34313) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal-complex tasks | [34313] (34313) Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Spezialist |
34314 | [34314] (34314) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal -highly complex tasks | [34314] (34314) Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Experte |
34322 | [34322] (34322) Occupations in pipeline construction-skilled tasks | [34322] (34322) Rohrleitungsbau - Fachkraft |
34323 | [34323] (34323) Occupations in pipeline construction-complex tasks | [34323] (34323) Rohrleitungsbau - Spezialist |
34324 | [34324] (34324) Occupations in pipeline construction | [34324] (34324) Rohrleitungsbau - Experte |
34332 | [34332] (34332) Occupations in waste management-skilled tasks | [34332] (34332) Abfallwirtschaft - Fachkraft |
34333 | [34333] (34333) Occupations in waste management-complex tasks | [34333] (34333) Abfallwirtschaft - Spezialist |
34334 | [34334] (34334) Occupations in waste management-highly complex tasks | [34334] (34334) Abfallwirtschaft - Experte |
34342 | [34342] (34342) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction-skilled tasks | [34342] (34342) Anlagen-,Behälter-,Apparatebau-Fachkraft |
34343 | [34343] (34343) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction-complex tasks | [34343] (34343) Anlage-,Behälter-,Apparatebau-Spezialist |
34344 | [34344] (34344) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction-highly complex tasks | [34344] (34344) Anlagen-,Behälter-,Apparatebau-Experte |
34393 | [34393] (34393) Supervisors in building services and waste disposal | [34393] (34393) Aufsicht - Ver- und Entsorgung |
41103 | [41103] (41103) Occupations in mathematics-complex tasks | [41103] (41103) Mathematik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
41104 | [41104] (41104) Occupations in mathematics-highly complex tasks | [41104] (41104) Mathematik (o.S.) - Experte |
41114 | [41114] (41114) Occupations in statistics-highly complex tasks | [41114] (41114) Statistik - Experte |
41184 | [41184] (41184) Occupations in mathematics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [41184] (41184) Mathematik (s.s.T.) - Experte |
41194 | [41194] (41194) Managers in mathematics and statistics | [41194] (41194) Führung - Mathematik und Statistik |
41203 | [41203] (41203) Occupations in biology (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [41203] (41203) Biologie (o.S.) - Spezialist |
41204 | [41204] (41204) Occupations in biology (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [41204] (41204) Biologie (o.S.) - Experte |
41212 | [41212] (41212) Biological technical laboratory occupations-skilled tasks | [41212] (41212) Biologisch-techn. Laboratorium-Fachkraft |
41213 | [41213] (41213) Biological technical laboratory occupations-complex tasks | [41213] (41213) Biologisch-techn.Laboratorium-Spezialist |
41214 | [41214] (41214) Biological technical laboratory occupations-highly complex tasks | [41214] (41214) Biologisch-techn.Laboratorium-Experte |
41222 | [41222] (41222) Occupations in the preparation of biological specimen-skilled tasks | [41222] (41222) Biologische Präparation - Fachkraft |
41234 | [41234] (41234) Occupations in ecology-highly complex tasks | [41234] (41234) Biologie (Ökologie) - Experte |
41244 | [41244] (41244) Occupations in botany-highly complex tasks | [41244] (41244) Biologie (Botanik) - Experte |
41254 | [41254] (41254) Occupations in zoology-highly complex tasks | [41254] (41254) Biologie (Zoologie) - Experte |
41264 | [41264] (41264) Occupations in microbiology-highly complex tasks | [41264] (41264) Biologie (Mikrobiologie) - Experte |
41274 | [41274] (41274) Occupations in human biology-highly complex tasks | [41274] (41274) Biologie (Humanbiologie) - Experte |
41283 | [41283] (41283) Occupations in biology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [41283] (41283) Biologie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
41284 | [41284] (41284) Occupations in biology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [41284] (41284) Biologie (s.s.T.) - Experte |
41293 | [41293] (41293) Supervisors in biology | [41293] (41293) Aufsicht - Biologie |
41294 | [41294] (41294) Managers in biology | [41294] (41294) Führung - Biologie |
41303 | [41303] (41303) Occupations in chemistry (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [41303] (41303) Chemie (o.S.) - Spezialist |
41304 | [41304] (41304) Occupations in chemistry (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [41304] (41304) Chemie (o.S.) - Experte |
41311 | [41311] (41311) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [41311] (41311) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Helfer |
41312 | [41312] (41312) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-skilled tasks | [41312] (41312) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Fachkraft |
41313 | [41313] (41313) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-complex tasks | [41313] (41313) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Spezialist |
41314 | [41314] (41314) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-highly complex tasks | [41314] (41314) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Experte |
41322 | [41322] (41322) Chemical technical laboratory occupations-skilled tasks | [41322] (41322) Chemisch-techn. Laboratorium - Fachkraft |
41323 | [41323] (41323) Chemical technical laboratory occupations-complex tasks | [41323] (41323) Chemisch-techn.Laboratorium - Spezialist |
41324 | [41324] (41324) Chemical technical laboratory occupations-highly complex tasks | [41324] (41324) Chemisch-techn.Laboratorium - Experte |
41333 | [41333] (41333) Operators of chemical production plants-complex tasks | [41333] (41333) Steuerer chem. Verfahrensanl.-Spezialist |
41343 | [41343] (41343) Operators of oil and gas refinery plants-complex tasks | [41343] (41343) Steuerer Erdöl,Erdgasraf.anl.-Spezialist |
41383 | [41383] (41383) Occupations in chemistry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [41383] (41383) Chemie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
41384 | [41384] (41384) Occupations in chemistry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [41384] (41384) Chemie (s.s.T.) - Experte |
41393 | [41393] (41393) Supervisors in chemistry | [41393] (41393) Aufsicht - Chemie |
41394 | [41394] (41394) Managers in chemistry | [41394] (41394) Führung - Chemie |
41403 | [41403] (41403) Occupations in physics (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [41403] (41403) Physik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
41404 | [41404] (41404) Occupations in physics (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [41404] (41404) Physik (o.S.) - Experte |
41412 | [41412] (41412) Physical technical laboratory occupations-skilled tasks | [41412] (41412) Physikalisch-tech.Laboratorium-Fachkraft |
41413 | [41413] (41413) Physical technical laboratory occupations-complex tasks | [41413] (41413) Physikal.-techn. Laboratorium-Spezialist |
41414 | [41414] (41414) Physical technical laboratory occupations-highly complex tasks | [41414] (41414) Physikalisch-techn. Laboratorium-Experte |
41422 | [41422] (41422) Occupations in material engineering-skilled tasks | [41422] (41422) Werkstofftechnik - Fachkraft |
41423 | [41423] (41423) Occupations in material engineering-complex tasks | [41423] (41423) Werkstofftechnik - Spezialist |
41424 | [41424] (41424) Occupations in material engineering-highly complex tasks | [41424] (41424) Werkstofftechnik - Experte |
41432 | [41432] (41432) Occupations in construction materials testing-skilled tasks | [41432] (41432) Baustoffprüfung - Fachkraft |
41433 | [41433] (41433) Occupations in construction materials testing-complex tasks | [41433] (41433) Baustoffprüfung - Spezialist |
41434 | [41434] (41434) Occupations in construction materials testing-highly complex tasks | [41434] (41434) Baustoffprüfung - Experte |
41482 | [41482] (41482) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [41482] (41482) Physik (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
41483 | [41483] (41483) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [41483] (41483) Physik (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
41484 | [41484] (41484) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [41484] (41484) Physik (s.s.T.) - Experte |
41493 | [41493] (41493) Supervisors in physics | [41493] (41493) Aufsicht - Physik |
41494 | [41494] (41494) Managers in physics | [41494] (41494) Führung - Physik |
42112 | [42112] (42112) Occupations in geotechnical engineering-skilled tasks | [42112] (42112) Geotechnik - Fachkraft |
42113 | [42113] (42113) Occupations in geotechnical engineering-complex tasks | [42113] (42113) Geotechnik - Spezialist |
42114 | [42114] (42114) Occupations in geotechnical engineering-highly complex tasks | [42114] (42114) Geotechnik - Experte |
42124 | [42124] (42124) Occupations in geology-highly complex tasks | [42124] (42124) Geologie - Experte |
42134 | [42134] (42134) Occupations in geography-highly complex tasks | [42134] (42134) Geografie - Experte |
42142 | [42142] (42142) Occupations in meteorology-skilled tasks | [42142] (42142) Meteorologie - Fachkraft |
42143 | [42143] (42143) Occupations in meteorology-complex tasks | [42143] (42143) Meteorologie - Spezialist |
42144 | [42144] (42144) Occupations in meteorology-highly complex tasks | [42144] (42144) Meteorologie - Experte |
42202 | [42202] (42202) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [42202] (42202) Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
42203 | [42203] (42203) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [42203] (42203) Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
42204 | [42204] (42204) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [42204] (42204) Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Experte |
42212 | [42212] (42212) Chimney sweeps-skilled tasks | [42212] (42212) Schornsteinfeger/innen - Fachkraft |
42283 | [42283] (42283) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [42283] (42283) Umweltschutztechnik(s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
42293 | [42293] (42293) Supervisors in environmental protection engineering | [42293] (42293) Aufsicht - Umweltschutztechnik |
42312 | [42312] (42312) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting-skilled tasks | [42312] (42312) Umweltschutzverwalt.,-beratung-Fachkraft |
42313 | [42313] (42313) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting-complex tasks | [42313] (42313) Umweltschutzverwalt,-beratung-Spezialist |
42314 | [42314] (42314) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting-highly complex tasks | [42314] (42314) Umweltschutzverwaltung,-beratung-Experte |
42323 | [42323] (42323) Water pollution and emission control, waste management commissioners-complex tasks | [42323] (42323) Gewäs.Immissions,Abfallbeauf.-Spezialist |
42324 | [42324] (42324) Water pollution and emission control, waste management commissioners-highly complex tasks | [42324] (42324) Gewäs.Immissions,Abfallbeauf.-Experte |
42333 | [42333] (42333) Radiation protection commissioners-complex tasks | [42333] (42333) Strahlenschutzbeauftragte - Spezialist |
42334 | [42334] (42334) Radiation protection commissioners-highly complex tasks | [42334] (42334) Strahlenschutzbeauftragte - Experte |
42394 | [42394] (42394) Managers in environmental protection administration and consulting | [42394] (42394) Führung - Umweltmanagement und -beratung |
43102 | [43102] (43102) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [43102] (43102) Informatik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
43103 | [43103] (43103) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [43103] (43103) Informatik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
43104 | [43104] (43104) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [43104] (43104) Informatik (o.S.) - Experte |
43112 | [43112] (43112) Occupations in business informatics-skilled tasks | [43112] (43112) Wirtschaftsinformatik - Fachkraft |
43113 | [43113] (43113) Occupations in business informatics-complex tasks | [43113] (43113) Wirtschaftsinformatik - Spezialist |
43114 | [43114] (43114) Occupations in business informatics-highly complex tasks | [43114] (43114) Wirtschaftsinformatik - Experte |
43122 | [43122] (43122) Occupations in computer engineering-skilled tasks | [43122] (43122) Technische Informatik - Fachkraft |
43123 | [43123] (43123) Occupations in computer engineering-complex tasks | [43123] (43123) Technische Informatik - Spezialist |
43124 | [43124] (43124) Occupations in computer engineering-highly complex tasks | [43124] (43124) Technische Informatik - Experte |
43134 | [43134] (43134) Occupations in bio- and medical informatics-highly complex tasks | [43134] (43134) Bio-, Medizininformatik - Experte |
43144 | [43144] (43144) Occupations in geoinformatics-highly complex tasks | [43144] (43144) Geoinformatik - Experte |
43152 | [43152] (43152) Occupations in media informatics-skilled tasks | [43152] (43152) Medieninformatik - Fachkraft |
43153 | [43153] (43153) Occupations in media informatics-complex tasks | [43153] (43153) Medieninformatik - Spezialist |
43154 | [43154] (43154) Occupations in media informatics-highly complex tasks | [43154] (43154) Medieninformatik - Experte |
43194 | [43194] (43194) Managers in computer science | [43194] (43194) Führung - Informatik |
43214 | [43214] (43214) Occupations in IT-system-analysis-highly complex tasks | [43214] (43214) IT-Systemanalyse - Experte |
43223 | [43223] (43223) Occupations in IT-application-consulting-complex tasks | [43223] (43223) IT-Anwendungsberatung - Spezialist |
