
en de
0 [0] (0) Military occupations [0] (0) Militär
1 [1] (1) Occupations in agriculture, forestry, farming, and gardening [1] (1) Land-, Forst-, Tierwirtschaft, Gartenbau
2 [2] (2) Occupations in production of raw materials and goods, and manufacturing [2] (2) Rohstoffgewinnung, Produktion, Fertigung
3 [3] (3) Occupations in construction, architecture, surveying and technical building services [3] (3) Bau,Architektur,Vermessung,Gebäudetechn.
4 [4] (4) Occupations in natural sciences, geography and informatics [4] (4) Naturwissenschaft, Geografie, Informatik
5 [5] (5) Occupations in traffic, logistics, safety and security [5] (5) Verkehr, Logistik, Schutz und Sicherheit
6 [6] (6) Occupations in commercial services, trading, sales, the hotel business and tourism [6] (6) Kaufm.Dienstl.,Handel,Vertrieb,Tourismus
7 [7] (7) Occupations in business organisation, accounting, law and administration [7] (7) Unternehmensorga,Buchhalt,Recht,Verwalt.
8 [8] (8) Occupations in health care, the social sector, teaching and education [8] (8) Gesundheit, Soziales, Lehre u. Erziehung
9 [9] (9) Occupations in philology, literature, humanities, social sciences, economics, media, art, culture, and design [9] (9) Geisteswissenschaften, Kultur,Gestaltung
11 [11] (11) Occupations in agriculture, forestry, and farming [11] (11) Land-, Tier-, Forstwirtschaftsberufe
12 [12] (12) Occupations in gardening and floristry [12] (12) Gartenbauberufe, Floristik
21 [21] (21) Occupations in production and processing of raw materials, glass- and ceramic-making and -processing [21] (21) Rohstoffgewinn,Glas-,Keramikverarbeitung
22 [22] (22) Occupations in plastic-making and -processing, and wood-working and -processing [22] (22) Kunststoff- u. Holzherst.,-verarbeitung
23 [23] (23) Occupations in paper-making and -processing, printing, and in technical media design [23] (23) Papier-,Druckberufe, tech.Mediengestalt.
24 [24] (24) Occupations in metal-making and -working, and in metal construction [24] (24) Metallerzeugung,-bearbeitung, Metallbau
25 [25] (25) Technical occupations in machine-building and automotive industry [25] (25) Maschinen- und Fahrzeugtechnikberufe
26 [26] (26) Occupations in mechatronics, energy electronics and electrical engineering [26] (26) Mechatronik-, Energie- u. Elektroberufe
27 [27] (27) Occupations in technical research and development, construction, and production planning and scheduling [27] (27) Techn.Entwickl.Konstr.Produktionssteuer.
28 [28] (28) Occupations in textile- and leather-making and -processing [28] (28) Textil- und Lederberufe
29 [29] (29) Occupations in food-production and -processing [29] (29) Lebensmittelherstellung u. -verarbeitung
31 [31] (31) Occupations in construction scheduling, architecture and surveying [31] (31) Bauplanung,Architektur,Vermessungsberufe
32 [32] (32) Occupations in building construction above and below ground [32] (32) Hoch- und Tiefbauberufe
33 [33] (33) Occupations in interior construction [33] (33) (Innen-)Ausbauberufe
34 [34] (34) Occupations in building services engineering and technical building services [34] (34) Gebäude- u. versorgungstechnische Berufe
41 [41] (41) Occupations in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics [41] (41) Mathematik-Biologie-Chemie-,Physikberufe
42 [42] (42) Occupations in geology, geography and environmental protection [42] (42) Geologie-,Geografie-,Umweltschutzberufe
43 [43] (43) Occupations in computer science, information and communication technology [43] (43) Informatik- und andere IKT-Berufe
51 [51] (51) Occupations in traffic and logistics (without vehicle driving) [51] (51) Verkehr, Logistik (außer Fahrzeugführ.)
52 [52] (52) Drivers and operators of vehicles and transport equipment [52] (52) Führer von Fahrzeug- u. Transportgeräten
53 [53] (53) Occupations in safety and health protection, security and surveillance [53] (53) Schutz-,Sicherheits-, Überwachungsberufe
54 [54] (54) Occupations in cleaning services [54] (54) Reinigungsberufe
61 [61] (61) Occupations in purchasing, sales and trading [61] (61) Einkaufs-, Vertriebs- und Handelsberufe
62 [62] (62) Sales occupations in retail trade [62] (62) Verkaufsberufe
63 [63] (63) Occupations in tourism, hotels and restaurants [63] (63) Tourismus-, Hotel- und Gaststättenberufe
71 [71] (71) Occupations in business management and organisation [71] (71) Berufe Unternehmensführung,-organisation
72 [72] (72) Occupations in financial services, accounting and tax consultancy [72] (72) Finanzdienstl.Rechnungsw.,Steuerberatung
73 [73] (73) Occupations in law and public administration [73] (73) Berufe in Recht und Verwaltung
81 [81] (81) Medical and health care occupations [81] (81) Medizinische Gesundheitsberufe
82 [82] (82) Occupations in non-medical healthcare, body care, wellness and medical technicians [82] (82) Nichtmed.Gesundheit,Körperpfl.,Medizint.
83 [83] (83) Occupations in education and social work, housekeeping, and theology [83] (83) Erziehung,soz.,hauswirt.Berufe,Theologie
84 [84] (84) Occupations in teaching and training [84] (84) Lehrende und ausbildende Berufe
91 [91] (91) Occupations in in philology, literature, humanities, social sciences, and economics [91] (91) Geistes-Gesellschafts-Wirtschaftswissen.
92 [92] (92) Occupations in advertising and marketing, in commercial and editorial media design [92] (92) Werbung,Marketing,kaufm,red.Medienberufe
93 [93] (93) Occupations in product design, artisan craftwork, fine arts and the making of musical instruments [93] (93) Produktdesign, Kunsthandwerk
94 [94] (94) Occupations in the performing arts and entertainment [94] (94) Darstellende, unterhaltende Berufe
110 [110] (0110) Commissioned officers [110] (0110) Offiziere
111 [111] (111) Occupations in farming [111] (111) Landwirtschaft
112 [112] (112) Occupations in animal husbandry [112] (112) Tierwirtschaft
113 [113] (113) Occupations in horsekeeping [113] (113) Pferdewirtschaft
114 [114] (114) Occupations in fishing [114] (114) Fischwirtschaft
115 [115] (115) Occupations in animal care [115] (115) Tierpflege
116 [116] (116) Occupations in vini- and viticulture [116] (116) Weinbau
117 [117] (117) Occupations in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation [117] (117) Forst-,Jagdwirtschaft, Landschaftspflege
120 [120] (0120) Senior non-commissioned officers and higher [120] (0120) Unteroffiziere mit Portepee
121 [121] (121) Occupations in gardening [121] (121) Gartenbau
122 [122] (122) Occupations in floristry [122] (122) Floristik
130 [130] (0130) Junior non-commissioned officers [130] (0130) Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee
140 [140] (0140) Armed forces personnel in other ranks [140] (0140) Angeh. reguläre Streitkräfte sonst.Ränge
211 [211] (211) Occupations in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering [211] (211) Berg-, Tagebau und Sprengtechnik
212 [212] (212) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials [212] (212) Naturstein-,Mineral-,Baustoffherstell.
213 [213] (213) Occupations in industrial glass-making and -processing [213] (213) Industrielle Glasherstell.,-verarbeitung
214 [214] (214) Occupations in industrial ceramic-making and -processing [214] (214) Industrielle Keramikherstell.,-verarbeit
221 [221] (221) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing [221] (221) Kunststoff,Kautschukherstell.,verarbeit
222 [222] (222) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing [222] (222) Farb- und Lacktechnik
223 [223] (223) Occupations in wood-working and -processing [223] (223) Holzbe- und -verarbeitung
231 [231] (231) Technical occupations in paper-making and -processing and packaging [231] (231) Papier- und Verpackungstechnik
232 [232] (232) Occupations in technical media design [232] (232) Technische Mediengestaltung
233 [233] (233) Occupations in photography and photographic technology [233] (233) Fototechnik und Fotografie
234 [234] (234) Occupations in printing technology, print finishing, and book binding [234] (234) Drucktechnik,-weiterverarb.,Buchbinderei
241 [241] (241) Occupations in metal-making [241] (241) Metallerzeugung
242 [242] (242) Occupations in metalworking [242] (242) Metallbearbeitung
243 [243] (243) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces [243] (243) Metalloberflächenbehandlung
244 [244] (244) Occupations in metal constructing and welding [244] (244) Metallbau und Schweißtechnik
245 [245] (245) Occupations in precision mechanics and tool making [245] (245) Feinwerk- und Werkzeugtechnik
251 [251] (251) Occupations in machine-building and -operating [251] (251) Maschinenbau- und Betriebstechnik
252 [252] (252) Technical occupations in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries [252] (252) Fahrzeug-Luft-Raumfahrt-,Schiffbautechn.