43224 | [43224] (43224) Occupations in IT-application-consulting-highly complex tasks | [43224] (43224) IT-Anwendungsberatung - Experte |
43233 | [43233] (43233) Occupations in IT-sales-complex tasks | [43233] (43233) IT-Vertrieb - Spezialist |
43294 | [43294] (43294) Managers in IT-system-analysis, IT-application-consulting and IT-sales | [43294] (43294) Führung-IT-System,-Anwendung,-Vertrieb |
43313 | [43313] (43313) Occupations in IT-network engineering-complex tasks | [43313] (43313) IT-Netzwerktechnik - Spezialist |
43314 | [43314] (43314) Occupations in IT-network engineering-highly complex tasks | [43314] (43314) IT-Netzwerktechnik - Experte |
43323 | [43323] (43323) Occupations in IT-coordination-complex tasks | [43323] (43323) IT-Koordination - Spezialist |
43333 | [43333] (43333) Occupations in IT-organisation-complex tasks | [43333] (43333) IT-Organisation - Spezialist |
43343 | [43343] (43343) Occupations in IT-system-administration-complex tasks | [43343] (43343) IT-Systemadministation - Spezialist |
43353 | [43353] (43353) Occupations in database development and administration-complex tasks | [43353] (43353) Datenbankentwick.,-administr.-Spezialist |
43363 | [43363] (43363) Occupations in web administration-complex tasks | [43363] (43363) Webadministration - Spezialist |
43383 | [43383] (43383) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [43383] (43383) IT-Netzw,Koord,Admin,Org(ssT)-Spezialist |
43384 | [43384] (43384) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [43384] (43384) IT-Netzw.,Koord.,Admin,Orga(ssT)-Experte |
43394 | [43394] (43394) Managers in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) | [43394] (43394) Führung-IT-Netzw.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Orga. |
43412 | [43412] (43412) Occupations in software development-skilled tasks | [43412] (43412) Softwareentwicklung - Fachkraft |
43413 | [43413] (43413) Occupations in software development-complex tasks | [43413] (43413) Softwareentwicklung - Spezialist |
43414 | [43414] (43414) Occupations in software development-highly complex tasks | [43414] (43414) Softwareentwicklung - Experte |
43423 | [43423] (43423) Occupations in programming-complex tasks | [43423] (43423) Programmierung - Spezialist |
43494 | [43494] (43494) Managers in software development and programming | [43494] (43494) Führung-Softwareentwickl.,Programmierung |
51112 | [51112] (51112) Technical occupations in railway operation-skilled tasks | [51112] (51112) Technischer Eisenbahnbetrieb - Fachkraft |
51113 | [51113] (51113) Technical occupations in railway operation-complex tasks | [51113] (51113) Technischer Eisenbahnbetrieb -Spezialist |
51122 | [51122] (51122) Technical occupations in aircraft operation-skilled tasks | [51122] (51122) Techn. Luftverkehrsbetrieb - Fachkraft |
51123 | [51123] (51123) Technical occupations in aircraft operation-complex tasks | [51123] (51123) Techn. Luftverkehrsbetrieb - Spezialist |
51132 | [51132] (51132) Technical occupations in ship operation-skilled tasks | [51132] (51132) Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb-Fachkraft |
51133 | [51133] (51133) Technical occupations in ship operation-complex tasks | [51133] (51133) Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb-Spezialist |
51134 | [51134] (51134) Technical occupations in ship operation-highly complex tasks | [51134] (51134) Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb - Experte |
51182 | [51182] (51182) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [51182] (51182) TechBetEisenbLuftSchiffsv(ssT)-Fachkraft |
51183 | [51183] (51183) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [51183] (51183) TechBetEisenbLuftSchiffv(ssT)-Spezialist |
51193 | [51193] (51193) Supervisors in railway, aircraft and ship operation | [51193] (51193) Aufsicht-TechBetr.Eisenb.LuftSchiffsverk |
51212 | [51212] (51212) Road and tunnel inspection and controlling commissioners-skilled tasks | [51212] (51212) Straßen-, Tunnelwärter/innen - Fachkraft |
51222 | [51222] (51222) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure-skilled tasks | [51222] (51222) Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur - Fachkraft |
51223 | [51223] (51223) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure-complex tasks | [51223] (51223) Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur -Spezialist |
51224 | [51224] (51224) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure-highly complex tasks | [51224] (51224) Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur - Experte |
51233 | [51233] (51233) Technical occupations in air traffic control-complex tasks | [51233] (51233) Flugsicherungstechnik - Spezialist |
51234 | [51234] (51234) Technical occupations in air traffic control-highly complex tasks | [51234] (51234) Flugsicherungstechnik - Experte |
51242 | [51242] (51242) Waterway and bridges inspection and controlling commissioners-skilled tasks | [51242] (51242) Wasserstraßen-,Brückenwärter - Fachkraft |
51243 | [51243] (51243) Waterway and bridges inspection and controlling commissioners-complex tasks | [51243] (51243) Wasserstraßen-, Brückenwärter-Spezialist |
51293 | [51293] (51293) Supervisors in the inspection and maintenance of traffic infrastructure | [51293] (51293) Aufsicht - Überw.,Wart.Verkehrsinfraktur |
51311 | [51311] (51311) Occupations in warehousing and logistics-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [51311] (51311) Lagerwirtschaft - Helfer |
51312 | [51312] (51312) Occupations in warehousing and logistics-skilled tasks | [51312] (51312) Lagerwirtschaft - Fachkraft |
51321 | [51321] (51321) Occupations in postal and other delivery services-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [51321] (51321) Post- und Zustelldienste - Helfer |
51322 | [51322] (51322) Occupations in postal and other delivery services-skilled tasks | [51322] (51322) Post- und Zustelldienste - Fachkraft |
51332 | [51332] (51332) Occupations in cargo handling-skilled tasks | [51332] (51332) Güter- und Warenumschlag - Fachkraft |
51393 | [51393] (51393) Supervisors in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling | [51393] (51393) Aufsicht-Lagerw.,Post,Zustell.,Güterum. |
51394 | [51394] (51394) Managers in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling | [51394] (51394) Führung-Lagerw.,Post,Zustell.,Güterum. |
51412 | [51412] (51412) Service occupations in road and railway traffic-skilled tasks | [51412] (51412) Servicefachk.StraßenSchienenv.-Fachkraft |
51422 | [51422] (51422) Service occupations in air traffic-skilled tasks | [51422] (51422) Servicefachkräfte Luftverkehr-Fachkraft |
51432 | [51432] (51432) Service occupations in shipping traffic-skilled tasks | [51432] (51432) Servicefachkräfte Schiffsverk.-Fachkraft |
51493 | [51493] (51493) Supervisors of service personnel in passenger traffic | [51493] (51493) Aufsicht-Personenverkehr(Servicebereich) |
51503 | [51503] (51503) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [51503] (51503) Überwach. Verkehrsbetrieb(oS)-Spezialist |
51504 | [51504] (51504) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [51504] (51504) Überwach. Verkehrsbetrieb (oS) - Experte |
51512 | [51512] (51512) Occupations in the surveillance and control of road traffic-skilled tasks | [51512] (51512) Überwach. Straßenverkehrsbetr.-Fachkraft |
51513 | [51513] (51513) Occupations in the surveillance and control of road traffic-complex tasks | [51513] (51513) Überwach. Straßenverkehrsbetr-Spezialist |
51522 | [51522] (51522) Occupations in the surveillance and control of railway traffic-skilled tasks | [51522] (51522) Überwach.Eisenbahnverkehrsbetr-Fachkraft |
51523 | [51523] (51523) Occupations in the surveillance and control of railway traffic-complex tasks | [51523] (51523) Überwach.Eisenbahnverkehrsbet-Spezialist |
51532 | [51532] (51532) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic-skilled tasks | [51532] (51532) Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetr.-Fachkraft |
51533 | [51533] (51533) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic-complex tasks | [51533] (51533) Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetr.-Spezialist |
51534 | [51534] (51534) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic-highly complex tasks | [51534] (51534) Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetr. -Experte |
51543 | [51543] (51543) Occupations in the surveillance and control of shipping traffic-complex tasks | [51543] (51543) Überwach.Schiffsverkehrsbetr.-Spezialist |
51583 | [51583] (51583) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [51583] (51583) Überwach.Verkehrsbetrieb(ssT)-Spezialist |
51593 | [51593] (51593) Supervisors in traffic surveillance and control | [51593] (51593) Aufsicht - Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb |
51594 | [51594] (51594) Managers in traffic surveillance and control | [51594] (51594) Führung - Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb |
51613 | [51613] (51613) Management assistants in transport-complex tasks | [51613] (51613) Verkehrskaufleute - Spezialist |
51614 | [51614] (51614) Management assistants in transport -highly complex tasks | [51614] (51614) Verkehrskaufleute - Experte |
51622 | [51622] (51622) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics-skilled tasks | [51622] (51622) Speditions-,Logistikkaufleute-Fachkraft |
51623 | [51623] (51623) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics-complex tasks | [51623] (51623) Speditions-,Logistikkaufleute-Spezialist |
51624 | [51624] (51624) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics-highly complex tasks | [51624] (51624) Speditions-, Logistikkaufleute - Experte |
51632 | [51632] (51632) Management assistants in road and railway transport-skilled tasks | [51632] (51632) Straßen,Schienenverkehrskaufl.-Fachkraft |
51633 | [51633] (51633) Management assistants in road and railway transport-complex tasks | [51633] (51633) Straße,Schienenverkehrskaufl.-Spezialist |
51642 | [51642] (51642) Management assistants in air transport-skilled tasks | [51642] (51642) Luftverkehrskaufleute - Fachkraft |
51643 | [51643] (51643) Management assistants in air transport-complex tasks | [51643] (51643) Luftverkehrskaufleute - Spezialist |
51652 | [51652] (51652) Management assistants in shipping transport-skilled tasks | [51652] (51652) Schifffahrtskaufleute - Fachkraft |
51653 | [51653] (51653) Management assistants in shipping transport-complex tasks | [51653] (51653) Schifffahrtskaufleute - Spezialist |
51662 | [51662] (51662) Management assistants in courier services, express and postal delivery services-skilled tasks | [51662] (51662) KurierExpressPostdienstl.kaufl-Fachkraft |
51663 | [51663] (51663) Management assistants in courier services, express and postal delivery services-complex tasks | [51663] (51663) KurierExpressPostdienst.kaufl-Spezialist |
51694 | [51694] (51694) Managers in transport and logistics | [51694] (51694) Führung-Verkehr,Logistik (kaufm.Bereich) |
52112 | [52112] (52112) Professional drivers (passengers transport)-skilled tasks | [52112] (52112) Berufskraftfahrer(Pers./PKW.)-Fachkraft |
52122 | [52122] (52122) Professional drivers (cargo trucks)-skilled tasks | [52122] (52122) Berufskraftfahrer(Güterv./LKW)-Fachkraft |
52132 | [52132] (52132) Bus and tram drivers-skilled tasks | [52132] (52132) Bus-, Straßenbahnfahrer/innen-Fachkraft |
52182 | [52182] (52182) Drivers of vehicles in road traffic (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [52182] (52182) FahrzeugführerStraßenverk(ssT)-Fachkraft |
52202 | [52202] (52202) Drivers of train engines and other railway vehicles-skilled tasks | [52202] (52202) TriebfahrzeugführEisenbahn(oS)-Fachkraft |
52313 | [52313] (52313) Pilots of planes and airliners-complex tasks | [52313] (52313) PilotenVerkehrsflugzeugführer-Spezialist |
52314 | [52314] (52314) Pilots of planes and airliners-highly complex tasks | [52314] (52314) Piloten,Verkehrsflugzeugführer - Experte |
52383 | [52383] (52383) Aircraft pilots (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [52383] (52383) Fahrzeugführer Flugverk.(ssT)-Spezialist |
52384 | [52384] (52384) Aircraft pilots (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [52384] (52384) Fahrzeugführer Flugverkehr (ssT)-Experte |
52413 | [52413] (52413) Deck officers/mates and ship’s captains or skippers-complex tasks | [52413] (52413) NautSchiffsoffiziere,Kapitäne-Spezialist |
52414 | [52414] (52414) Deck officers/mates and ship’s captains or skippers-highly complex tasks | [52414] (52414) Naut.Schiffsoffiziere, Kapitäne-Experte |
52422 | [52422] (52422) Ship’s masters in inland navigation and port traffic-skilled tasks | [52422] (52422) Schiffsführ.Binnen-,Hafenverk.-Fachkraft |
52423 | [52423] (52423) Ship’s masters in inland navigation and port traffic-complex tasks | [52423] (52423) Schiffsführ.Binnen,Hafenverk.-Spezialist |
52512 | [52512] (52512) Drivers of agricultural and forestry machines-skilled tasks | [52512] (52512) Führer land-,forstw. Maschinen-Fachkraft |
52522 | [52522] (52522) Drivers of earthmoving and related machines-skilled tasks | [52522] (52522) Führer Erdbeweg,verw.Maschinen-Fachkraft |
52531 | [52531] (52531) Operators of cranes, lifts and related lifting devices-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [52531] (52531) Kranführ., Bediener Hebeeinricht.-Helfer |
52532 | [52532] (52532) Operators of cranes, lifts and related lifting devices-skilled tasks | [52532] (52532) Kranführ.BedienerHebeeinricht.-Fachkraft |
52593 | [52593] (52593) Supervisors of drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment | [52593] (52593) Aufsicht - Bau-, Transportgeräteführung |