261 [261] (261) Occupations in mechatronics, automation and control technology [261] (261) Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik
262 [262] (262) Technical occupations in energy technologies [262] (262) Energietechnik
263 [263] (263) Occupations in electrical engineering [263] (263) Elektrotechnik
271 [271] (271) Occupations in technical research and development [271] (271) Technische Forschung und Entwicklung
272 [272] (272) Draftspersons, technical designers, and model makers [272] (272) Techn. Zeichnen, Konstruktion, Modellbau
273 [273] (273) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling [273] (273) Technische Produktionsplanung,-steuerung
281 [281] (281) Occupations in textile making [281] (281) Textiltechnik und -produktion
282 [282] (282) Occupations in the production of clothing and other textile products [282] (282) Textilverarbeitung
283 [283] (283) Occupations in leather- and fur-making and -processing [283] (283) Leder-, Pelzherstellung u. -verarbeitung
291 [291] (291) Occupations in beverage production [291] (291) Getränkeherstellung
292 [292] (292) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products [292] (292) Lebensmittel- u. Genussmittelherstellung
293 [293] (293) Cooking occupations [293] (293) Speisenzubereitung
311 [311] (311) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture [311] (311) Bauplanung u. -überwachung, Architektur
312 [312] (312) Occupations in surveying and cartography [312] (312) Vermessung und Kartografie
321 [321] (321) Occupations in building construction [321] (321) Hochbau
322 [322] (322) Occupations in civil engineering [322] (322) Tiefbau
331 [331] (331) Floor layers [331] (331) Bodenverlegung
332 [332] (332) Painters and varnishers, plasterers, occupations in the waterproofing of buildings, preservation of structures and wooden building components [332] (332) Maler.,Stuckat.,Bauwerksabd,Bautenschutz
333 [333] (333) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and jalousie installation [333] (333) Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimmer.Glas.Roll.bau
341 [341] (341) Occupations in building services engineering [341] (341) Gebäudetechnik
342 [342] (342) Occupations in plumping, sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning [342] (342) Klempnerei,Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik
343 [343] (343) Occupations in building services and waste disposal [343] (343) Ver- und Entsorgung
411 [411] (411) Occupations in mathematics and statistics [411] (411) Mathematik und Statistik
412 [412] (412) Occupations in biology [412] (412) Biologie
413 [413] (413) Occupations in chemistry [413] (413) Chemie
414 [414] (414) Occupations in physics [414] (414) Physik
421 [421] (421) Occupations in geology, geography and meteorology [421] (421) Geologie, Geografie und Meteorologie
422 [422] (422) Occupations in environmental protection engineering [422] (422) Umweltschutztechnik
423 [423] (423) Occupations in environmental protection management and environmental protection consulting [423] (423) Umweltmanagement und -beratung
431 [431] (431) Occupations in computer science [431] (431) Informatik
432 [432] (432) Occupations in IT-system-analysis, IT-application-consulting and IT-sales [432] (432) IT-Systemanalyse,Anwenderber,IT-Vertrieb
433 [433] (433) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation [433] (433) IT-Netzwerkt.,-Koord.,-Administr.,-Orga.
434 [434] (434) Occupations in software development and programming [434] (434) Softwareentwicklung und Programmierung
511 [511] (511) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation [511] (511) Tech.Betrieb Eisenb.,Luft,Schiffsverkehr
512 [512] (512) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of traffic infrastructure [512] (512) Überwachung,WartungVerkehrsinfrastruktur
513 [513] (513) Occupations in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling [513] (513) Lagerwirt.,Post,Zustellung,Güterumschlag
514 [514] (514) Service occupations in passenger traffic [514] (514) Servicekräfte im Personenverkehr
515 [515] (515) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control [515] (515) Überwachung u. Steuerung Verkehrsbetrieb
516 [516] (516) Management assistants in transport and logistics [516] (516) Kaufleute - Verkehr und Logistik
521 [521] (521) Driver of vehicles in road traffic [521] (521) Fahrzeugführung im Straßenverkehr
522 [522] (522) Drivers of vehicles in railway traffic [522] (522) Fahrzeugführung im Eisenbahnverkehr
523 [523] (523) Aircraft pilots [523] (523) Fahrzeugführung im Flugverkehr
524 [524] (524) Ship’s officers and masters [524] (524) Fahrzeugführung im Schiffsverkehr
525 [525] (525) Drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment [525] (525) Bau- und Transportgeräteführung
531 [531] (531) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety [531] (531) Obj.-,Pers.-,Brandschutz,Arbeitssicherh.
532 [532] (532) Occupations in police and criminal investigation, jurisdiction and the penal institution [532] (532) Polizei,Kriminald.,Gerichts,Justizvollz.
533 [533] (533) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection [533] (533) Gewerbe,Gesundheitsaufsicht,Desinfektion
541 [541] (541) Occupations in cleaning services [541] (541) Reinigung
611 [611] (611) Occupations in purchasing and sales [611] (611) Einkauf und Vertrieb
612 [612] (612) Trading occupations [612] (612) Handel
613 [613] (613) Occupations in real estate and facility management [613] (613) Immobilienwirtschaft,Facility-Management
621 [621] (621) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation) [621] (621) Verkauf (ohne Produktspezialisierung)
622 [622] (622) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling clothing, electronic devices, furniture, motor vehicles and other durables [622] (622) Verkauf Bekleid.,Elektro,KFZ,Hartwaren
623 [623] (623) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs [623] (623) Verkauf von Lebensmitteln
624 [624] (624) Sales occupations (retail) selling drugstore products, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and healthcare goods [624] (624) Verkauf drog.apotheken.Waren,Medizinbed.
625 [625] (625) Sales occupations (retail) selling books, art, antiques, musical instruments, recordings or sheet music [625] (625) Buch-Kunst-Antiquitäten-,Musikfachhandel
631 [631] (631) Occupations in tourism and the sports (and fitness) industry [631] (631) Tourismus und Sport
632 [632] (632) Occupations in hotels [632] (632) Hotellerie
633 [633] (633) Gastronomy occupations [633] (633) Gastronomie
634 [634] (634) Occupations in event organisation and management [634] (634) Veranstaltungsservice, -management
711 [711] (711) Managing directors and executive board members [711] (711) Geschäftsführung und Vorstand
712 [712] (712) Legislators and senior officials of special interest organisations [712] (712) Angeh. gesetzgeb. Körp., Interessenorg.
713 [713] (713) Occupations in business organisation and strategy [713] (713) Unternehmensorganisation und -strategie
714 [714] (714) Office clerks and secretaries [714] (714) Büro und Sekretariat
715 [715] (715) Occupations in human resources management and personnel service [715] (715) Personalwesen und -dienstleistung
721 [721] (721) Occupations in insurance and financial services [721] (721) Versicherungs- u. Finanzdienstleistungen
722 [722] (722) Occupations in accounting, controlling and auditing [722] (722) Rechnungswesen, Controlling und Revision
723 [723] (723) Occupations in tax consultancy [723] (723) Steuerberatung
731 [731] (731) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court [731] (731) Rechtsberatung, -sprechung und -ordnung
732 [732] (732) Occupations in public administration [732] (732) Verwaltung
733 [733] (733) Occupations in media, documentation and information services [733] (733) Medien-Dokumentations-Informationsdienst
811 [811] (811) Doctors’ receptionists and assistants [811] (811) Arzt- und Praxishilfe
812 [812] (812) Laboratory occupations in medicine [812] (812) Medizinisches Laboratorium
813 [813] (813) Occupations in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics [813] (813) Gesundh.,Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.Geburtsh.
814 [814] (814) Occupations in human medicine and dentistry [814] (814) Human- und Zahnmedizin
815 [815] (815) Occupations in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners [815] (815) Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde
816 [816] (816) Occupations in psychology and non-medical psychotherapy [816] (816) Psychologie, nichtärztl. Psychotherapie
817 [817] (817) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine [817] (817) Nicht ärztliche Therapie und Heilkunde
818 [818] (818) Occupations in pharmacy [818] (818) Pharmazie
821 [821] (821) Occupations in geriatric care [821] (821) Altenpflege
822 [822] (822) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness [822] (822) Ernährungs-,Gesundheitsberatung,Wellness
823 [823] (823) Occupations in body care [823] (823) Körperpflege
824 [824] (824) Occupations in funeral services [824] (824) Bestattungswesen
825 [825] (825) Technical occupations in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation [825] (825) Medizin-, Orthopädie- und Rehatechnik
831 [831] (831) Occupations in education and social work, and pedagogic specialists in social care work [831] (831) Erziehung,Sozialarb.,Heilerziehungspfl.
832 [832] (832) Occupations in housekeeping and consumer counselling [832] (832) Hauswirtschaft und Verbraucherberatung
833 [833] (833) Occupations in theology and church community work [833] (833) Theologie und Gemeindearbeit
841 [841] (841) Teachers in schools of general education [841] (841) Lehrtätigkeit an allgemeinbild. Schulen
842 [842] (842) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools and in-company instructors in vocational training [842] (842) Lehrt.berufsb.Fächer,betr.Ausb.,Betr.päd
843 [843] (843) Teachers and researcher at universities and colleges [843] (843) Lehr-,Forschungstätigkeit an Hochschulen
844 [844] (844) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (except driving, flying and sports instructors) [844] (844) Lehrtätigk. außerschul.Bildungseinricht.
845 [845] (845) Driving, flying and sports instructors at educational institutions other than schools [845] (845) Fahr-,Sportunterricht außerschul. Bild.
911 [911] (911) Occupations in philology [911] (911) Sprach-, Literaturwissenschaften
912 [912] (912) Occupations in the humanities [912] (912) Geisteswissenschaften
913 [913] (913) Occupations in the social sciences [913] (913) Gesellschaftswissenschaften
914 [914] (914) Occupations in economics [914] (914) Wirtschaftswissenschaften
921 [921] (921) Occupations in advertising and marketing [921] (921) Werbung und Marketing
922 [922] (922) Occupations in public relations [922] (922) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
923 [923] (923) Occupations in publishing and media management [923] (923) Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft
924 [924] (924) Occupations in editorial work and journalism [924] (924) Redaktion und Journalismus
931 [931] (931) Occupations in product and industrial design [931] (931) Produkt- und Industriedesign
932 [932] (932) Occupations in interior design, visual marketing, and interior decoration [932] (932) Innenarchitektur, Raumausstattung
933 [933] (933) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts [933] (933) Kunsthandwerk und bildende Kunst
934 [934] (934) Artisans designing ceramics and glassware [934] (934) Kunsthandwerkl. Keramik-, Glasgestaltung
935 [935] (935) Artisans working with metal [935] (935) Kunsthandwerkliche Metallgestaltung
936 [936] (936) Occupations in musical instrument making [936] (936) Musikinstrumentenbau
941 [941] (941) Musicians, singers and conductors [941] (941) Musik-, Gesang-, Dirigententätigkeiten
942 [942] (942) Actors, dancers, athletes and related occupations [942] (942) Schauspiel, Tanz und Bewegungskunst
943 [943] (943) Presenters and entertainers [943] (943) Moderation und Unterhaltung
944 [944] (944) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions [944] (944) Theater-, Film- und Fernsehproduktion
945 [945] (945) Occupations in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering [945] (945) Veranstaltungs-, Kamera-, Tontechnik
946 [946] (946) Occupations in stage, costume and prop design, [946] (946) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei, Requisite
947 [947] (947) Technical and management occupations in museums and exhibitions [947] (947) Museumstechnik und -management
1104 [1104] (01104) Commissioned officers [1104] (01104) Offiziere
1110 [1110] (1110) Occupations in farming (without specialisation) [1110] (1110) Berufe in der Landwirtschaft (o.S.)
1111 [1111] (1111) Technical occupations in farming [1111] (1111) Berufe in der Landtechnik
1112 [1112] (1112) Agricultural experts [1112] (1112) Landwirtschaftliche Sachverständige
1113 [1113] (1113) Technical laboratory occupations in agriculture [1113] (1113) Berufe landwirtsch.-techn. Laboratorium
1118 [1118] (1118) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [1118] (1118) Berufe in der Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.)