53111 | [53111] (53111) Occupations in physical security, protection of valuables, and personal protection-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [53111] (53111) Objekt-, Werte-, Personenschutz - Helfer |
53112 | [53112] (53112) Occupations in physical security, protection of valuables, and personal protection-skilled tasks | [53112] (53112) Objekt-,Werte-, Personenschutz-Fachkraft |
53122 | [53122] (53122) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology-skilled tasks | [53122] (53122) Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Fachkraft |
53123 | [53123] (53123) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology-complex tasks | [53123] (53123) Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Spezialist |
53124 | [53124] (53124) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology-highly complex tasks | [53124] (53124) Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Experte |
53132 | [53132] (53132) Occupations in fire protection-skilled tasks | [53132] (53132) Brandschutz - Fachkraft |
53133 | [53133] (53133) Occupations in fire protection-complex tasks | [53133] (53133) Brandschutz - Spezialist |
53134 | [53134] (53134) Occupations in fire protection-highly complex tasks | [53134] (53134) Brandschutz - Experte |
53142 | [53142] (53142) Pool attendants and lifeguards-skilled tasks | [53142] (53142) Badeaufsicht - Fachkraft |
53152 | [53152] (53152) Private detectives-skilled tasks | [53152] (53152) Detektive/Detektivinnen - Fachkraft |
53162 | [53162] (53162) Debt collectors-skilled tasks | [53162] (53162) Inkassobeauftragte - Fachkraft |
53182 | [53182] (53182) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [53182] (53182) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Fachkraft |
53183 | [53183] (53183) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [53183] (53183) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Spezialist |
53184 | [53184] (53184) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [53184] (53184) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Experte |
53193 | [53193] (53193) Supervisors in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety | [53193] (53193) Aufsicht-Objekt,Brandschutz,Arbeitssich. |
53194 | [53194] (53194) Managers in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety | [53194] (53194) Führung-Objekt-,Brandschutz,Arbeitssich. |
53212 | [53212] (53212) Uniformed police personnel-skilled tasks | [53212] (53212) Polizeivollzugsdienst - Fachkraft |
53213 | [53213] (53213) Uniformed police personnel-complex tasks | [53213] (53213) Polizeivollzugsdienst - Spezialist |
53214 | [53214] (53214) Uniformed police personnel-highly complex tasks | [53214] (53214) Polizeivollzugsdienst - Experte |
53222 | [53222] (53222) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments-skilled tasks | [53222] (53222) Kriminaldienst - Fachkraft |
53223 | [53223] (53223) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments-complex tasks | [53223] (53223) Kriminaldienst - Spezialist |
53224 | [53224] (53224) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments-highly complex tasks | [53224] (53224) Kriminaldienst - Experte |
53232 | [53232] (53232) Court officers-skilled tasks | [53232] (53232) Gerichtsvollzug - Fachkraft |
53233 | [53233] (53233) Court officers-complex tasks | [53233] (53233) Gerichtsvollzug - Spezialist |
53241 | [53241] (53241) Police officers in penal institutions- unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [53241] (53241) Justizvollzugsdienst - Helfer |
53242 | [53242] (53242) Police officers in penal institutions-skilled tasks | [53242] (53242) Justizvollzugsdienst - Fachkraft |
53243 | [53243] (53243) Police officers in penal institutions-complex tasks | [53243] (53243) Justizvollzugsdienst - Spezialist |
53244 | [53244] (53244) Police officers in penal institutions-highly complex tasks | [53244] (53244) Justizvollzugsdienst - Experte |
53312 | [53312] (53312) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration-skilled tasks | [53312] (53312) Gewerbeaufsicht - Fachkraft |
53313 | [53313] (53313) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration-complex tasks | [53313] (53313) Gewerbeaufsicht - Spezialist |
53314 | [53314] (53314) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration-highly complex tasks | [53314] (53314) Gewerbeaufsicht - Experte |
53322 | [53322] (53322) Occupations in public health authority and hygiene control-skilled tasks | [53322] (53322) Gesundheitsaufs.,Hygieneüberw.-Fachkraft |
53323 | [53323] (53323) Occupations in public health authority and hygiene control-complex tasks | [53323] (53323) Gesundheitsaufs.Hygieneüberw.-Spezialist |
53332 | [53332] (53332) Occupations in food control-skilled tasks | [53332] (53332) Lebensmittelkontrolle - Fachkraft |
53333 | [53333] (53333) Occupations in food control-complex tasks | [53333] (53333) Lebensmittelkontrolle - Spezialist |
53342 | [53342] (53342) Occupations in disinfection and pest control-skilled tasks | [53342] (53342) Desinfekt., Schädlingsbekämpf.-Fachkraft |
53393 | [53393] (53393) Supervisors in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection | [53393] (53393) Aufsicht-Gewerbe-, Gesundheitsaufsicht |
53394 | [53394] (53394) Managers in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection | [53394] (53394) Führung-Gewerbe-, Gesundheitsaufsicht |
54101 | [54101] (54101) Occupations in cleaning services (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [54101] (54101) Reinigung (o.S.) - Helfer |
54112 | [54112] (54112) Occupations in building cleaning services-skilled tasks | [54112] (54112) Gebäudereinigung - Fachkraft |
54113 | [54113] (54113) Occupations in building cleaning services-complex tasks | [54113] (54113) Gebäudereinigung - Spezialist |
54122 | [54122] (54122) Occupations in glass and window cleaning services-skilled tasks | [54122] (54122) Glas-, Fensterreinigung - Fachkraft |
54132 | [54132] (54132) Occupations in textile cleaning services-skilled tasks | [54132] (54132) Textilreinigung - Fachkraft |
54142 | [54142] (54142) Occupations in machine and equipment cleaning services-skilled tasks | [54142] (54142) Maschinen-, Anlagenreinigung - Fachkraft |
54152 | [54152] (54152) Occupations in vehicle cleaning services-skilled tasks | [54152] (54152) Fahrzeugreinigung - Fachkraft |
54182 | [54182] (54182) Occupations in cleaning services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [54182] (54182) Reinigung (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
54193 | [54193] (54193) Supervisors in cleaning services | [54193] (54193) Aufsicht - Reinigung |
61112 | [61112] (61112) Occupations in purchasing-skilled tasks | [61112] (61112) Einkauf - Fachkraft |
61113 | [61113] (61113) Occupations in purchasing-complex tasks | [61113] (61113) Einkauf - Spezialist |
61122 | [61122] (61122) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies)-skilled tasks | [61122] (61122) Vertrieb (außer IKT) - Fachkraft |
61123 | [61123] (61123) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies)-complex tasks | [61123] (61123) Vertrieb (außer IKT) - Spezialist |
61124 | [61124] (61124) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies)-highly complex tasks | [61124] (61124) Vertrieb (außer IKT) - Experte |
61132 | [61132] (61132) Trade brokers and auctioneers-skilled tasks | [61132] (61132) Handelsmakler,Auktionatoren - Fachkraft |
61133 | [61133] (61133) Trade brokers and auctioneers-complex tasks | [61133] (61133) Handelsmakler,Auktionatoren - Spezialist |
61142 | [61142] (61142) Occupations in placing and servicing vending machines-skilled tasks | [61142] (61142) Kaufleute Automatenservice - Fachkraft |
61152 | [61152] (61152) Money lenders and pawn brokers-skilled tasks | [61152] (61152) Geld- und Pfandverleih - Fachkraft |
61162 | [61162] (61162) Occupations in rental services (except money lending and pawn broking)-skilled tasks | [61162] (61162) Verleih (außer Geld u. Pfand) -Fachkraft |
61194 | [61194] (61194) Managers in purchasing and sales | [61194] (61194) Führung - Einkauf und Vertrieb |
61203 | [61203] (61203) Management assistants in trade (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [61203] (61203) Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) - Spezialist |
61204 | [61204] (61204) Management assistants in trade (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [61204] (61204) Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) - Experte |
61212 | [61212] (61212) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade-skilled tasks | [61212] (61212) Kaufleute Groß-, Außenhandel - Fachkraft |
61213 | [61213] (61213) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade-complex tasks | [61213] (61213) Kaufleute Groß-, Außenhandel -Spezialist |
61214 | [61214] (61214) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade-highly complex tasks | [61214] (61214) Kaufleute Groß-, Außenhandel - Experte |
61282 | [61282] (61282) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [61282] (61282) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T) - Fachkraft |
61283 | [61283] (61283) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [61283] (61283) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T) - Spezialist |
61284 | [61284] (61284) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [61284] (61284) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T.) - Experte |
61294 | [61294] (61294) Managers in trade | [61294] (61294) Führung - Handel |
61312 | [61312] (61312) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration-skilled tasks | [61312] (61312) Immobilienvermarktung,-verwal.-Fachkraft |
61313 | [61313] (61313) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration-complex tasks | [61313] (61313) Immobilienvermarktung,verwal.-Spezialist |
61314 | [61314] (61314) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration-highly complex tasks | [61314] (61314) Immobilienvermarktung,-verwal.-Experte |
61323 | [61323] (61323) Occupations in facility management-complex tasks | [61323] (61323) Facility-Management - Spezialist |
61394 | [61394] (61394) Managers in real estate and facility management | [61394] (61394) Führung-Immobilienwirt., Facility-Manag. |
62101 | [62101] (62101) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [62101] (62101) Verkauf (ohne Produktspezialis.)-Helfer |
62102 | [62102] (62102) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation)-skilled tasks | [62102] (62102) Verkauf (ohne Produktspezial.)-Fachkraft |
62103 | [62103] (62103) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation)-complex tasks | [62103] (62103) Verkauf (ohne Produktspez.) - Spezialist |
62112 | [62112] (62112) Cashiers and ticket agents-skilled tasks | [62112] (62112) Kassierer, Kartenverkäufer - Fachkraft |
62122 | [62122] (62122) Stall and market sellers-skilled tasks | [62122] (62122) Verkaufsstand-,Marktverkäufer -Fachkraft |
62182 | [62182] (62182) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation; with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [62182] (62182) Verkauf (o. Produktspez) (ssT)-Fachkraft |
62183 | [62183] (62183) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation; with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [62183] (62183) Verkauf (o. Produktspez)(ssT)-Spezialist |
62193 | [62193] (62193) Supervisors in retail trade | [62193] (62193) Aufsicht - Verkauf |
62194 | [62194] (62194) Managers in retail trade | [62194] (62194) Führung - Verkauf |
62212 | [62212] (62212) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling clothing, sporting goods, leather goods and shoes-skilled tasks | [62212] (62212) Verkauf (Bekleid.,Leder,Sport)-Fachkraft |
62222 | [62222] (62222) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling jewellery and watches-skilled tasks | [62222] (62222) Verkauf (Schmuck, Uhren) - Fachkraft |
62232 | [62232] (62232) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling office supplies, gifts and toys-skilled tasks | [62232] (62232) Verkauf (Büro,Geschenk,Spiel)-Fachkraft |
62242 | [62242] (62242) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling electrical and electronic goods, and household supplies-skilled tasks | [62242] (62242) Verkauf (Elektro-,Hauswaltsw.)-Fachkraft |
62252 | [62252] (62252) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling furniture and furnishings-skilled tasks | [62252] (62252) Verkauf (Möbel, Einrichtung)-Fachkraft |
62262 | [62262] (62262) Sales occupations (retail trade) in gardening stores, home improvement stores, pet shops and zoo supplies stores-skilled tasks | [62262] (62262) Verkauf (Garten,Heimwerk,Tier)-Fachkraft |
62272 | [62272] (62272) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling motor vehicles, bicycles, motorbikes, and related supplies-skilled tasks | [62272] (62272) Verkauf (KFZ, Zweirad,Zubehör)-Fachkraft |
62282 | [62282] (62282) Sales occupations in retail trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [62282] (62282) Verkauf (ssT) - Fachkraft |
62301 | [62301] (62301) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [62301] (62301) Verkauf Lebensmittel (o.S.) - Helfer |
62302 | [62302] (62302) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [62302] (62302) Verkauf Lebensmittel (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
62312 | [62312] (62312) Sales occupations (retail) selling baked goods, pastries and confectionaries-skilled tasks | [62312] (62312) Verkauf Back-,Konditoreiwaren-Fachkraft |
62322 | [62322] (62322) Sales occupations (retail) selling meat products-skilled tasks | [62322] (62322) Verkauf von Fleischwaren - Fachkraft |
62382 | [62382] (62382) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [62382] (62382) Verkauf Lebensmittel (s.s.T.)-Fachkraft |