1119 [1119] (1119) Supervisors and managers in farming [1119] (1119) Aufsicht und Führung - Landwirtschaft
1121 [1121] (1121) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming) [1121] (1121) Berufe in der Nutztierhaltung
1122 [1122] (1122) Occupations in poultry farming [1122] (1122) Berufe in der Geflügelhaltung
1123 [1123] (1123) Occupations in beekeeping [1123] (1123) Berufe in der Imkerei
1128 [1128] (1128) Occupations in animal husbandry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [1128] (1128) Berufe in der Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.)
1129 [1129] (1129) Supervisors and managers in animal husbandry [1129] (1129) Aufsicht und Führung - Tierwirtschaft
1130 [1130] (1130) Occupations in horsekeeping (without specialisation) [1130] (1130) Berufe in der Pferdewirtschaft (o.S.)
1131 [1131] (1131) Occupations in horse breeding [1131] (1131) Berufe i.d. Pferdewirtschaft-Pferdezucht
1132 [1132] (1132) Occupations in horsekeeping: riding [1132] (1132) Berufe in der Pferdewirtschaft - Reiten
1133 [1133] (1133) Farrier [1133] (1133) Hufbeschlagschmiede/-schmiedinnen
1134 [1134] (1134) Coachman [1134] (1134) Kutscher/innen
1139 [1139] (1139) Supervisors and managers in horsekeeping [1139] (1139) Aufsicht und Führung - Pferdewirtschaft
1140 [1140] (1140) Occupations in fishing (without specialisation) [1140] (1140) Berufe in der Fischwirtschaft (o.S.)
1141 [1141] (1141) Occupations in fish farming [1141] (1141) Berufe in der Fischzucht
1142 [1142] (1142) Occupations in fishery [1142] (1142) Berufe in der Fischerei
1149 [1149] (1149) Supervisors and managers in fishing [1149] (1149) Aufsicht und Führung - Fischwirtschaft
1150 [1150] (1150) Occupations in animal care (without specialisation) [1150] (1150) Berufe in der Tierpflege (o.S.)
1151 [1151] (1151) Occupations in livestock care [1151] (1151) Berufe in der Nutztierpflege
1152 [1152] (1152) Occupations in pet and zoo animal care [1152] (1152) Berufe in der Haus-, Zootierpflege
1158 [1158] (1158) Occupations in animal care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [1158] (1158) Berufe in der Tierpflege (s.s.T.)
1159 [1159] (1159) Supervisors and managers in animal care [1159] (1159) Aufsicht und Führung - Tierpflege
1160 [1160] (1160) Occupations in vini- and viticulture [1160] (1160) Berufe im Weinbau
1169 [1169] (1169) Supervisors and managers in vini- and viticulture [1169] (1169) Aufsicht und Führung - Weinbau
1171 [1171] (1171) Occupations in forestry [1171] (1171) Berufe in der Forstwirtschaft
1172 [1172] (1172) Occupations in landscape preservation [1172] (1172) Berufe in der Natur-, Landschaftspflege
1173 [1173] (1173) Occupations in hunting and gamekeeping [1173] (1173) Berufe in der Jagdwirtschaft, Wildhege
1174 [1174] (1174) Picking and extracting plants and other natural products [1174] (1174) Sammeln von Pflanzen, Naturprodukten
1179 [1179] (1179) Supervisors and managers in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation [1179] (1179) Aufsicht,Führung-Forst,Landschaftspflege
1203 [1203] (01203) Senior non-commissioned officers and higher [1203] (01203) Unteroffiziere mit Portepee
1210 [1210] (1210) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation) [1210] (1210) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.)
1211 [1211] (1211) Occupations in fruit and vegetable farming [1211] (1211) Berufe im Obst-, Gemüsebau
1212 [1212] (1212) Occupations in tree, perennial and ornamental plants farming [1212] (1212) Berufe BaumschuleStauden,Zierpflanzenbau
1213 [1213] (1213) Occupations in cemetery gardening [1213] (1213) Berufe in der Friedhofsgärtnerei
1214 [1214] (1214) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance [1214] (1214) Berufe Garten-,Landschafts,Sportplatzbau
1219 [1219] (1219) Supervisors and managers in gardening [1219] (1219) Aufsicht und Führung - Gartenbau
1220 [1220] (1220) Occupations in floristry [1220] (1220) Berufe in der Floristik
1229 [1229] (1229) Supervisors and managers in floristry [1229] (1229) Aufsicht und Führung - Floristik
1302 [1302] (01302) Junior non-commissioned officers [1302] (01302) Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee
1402 [1402] (01402) Armed forces personnel in other ranks [1402] (01402) Angeh. reguläre Streitkräfte sonst.Ränge
2111 [2111] (2111) Occupations in underground and surface mining [2111] (2111) Berufe im Berg- und Tagebau
2112 [2112] (2112) Occupations in blasting engineering [2112] (2112) Berufe in der Sprengtechnik
2119 [2119] (2119) Supervisors and managers in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering [2119] (2119) Aufsicht,Führung-Bergbau,Sprengtechn.
2120 [2120] (2120) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials (without specialisation) [2120] (2120) Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffherstell(o.S)
2121 [2121] (2121) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals [2121] (2121) Berufe Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereitung
2122 [2122] (2122) Production of building materials [2122] (2122) Berufe in der Baustoffherstellung
2123 [2123] (2123) Occupations in stonemasonry [2123] (2123) Berufe in der Steinmetztechnik
2129 [2129] (2129) Supervisors in conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials [2129] (2129) Aufsicht-Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffher.
2131 [2131] (2131) Occupations in glass-making [2131] (2131) Berufe in der Glasherstellung
2132 [2132] (2132) Manufacturing of glass instruments [2132] (2132) Berufe im Glasapparatebau
2133 [2133] (2133) Occupations in industrial glassblowing [2133] (2133) Berufe in der industriellen Glasbläserei
2134 [2134] (2134) Occupations in glass finishing [2134] (2134) Berufe in der Glasveredelung
2135 [2135] (2135) Occupations in adjusting of glass instruments [2135] (2135) Berufe in der Glasapparatejustierung
2136 [2136] (2136) Occupations in precision optics [2136] (2136) Berufe in der Feinoptik
2139 [2139] (2139) Supervisors in industrial glass-making and -processing [2139] (2139) Aufsicht-Industri.Glasherst.,-verarbeit.
2141 [2141] (2141) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials [2141] (2141) Industriekeramik (Verfahren,Anlagentech)
2142 [2142] (2142) Occupations in industrial ceramic model making [2142] (2142) Industriekeramik (Modelltechnik)
2149 [2149] (2149) Supervisors in industrial ceramic-making and -processing [2149] (2149) Aufsicht-Industrielle Keramikherstellung
2210 [2210] (2210) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation) [2210] (2210) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherstellung (o.S.)
2211 [2211] (2211) Technical occupations in tire production and vulcanisation [2211] (2211) Berufe i.d.Reifen-,Vulkanisationstechnik
2218 [2218] (2218) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2218] (2218) Kunststoff,Kautschukherst.,-verarb.(ssT)
2219 [2219] (2219) Supervisors in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing [2219] (2219) Aufsicht-Kunststoff,Kautschukher,verarb.
2220 [2220] (2220) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation) [2220] (2220) Berufe in der Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.)
2221 [2221] (2221) Vehicle paintwork [2221] (2221) Berufe in der Fahrzeuglackierung
2222 [2222] (2222) Occupations in varnishing laboratories [2222] (2222) Berufe im Lacklaboratorium
2229 [2229] (2229) Supervisors in colour coating and varnishing [2229] (2229) Aufsicht - Farb-, Lacktechnik
2230 [2230] (2230) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation) [2230] (2230) Berufe i.d. Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (o.S.)
2231 [2231] (2231) Occupations in wood drying and preservation [2231] (2231) Berufe Holztrocknung,-konservierung
2232 [2232] (2232) Occupations producing wood-based materials and wooden components [2232] (2232) Produktion v. Holzwerkstoffen,-bauteilen
2233 [2233] (2233) Occupations producing finished products from wood and wood-based materials [2233] (2233) Produktion v. Fertigprodukten aus Holz
2234 [2234] (2234) Occupations in wood construction, furniture and cabinet making, and interior finishing [2234] (2234) Berufe im Holz-, Möbel-, Innenausbau
2235 [2235] (2235) Wickerwork manufacturers, broom and brush makers [2235] (2235) FlechtwerkgestalterBürsten-,Pinselmacher
2238 [2238] (2238) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2238] (2238) Berufe i.d. Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (ssT)
2239 [2239] (2239) Supervisors and managers in wood-working and –processing [2239] (2239) Aufsicht,Führung - Holzbe-,-verarbeitung
2310 [2310] (2310) Technical occupations in paper-making and -processing and packaging (without specialisation) [2310] (2310) Berufe Papier-,Verpackungstechnik (o.S.)
2311 [2311] (2311) Occupations in paper-making [2311] (2311) Berufe in der Papierherstellung
2312 [2312] (2312) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging [2312] (2312) Berufe Papierverarb., Verpackungstechnik
2319 [2319] (2319) Supervisors in paper-making and -processing and packaging [2319] (2319) Aufsicht - Papier-, Verpackungstechnik
2321 [2321] (2321) Occupations in digital and print media design [2321] (2321) Berufe Digital-, Printmediengestaltung
2322 [2322] (2322) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design [2322] (2322) Berufe Grafik-Kommunikations-,Fotodesign
2328 [2328] (2328) Occupations in technical media design (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2328] (2328) Berufe technische Mediengestaltung (ssT)
2329 [2329] (2329) Supervisors and managers in technical media design [2329] (2329) Aufsicht,Führung-Techn. Mediengestaltung
2331 [2331] (2331) Occupations in photographic technology [2331] (2331) Berufe in der Fototechnik
2332 [2332] (2332) Occupations in photography [2332] (2332) Berufe in der Fotografie
2339 [2339] (2339) Supervisors in photography and photographic technology [2339] (2339) Aufsicht - Fototechnik und Fotografie
2341 [2341] (2341) Occupations in printing technology [2341] (2341) Berufe in der Drucktechnik
2342 [2342] (2342) Occupations in book binding and print finishing [2342] (2342) Berufe Buchbinderei, Druckweiterverarb.
2349 [2349] (2349) Supervisors in printing technology, print finishing, and book binding [2349] (2349) Aufsicht-Drucktechnik,Buchbinderei
2410 [2410] (2410) Occupations in metal-making (without specialisation) [2410] (2410) Berufe in der Metallerzeugung (o.S.)
2411 [2411] (2411) Occupations in metallurgy [2411] (2411) Berufe in der Hüttentechnik
2412 [2412] (2412) Occupations in metal moulding [2412] (2412) Berufe in der Metallumformung
2413 [2413] (2413) Occupations in industrial metal casting [2413] (2413) Berufe in der industriellen Gießerei
2414 [2414] (2414) Occupations in manual metal and bell founding [2414] (2414) Berufe handwerkl.Metall-,Glockengießerei
2419 [2419] (2419) Supervisors in metal-making [2419] (2419) Aufsicht - Metallerzeugung
2420 [2420] (2420) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation) [2420] (2420) Berufe in der Metallbearbeitung (o.S.)
2421 [2421] (2421) Occupations in metalworking: non-cutting [2421] (2421) Berufe i.d. spanlosen Metallbearbeitung
2422 [2422] (2422) Occupations in metalworking: grinding [2422] (2422) Berufe i.d. schleifenden Metallbearbeit.
2423 [2423] (2423) Occupations in metalworking: cutting [2423] (2423) Berufe i.d. spanenden Metallbearbeitung
2424 [2424] (2424) Occupations in laser-assisted metalworking [2424] (2424) Berufe Metallbearbeitung d. Laserstrahl
2429 [2429] (2429) Supervisors in metalworking [2429] (2429) Aufsicht - Metallbearbeitung
2430 [2430] (2430) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation) [2430] (2430) Berufe Metalloberflächenbehandlung (o.S)
2438 [2438] (2438) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2438] (2438) Berufe Metalloberflächenbehandlung (ssT)
2439 [2439] (2439) Supervisors in treatment of metal surfaces [2439] (2439) Aufsicht - Metalloberflächenbehandlung
2441 [2441] (2441) Occupations in metal constructing [2441] (2441) Berufe im Metallbau
2442 [2442] (2442) Occupations in welding and joining [2442] (2442) Berufe i.d. Schweiß-, Verbindungstechnik
2443 [2443] (2443) Industrial divers and other diving occupations [2443] (2443) Industrietaucher/innen u.a.Taucherberufe
2449 [2449] (2449) Supervisors in metal constructing and welding [2449] (2449) Aufsicht - Metallbau und Schweißtechnik
2451 [2451] (2451) Occupations in precision mechanics [2451] (2451) Berufe in der Feinwerktechnik
2452 [2452] (2452) Occupations in tool making [2452] (2452) Berufe in der Werkzeugtechnik
2453 [2453] (2453) Occupations in watchmaking [2453] (2453) Berufe im Uhrmacherhandwerk
2459 [2459] (2459) Supervisors in precision mechanics and tool making [2459] (2459) Aufsicht - Feinwerk- u. Werkzeugtechnik
2510 [2510] (2510) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation) [2510] (2510) Berufe Maschinenbau-, Betriebstechn.(oS)
2511 [2511] (2511) Machine and equipment assemblers [2511] (2511) Maschinen-, Gerätezusammensetzer/innen
2512 [2512] (2512) Machine and plant operators [2512] (2512) Maschinen- und Anlagenführer/innen
2513 [2513] (2513) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair [2513] (2513) Tech.ServicekräfteWartung,Instandhaltung
2518 [2518] (2518) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2518] (2518) Berufe Maschinenbau,Betriebstechn.(ssT)
2519 [2519] (2519) Supervisors and managers in machine-building and -operating [2519] (2519) Aufsicht,Führung-Maschinenbau,Betriebst.
2520 [2520] (2520) Technical occupations in the automotive industries (without specialisation) [2520] (2520) Berufe in der Fahrzeugtechnik (o.S.)
2521 [2521] (2521) Technical occupations in the automotive industries [2521] (2521) Berufe in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik
2522 [2522] (2522) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery [2522] (2522) Berufe i.d. Land-, Baumaschinentechnik
2523 [2523] (2523) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries [2523] (2523) Berufe in der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
2524 [2524] (2524) Technical occupations in ship building [2524] (2524) Berufe in der Schiffbautechnik
2525 [2525] (2525) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes [2525] (2525) Berufe in der Zweiradtechnik
2529 [2529] (2529) Supervisors and managers in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries [2529] (2529) Aufsicht,Führung-Fahr.LuftRaum.Schiffbau
2611 [2611] (2611) Occupations in mechatronics [2611] (2611) Berufe in der Mechatronik
2612 [2612] (2612) Occupations in automation and control technology [2612] (2612) Berufe in der Automatisierungstechnik
2619 [2619] (2619) Supervisors in mechatronics and automation and control technology [2619] (2619) Aufsicht-Mechatronik,Automatisierungst.
2621 [2621] (2621) Electricians in construction [2621] (2621) Berufe in der Bauelektrik
2622 [2622] (2622) Technical occupations in maintenance of electric machines [2622] (2622) Berufe in der Elektromaschinentechnik
2623 [2623] (2623) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology [2623] (2623) Berufe i.d. Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik
2624 [2624] (2624) Occupations in renewable energy technology [2624] (2624) Berufe i.d. regenerativen Energietechnik
2625 [2625] (2625) Occupations in installing and maintaining electrical machines and equipment in plants [2625] (2625) Berufe i.d. elektrischen Betriebstechnik
2626 [2626] (2626) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables [2626] (2626) Berufe Leitungsinstallation,-wartung
2629 [2629] (2629) Supervisors in energy technology [2629] (2629) Aufsicht - Energietechnik
2630 [2630] (2630) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation) [2630] (2630) Berufe in der Elektrotechnik (o.S.)
2631 [2631] (2631) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology [2631] (2631) Berufe Informations,Telekommunikationst.
2632 [2632] (2632) Occupations in microsystems technology [2632] (2632) Berufe in der Mikrosystemtechnik
2633 [2633] (2633) Occupations in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics [2633] (2633) Berufe Luftver.,Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron.
2638 [2638] (2638) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2638] (2638) Berufe in der Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.)
2639 [2639] (2639) Supervisors in electrical engineering [2639] (2639) Aufsicht - Elektrotechnik
2710 [2710] (2710) Occupations in technical research and development (without specialisation) [2710] (2710) Berufe tech. Forschung, Entwicklung (oS)
2718 [2718] (2718) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2718] (2718) Berufe tech.Forschung, Entwicklung (ssT)
2719 [2719] (2719) Managers in technical research and development [2719] (2719) Führung - Techn. Forschung, Entwicklung
2721 [2721] (2721) Draftspersons [2721] (2721) Technische Zeichner/innen
2722 [2722] (2722) Occupations in technical design and apparatus building [2722] (2722) Berufe i.d. Konstruktion u. im Gerätebau
2723 [2723] (2723) Model makers [2723] (2723) Berufe im Modellbau
2728 [2728] (2728) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2728] (2728) Techn.Zeichnen, Konstrukt.,Modellb.(ssT)
2729 [2729] (2729) Supervisors and managers in technical drawing, engineering design and model making [2729] (2729) Aufsicht,Führung-TechZeich.Konstr.Modell
2730 [2730] (2730) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling [2730] (2730) Berufe tech. Produktionsplan.,-steuerung
2731 [2731] (2731) Technical occupations in quality control [2731] (2731) Berufe technische Qualitätssicherung
2739 [2739] (2739) Supervisors and managers in production planning and scheduling [2739] (2739) Aufsicht,Führung-Produktionsplan,steuer.
2810 [2810] (2810) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation) [2810] (2810) Berufe in der Textiltechnik (o.S.)
2811 [2811] (2811) Occupations in textile design [2811] (2811) Berufe in der Textilgestaltung
2812 [2812] (2812) Occupations in textile production [2812] (2812) Berufe in der Textilherstellung
2813 [2813] (2813) Occupations in spinning and rope-making [2813] (2813) Berufe in der Garn- und Seilherstellung
2814 [2814] (2814) Occupations in textile finishing [2814] (2814) Berufe in der Textilveredlung
2819 [2819] (2819) Supervisors and managers in textile making [2819] (2819) Aufsicht,Führung-Textiltechn.,-produkt.
2821 [2821] (2821) Occupations in fashion design [2821] (2821) Berufe im Modedesign
2822 [2822] (2822) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making [2822] (2822) Berufe i.d. Bekleidungsherstellung
2823 [2823] (2823) Occupations in manufacturing of heavy duty textile products, sail makers [2823] (2823) Technische Konfektionäre, Segelmacher
2824 [2824] (2824) Occupations in upholstery and interior fitting of vehicles [2824] (2824) Berufe Polsterei, Fahrzeuginnenausstat.
2829 [2829] (2829) Supervisors and managers in the production of clothing and other textile products [2829] (2829) Aufsicht,Führung - Textilverarbeitung
2830 [2830] (2830) Occupations in leather- and fur-making and -processing (without specialisation) [2830] (2830) Berufe Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.(oS)
2831 [2831] (2831) Occupations in leather making [2831] (2831) Berufe in der Lederherstellung
2832 [2832] (2832) Occupations in saddlery and production of leather wares [2832] (2832) Berufe Sattlerei, Herst. Lederutensilien
2833 [2833] (2833) Occupations in shoemaking [2833] (2833) Berufe in der Schuhherstellung
2834 [2834] (2834) Occupations in fur treatment and processing [2834] (2834) Berufe in der Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung
2839 [2839] (2839) Supervisors and managers in leather- and fur-making and -processing [2839] (2839) Aufsicht,Führung-Leder-,Pelzher.,verarb.
2910 [2910] (2910) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation) [2910] (2910) Berufe in der Getränkeherstellung (o.S.)
2911 [2911] (2911) Brewers and maltsters [2911] (2911) Brauer/innen und Mälzer/innen
2912 [2912] (2912) Coopers [2912] (2912) Weinküfer/innen
2913 [2913] (2913) Distillers [2913] (2913) Brenner/innen, Destillateure/innen
2914 [2914] (2914) Occupations in fruit juice production [2914] (2914) Berufe in der Fruchtsafttechnik
2915 [2915] (2915) Tasters of foodstuffs and beverages [2915] (2915) Nahrungsmittel- u. Getränkekoster/innen
2919 [2919] (2919) Supervisors and managers in beverages production [2919] (2919) Aufsicht,Führung - Getränkeherstellung
2920 [2920] (2920) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation) [2920] (2920) Berufe i.d. Lebensmittelherstellung (oS)
2921 [2921] (2921) Occupations in the production of milling products and animal feeds [2921] (2921) Berufe Mühlenprodukt-,Futtermittelherst.