62412 | [62412] (62412) Sales occupations (retail) selling drugstore products and pharmaceuticals-skilled tasks | [62412] (62412) Verkauf drog.apotheken.Waren-Fachkraft |
62422 | [62422] (62422) Sales occupations (retail) selling medical supplies and healthcare goods-skilled tasks | [62422] (62422) Verkauf Sanitäts,Medizinbedarf-Fachkraft |
62512 | [62512] (62512) Sales occupations (retail) selling books-skilled tasks | [62512] (62512) Buchhandel - Fachkraft |
62513 | [62513] (62513) Sales occupations (retail) selling books-complex tasks | [62513] (62513) Buchhandel - Spezialist |
62514 | [62514] (62514) Sales occupations (retail) selling books-highly complex tasks | [62514] (62514) Buchhandel - Experte |
62522 | [62522] (62522) Sales occupations (retail) selling art and antiques-skilled tasks | [62522] (62522) Kunst-, Antiquitätenhandel - Fachkraft |
62532 | [62532] (62532) Sales occupations (retail) selling musical instruments, recordings or sheet music-skilled tasks | [62532] (62532) Musikfachhandel - Fachkraft |
63112 | [63112] (63112) Management assistants in tourism-skilled tasks | [63112] (63112) Tourismuskaufleute - Fachkraft |
63113 | [63113] (63113) Management assistants in tourism-complex tasks | [63113] (63113) Tourismuskaufleute - Spezialist |
63114 | [63114] (63114) Management assistants in tourism-highly complex tasks | [63114] (63114) Tourismuskaufleute - Experte |
63122 | [63122] (63122) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators-skilled tasks | [63122] (63122) Sport-,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Fachkraft |
63123 | [63123] (63123) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators-complex tasks | [63123] (63123) Sport,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Spezialist |
63124 | [63124] (63124) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators-highly complex tasks | [63124] (63124) Sport-,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Experte |
63132 | [63132] (63132) Animators and guest attendants-skilled tasks | [63132] (63132) Animateure und Gästebetreuer - Fachkraft |
63142 | [63142] (63142) Tourist guides and tour guides-skilled tasks | [63142] (63142) Reiseleiter, Fremdenführer - Fachkraft |
63143 | [63143] (63143) Tourist guides and tour guides-complex tasks | [63143] (63143) Reiseleiter, Fremdenführer - Spezialist |
63194 | [63194] (63194) Managers in tourism and the sports (and fitness) industry | [63194] (63194) Führung - Tourismus und Sport |
63212 | [63212] (63212) Management assistants in hotels-skilled tasks | [63212] (63212) Hotelkaufleute - Fachkraft |
63213 | [63213] (63213) Management assistants in hotels-complex tasks | [63213] (63213) Hotelkaufleute - Spezialist |
63221 | [63221] (63221) Occupations in hotel service-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [63221] (63221) Hotelservice - Helfer |
63222 | [63222] (63222) Occupations in hotel service-skilled tasks | [63222] (63222) Hotelservice - Fachkraft |
63293 | [63293] (63293) Supervisors in hotels | [63293] (63293) Aufsicht - Hotellerie |
63294 | [63294] (63294) Managers in hotels | [63294] (63294) Führung - Hotellerie |
63301 | [63301] (63301) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [63301] (63301) Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Helfer |
63302 | [63302] (63302) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [63302] (63302) Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
63303 | [63303] (63303) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [63303] (63303) Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Spezialist |
63312 | [63312] (63312) Occupations in system catering-skilled tasks | [63312] (63312) Systemgastronomie - Fachkraft |
63313 | [63313] (63313) Occupations in system catering-complex tasks | [63313] (63313) Systemgastronomie - Spezialist |
63322 | [63322] (63322) Barkeepers-skilled tasks | [63322] (63322) Barkeeper/innen - Fachkraft |
63382 | [63382] (63382) Gastronomy occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [63382] (63382) Gastronomie (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
63383 | [63383] (63383) Gastronomy occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [63383] (63383) Gastronomie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
63393 | [63393] (63393) Supervisors in gastronomy and system catering | [63393] (63393) Aufsicht - Gastronomie |
63394 | [63394] (63394) Managers in gastronomy and system catering | [63394] (63394) Führung - Gastronomie |
63401 | [63401] (63401) Occupations in event organisation and management-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [63401] (63401) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. - Helfer |
63402 | [63402] (63402) Occupations in event organisation and management-skilled tasks | [63402] (63402) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. -Fachkraft |
63403 | [63403] (63403) Occupations in event organisation and management-complex tasks | [63403] (63403) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag.-Spezialist |
63404 | [63404] (63404) Occupations in event organisation and management-highly complex tasks | [63404] (63404) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. - Experte |
71104 | [71104] (71104) Managing directors and executive board members-highly complex tasks | [71104] (71104) Geschäftsführer und Vorstände - Experte |
71214 | [71214] (71214) Legislators-highly complex tasks | [71214] (71214) Angeh. gesetzgeb. Körperschaften-Experte |
71224 | [71224] (71224) Senior officials of special interest organisations-highly complex tasks | [71224] (71224) Leit. Bedienstete Interessenorga-Experte |
71234 | [71234] (71234) Elected employee representatives in firms-highly complex tasks | [71234] (71234) Betriebsinterne Wahlämter - Experte |
71302 | [71302] (71302) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [71302] (71302) Kaufm.,techn.Betriebswirt.(oS)-Fachkraft |
71303 | [71303] (71303) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [71303] (71303) Kaufm.,tech.Betriebswirt.(oS)-Spezialist |
71304 | [71304] (71304) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [71304] (71304) Kaufm.,tech.Betriebswirtsch.(oS)-Experte |
71314 | [71314] (71314) Occupations in business organisation and planning-highly complex tasks | [71314] (71314) Unternehmensorganisation,planung-Experte |
71324 | [71324] (71324) Occupations in business consulting-highly complex tasks | [71324] (71324) Unternehmensberatung - Experte |
71333 | [71333] (71333) Occupations in business development-highly complex tasks | [71333] (71333) Wirtschaftsförderung - Spezialist |
71382 | [71382] (71382) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [71382] (71382) Unternehmensorg.,strateg.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
71383 | [71383] (71383) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [71383] (71383) Unternehmensorg,strateg.(ssT)-Spezialist |
71384 | [71384] (71384) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [71384] (71384) Unternehmensorg.,-strategie(ssT)-Experte |
71393 | [71393] (71393) Supervisors in business organisation and strategy | [71393] (71393) Aufsicht - Unternehmensorg.,-strategie |
71394 | [71394] (71394) Managers in business organisation and strategy | [71394] (71394) Führung - Unternehmensorg., -strategie |
71401 | [71401] (71401) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [71401] (71401) Büro-, Sekretariatskräfte(o.S.) - Helfer |
71402 | [71402] (71402) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [71402] (71402) Büro-,Sekretariatskräfte(o.S.)-Fachkraft |
71403 | [71403] (71403) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [71403] (71403) Büro-,Sekretariatskräfte(oS) -Spezialist |
71412 | [71412] (71412) Foreign language secretaries and foreign language correspondence clerks-skilled tasks | [71412] (71412) Fremdsprachensekr.,korrespond.-Fachkraft |
71413 | [71413] (71413) Foreign language secretaries and foreign language correspondence clerks-complex tasks | [71413] (71413) Fremdsprachensek.,korrespond.-Spezialist |
71423 | [71423] (71423) Interpreters and translators-complex tasks | [71423] (71423) Dolmetscher, Übersetzer - Spezialist |
71424 | [71424] (71424) Interpreters and translators-highly complex tasks | [71424] (71424) Dolmetscher, Übersetzer - Experte |
71432 | [71432] (71432) Shorthand and audio typists-skilled tasks | [71432] (71432) Steno-, Phonotypisten - Fachkraft |
71433 | [71433] (71433) Shorthand and audio typists-complex tasks | [71433] (71433) Steno-, Phonotypisten - Spezialist |
71442 | [71442] (71442) Coders, proof readers and related clerks-skilled tasks | [71442] (71442) Kodierer, Korrekturleser - Fachkraft |
71452 | [71452] (71452) Customer or passenger information office clerks-skilled tasks | [71452] (71452) Auskunft, Kundeninformation - Fachkraft |
71493 | [71493] (71493) Supervisors of office clerks and secretaries | [71493] (71493) Aufsicht - Büro und Sekretariat |
71512 | [71512] (71512) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service-skilled tasks | [71512] (71512) Personalentwick.,sachbearbeit.-Fachkraft |
71513 | [71513] (71513) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service-complex tasks | [71513] (71513) Personalentwick.,sachbearbeit-Spezialist |
71514 | [71514] (71514) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service-highly complex tasks | [71514] (71514) Personalentwickl.,-sachbearbeit.-Experte |
71522 | [71522] (71522) Occupations in recruiting and employment services-skilled tasks | [71522] (71522) Personaldienstleistung - Fachkraft |
71523 | [71523] (71523) Occupations in recruiting and employment services-complex tasks | [71523] (71523) Personaldienstleistung - Spezialist |
71524 | [71524] (71524) Occupations in recruiting and employment services-highly complex tasks | [71524] (71524) Personaldienstleistung - Experte |
71594 | [71594] (71594) Managers in human resources management and personnel services | [71594] (71594) Führung - Personalwesen, -dienstleistung |
72112 | [72112] (72112) Bankers-skilled tasks | [72112] (72112) Bankkaufleute - Fachkraft |
72113 | [72113] (72113) Bankers-complex tasks | [72113] (72113) Bankkaufleute - Spezialist |
72122 | [72122] (72122) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services-skilled tasks | [72122] (72122) Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Fachkraft |
72123 | [72123] (72123) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services-complex tasks | [72123] (72123) Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Spezialist |
72124 | [72124] (72124) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services-highly complex tasks | [72124] (72124) Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Experte |
72132 | [72132] (72132) Insurance salespersons-skilled tasks | [72132] (72132) Versicherungskaufleute - Fachkraft |
72133 | [72133] (72133) Insurance salespersons-complex tasks | [72133] (72133) Versicherungskaufleute - Spezialist |
72134 | [72134] (72134) Insurance salespersons-highly complex tasks | [72134] (72134) Versicherungskaufleute - Experte |
72144 | [72144] (72144) Financial analysts-highly complex tasks | [72144] (72144) Finanzanalysten/innen - Experte |
72182 | [72182] (72182) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [72182] (72182) Versicher-,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
72183 | [72183] (72183) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [72183] (72183) Versicher,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Spezialist |
72184 | [72184] (72184) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [72184] (72184) Versicher-,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Experte |
72194 | [72194] (72194) Managers in insurance and financial services | [72194] (72194) Führung-Versicherung-,Finanzdienstleist. |
72212 | [72212] (72212) Occupations in accounting-skilled tasks | [72212] (72212) Buchhaltung - Fachkraft |
72213 | [72213] (72213) Occupations in accounting-complex tasks | [72213] (72213) Buchhaltung - Spezialist |
72214 | [72214] (72214) Occupations in accounting-highly complex tasks | [72214] (72214) Buchhaltung - Experte |
72223 | [72223] (72223) Occupations in cost accounting and calculation-complex tasks | [72223] (72223) Kostenrechnung, Kalkulation - Spezialist |
72224 | [72224] (72224) Occupations in cost accounting and calculation-highly complex tasks | [72224] (72224) Kostenrechnung, Kalkulation - Experte |
72233 | [72233] (72233) Occupations in controlling-complex tasks | [72233] (72233) Controlling - Spezialist |
72234 | [72234] (72234) Occupations in controlling-highly complex tasks | [72234] (72234) Controlling - Experte |
72243 | [72243] (72243) Occupations in auditing-complex tasks | [72243] (72243) Wirtschaftsprüfung - Spezialist |
72244 | [72244] (72244) Occupations in auditing-highly complex tasks | [72244] (72244) Wirtschaftsprüfung - Experte |
72294 | [72294] (72294) Managers in accounting, controlling and auditing | [72294] (72294) Führung-Rechnungsw.,Controlling,Revision |
72302 | [72302] (72302) Occupations in tax consultancy-skilled tasks | [72302] (72302) Steuerberatung - Fachkraft |
72303 | [72303] (72303) Occupations in tax consultancy-complex tasks | [72303] (72303) Steuerberatung - Spezialist |
72304 | [72304] (72304) Occupations in tax consultancy-highly complex tasks | [72304] (72304) Steuerberatung - Experte |
73104 | [73104] (73104) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [73104] (73104) Rechtsberatung,-sprechung (oS) - Experte |
73112 | [73112] (73112) Assistants in lawyers’ and notaries’ offices-skilled tasks | [73112] (73112) Assistenz Rechtsanwalt.,Notar.-Fachkraft |