2922 [2922] (2922) Occupations in the production of baked goods and pastries [2922] (2922) Berufe Back-, Konditoreiwarenherstell.
2923 [2923] (2923) Occupations in meat processing [2923] (2923) Berufe in der Fleischverarbeitung
2924 [2924] (2924) Occupations in fish processing [2924] (2924) Berufe in der Fischverarbeitung
2925 [2925] (2925) Occupations in the production of dairy goods [2925] (2925) Berufe in der Milchproduktherstellung
2926 [2926] (2926) Occupations in confectionery production [2926] (2926) Berufe in der Süßwarenherstellung
2927 [2927] (2927) Occupations in the manufacturing of tobacco products [2927] (2927) Berufe in der Tabakwarenherstellung
2928 [2928] (2928) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2928] (2928) Berufe i.d.Lebensmittelherstellung (ssT)
2929 [2929] (2929) Supervisors and managers in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products [2929] (2929) Aufsicht,Führung-Lebens-,Genussmittelher
2930 [2930] (2930) Cooks (without specialisation) [2930] (2930) Köche/Köchinnen (o.S.)
2931 [2931] (2931) Hors d'œuvrier, pantry or pastry cooks [2931] (2931) Vor-, Kalt- und Süßspeisenköche/innen
2932 [2932] (2932) Roast, grill or fish cooks [2932] (2932) Grill-, Braten- u. Fischköche/-köchinnen
2938 [2938] (2938) Cooks (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [2938] (2938) Köche/Köchinnen (s.s.T.)
2939 [2939] (2939) Supervisors and managers in cooking [2939] (2939) Aufsicht, Führung - Speisenzubereitung
3110 [3110] (3110) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation) [3110] (3110) Berufe Bauplanung u. -überwachung (o.S.)
3111 [3111] (3111) Occupations in architecture [3111] (3111) Berufe in der Architektur
3112 [3112] (3112) Occupations in urban and spatial planning [3112] (3112) Berufe in der Stadt- und Raumplanung
3113 [3113] (3113) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure [3113] (3113) Berufe Bauplanung Verkehrswege, -anlagen
3114 [3114] (3114) Occupations in water resource management [3114] (3114) Berufe in der Wasserwirtschaft
3115 [3115] (3115) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings [3115] (3115) Berufe Bauwerkserhaltung und -erneuerung
3116 [3116] (3116) Construction surveyors and inspectors [3116] (3116) Bausachverständige und Baukontrolleure
3117 [3117] (3117) Occupations in construction accounting and cost calculation for buildings [3117] (3117) Berufe i.d. Bauabrechnung, -kalkulation
3119 [3119] (3119) Supervisors and managers in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture [3119] (3119) Aufsicht,Führung-Bauplan,-überw,Archit.
3121 [3121] (3121) Occupations in surveying [3121] (3121) Berufe in der Vermessungstechnik
3122 [3122] (3122) Occupations in cartography [3122] (3122) Berufe in der Kartografie
3210 [3210] (3210) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation) [3210] (3210) Berufe im Hochbau (o.S.)
3211 [3211] (3211) Occupations in the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures [3211] (3211) Berufe im Beton- und Stahlbetonbau
3212 [3212] (3212) Occupations in the bricklayer's trade [3212] (3212) Berufe im Maurerhandwerk
3213 [3213] (3213) Occupations in chimney construction [3213] (3213) Berufe im Schornsteinbau
3214 [3214] (3214) Occupations in roofing [3214] (3214) Berufe in der Dachdeckerei
3215 [3215] (3215) Occupations in facade construction [3215] (3215) Berufe im Fassadenbau
3216 [3216] (3216) Occupations in scaffolding [3216] (3216) Berufe im Gerüstbau
3217 [3217] (3217) Occupations in building demolition [3217] (3217) Berufe im Bauwerksabbruch
3219 [3219] (3219) Supervisors in building construction [3219] (3219) Aufsicht - Hochbau
3220 [3220] (3220) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation) [3220] (3220) Berufe im Tiefbau (o.S.)
3221 [3221] (3221) Pavers and stone setters [3221] (3221) Pflasterer/innen, Steinsetzer/innen
3222 [3222] (3222) Occupations in road and asphalt construction [3222] (3222) Berufe im Straßen- und Asphaltbau
3223 [3223] (3223) Occupations in railroad construction [3223] (3223) Berufe im Gleisbau
3224 [3224] (3224) Occupations in well construction [3224] (3224) Berufe im Brunnenbau
3225 [3225] (3225) Occupations in canal and tunnel construction [3225] (3225) Berufe im Kanal- und Tunnelbau
3226 [3226] (3226) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction [3226] (3226) Berufe im Kultur- und Wasserbau
3229 [3229] (3229) Supervisors in civil engineering [3229] (3229) Aufsicht - Tiefbau
3310 [3310] (3310) Floor layers (without specialisation) [3310] (3310) Berufe in der Bodenverlegung (o.S.)
3311 [3311] (3311) Pavers, tile setters and mosaic-layers [3311] (3311) Berufe Fliesen-,Platten-,Mosaikverlegung
3312 [3312] (3312) Composition floor and terrazzo-layers [3312] (3312) Berufe Estrich- und Terrazzoverlegung
3313 [3313] (3313) Parquet floor layers [3313] (3313) Berufe in der Parkettverlegung
3319 [3319] (3319) Supervisors in floor laying [3319] (3319) Aufsicht - Bodenverlegung
3321 [3321] (3321) Painters and varnishers [3321] (3321) Berufe für Maler- und Lackiererarbeiten
3322 [3322] (3322) Plasterers [3322] (3322) Berufe für Stuckateurarbeiten
3323 [3323] (3323) Occupations in the waterproofing of buildings [3323] (3323) Berufe in der Bauwerksabdichtung
3324 [3324] (3324) Occupations in the preservation of structures and wooden building components [3324] (3324) Berufe im Holz- und Bautenschutz
3329 [3329] (3329) Supervisors in the painting, varnishing, plastering, water proofing of buildings, preservation of structures and wooden building components [3329] (3329) Aufsicht-MalerStuckBauwerksabdBautensch.
3330 [3330] (3330) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation) [3330] (3330) Berufe im Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.)
3331 [3331] (3331) Occupations in insulation [3331] (3331) Berufe in der Isolierung
3332 [3332] (3332) Carpenters [3332] (3332) Berufe in der Zimmerei
3333 [3333] (3333) Joiners [3333] (3333) Berufe in der Bautischlerei
3334 [3334] (3334) Glaziers [3334] (3334) Berufe in der Glaserei
3335 [3335] (3335) Roller shutter and jalousie installers [3335] (3335) Berufe im Rollladen- und Jalousiebau
3339 [3339] (3339) Supervisors in interior construction and dry walling, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and jalousie installation [3339] (3339) Aufsicht-Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimm.Glas.
3410 [3410] (3410) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation) [3410] (3410) Berufe in der Gebäudetechnik (o.S.)
3411 [3411] (3411) Green keepers and equipment managers [3411] (3411) Platz-, Gerätewarte/innen
3419 [3419] (3419) Supervisors in building services engineering [3419] (3419) Aufsicht - Gebäudetechnik
3420 [3420] (3420) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation) [3420] (3420) Berufe in der Klempnerei (o.S.)
3421 [3421] (3421) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning [3421] (3421) Berufe Sanitär-, Heizungs-, Klimatechnik
3422 [3422] (3422) Occupations in the construction of stoves, storage heaters, and forced-air heating systems [3422] (3422) Berufe im Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau
3423 [3423] (3423) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning [3423] (3423) Berufe in der Kältetechnik
3429 [3429] (3429) Supervisors in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning [3429] (3429) Aufsicht-Klemp.Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatech
3430 [3430] (3430) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation) [3430] (3430) Berufe in der Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.)
3431 [3431] (3431) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal [3431] (3431) Berufe Wasserversorgung,Abwassertechnik
3432 [3432] (3432) Occupations in pipeline construction [3432] (3432) Berufe im Rohrleitungsbau
3433 [3433] (3433) Occupations in waste management [3433] (3433) Berufe in der Abfallwirtschaft
3434 [3434] (3434) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction [3434] (3434) Berufe Anlagen-, Behälter-, Apparatebau
3439 [3439] (3439) Supervisors in building services and waste disposal [3439] (3439) Aufsicht - Ver- und Entsorgung
4110 [4110] (4110) Occupations in mathematics (without specialisation) [4110] (4110) Berufe in der Mathematik (o.S.)
4111 [4111] (4111) Occupations in statistics [4111] (4111) Berufe in der Statistik
4118 [4118] (4118) Occupations in mathematics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4118] (4118) Berufe in der Mathematik (s.s.T.)
4119 [4119] (4119) Managers in mathematics and statistics [4119] (4119) Führung - Mathematik und Statistik
4120 [4120] (4120) Occupations in biology (without specialisation) [4120] (4120) Berufe in der Biologie (o.S.)
4121 [4121] (4121) Biological technical laboratory occupations [4121] (4121) Berufe im biologisch-techn. Laboratorium
4122 [4122] (4122) Occupations in the preparation of biological specimen [4122] (4122) Berufe in der biologischen Präparation
4123 [4123] (4123) Occupations in ecology [4123] (4123) Berufe in der Biologie (Ökologie)
4124 [4124] (4124) Occupations in botany [4124] (4124) Berufe in der Biologie (Botanik)
4125 [4125] (4125) Occupations in zoology [4125] (4125) Berufe in der Biologie (Zoologie)
4126 [4126] (4126) Occupations in microbiology [4126] (4126) Berufe in der Biologie (Mikrobiologie)
4127 [4127] (4127) Occupations in human biology [4127] (4127) Berufe in der Biologie (Humanbiologie)
4128 [4128] (4128) Occupations in biology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4128] (4128) Berufe in der Biologie (s.s.T.)
4129 [4129] (4129) Supervisors and managers in biology [4129] (4129) Aufsicht und Führung - Biologie
4130 [4130] (4130) Occupations in chemistry (without specialisation) [4130] (4130) Berufe in der Chemie (o.S.)
4131 [4131] (4131) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering [4131] (4131) Berufe in der Chemie- und Pharmatechnik
4132 [4132] (4132) Chemical technical laboratory occupations [4132] (4132) Berufe im chemisch-techn. Laboratorium
4133 [4133] (4133) Operators of chemical production plants [4133] (4133) Steuerer chemische Verfahrensanlagen
4134 [4134] (4134) Operators of oil and gas refinery plants [4134] (4134) Steuerer Erdöl-,Erdgasraffinationsanlag.
4138 [4138] (4138) Occupations in chemistry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4138] (4138) Berufe in der Chemie (s.s.T.)
4139 [4139] (4139) Supervisors and managers in chemistry [4139] (4139) Aufsicht und Führung - Chemie
4140 [4140] (4140) Occupations in physics (without specialisation) [4140] (4140) Berufe in der Physik (o.S.)
4141 [4141] (4141) Occupations in physical technical laboratory [4141] (4141) Berufe physikalisch-techn. Laboratorium
4142 [4142] (4142) Occupations in material engineering [4142] (4142) Berufe in der Werkstofftechnik
4143 [4143] (4143) Occupations in construction materials testing [4143] (4143) Berufe in der Baustoffprüfung
4148 [4148] (4148) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4148] (4148) Berufe in der Physik (s.s.T.)
4149 [4149] (4149) Supervisors and managers in physics [4149] (4149) Aufsicht und Führung - Physik
4211 [4211] (4211) Occupations in geotechnical engineering [4211] (4211) Berufe in der Geotechnik
4212 [4212] (4212) Occupations in geology [4212] (4212) Berufe in der Geologie
4213 [4213] (4213) Occupations in geography [4213] (4213) Berufe in der Geografie
4214 [4214] (4214) Occupations in meteorology [4214] (4214) Berufe in der Meteorologie
4220 [4220] (4220) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation) [4220] (4220) Berufe in der Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.)
4221 [4221] (4221) Chimney sweeps [4221] (4221) Schornsteinfeger/innen
4228 [4228] (4228) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4228] (4228) Berufe i.d. Umweltschutztechnik (s.s.T.)
4229 [4229] (4229) Supervisors in environmental protection engineering [4229] (4229) Aufsicht - Umweltschutztechnik
4231 [4231] (4231) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting [4231] (4231) Berufe Umweltschutzverwaltung, -beratung
4232 [4232] (4232) Water pollution and emission control, waste management commissioners [4232] (4232) Gewässer-Immissionsschutz,Abfallbeauftr.
4233 [4233] (4233) Radiation protection commissioners [4233] (4233) Strahlenschutzbeauftragte
4239 [4239] (4239) Managers in environmental protection administration and consulting [4239] (4239) Führung - Umweltmanagement und -beratung
4310 [4310] (4310) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation) [4310] (4310) Berufe in der Informatik (o.S.)
4311 [4311] (4311) Occupations in business informatics [4311] (4311) Berufe in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
4312 [4312] (4312) Occupations in computer engineering [4312] (4312) Berufe in der technischen Informatik
4313 [4313] (4313) Occupations in bio- and medical informatics [4313] (4313) Berufe in der Bio- und Medizininformatik
4314 [4314] (4314) Occupations in geoinformatics [4314] (4314) Berufe in der Geoinformatik
4315 [4315] (4315) Occupations in media informatics [4315] (4315) Berufe in der Medieninformatik
4319 [4319] (4319) Managers in computer science [4319] (4319) Führung - Informatik
4321 [4321] (4321) Occupations in IT-system-analysis [4321] (4321) Berufe in der IT-Systemanalyse
4322 [4322] (4322) Occupations in IT-application-consulting [4322] (4322) Berufe in der IT-Anwendungsberatung
4323 [4323] (4323) Occupations in IT-sales [4323] (4323) Berufe im IT-Vertrieb
4329 [4329] (4329) Managers in IT-system-analysis, IT-application-consulting and IT-sales [4329] (4329) Führung-IT-System,-Anwendung,-Vertrieb
4331 [4331] (4331) Occupations in IT-network engineering [4331] (4331) Berufe in der IT-Netzwerktechnik
4332 [4332] (4332) Occupations in IT-coordination [4332] (4332) Berufe in der IT-Koordination
4333 [4333] (4333) Occupations in IT-organisation [4333] (4333) Berufe in der IT-Organisation
4334 [4334] (4334) Occupations in IT-system-administration [4334] (4334) Berufe in der IT-Systemadministation
4335 [4335] (4335) Occupations in database development and administration [4335] (4335) Berufe Datenbankentwickl., -administr.
4336 [4336] (4336) Occupations in web administration [4336] (4336) Berufe in der Webadministration
4338 [4338] (4338) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4338] (4338) IT-Netzwerkt.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Org.(ssT)
4339 [4339] (4339) Managers in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [4339] (4339) Führung-IT-Netzw.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Orga.
4341 [4341] (4341) Occupations in software development [4341] (4341) Berufe in der Softwareentwicklung
4342 [4342] (4342) Occupations in programming [4342] (4342) Berufe in der Programmierung
4349 [4349] (4349) Managers in software development and programming [4349] (4349) Führung-Softwareentwickl.,Programmierung
5111 [5111] (5111) Technical occupations in railway operation [5111] (5111) Berufe im technischen Eisenbahnbetrieb
5112 [5112] (5112) Technical occupations in aircraft operation [5112] (5112) Berufe technischer Luftverkehrsbetrieb
5113 [5113] (5113) Technical occupations in ship operation [5113] (5113) Berufe technisch. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb
5118 [5118] (5118) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [5118] (5118) TechBetriebEisenb.Luft,Schiffsverk.(ssT)
5119 [5119] (5119) Supervisors in railway, aircraft and ship operation [5119] (5119) Aufsicht-TechBetr.Eisenb.LuftSchiffsverk
5121 [5121] (5121) Road and tunnel inspection and controlling commissioners [5121] (5121) Straßen- und Tunnelwärter/innen
5122 [5122] (5122) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure [5122] (5122) Überwach.,Wartung Eisenbahninfrastruktur
5123 [5123] (5123) Technical occupations in air traffic control [5123] (5123) Berufe in der Flugsicherungstechnik
5124 [5124] (5124) Waterway and bridges inspection and controlling commissioners [5124] (5124) Wasserstraßen- und Brückenwärter/innen
5129 [5129] (5129) Supervisors in the inspection and maintenance of traffic infrastructure [5129] (5129) Aufsicht - Überw.,Wart.Verkehrsinfraktur
5131 [5131] (5131) Occupations in warehousing and logistics [5131] (5131) Berufe in der Lagerwirtschaft
5132 [5132] (5132) Occupations in postal and other delivery services [5132] (5132) Berufe für Post- und Zustelldienste
5133 [5133] (5133) Occupations in cargo handling [5133] (5133) Berufe im Güter- und Warenumschlag
5139 [5139] (5139) Supervisors and managers in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling [5139] (5139) Aufsicht,Führung-Lagerw.Zustell.Güterum.
5141 [5141] (5141) Service occupations in road and railway traffic [5141] (5141) Servicefachkräfte Straßen-,Schienenverk.
5142 [5142] (5142) Service occupations in air traffic [5142] (5142) Servicefachkräfte im Luftverkehr
5143 [5143] (5143) Service occupations in shipping traffic [5143] (5143) Servicefachkräfte im Schiffsverkehr
5149 [5149] (5149) Supervisors of service personnel in passenger traffic [5149] (5149) Aufsicht-Personenverkehr(Servicebereich)
5150 [5150] (5150) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (without specialisation) [5150] (5150) Berufe Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb (oS)
5151 [5151] (5151) Occupations in the surveillance and control of road traffic [5151] (5151) Berufe Überwachung Straßenverkehrsbetr.
5152 [5152] (5152) Occupations in the surveillance and control of railway traffic [5152] (5152) Berufe Überwachung Eisenbahnverkehrsbetr
5153 [5153] (5153) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic [5153] (5153) Berufe Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetrieb
5154 [5154] (5154) Occupations in the surveillance and control of shipping traffic [5154] (5154) Berufe Überwachung Schiffsverkehrsbetr.
5158 [5158] (5158) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [5158] (5158) Berufe Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb (ssT)
5159 [5159] (5159) Supervisors and managers in traffic surveillance and control [5159] (5159) Aufsicht,Führung-Überwach. Verkehrsbetr.
5161 [5161] (5161) Management assistants in transport [5161] (5161) Verkehrskaufleute
5162 [5162] (5162) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics [5162] (5162) Speditions- und Logistikkaufleute
5163 [5163] (5163) Management assistants in road and railway transport [5163] (5163) Straßen- und Schienenverkehrskaufleute
5164 [5164] (5164) Management assistants in air transport [5164] (5164) Luftverkehrskaufleute
5165 [5165] (5165) Management assistants in shipping transport [5165] (5165) Schifffahrtskaufleute
5166 [5166] (5166) Management assistants in courier services, express and postal delivery services [5166] (5166) Kurier-Express-Postdienstleistungskaufl.
5169 [5169] (5169) Managers in transport and logistics [5169] (5169) Führung-Verkehr,Logistik (kaufm.Bereich)
5211 [5211] (5211) Professional drivers (passengers transport) [5211] (5211) Berufskraftfahrer(Personentransport/PKW)
5212 [5212] (5212) Professional drivers (cargo trucks) [5212] (5212) Berufskraftfahrer (Güterverkehr/LKW)
5213 [5213] (5213) Bus and tram drivers [5213] (5213) Bus-, Straßenbahnfahrer/innen
5218 [5218] (5218) Drivers of vehicles in road traffic (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [5218] (5218) Fahrzeugführer im Straßenverkehr(s.s.T.)
5220 [5220] (5220) Drivers of train engines and other railway vehicles [5220] (5220) Triebfahrzeugführer Eisenbahnverkehr(oS)
5231 [5231] (5231) Pilots of planes and airliners [5231] (5231) Piloten und Verkehrsflugzeugführer
5238 [5238] (5238) Aircraft pilots (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [5238] (5238) Fahrzeugführer im Flugverkehr (s.s.T.)
5241 [5241] (5241) Deck officers/mates and ship’s captains or skippers [5241] (5241) Nautische Schiffsoffiziere und Kapitäne
5242 [5242] (5242) Ship’s masters in inland navigation and port traffic [5242] (5242) Schiffsführer Binnen-,Hafenverkehr
5251 [5251] (5251) Drivers of agricultural and forestry machines [5251] (5251) Führer land-,forstwirtschaftl. Maschinen
5252 [5252] (5252) Drivers of earthmoving and related machines [5252] (5252) Führer Erdbewegungs-,verwandte Maschinen
5253 [5253] (5253) Operators of cranes, lifts and related lifting devices [5253] (5253) Kranführer, Bediener Hebeeinrichtungen
5259 [5259] (5259) Supervisors of drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment [5259] (5259) Aufsicht - Bau-, Transportgeräteführung
5311 [5311] (5311) Occupations in physical security, protection of valuables, and personal protection [5311] (5311) Berufe im Objekt-,Werte-, Personenschutz
5312 [5312] (5312) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology [5312] (5312) Berufe Arbeitssicherh. Sicherheitstech.