73113 | [73113] (73113) Assistants in lawyers’ and notaries’ offices-complex tasks | [73113] (73113) Assistenz Rechtsanwalt.,Notar-Spezialist |
73124 | [73124] (73124) Notaries-highly complex tasks | [73124] (73124) Notare/Notarinnen - Experte |
73134 | [73134] (73134) Lawyers-highly complex tasks | [73134] (73134) Rechtsanwälte/-anwältinnen - Experte |
73144 | [73144] (73144) Prosecutors-highly complex tasks | [73144] (73144) Staatsanwälte/-anwältinnen - Experte |
73154 | [73154] (73154) Judges-highly complex tasks | [73154] (73154) Richter/innen - Experte |
73162 | [73162] (73162) Occupations in the national security service-skilled tasks | [73162] (73162) Verfassungsschutz - Fachkraft |
73163 | [73163] (73163) Occupations in the national security service-complex tasks | [73163] (73163) Verfassungsschutz - Spezialist |
73164 | [73164] (73164) Occupations in the national security service-highly complex tasks | [73164] (73164) Verfassungsschutz - Experte |
73183 | [73183] (73183) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [73183] (73183) Rechtsber.,sprech.,ordn.(ssT)-Spezialist |
73184 | [73184] (73184) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [73184] (73184) Rechtsberat.,sprech.,ordn.(ssT)-Experte |
73194 | [73194] (73194) Managers in legal services, jurisdiction, and of other officers of the court | [73194] (73194) Führung-Rechtsberatung,sprechung,ordnung |
73201 | [73201] (73201) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [73201] (73201) Öffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.) - Helfer |
73202 | [73202] (73202) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [73202] (73202) Öffentliche Verwaltung(o.S.) - Fachkraft |
73203 | [73203] (73203) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [73203] (73203) Öffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.)-Spezialist |
73204 | [73204] (73204) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [73204] (73204) Öffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.) - Experte |
73212 | [73212] (73212) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system-skilled tasks | [73212] (73212) Sozialverwaltung,-versicherung-Fachkraft |
73213 | [73213] (73213) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system-complex tasks | [73213] (73213) Sozialverwaltung,versicherung-Spezialist |
73214 | [73214] (73214) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system-highly complex tasks | [73214] (73214) Sozialverwaltung, -versicherung-Experte |
73222 | [73222] (73222) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system-skilled tasks | [73222] (73222) Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes. -Fachkraft |
73223 | [73223] (73223) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system-complex tasks | [73223] (73223) Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes.-Spezialist |
73224 | [73224] (73224) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system-highly complex tasks | [73224] (73224) Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes. - Experte |
73231 | [73231] (73231) Occupations in tax administration-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [73231] (73231) Steuerverwaltung - Helfer |
73232 | [73232] (73232) Occupations in tax administration-skilled tasks | [73232] (73232) Steuerverwaltung - Fachkraft |
73233 | [73233] (73233) Occupations in tax administration-complex tasks | [73233] (73233) Steuerverwaltung - Spezialist |
73234 | [73234] (73234) Occupations in tax administration-highly complex tasks | [73234] (73234) Steuerverwaltung - Experte |
73241 | [73241] (73241) Occupations in the customs service-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [73241] (73241) Zolldienst - Helfer |
73242 | [73242] (73242) Occupations in the customs service-skilled tasks | [73242] (73242) Zolldienst - Fachkraft |
73243 | [73243] (73243) Occupations in the customs service-complex tasks | [73243] (73243) Zolldienst - Spezialist |
73244 | [73244] (73244) Occupations in the customs service-highly complex tasks | [73244] (73244) Zolldienst - Experte |
73252 | [73252] (73252) Occupations in the administration of justice-skilled tasks | [73252] (73252) Justizverwaltung - Fachkraft |
73253 | [73253] (73253) Occupations in the administration of justice-complex tasks | [73253] (73253) Justizverwaltung - Spezialist |
73254 | [73254] (73254) Occupations in the administration of justice-highly complex tasks | [73254] (73254) Justizverwaltung - Experte |
73282 | [73282] (73282) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [73282] (73282) Öffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) - Fachkraft |
73283 | [73283] (73283) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [73283] (73283) Öffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) -Spezialist |
73284 | [73284] (73284) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [73284] (73284) Öffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) - Experte |
73293 | [73293] (73293) Supervisors in public administration | [73293] (73293) Aufsicht - Verwaltung |
73294 | [73294] (73294) Managers in public administration | [73294] (73294) Führung - Verwaltung |
73312 | [73312] (73312) Occupations in archiving-skilled tasks | [73312] (73312) Archivwesen - Fachkraft |
73313 | [73313] (73313) Occupations in archiving-complex tasks | [73313] (73313) Archivwesen - Spezialist |
73314 | [73314] (73314) Occupations in archiving-highly complex tasks | [73314] (73314) Archivwesen - Experte |
73322 | [73322] (73322) Library occupations-skilled tasks | [73322] (73322) Bibliothekswesen - Fachkraft |
73323 | [73323] (73323) Library occupations-complex tasks | [73323] (73323) Bibliothekswesen - Spezialist |
73324 | [73324] (73324) Library occupations-highly complex tasks | [73324] (73324) Bibliothekswesen - Experte |
73332 | [73332] (73332) Occupations in documentation and information services-skilled tasks | [73332] (73332) Dokument.-,Informationsdienst-Fachkraft |
73333 | [73333] (73333) Occupations in documentation and information services-complex tasks | [73333] (73333) Dokument.-,Informationsdienst-Spezialist |
73334 | [73334] (73334) Occupations in documentation and information services-highly complex tasks | [73334] (73334) Dokumentat.-, Informationsdienst-Experte |
73342 | [73342] (73342) Occupations in medical documentation-skilled tasks | [73342] (73342) Medizinische Dokumentation - Fachkraft |
73394 | [73394] (73394) Managers in media, documentation and information services | [73394] (73394) Führung-Medien-Dokument.-,Informationsd. |
81102 | [81102] (81102) Medical assistants (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [81102] (81102) Medizin. Fachangestellte (oS)-Fachkraft |
81103 | [81103] (81103) Medical assistants (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [81103] (81103) Medizin. Fachangestellte (oS)-Spezialist |
81112 | [81112] (81112) Dental assistants-skilled tasks | [81112] (81112) Zahnmedizin. Fachangestellte - Fachkraft |
81113 | [81113] (81113) Dental assistants-complex tasks | [81113] (81113) Zahnmedizin.Fachangestellte - Spezialist |
81122 | [81122] (81122) Podologists-skilled tasks | [81122] (81122) Podologen/Podologinnen - Fachkraft |
81132 | [81132] (81132) Orthoptists-skilled tasks | [81132] (81132) Orthoptisten/Orthoptistinnen - Fachkraft |
81142 | [81142] (81142) Veterinary assistants-skilled tasks | [81142] (81142) Tiermedizin. Fachangestellte - Fachkraft |
81143 | [81143] (81143) Veterinary assistants-complex tasks | [81143] (81143) Tiermedizin.Fachangestellte - Spezialist |
81182 | [81182] (81182) Medical assistants (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [81182] (81182) Medizin. Fachangestellte (ssT)-Fachkraft |
81183 | [81183] (81183) Medical assistants (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [81183] (81183) Medizin.Fachangestellte (ssT)-Spezialist |
81212 | [81212] (81212) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine-skilled tasks | [81212] (81212) Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Fachkraft |
81213 | [81213] (81213) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine-complex tasks | [81213] (81213) Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Spezialist |
81214 | [81214] (81214) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine-highly complex tasks | [81214] (81214) Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Experte |
81222 | [81222] (81222) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics-skilled tasks | [81222] (81222) Med.-tech.Berufe Funktionsdiag-Fachkraft |
81223 | [81223] (81223) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics-complex tasks | [81223] (81223) Med-tech.Berufe Funktionsdiag-Spezialist |
81224 | [81224] (81224) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics-highly complex tasks | [81224] (81224) Med.-tech. Berufe Funktionsdiag-Experte |
81232 | [81232] (81232) Technical occupations in radiology-skilled tasks | [81232] (81232) Med.-tech.Berufe Radiologie - Fachkraft |
81233 | [81233] (81233) Technical occupations in radiology-complex tasks | [81233] (81233) Med.-tech. Berufe Radiologie -Spezialist |
81234 | [81234] (81234) Technical occupations in radiology-highly complex tasks | [81234] (81234) Med.-techn. Berufe Radiologie - Experte |
81242 | [81242] (81242) Technical occupations in veterinary medicine-skilled tasks | [81242] (81242) Med.-tech.Berufe Veterinärmed.-Fachkraft |
81243 | [81243] (81243) Technical occupations in veterinary medicine-complex tasks | [81243] (81243) Med.-tech.BerufeVeterinärmed.-Spezialist |
81294 | [81294] (81294) Managers in medical laboratories | [81294] (81294) Führung - Medizinisches Laboratorium |
81301 | [81301] (81301) Occupations in nursing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [81301] (81301) Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (oS)-Helfer |
81302 | [81302] (81302) Occupations in nursing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [81302] (81302) Gesundheits-,Krankenpflege(oS)-Fachkraft |
81313 | [81313] (81313) Occupations in nursing specialised in a particular branch of nursing-complex tasks | [81313] (81313) Fachkrankenpflege - Spezialist |
81323 | [81323] (81323) Occupations in nursing specialised in paediatrics-complex tasks | [81323] (81323) Fachkinderkrankenpflege - Spezialist |
81332 | [81332] (81332) Surgical and medico-technical assistants-skilled tasks | [81332] (81332) Operationstechn. Assistenz - Fachkraft |
81333 | [81333] (81333) Surgical and medico-technical assistants-complex tasks | [81333] (81333) Operationstechn. Assistenz - Spezialist |
81341 | [81341] (81341) Occupations in emergency medical services-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [81341] (81341) Rettungsdienst - Helfer |
81342 | [81342] (81342) Occupations in emergency medical services-skilled tasks | [81342] (81342) Rettungsdienst - Fachkraft |
81343 | [81343] (81343) Occupations in emergency medical services-complex tasks | [81343] (81343) Rettungsdienst - Spezialist |
81352 | [81352] (81352) Occupations in obstetrics and maternity care-skilled tasks | [81352] (81352) Geburtshilfe,Entbindungspflege-Fachkraft |
81353 | [81353] (81353) Occupations in obstetrics and maternity care-complex tasks | [81353] (81353) GeburtshilfeEntbindungspflege-Spezialist |
81382 | [81382] (81382) Occupations in nursing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [81382] (81382) Gesundheits,Krankenpflege(ssT)-Fachkraft |
81383 | [81383] (81383) Occupations nursing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [81383] (81383) Gesundheits-,Krankenpfl.(ssT)-Spezialist |
81393 | [81393] (81393) Supervisors in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics | [81393] (81393) Aufsicht-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.,Geburtsh |
81394 | [81394] (81394) Managers in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics | [81394] (81394) Führung-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.,Geburtsh. |
81404 | [81404] (81404) Medical doctors (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [81404] (81404) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (o.S.) - Experte |
81414 | [81414] (81414) Medical doctors specialised in pediatrics and adolescent medicine-highly complex tasks | [81414] (81414) Fachärzte Kinder-,Jugendmedizin -Experte |
81424 | [81424] (81424) Medical doctors specialised in internal medicine-highly complex tasks | [81424] (81424) Fachärzte Innere Medizin - Experte |
81434 | [81434] (81434) Medical doctors specialised in surgery-highly complex tasks | [81434] (81434) Fachärzte in der Chirurgie - Experte |
81444 | [81444] (81444) Medical doctors specialised in dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, andrology and related medical fields-highly complex tasks | [81444] (81444) Fachärzte Sinnes,Geschlechtsorg.-Experte |
81454 | [81454] (81454) Medical doctors specialised in anaesthesiology-highly complex tasks | [81454] (81454) Fachärzte Anästhesiologie - Experte |
81464 | [81464] (81464) Medical doctors specialised in neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine-highly complex tasks | [81464] (81464) Fachärzte Psychiatr.,Psychother.-Experte |
81474 | [81474] (81474) Dentists and orthodontists-highly complex tasks | [81474] (81474) Zahnärzte, Kieferorthopäden - Experte |
81484 | [81484] (81484) Medical doctors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [81484] (81484) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (s.s.T.) - Experte |
81494 | [81494] (81494) Managers in human medicine and dentistry | [81494] (81494) Führung - Human- und Zahnmedizin |
81504 | [81504] (81504) Veterinaries (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [81504] (81504) Tierärzte/-ärztinnen (o.S.) - Experte |