5313 [5313] (5313) Occupations in fire protection [5313] (5313) Berufe im Brandschutz
5314 [5314] (5314) Pool attendants and lifeguards [5314] (5314) Berufe in der Badeaufsicht
5315 [5315] (5315) Private detectives [5315] (5315) Detektive/Detektivinnen
5316 [5316] (5316) Debt collectors [5316] (5316) Inkassobeauftragte
5318 [5318] (5318) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [5318] (5318) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz,Arbeitssicherh(ssT)
5319 [5319] (5319) Supervisors and managers in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety [5319] (5319) Aufsicht,Führung-Objekt-,Brandschutz
5321 [5321] (5321) Uniformed police personnel [5321] (5321) Berufe im Polizeivollzugsdienst
5322 [5322] (5322) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments [5322] (5322) Berufe im Kriminaldienst
5323 [5323] (5323) Court officers [5323] (5323) Berufe im Gerichtsvollzug
5324 [5324] (5324) Police officers in penal institutions [5324] (5324) Berufe im Justizvollzugsdienst
5331 [5331] (5331) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration [5331] (5331) Berufe in der Gewerbeaufsicht
5332 [5332] (5332) Occupations in public health authority and hygiene control [5332] (5332) Gesundheitsaufsicht, Hygieneüberwachung
5333 [5333] (5333) Occupations in food control [5333] (5333) Berufe in der Lebensmittelkontrolle
5334 [5334] (5334) Occupations in disinfection and pest control [5334] (5334) Berufe Desinfektion,Schädlingsbekämpfung
5339 [5339] (5339) Supervisors and managers in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection [5339] (5339) Aufsicht,Führung-Gewerbe,Gesundheitsauf.
5410 [5410] (5410) Occupations in cleaning services (without specialisation) [5410] (5410) Berufe in der Reinigung (o.S.)
5411 [5411] (5411) Occupations in building cleaning services [5411] (5411) Berufe in der Gebäudereinigung
5412 [5412] (5412) Occupations in glass and window cleaning services [5412] (5412) Berufe in der Glas-, Fensterreinigung
5413 [5413] (5413) Occupations in textile cleaning services [5413] (5413) Berufe in der Textilreinigung
5414 [5414] (5414) Occupations in machine and equipment cleaning services [5414] (5414) Berufe i.d. Maschinen-, Anlagenreinigung
5415 [5415] (5415) Occupations in vehicle cleaning services [5415] (5415) Berufe in der Fahrzeugreinigung
5418 [5418] (5418) Occupations in cleaning services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [5418] (5418) Berufe in der Reinigung (s.s.T.)
5419 [5419] (5419) Supervisors in cleaning services [5419] (5419) Aufsicht - Reinigung
6111 [6111] (6111) Occupations in purchasing [6111] (6111) Berufe im Einkauf
6112 [6112] (6112) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies) [6112] (6112) Berufe im Vertrieb (außer IKT)
6113 [6113] (6113) Trade brokers and auctioneers [6113] (6113) Handelsmakler/innen u. Auktionator/innen
6114 [6114] (6114) Occupations in placing and servicing vending machines [6114] (6114) Kaufleute im Automatenservice
6115 [6115] (6115) Money lenders and pawn brokers [6115] (6115) Berufe im Geld- und Pfandverleih
6116 [6116] (6116) Occupations in rental services (except money lending and pawn broking) [6116] (6116) Berufe im Verleih (außer Geld u. Pfand)
6119 [6119] (6119) Managers in purchasing and sales [6119] (6119) Führung - Einkauf und Vertrieb
6120 [6120] (6120) Management assistants in trade (without specialisation) [6120] (6120) Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.)
6121 [6121] (6121) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade [6121] (6121) Kaufleute im Groß- und Außenhandel
6128 [6128] (6128) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [6128] (6128) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T.)
6129 [6129] (6129) Managers in trade [6129] (6129) Führung - Handel
6131 [6131] (6131) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration [6131] (6131) Berufe Immobilienvermarktung,-verwaltung
6132 [6132] (6132) Occupations in facility management [6132] (6132) Berufe im Facility-Management
6139 [6139] (6139) Managers in real estate and facility management [6139] (6139) Führung-Immobilienwirt., Facility-Manag.
6210 [6210] (6210) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation) [6210] (6210) Berufe im Verkauf (ohne Produktspezial.)
6211 [6211] (6211) Cashiers and ticket agents [6211] (6211) Kassierer/innen, Kartenverkäufer/innen
6212 [6212] (6212) Stall and market sellers [6212] (6212) Verkaufsstand-, Marktverkäufer/innen
6218 [6218] (6218) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation; with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [6218] (6218) Berufe im Verkauf (o. Produktspez.)(ssT)
6219 [6219] (6219) Supervisors and managers in retail trade [6219] (6219) Aufsicht und Führung - Verkauf
6221 [6221] (6221) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling clothing, sporting goods, leather goods and shoes [6221] (6221) Berufe im Verkauf (Bekleid.,Leder,Sport)
6222 [6222] (6222) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling jewellery and watches [6222] (6222) Berufe im Verkauf (Schmuck, Uhren)
6223 [6223] (6223) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling office supplies, gifts and toys [6223] (6223) Berufe im Verkauf (Büro, Geschenk,Spiel)
6224 [6224] (6224) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling electrical and electronic goods, and household supplies [6224] (6224) Berufe im Verkauf (Elektro,Haushaltsw.)
6225 [6225] (6225) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling furniture and furnishings [6225] (6225) Berufe im Verkauf (Möbel, Einrichtung)
6226 [6226] (6226) Sales occupations (retail trade) in gardening stores, home improvement stores, pet shops and zoo supplies stores [6226] (6226) Berufe im Verkauf (Garten, Heimwerk.)
6227 [6227] (6227) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling motor vehicles, bicycles, motorbikes, and related supplies [6227] (6227) Berufe im Verkauf (KFZ, Zweirad,Zubehör)
6228 [6228] (6228) Sales occupations in retail trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [6228] (6228) Berufe im Verkauf (ssT)
6230 [6230] (6230) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (without specialisation) [6230] (6230) Berufe im Verkauf von Lebensmitteln (oS)
6231 [6231] (6231) Sales occupations (retail) selling baked goods, pastries and confectionaries [6231] (6231) Berufe Verkauf Back-, Konditoreiwaren
6232 [6232] (6232) Sales occupations (retail) selling meat products [6232] (6232) Berufe im Verkauf von Fleischwaren
6238 [6238] (6238) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [6238] (6238) Berufe Verkauf von Lebensmitteln (s.s.T)
6241 [6241] (6241) Sales occupations (retail) selling drugstore products and pharmaceuticals [6241] (6241) Verkauf drogerie-,apothekenübliche Waren
6242 [6242] (6242) Sales occupations (retail) selling medical supplies and healthcare goods [6242] (6242) Berufe Verkauf Sanitäts-, Medizinbedarf
6251 [6251] (6251) Sales occupations (retail) selling books [6251] (6251) Berufe im Buchhandel
6252 [6252] (6252) Sales occupations (retail) selling art and antiques [6252] (6252) Berufe im Kunst- und Antiquitätenhandel
6253 [6253] (6253) Sales occupations (retail) selling musical instruments, recordings or sheet music [6253] (6253) Berufe im Musikfachhandel
6311 [6311] (6311) Management assistants in tourism [6311] (6311) Tourismuskaufleute
6312 [6312] (6312) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators [6312] (6312) Sport-, Fitnesskaufleute, Sportmanager
6313 [6313] (6313) Animators and guest attendants [6313] (6313) Animateur/innen, Gästebetreuer/innen
6314 [6314] (6314) Tourist guides and tour guides [6314] (6314) Reiseleiter/innen, Fremdenführer/innen
6319 [6319] (6319) Managers in tourism and the sports (and fitness) industry [6319] (6319) Führung - Tourismus und Sport
6321 [6321] (6321) Management assistants in hotels [6321] (6321) Hotelkaufleute
6322 [6322] (6322) Occupations in hotel service [6322] (6322) Berufe im Hotelservice
6329 [6329] (6329) Supervisors and managers in hotels [6329] (6329) Aufsicht und Führung - Hotellerie
6330 [6330] (6330) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation) [6330] (6330) Berufe im Gastronomieservice (o.S.)
6331 [6331] (6331) Occupations in system catering [6331] (6331) Berufe in der Systemgastronomie
6332 [6332] (6332) Barkeepers [6332] (6332) Barkeeper/innen
6338 [6338] (6338) Gastronomy occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [6338] (6338) Berufe in der Gastronomie (s.s.T.)
6339 [6339] (6339) Supervisors and managers in gastronomy and system catering [6339] (6339) Aufsicht und Führung - Gastronomie
6340 [6340] (6340) Occupations in event organisation and management [6340] (6340) Berufe im Veranstaltungsservice,-manag.
7110 [7110] (7110) Managing directors and executive board members [7110] (7110) Geschäftsführer/innen und Vorstände
7121 [7121] (7121) Legislators [7121] (7121) Angehörige gesetzgebender Körperschaften
7122 [7122] (7122) Senior officials of special interest organisations [7122] (7122) Leit. Bedienstete Interessenorganisation
7123 [7123] (7123) Elected employee representatives in firms [7123] (7123) Betriebsinterne Wahlämter
7130 [7130] (7130) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation) [7130] (7130) Berufe kaufm.,techn.Betriebswirtsch.(oS)
7131 [7131] (7131) Occupations in business organisation and planning [7131] (7131) Berufe Unternehmensorganisation,-planung
7132 [7132] (7132) Occupations in business consulting [7132] (7132) Berufe in der Unternehmensberatung
7133 [7133] (7133) Occupations in business development [7133] (7133) Berufe in der Wirtschaftsförderung
7138 [7138] (7138) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [7138] (7138) Berufe Unternehmensorga.,strategie (ssT)
7139 [7139] (7139) Supervisors and managers in business organisation and strategy [7139] (7139) Aufsicht,Führung-Unternehmensorg,strateg
7140 [7140] (7140) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation) [7140] (7140) Büro- und Sekretariatskräfte (o.S.)