81514 | [81514] (81514) Veterinaries for large and farm animals-highly complex tasks | [81514] (81514) Tierärzte für Groß-, Nutztiere - Experte |
81524 | [81524] (81524) Veterinaries for pets-highly complex tasks | [81524] (81524) Tierärzte für Haus-, Heimtiere - Experte |
81532 | [81532] (81532) Non-medical animal health practitioners-skilled tasks | [81532] (81532) Tierheilpraktiker/innen - Fachkraft |
81584 | [81584] (81584) Occupations in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [81584] (81584) Tiermedizin, Tierheilkunde (ssT)-Experte |
81594 | [81594] (81594) Managers in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners | [81594] (81594) Führung - Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde |
81614 | [81614] (81614) Occupations in non-clinical psychology-highly complex tasks | [81614] (81614) Nicht klinische Psychologie - Experte |
81623 | [81623] (81623) Occupations in clinical psychology-complex tasks | [81623] (81623) Klinische Psychologie - Spezialist |
81624 | [81624] (81624) Occupations in clinical psychology-highly complex tasks | [81624] (81624) Klinische Psychologie - Experte |
81634 | [81634] (81634) Occupations in non-medical psychotherapy-highly complex tasks | [81634] (81634) Nicht ärztliche Psychotherapie - Experte |
81712 | [81712] (81712) Occupations in physiotherapy-skilled tasks | [81712] (81712) Physiotherapie - Fachkraft |
81713 | [81713] (81713) Occupations in physiotherapy-complex tasks | [81713] (81713) Physiotherapie - Spezialist |
81714 | [81714] (81714) Occupations in physiotherapy-highly complex tasks | [81714] (81714) Physiotherapie - Experte |
81722 | [81722] (81722) Occupations in occupational therapy-skilled tasks | [81722] (81722) Ergotherapie - Fachkraft |
81723 | [81723] (81723) Occupations in occupational therapy-complex tasks | [81723] (81723) Ergotherapie - Spezialist |
81724 | [81724] (81724) Occupations in occupational therapy-highly complex tasks | [81724] (81724) Ergotherapie - Experte |
81733 | [81733] (81733) Occupations in speech therapy-complex tasks | [81733] (81733) Sprachtherapie - Spezialist |
81734 | [81734] (81734) Occupations in speech therapy-highly complex tasks | [81734] (81734) Sprachtherapie - Experte |
81743 | [81743] (81743) Occupations in music and art therapy-complex tasks | [81743] (81743) Musik- und Kunsttherapie - Spezialist |
81744 | [81744] (81744) Occupations in music and art therapy-highly complex tasks | [81744] (81744) Musik- und Kunsttherapie - Experte |
81752 | [81752] (81752) Practitioners of alternative medicine and homeopathy-skilled tasks | [81752] (81752) Heilkunde und Homöopathie - Fachkraft |
81753 | [81753] (81753) Practitioners of alternative medicine and homeopathy-complex tasks | [81753] (81753) Heilkunde und Homöopathie - Spezialist |
81762 | [81762] (81762) Dieticians and Nutritionists-skilled tasks | [81762] (81762) Diät-, Ernährungstherapie - Fachkraft |
81763 | [81763] (81763) Dieticians and Nutritionists-complex tasks | [81763] (81763) Diät-, Ernährungstherapie - Spezialist |
81764 | [81764] (81764) Dieticians and Nutritionists-highly complex tasks | [81764] (81764) Diät-, Ernährungstherapie - Experte |
81782 | [81782] (81782) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [81782] (81782) Nichtärzt.Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
81783 | [81783] (81783) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [81783] (81783) Nichtärzt.Therapie,Heilk(ssT)-Spezialist |
81784 | [81784] (81784) Occupations in non-medical therapy and of alternative medicine (specific occupation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [81784] (81784) Nichtärztl.Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)-Experte |
81794 | [81794] (81794) Managers in in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine | [81794] (81794) Führung - Nichtärztl. Therapie,Heilkunde |
81804 | [81804] (81804) Pharmacists-highly complex tasks | [81804] (81804) Apotheker, Pharmazeuten - Experte |
81814 | [81814] (81814) Medical doctors specialised in pharmacology-highly complex tasks | [81814] (81814) Fachärzte in der Pharmakologie - Experte |
81822 | [81822] (81822) Pharmaceutical-technical assistants-skilled tasks | [81822] (81822) Pharmazeut.-techn. Assistenz - Fachkraft |
81883 | [81883] (81883) Occupations in pharmacy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [81883] (81883) Pharmazie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
81884 | [81884] (81884) Occupations in pharmacy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [81884] (81884) Pharmazie (s.s.T.) - Experte |
81894 | [81894] (81894) Managers in pharmacy | [81894] (81894) Führung - Pharmazie |
82101 | [82101] (82101) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [82101] (82101) Altenpflege (o.S.) - Helfer |
82102 | [82102] (82102) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [82102] (82102) Altenpflege (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
82103 | [82103] (82103) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [82103] (82103) Altenpflege (o.S.) - Spezialist |
82182 | [82182] (82182) Occupations in geriatric care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [82182] (82182) Altenpflege (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft |
82183 | [82183] (82183) Occupations in geriatric care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [82183] (82183) Altenpflege (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
82194 | [82194] (82194) Managers in geriatric care | [82194] (82194) Führung - Altenpflege |
82212 | [82212] (82212) Occupations providing health counselling-skilled tasks | [82212] (82212) Gesundheitsberatung - Fachkraft |
82213 | [82213] (82213) Occupations providing health counselling-complex tasks | [82213] (82213) Gesundheitsberatung - Spezialist |
82214 | [82214] (82214) Occupations providing health counselling-highly complex tasks | [82214] (82214) Gesundheitsberatung - Experte |
82222 | [82222] (82222) Occupations in wellness-skilled tasks | [82222] (82222) Wellness - Fachkraft |
82223 | [82223] (82223) Occupations in wellness-complex tasks | [82223] (82223) Wellness - Spezialist |
82232 | [82232] (82232) Occupations providing nutritional advice-skilled tasks | [82232] (82232) Ernährungsberatung - Fachkraft |
82233 | [82233] (82233) Occupations providing nutritional advice-complex tasks | [82233] (82233) Ernährungsberatung - Spezialist |
82243 | [82243] (82243) Quality assurance representative in the health care system-highly complex tasks | [82243] (82243) Qualitätsbeauft.Gesundheitsw.-Spezialist |
82283 | [82283] (82283) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [82283] (82283) Ernähr.,Gesundheitsber.(ssT)-Spezialist |
82284 | [82284] (82284) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [82284] (82284) Ernähr., Gesundheitsberat.(ssT)-Experte |
82311 | [82311] (82311) Occupations in hairdressing-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [82311] (82311) Friseurgewerbe - Helfer |
82312 | [82312] (82312) Occupations in hairdressing-skilled tasks | [82312] (82312) Friseurgewerbe - Fachkraft |
82322 | [82322] (82322) Occupations in cosmetics-skilled tasks | [82322] (82322) Kosmetik - Fachkraft |
82332 | [82332] (82332) Tattooists and piercers-skilled tasks | [82332] (82332) Tätowierer, Piercer - Fachkraft |
82342 | [82342] (82342) Make-up artists-skilled tasks | [82342] (82342) Maskenbildnerei - Fachkraft |
82343 | [82343] (82343) Make-up artists-complex tasks | [82343] (82343) Maskenbildnerei - Spezialist |
82393 | [82393] (82393) Supervisors in body care | [82393] (82393) Aufsicht - Körperpflege |
82402 | [82402] (82402) Occupations in funeral services-skilled tasks | [82402] (82402) Bestattungswesen - Fachkraft |
82403 | [82403] (82403) Occupations in funeral services-complex tasks | [82403] (82403) Bestattungswesen - Spezialist |
82493 | [82493] (82493) Supervisors in funeral services | [82493] (82493) Aufsicht - Bestattungswesen |
82494 | [82494] (82494) Managers in funeral services | [82494] (82494) Führung - Bestattungswesen |
82502 | [82502] (82502) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [82502] (82502) Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
82503 | [82503] (82503) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [82503] (82503) Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist |
82504 | [82504] (82504) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [82504] (82504) Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Experte |
82512 | [82512] (82512) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation-skilled tasks | [82512] (82512) Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik - Fachkraft |
82513 | [82513] (82513) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation-complex tasks | [82513] (82513) Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik - Spezialist |
82514 | [82514] (82514) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation-highly complex tasks | [82514] (82514) Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik - Experte |
82522 | [82522] (82522) Occupations in ophthalmic optics-skilled tasks | [82522] (82522) Augenoptik - Fachkraft |
82523 | [82523] (82523) Occupations in ophthalmic optics-complex tasks | [82523] (82523) Augenoptik - Spezialist |
82524 | [82524] (82524) Occupations in ophthalmic optics-highly complex tasks | [82524] (82524) Augenoptik - Experte |
82532 | [82532] (82532) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics-skilled tasks | [82532] (82532) Hörgeräteakustik - Fachkraft |
82533 | [82533] (82533) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics-complex tasks | [82533] (82533) Hörgeräteakustik - Spezialist |
82534 | [82534] (82534) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics-highly complex tasks | [82534] (82534) Hörgeräteakustik - Experte |
82542 | [82542] (82542) Technical occupations in prosthetic dentistry-skilled tasks | [82542] (82542) Zahntechnik - Fachkraft |
82593 | [82593] (82593) Supervisors in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology | [82593] (82593) Aufsicht-Medizin-Orthopädie-,Rehatechnik |
82594 | [82594] (82594) Managers in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology | [82594] (82594) Führung-Medizin-Orthopädie-,Rehatechnik |
83111 | [83111] (83111) Occupations in child care and child-rearing-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [83111] (83111) Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung - Helfer |
83112 | [83112] (83112) Occupations in child care and child-rearing-skilled tasks | [83112] (83112) Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung - Fachkraft |
83123 | [83123] (83123) Occupations in social work and social pedagogics-complex tasks | [83123] (83123) Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik-Spezialist |
83124 | [83124] (83124) Occupations in social work and social pedagogics-highly complex tasks | [83124] (83124) Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik - Experte |
83131 | [83131] (83131) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [83131] (83131) Heilerziehungspflege, Sonderpäd. -Helfer |
83132 | [83132] (83132) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-skilled tasks | [83132] (83132) Heilerziehungspflege,Sonderpäd-Fachkraft |
83133 | [83133] (83133) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-complex tasks | [83133] (83133) Heilerziehungspfl.,Sonderpäd.-Spezialist |
83134 | [83134] (83134) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-highly complex tasks | [83134] (83134) Heilerziehungspflege,Sonderpäd.-Experte |
83142 | [83142] (83142) Social care workers specialized in household assistance and family care-skilled tasks | [83142] (83142) Haus- und Familienpflege - Fachkraft |
83143 | [83143] (83143) Social care workers specialized in household assistance and family care-complex tasks | [83143] (83143) Haus- und Familienpflege - Spezialist |
83154 | [83154] (83154) Occupations in social, educational and addiction counselling-highly complex tasks | [83154] (83154) Sozial-,Erziehungs-, Suchtberat.-Experte |
83193 | [83193] (83193) Supervisors in education and social work, and of pedagogic specialists in social care work | [83193] (83193) Aufsicht-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit,Heilerz. |
83194 | [83194] (83194) Managers in education and social work, and of pedagogic specialists in social care work | [83194] (83194) Führung-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit,Heilerz. |
83211 | [83211] (83211) Occupations in housekeeping-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [83211] (83211) Hauswirtschaft - Helfer |
83212 | [83212] (83212) Occupations in housekeeping-skilled tasks | [83212] (83212) Hauswirtschaft - Fachkraft |
83213 | [83213] (83213) Occupations in housekeeping-complex tasks | [83213] (83213) Hauswirtschaft - Spezialist |
83223 | [83223] (83223) Occupations in consumer counselling-highly complex tasks | [83223] (83223) Verbraucherberatung - Spezialist |
83293 | [83293] (83293) Supervisors in housekeeping and consumer counselling | [83293] (83293) Aufsicht-Hauswirtschaft,Verbraucherber. |
83314 | [83314] (83314) Occupations in theology-highly complex tasks | [83314] (83314) Theologie - Experte |
83322 | [83322] (83322) Occupations in church community work-skilled tasks | [83322] (83322) Gemeindearbeit - Fachkraft |
83323 | [83323] (83323) Occupations in church community work-complex tasks | [83323] (83323) Gemeindearbeit - Spezialist |
83332 | [83332] (83332) Members of religious orders-skilled tasks | [83332] (83332) Angeh.geistl.Orden,Mutterhäus.-Fachkraft |
83333 | [83333] (83333) Members of religious orders-complex tasks | [83333] (83333) Angeh.geistl.Orden, Mutterh.-Spezialist |
83382 | [83382] (83382) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [83382] (83382) Theologie,Gemeindearbeit (ssT)-Fachkraft |
83383 | [83383] (83383) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [83383] (83383) Theologie,Gemeindearbeit(ssT)-Spezialist |
83384 | [83384] (83384) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [83384] (83384) Theologie, Gemeindearbeit (ssT)-Experte |
83394 | [83394] (83394) Managers in theology and church community work | [83394] (83394) Führung - Theologie und Gemeindearbeit |
84114 | [84114] (84114) Teachers in primary education-highly complex tasks | [84114] (84114) Lehrkräfte in der Primarstufe - Experte |
84124 | [84124] (84124) Teachers in secondary education-highly complex tasks | [84124] (84124) Lehrkräfte in d. Sekundarstufe - Experte |
84134 | [84134] (84134) Teachers in schools for special needs education-highly complex tasks | [84134] (84134) Lehrkräfte an Sonderschulen - Experte |
84144 | [84144] (84144) Occupations in teacher training-highly complex tasks | [84144] (84144) Lehrerausbildung - Experte |
84183 | [84183] (84183) Teachers in schools of general education (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [84183] (84183) Lehrkräfte allg. Schule (ssT)-Spezialist |
84184 | [84184] (84184) Teachers in schools of general education (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [84184] (84184) Lehrkräfte allg. Schule (ssT)-Experte |
84194 | [84194] (84194) Managers in schools of general education | [84194] (84194) Führung - Allgemeinbildende Schulen |
84213 | [84213] (84213) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools-complex tasks | [84213] (84213) Lehrkräfte berufsbild. Fächer-Spezialist |
84214 | [84214] (84214) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools-highly complex tasks | [84214] (84214) Lehrkräfte berufsbildende Fächer-Experte |
84223 | [84223] (84223) In-company instructors in vocational training-complex tasks | [84223] (84223) Betriebl.Ausbild., Berufspäd.-Spezialist |
84224 | [84224] (84224) In-company instructors in vocational training-highly complex tasks | [84224] (84224) Betriebl. Ausbild., Berufspäd.-Experte |
84294 | [84294] (84294) Managers in vocational schools and in-company training of apprentices | [84294] (84294) Führung - BBS, betriebl.Ausb., Betr.päd. |
84304 | [84304] (84304) Teachers and researcher at universities and colleges-highly complex tasks | [84304] (84304) Hochschullehre und -forschung - Experte |
84394 | [84394] (84394) Managers at universities and colleges | [84394] (84394) Führung - Hochschullehre und -forschung |
84404 | [84404] (84404) Teachers in adult education (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [84404] (84404) Erwachsenenbildung (o.S.) - Experte |
84412 | [84412] (84412) Occupations in music education-skilled tasks | [84412] (84412) Musikpädagogik - Fachkraft |
84413 | [84413] (84413) Occupations in music education-complex tasks | [84413] (84413) Musikpädagogik - Spezialist |
84414 | [84414] (84414) Occupations in music education-highly complex tasks | [84414] (84414) Musikpädagogik - Experte |
84424 | [84424] (84424) Occupations in religious education-highly complex tasks | [84424] (84424) Religionspädagogik - Experte |
84434 | [84434] (84434) Occupations in art and theatre education-highly complex tasks | [84434] (84434) Kunst-, Theaterpädagogik - Experte |
84444 | [84444] (84444) Occupations in IT-application training-highly complex tasks | [84444] (84444) IT-Anwendungstraining - Experte |
84454 | [84454] (84454) (Foreign) Language teachers-highly complex tasks | [84454] (84454) (Fremd-)Sprachenlehrer/innen - Experte |
84483 | [84483] (84483) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified except driving, flying and sports instructors)-complex tasks | [84483] (84483) Lehrkr.außerschul.Bild.(ssT)-Spezialist |
84484 | [84484] (84484) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified except driving, flying and sports instructors)-highly complex tasks | [84484] (84484) Lehrkr. außerschul.Bild.(ssT)-Experte |
84494 | [84494] (84494) Managers at educational institutions other than schools | [84494] (84494) Führung-Außerschul.Bildungseinrichtungen |
84503 | [84503] (84503) Sports instructors (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [84503] (84503) Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) - Spezialist |
84504 | [84504] (84504) Sports instructors (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [84504] (84504) Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) - Experte |
84513 | [84513] (84513) Driving instructors-complex tasks | [84513] (84513) Fahrlehrer/innen - Spezialist |
84523 | [84523] (84523) Flying instructors-complex tasks | [84523] (84523) Fluglehrer/innen - Spezialist |
84533 | [84533] (84533) Dance instructors-complex tasks | [84533] (84533) Tanzlehrer/innen - Spezialist |
84543 | [84543] (84543) Coaches in ball sports-complex tasks | [84543] (84543) Trainer - Ballsportarten - Spezialist |
84553 | [84553] (84553) Trainer in fitness and gymnastics-complex tasks | [84553] (84553) Trainer - Fitness,Gymnastik - Spezialist |
84583 | [84583] (84583) Sports instructors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [84583] (84583) Sportlehrer/innen (s.s.T.) - Spezialist |
91104 | [91104] (91104) Occupations in philology (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [91104] (91104) Sprach-, Literaturwissen.(oS) - Experte |
91114 | [91114] (91114) Occupations in German philology-highly complex tasks | [91114] (91114) Germanistik - Experte |
91124 | [91124] (91124) Occupations in English and American philology-highly complex tasks | [91124] (91124) Anglistik, Amerikanistik - Experte |
91134 | [91134] (91134) Occupations in Romance philology-highly complex tasks | [91134] (91134) Romanistik - Experte |
91144 | [91144] (91144) Occupations in Slavic philology-highly complex tasks | [91144] (91144) Slawistik, verwandte Bereiche - Experte |
91154 | [91154] (91154) Occupations in Arabic and Oriental philology-highly complex tasks | [91154] (91154) Arabistik, Orientalistik - Experte |
91164 | [91164] (91164) Occupations in Asian philology-highly complex tasks | [91164] (91164) Sprach-,Literaturwis. asiat.Raum-Experte |
91174 | [91174] (91174) Occupations in Classics-highly complex tasks | [91174] (91174) Altphilologie - Experte |
91184 | [91184] (91184) Occupations in philology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [91184] (91184) Sprach-,Literaturwissensch.(ssT)-Experte |
91214 | [91214] (91214) Occupations in philosophy, religion and ethics-highly complex tasks | [91214] (91214) Philosophie, Religion, Ethik - Experte |
91224 | [91224] (91224) Occupations in history-highly complex tasks | [91224] (91224) Geschichtswissenschaften - Experte |
91233 | [91233] (91233) Occupations in archaeology-complex tasks | [91233] (91233) Archäologie - Spezialist |
91234 | [91234] (91234) Occupations in archaeology-highly complex tasks | [91234] (91234) Archäologie - Experte |
91244 | [91244] (91244) Occupations in media science and theatre studies-highly complex tasks | [91244] (91244) Medien-, Theaterwissenschaft - Experte |
91254 | [91254] (91254) Occupations in regional science-highly complex tasks | [91254] (91254) Regionalwissenschaft - Experte |
91264 | [91264] (91264) Occupations in anthropology and ethnology-highly complex tasks | [91264] (91264) Anthropologie, Ethnologie - Experte |
91314 | [91314] (91314) Occupations in political science-highly complex tasks | [91314] (91314) Politologie - Experte |
91324 | [91324] (91324) Occupations in sociology-highly complex tasks | [91324] (91324) Soziologie - Experte |
91334 | [91334] (91334) Occupations in pedagogy-highly complex tasks | [91334] (91334) Erziehungswissenschaft - Experte |
91341 | [91341] (91341) Occupations in market and opinion research-unskilled/semiskilled tasks | [91341] (91341) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Helfer |
91342 | [91342] (91342) Occupations in market and opinion research-skilled tasks | [91342] (91342) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Fachkraft |
91343 | [91343] (91343) Occupations in market and opinion research-complex tasks | [91343] (91343) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Spezialist |
91344 | [91344] (91344) Occupations in market and opinion research-highly complex tasks | [91344] (91344) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Experte |
91354 | [91354] (91354) Occupations in demography-highly complex tasks | [91354] (91354) Demografie - Experte |
91384 | [91384] (91384) Occupations in the social sciences (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [91384] (91384) Gesellschaftswissenschaften(ssT)-Experte |
91404 | [91404] (91404) Occupations in economics (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [91404] (91404) Wirtschaftswissenschaften (oS) - Experte |
91484 | [91484] (91484) Occupations in economics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [91484] (91484) Wirtschaftswissenschaften(ssT) - Experte |
92112 | [92112] (92112) Occupations in advertising and marketing-skilled tasks | [92112] (92112) Werbung und Marketing - Fachkraft |
92113 | [92113] (92113) Occupations in advertising and marketing-complex tasks | [92113] (92113) Werbung und Marketing - Spezialist |
92114 | [92114] (92114) Occupations in advertising and marketing-highly complex tasks | [92114] (92114) Werbung und Marketing - Experte |
92122 | [92122] (92122) Occupations in dialog marketing-skilled tasks | [92122] (92122) Dialogmarketing - Fachkraft |
92123 | [92123] (92123) Occupations in dialog marketing-complex tasks | [92123] (92123) Dialogmarketing - Spezialist |
92133 | [92133] (92133) Occupations in customer management-highly complex tasks | [92133] (92133) Kundenmanagement - Spezialist |
92194 | [92194] (92194) Managers in advertising and marketing | [92194] (92194) Führung - Werbung und Marketing |
92203 | [92203] (92203) Occupations in public relations-complex tasks | [92203] (92203) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Spezialist |
92204 | [92204] (92204) Occupations in public relations-highly complex tasks | [92204] (92204) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Experte |
92294 | [92294] (92294) Managers in public relations | [92294] (92294) Führung - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit |
92302 | [92302] (92302) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [92302] (92302) Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(oS) - Fachkraft |
92303 | [92303] (92303) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [92303] (92303) Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(oS) -Spezialist |
92304 | [92304] (92304) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [92304] (92304) Verlags-, Medienkaufleute (oS) - Experte |
92382 | [92382] (92382) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields)-skilled tasks | [92382] (92382) Verlags-, Medienkaufleute(ssT)-Fachkraft |
92383 | [92383] (92383) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields)-complex tasks | [92383] (92383) Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(ssT)-Spezialist |
92384 | [92384] (92384) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields)-highly complex tasks | [92384] (92384) Verlags-, Medienkaufleute (ssT) -Experte |
92394 | [92394] (92394) Managers in publishing and media management | [92394] (92394) Führung - Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft |
92412 | [92412] (92412) Editors and journalists-skilled tasks | [92412] (92412) Redakteure, Journalisten - Fachkraft |
92413 | [92413] (92413) Editors and journalists-complex tasks | [92413] (92413) Redakteure, Journalisten - Spezialist |
92414 | [92414] (92414) Editors and journalists-highly complex tasks | [92414] (92414) Redakteure, Journalisten - Experte |
92424 | [92424] (92424) Copy editors-highly complex tasks | [92424] (92424) Lektoren/innen - Experte |
92434 | [92434] (92434) Authors and writers-highly complex tasks | [92434] (92434) Autoren, Schriftsteller - Experte |
92494 | [92494] (92494) Managers in editorial work and journalism | [92494] (92494) Führung - Redaktion und Journalismus |
93102 | [93102] (93102) Occupations in product and industrial design-skilled tasks | [93102] (93102) Produkt-, Industriedesign - Fachkraft |
93103 | [93103] (93103) Occupations in product and industrial design-complex tasks | [93103] (93103) Produkt-, Industriedesign - Spezialist |
93104 | [93104] (93104) Occupations in product and industrial design-highly complex tasks | [93104] (93104) Produkt-, Industriedesign - Experte |
93212 | [93212] (93212) Occupations in interior design-skilled tasks | [93212] (93212) Innenarchitektur - Fachkraft |
93213 | [93213] (93213) Occupations in interior design-complex tasks | [93213] (93213) Innenarchitektur - Spezialist |
93214 | [93214] (93214) Occupations in interior design-highly complex tasks | [93214] (93214) Innenarchitektur - Experte |
93222 | [93222] (93222) Occupations in visual marketing-skilled tasks | [93222] (93222) Visuelles Marketing - Fachkraft |
93223 | [93223] (93223) Occupations in visual marketing-complex tasks | [93223] (93223) Visuelles Marketing - Spezialist |
93232 | [93232] (93232) Occupations in interior decoration-skilled tasks | [93232] (93232) Raumausstattung - Fachkraft |
93233 | [93233] (93233) Occupations in interior decoration-complex tasks | [93233] (93233) Raumausstattung - Spezialist |
93293 | [93293] (93293) Supervisors in interior design, visual marketing, and interior decoration | [93293] (93293) Aufsicht-Innenarchitektur,Raumausstatt. |
93302 | [93302] (93302) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [93302] (93302) Kunsthandw., bild.Kunst (oS) - Fachkraft |
93303 | [93303] (93303) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [93303] (93303) Kunsthandwerk,bild.Kunst (oS)-Spezialist |
93304 | [93304] (93304) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [93304] (93304) Kunsthandwerk, bild. Kunst (oS)-Experte |
93312 | [93312] (93312) Occupations in sculpting-skilled tasks | [93312] (93312) Bildhauerei - Fachkraft |
93313 | [93313] (93313) Occupations in sculpting-complex tasks | [93313] (93313) Bildhauerei - Spezialist |
93323 | [93323] (93323) Painters and illustrators-highly complex tasks | [93323] (93323) Kunstmaler, Zeichner - Spezialist |
93332 | [93332] (93332) Occupations in turnery and toy manufacture-skilled tasks | [93332] (93332) Drechslerei,Spielzeugherstell.-Fachkraft |
93333 | [93333] (93333) Occupations in turnery and toy manufacture-complex tasks | [93333] (93333) Drechslerei, Spielzeugherst.-Spezialist |
93342 | [93342] (93342) Gilders-skilled tasks | [93342] (93342) Vergolderhandwerk - Fachkraft |
93343 | [93343] (93343) Gilders-complex tasks | [93343] (93343) Vergolderhandwerk - Spezialist |
93352 | [93352] (93352) Chandlers-skilled tasks | [93352] (93352) Wachszieherei - Fachkraft |
93382 | [93382] (93382) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [93382] (93382) Kunsthandwerk, bild.Kunst(ssT)-Fachkraft |
93383 | [93383] (93383) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [93383] (93383) Kunsthandwerk,bild.Kunst(ssT)-Spezialist |
93393 | [93393] (93393) Supervisors in artisan craftwork and fine arts | [93393] (93393) Aufsicht - Kunsthandwerk,bildende Kunst |
93412 | [93412] (93412) Artisans designing ceramics-skilled tasks | [93412] (93412) Kunsthandw. Keramikgestaltung-Fachkraft |
93413 | [93413] (93413) Artisans designing ceramics-complex tasks | [93413] (93413) Kunsthandw. Keramikgestaltung-Spezialist |
93422 | [93422] (93422) Artisans painting glassware, ceramics and porcelain-skilled tasks | [93422] (93422) KunsthandGlasKeramPorzellanmal-Fachkraft |
93432 | [93432] (93432) Artisans working in glass blowing-skilled tasks | [93432] (93432) Kunsthandwerkl. Glasbläserei - Fachkraft |
93433 | [93433] (93433) Artisans working in glass blowing-complex tasks | [93433] (93433) Kunsthandwerkl. Glasbläserei-Spezialist |
93493 | [93493] (93493) Supervisors in artisan craftwork using ceramics and glassware | [93493] (93493) Aufsicht-Kunsthandw.Keramik,Glasgestalt. |
93512 | [93512] (93512) Artisans working with metal-skilled tasks | [93512] (93512) Kunsthandw. Metallgestaltung - Fachkraft |
93513 | [93513] (93513) Artisans working with metal-complex tasks | [93513] (93513) Kunsthandw. Metallgestaltung-Spezialist |
93522 | [93522] (93522) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals-skilled tasks | [93522] (93522) Kunsth.Schmuckher.Edelsteinbe.-Fachkraft |
93523 | [93523] (93523) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals-complex tasks | [93523] (93523) Kunsth.SchmuckherEdelsteinbe.-Spezialist |
93524 | [93524] (93524) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals-highly complex tasks | [93524] (93524) Kunsth.Schmuckher.Edelsteinbear.-Experte |
93532 | [93532] (93532) Engravers-skilled tasks | [93532] (93532) Gravur - Fachkraft |
93542 | [93542] (93542) Producers of advertising signs and illuminated advertisements-skilled tasks | [93542] (93542) Schilder-,Lichtreklameherst. - Fachkraft |
93593 | [93593] (93593) Supervisors of artisans working with metal | [93593] (93593) Aufsicht-Kunsthandwerkl.Metallgestaltung |
93602 | [93602] (93602) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [93602] (93602) Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft |
93603 | [93603] (93603) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [93603] (93603) Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist |
93604 | [93604] (93604) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [93604] (93604) Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Experte |
93612 | [93612] (93612) Occupations making bowed and plucked string instruments-skilled tasks | [93612] (93612) Streich-,Zupfinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft |
93613 | [93613] (93613) Occupations making bowed and plucked string instruments-complex tasks | [93613] (93613) Streich-,Zupfinstrumentenbau-Spezialist |
93622 | [93622] (93622) Occupations making woodwind instruments-skilled tasks | [93622] (93622) Holzblasinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft |
93623 | [93623] (93623) Occupations making woodwind instruments-complex tasks | [93623] (93623) Holzblasinstrumentenbau - Spezialist |
93632 | [93632] (93632) Occupations making brass instruments-skilled tasks | [93632] (93632) Metallblasinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft |
93633 | [93633] (93633) Occupations making brass instruments-complex tasks | [93633] (93633) Metallblasinstrumentenbau - Spezialist |
93642 | [93642] (93642) Occupations making pianos and harpsichords-skilled tasks | [93642] (93642) Klavier- und Cembalobau - Fachkraft |
93643 | [93643] (93643) Occupations making pianos and harpsichords-complex tasks | [93643] (93643) Klavier- und Cembalobau - Spezialist |
93652 | [93652] (93652) Occupations making organs and harmoniums-skilled tasks | [93652] (93652) Orgel- und Harmoniumbau - Fachkraft |
93653 | [93653] (93653) Occupations making organs and harmoniums-complex tasks | [93653] (93653) Orgel- und Harmoniumbau - Spezialist |
93682 | [93682] (93682) Occupations in musical instrument making (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [93682] (93682) Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)-Fachkraft |
93683 | [93683] (93683) Occupations in musical instrument making (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [93683] (93683) Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)-Spezialist |
93693 | [93693] (93693) Supervisors in musical instrument making | [93693] (93693) Aufsicht - Musikinstrumentenbau |
94114 | [94114] (94114) Musicians-highly complex tasks | [94114] (94114) Musiker/innen - Experte |
94124 | [94124] (94124) Singers-highly complex tasks | [94124] (94124) Sänger/innen - Experte |
94134 | [94134] (94134) Conductors-highly complex tasks | [94134] (94134) Dirigenten/Dirigentinnen - Experte |
94144 | [94144] (94144) Composers-highly complex tasks | [94144] (94144) Komponisten/Komponistinnen - Experte |
94183 | [94183] (94183) Musicians, singers and conductors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [94183] (94183) MusikGesangDirigententät(ssT)-Spezialist |
94184 | [94184] (94184) Musicians, singers and conductors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [94184] (94184) MusikGesangs,Dirigententät.(ssT)-Experte |
94214 | [94214] (94214) Actors-highly complex tasks | [94214] (94214) Schauspieler/innen - Experte |
94224 | [94224] (94224) Dancers and choreographers-highly complex tasks | [94224] (94224) Tänzer, Choreografen - Experte |
94232 | [94232] (94232) Models-skilled tasks | [94232] (94232) MannequinDressmen,sonst.Models-Fachkraft |
94243 | [94243] (94243) Athletes and professional sportspersons-complex tasks | [94243] (94243) Athleten, Berufssportler - Spezialist |
94252 | [94252] (94252) Occupations in personal escort services-skilled tasks | [94252] (94252) Personenbezog.Dienstleistungen-Fachkraft |
94283 | [94283] (94283) Occupations in acting, dancing, athletics and related occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [94283] (94283) SchauspielTanzBewegungsk(ssT)-Spezialist |
94303 | [94303] (94303) Presenters and entertainers (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [94303] (94303) Moderation,Unterhaltung (oS) -Spezialist |
94313 | [94313] (94313) Comedians and cabaret artists-complex tasks | [94313] (94313) Komiker, Kabarettisten - Spezialist |
94323 | [94323] (94323) Magicians and illusionists-complex tasks | [94323] (94323) Zauberer, Illusionisten - Spezialist |
94334 | [94334] (94334) Radio and television presenters-highly complex tasks | [94334] (94334) Hörfunk-, Fernsehmoderatoren - Experte |
94342 | [94342] (94342) Occupations in gambling and betting-skilled tasks | [94342] (94342) Glücks- und Wettspiel - Fachkraft |
94383 | [94383] (94383) Occupations in presentation and entertainment (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [94383] (94383) Moderation,Unterhaltung(ssT) -Spezialist |
94402 | [94402] (94402) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation)-skilled tasks | [94402] (94402) Theater-Film-,Fernsehprod.(oS)-Fachkraft |
94403 | [94403] (94403) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation)-complex tasks | [94403] (94403) Theater-Film,Fernsehprod.(oS)-Spezialist |
94404 | [94404] (94404) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [94404] (94404) Theater-,Film-, Fernsehprod.(oS)-Experte |
94413 | [94413] (94413) Occupations in managing theatre, film and television productions-complex tasks | [94413] (94413) Regie - Spezialist |
94414 | [94414] (94414) Occupations managing theatre, film and television productions-highly complex tasks | [94414] (94414) Regie - Experte |
94482 | [94482] (94482) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [94482] (94482) Theater-Film,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
94483 | [94483] (94483) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks | [94483] (94483) TheaterFilm,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Spezialist |
94484 | [94484] (94484) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks | [94484] (94484) Theater-Film-,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Experte |
94493 | [94493] (94493) Supervisors in theatre, film and television productions | [94493] (94493) Aufsicht-Theater-Film-,Fernsehproduktion |
94494 | [94494] (94494) Managers in theatre, film and television productions | [94494] (94494) Führung-Theater-,Film-,Fernsehproduktion |
94512 | [94512] (94512) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft-skilled tasks | [94512] (94512) Veranstaltungs-, Bühnentechnik-Fachkraft |
94513 | [94513] (94513) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft-complex tasks | [94513] (94513) Veranstaltungs-,Bühnentechnik-Spezialist |
94514 | [94514] (94514) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft-highly complex tasks | [94514] (94514) Veranstaltungs-, Bühnentechnik - Experte |
94522 | [94522] (94522) Cinematographers, camera assistants, and projectionists-skilled tasks | [94522] (94522) Kameratechnik - Fachkraft |
94523 | [94523] (94523) Cinematographers, camera assistants, and projectionists-complex tasks | [94523] (94523) Kameratechnik - Spezialist |
94532 | [94532] (94532) Technical occupations in video and sound production-skilled tasks | [94532] (94532) Bild- und Tontechnik - Fachkraft |
94533 | [94533] (94533) Technical occupations in video and sound production-complex tasks | [94533] (94533) Bild- und Tontechnik - Spezialist |
94534 | [94534] (94534) Technical occupations in video and sound production-highly complex tasks | [94534] (94534) Bild- und Tontechnik - Experte |
94582 | [94582] (94582) Occupations in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks | [94582] (94582) Veranstalt.-Kamera-,Tont.(ssT)-Fachkraft |
94593 | [94593] (94593) Supervisors in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering | [94593] (94593) Aufsicht-Veranstaltungs-Kamera-,Tontech. |
94612 | [94612] (94612) Stage and costume designers-skilled tasks | [94612] (94612) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei - Fachkraft |
94613 | [94613] (94613) Stage and costume designers-complex tasks | [94613] (94613) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei - Spezialist |
94614 | [94614] (94614) Stage and costume designers-highly complex tasks | [94614] (94614) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei - Experte |
94622 | [94622] (94622) Prop designers-skilled tasks | [94622] (94622) Requisite - Fachkraft |
94623 | [94623] (94623) Prop designers-complex tasks | [94623] (94623) Requisite - Spezialist |
94693 | [94693] (94693) Supervisors in stage, costume and prop design | [94693] (94693) Aufsicht-Bühnen-,Kostümbildn.,Requisite |
94704 | [94704] (94704) Occupations in museums (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks | [94704] (94704) Museum (o.S.) - Experte |
94712 | [94712] (94712) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions-skilled tasks | [94712] (94712) Museums-,Ausstellungstechnik - Fachkraft |
94713 | [94713] (94713) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions-complex tasks | [94713] (94713) Museums-,Ausstellungstechnik-Spezialist |
94714 | [94714] (94714) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions-highly complex tasks | [94714] (94714) Museums-, Ausstellungstechnik - Experte |
94724 | [94724] (94724) Art experts-highly complex tasks | [94724] (94724) Kunstsachverständige - Experte |
94794 | [94794] (94794) Managers in museum | [94794] (94794) Führung - Museum |
-1 | [-1] No answer / don’t know | [-1] keine Angabe/weiß nicht |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Implausible value | [-3] unplausibler Wert |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissable multiple response | [-4] unzulässige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar |
-8 | [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year | [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms |
No concept available.
: [de] 2. Nebentätigkeit (KldB 2010, roh)
: 2. Nebentätigkeit (KldB 2010, roh)
blp – Data from individual questionnaires 2021
: 2021
Measure | Value |
valid | 0 |
invalid | 20401 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.