7141 [7141] (7141) Foreign language secretaries and foreign language correspondence clerks [7141] (7141) Fremdsprachensekretäre,-korrespondenten
7142 [7142] (7142) Interpreters and translators [7142] (7142) Dolmetscher/innen und Übersetzer/innen
7143 [7143] (7143) Shorthand and audio typists [7143] (7143) Steno-, Phonotypisten/-typistinnen
7144 [7144] (7144) Coders, proof readers and related clerks [7144] (7144) Kodierer,Korrekturleser,verw.Bürokräfte
7145 [7145] (7145) Customer or passenger information office clerks [7145] (7145) Berufe i.d. Auskunft, Kundeninformation
7149 [7149] (7149) Supervisors of office clerks and secretaries [7149] (7149) Aufsicht - Büro und Sekretariat
7151 [7151] (7151) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service [7151] (7151) Berufe Personalentwickl.,-sachbearbeit.
7152 [7152] (7152) Occupations in recruiting and employment services [7152] (7152) Berufe in der Personaldienstleistung
7159 [7159] (7159) Managers in human resources management and personnel services [7159] (7159) Führung - Personalwesen, -dienstleistung
7211 [7211] (7211) Bankers [7211] (7211) Bankkaufleute
7212 [7212] (7212) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services [7212] (7212) Anlageberater u. sonst. Finanzdienstl.
7213 [7213] (7213) Insurance salespersons [7213] (7213) Versicherungskaufleute
7214 [7214] (7214) Financial analysts [7214] (7214) Finanzanalysten/innen
7218 [7218] (7218) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [7218] (7218) Berufe Versicherungs,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)
7219 [7219] (7219) Managers in insurance and financial services [7219] (7219) Führung-Versicherung-,Finanzdienstleist.
7221 [7221] (7221) Occupations in accounting [7221] (7221) Berufe in der Buchhaltung
7222 [7222] (7222) Occupations in cost accounting and calculation [7222] (7222) Berufe in Kostenrechnung und Kalkulation
7223 [7223] (7223) Occupations in controlling [7223] (7223) Berufe im Controlling
7224 [7224] (7224) Occupations in auditing [7224] (7224) Berufe in Wirtschaftsprüfung
7229 [7229] (7229) Managers in accounting, controlling and auditing [7229] (7229) Führung-Rechnungsw.,Controlling,Revision
7230 [7230] (7230) Occupations in tax consultancy [7230] (7230) Berufe in der Steuerberatung
7310 [7310] (7310) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (without specialisation) [7310] (7310) Rechtsberatung, -sprechung,-ordnung(oS)
7311 [7311] (7311) Assistants in lawyers’ and notaries' offices [7311] (7311) Assistenz Rechtsanwaltskanzlei,Notariat
7312 [7312] (7312) Notaries [7312] (7312) Notare/Notarinnen
7313 [7313] (7313) Lawyers [7313] (7313) Rechtsanwälte/-anwältinnen
7314 [7314] (7314) Prosecutors [7314] (7314) Staatsanwälte/-anwältinnen
7315 [7315] (7315) Judges [7315] (7315) Richter/innen
7316 [7316] (7316) Occupations in the national security service [7316] (7316) Berufe im Verfassungsschutz
7318 [7318] (7318) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [7318] (7318) Rechtsberatung,-sprechung,-ordnung (ssT)
7319 [7319] (7319) Managers in legal services, jurisdiction, and of other officers of the court [7319] (7319) Führung-Rechtsberatung,sprechung,ordnung
7320 [7320] (7320) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation) [7320] (7320) Berufe i.d. öffentlichen Verwaltung (oS)
7321 [7321] (7321) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system [7321] (7321) Berufe Sozialverwaltung, versicherung
7322 [7322] (7322) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system [7322] (7322) Verwalt. Berufe Sozial-,Gesundheitswesen
7323 [7323] (7323) Occupations in tax administration [7323] (7323) Berufe in der Steuerverwaltung
7324 [7324] (7324) Occupations in the customs service [7324] (7324) Berufe im Zolldienst
7325 [7325] (7325) Occupations in the administration of justice [7325] (7325) Berufe in der Justizverwaltung
7328 [7328] (7328) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [7328] (7328) Berufe öffentliche Verwaltung (s.s.T.)
7329 [7329] (7329) Supervisors and managers in public administration [7329] (7329) Aufsicht und Führung - Verwaltung
7331 [7331] (7331) Occupations in archiving [7331] (7331) Berufe im Archivwesen
7332 [7332] (7332) Library occupations [7332] (7332) Berufe im Bibliothekswesen
7333 [7333] (7333) Occupations in documentation and information services [7333] (7333) Berufe Dokumentations,Informationsdienst
7334 [7334] (7334) Occupations in medical documentation [7334] (7334) Berufe i.d. medizinischen Dokumentation
7339 [7339] (7339) Managers in media, documentation and information services [7339] (7339) Führung-Medien-Dokument.-,Informationsd.
8110 [8110] (8110) Medical assistants (without specialisation) [8110] (8110) Medizinische Fachangestellte (o.S.)
8111 [8111] (8111) Dental assistants [8111] (8111) Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte
8112 [8112] (8112) Podologists [8112] (8112) Podologen/Podologinnen
8113 [8113] (8113) Orthoptists [8113] (8113) Orthoptisten/Orthoptistinnen
8114 [8114] (8114) Veterinary assistants [8114] (8114) Tiermedizinische Fachangestellte
8118 [8118] (8118) Medical assistants (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8118] (8118) Medizinische Fachangestellte (s.s.T.)
8121 [8121] (8121) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine [8121] (8121) Medizinisch-techn.Berufe im Laboratorium
8122 [8122] (8122) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics [8122] (8122) Medizin-tech. Berufe Funktionsdiagnostik
8123 [8123] (8123) Technical occupations in radiology [8123] (8123) Medizinisch-technische Berufe Radiologie
8124 [8124] (8124) Technical occupations in veterinary medicine [8124] (8124) Medizin.-techn. Berufe Veterinärmedizin
8129 [8129] (8129) Managers in medical laboratories [8129] (8129) Führung - Medizinisches Laboratorium
8130 [8130] (8130) Occupations in nursing (without specialisation) [8130] (8130) Berufe Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (o.S)
8131 [8131] (8131) Occupations in nursing specialised in a particular branch of nursing [8131] (8131) Berufe in der Fachkrankenpflege
8132 [8132] (8132) Occupations in nursing specialised in paediatrics [8132] (8132) Berufe in der Fachkinderkrankenpflege
8133 [8133] (8133) Surgical and medico-technical assistants [8133] (8133) Berufe operations-/med.-techn. Assistenz
8134 [8134] (8134) Occupations in emergency medical services [8134] (8134) Berufe im Rettungsdienst
8135 [8135] (8135) Occupations in obstetrics and maternity care [8135] (8135) Berufe Geburtshilfe, Entbindungspflege
8138 [8138] (8138) Occupations in nursing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8138] (8138) Berufe Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (ssT)
8139 [8139] (8139) Supervisors and managers in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics [8139] (8139) Aufsicht,Führung-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.
8140 [8140] (8140) Medical doctors (without specialisation) [8140] (8140) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (o. S.)
8141 [8141] (8141) Medical doctors specialised in pediatrics and adolescent medicine [8141] (8141) Fachärzte i.d. Kinder- u. Jugendmedizin
8142 [8142] (8142) Medical doctors specialised in internal medicine [8142] (8142) Fachärzte/innen in der Inneren Medizin
8143 [8143] (8143) Medical doctors specialised in surgery [8143] (8143) Fachärzte/innen in der Chirurgie
8144 [8144] (8144) Medical doctors specialised in dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, andrology or related medical fields [8144] (8144) Fachärzte Hautkr.,Sinnes-Geschlechtsorg.
8145 [8145] (8145) Medical doctors specialised in anaesthesiology [8145] (8145) Fachärzte/-ärztinnen Anästhesiologie
8146 [8146] (8146) Medical doctors specialised in neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine [8146] (8146) Fachärzte Neurol.,Psychiatr.,Psychother.
8147 [8147] (8147) Dentists and orthodontists [8147] (8147) Zahnärzte/innen, Kieferorthopäden/innen
8148 [8148] (8148) Medical doctors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8148] (8148) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (s.s.T.)
8149 [8149] (8149) Managers in human medicine and dentistry [8149] (8149) Führung - Human- und Zahnmedizin
8150 [8150] (8150) Veterinaries (without specialisation) [8150] (8150) Tierärzte/-ärztinnen (o.S.)
8151 [8151] (8151) Veterinaries for large and farm animals [8151] (8151) Tierärzte/-ärztinnen f. Groß-, Nutztiere
8152 [8152] (8152) Veterinaries for pets [8152] (8152) Tierärzte/ärztinnen für Haus-, Heimtiere
8153 [8153] (8153) Non-medical animal health practitioners [8153] (8153) Tierheilpraktiker/innen
8158 [8158] (8158) Occupations in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8158] (8158) Berufe Tiermedizin, Tierheilkunde (ssT)
8159 [8159] (8159) Managers in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners [8159] (8159) Führung - Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde
8161 [8161] (8161) Occupations in non-clinical psychology [8161] (8161) Berufe i.d. nicht klinischen Psychologie
8162 [8162] (8162) Occupations in clinical psychology [8162] (8162) Berufe in der klinischen Psychologie
8163 [8163] (8163) Occupations in non-medical psychotherapy [8163] (8163) Berufe nicht ärztliche Psychotherapie
8171 [8171] (8171) Occupations in physiotherapy [8171] (8171) Berufe in der Physiotherapie
8172 [8172] (8172) Occupations in occupational therapy [8172] (8172) Berufe in der Ergotherapie
8173 [8173] (8173) Occupations in speech therapy [8173] (8173) Berufe in der Sprachtherapie
8174 [8174] (8174) Occupations in music and art therapy [8174] (8174) Berufe in der Musik-, Kunsttherapie
8175 [8175] (8175) Practitioners of alternative medicine and homeopathy [8175] (8175) Berufe in der Heilkunde und Homöopathie
8176 [8176] (8176) Dieticians and Nutritionists [8176] (8176) Berufe i.d. Diät- und Ernährungstherapie
8178 [8178] (8178) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8178] (8178) Berufe nichtärztl. Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)
8179 [8179] (8179) Managers in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine [8179] (8179) Führung - Nichtärztl. Therapie,Heilkunde
8180 [8180] (8180) Pharmacists [8180] (8180) Apotheker, Pharmazeuten
8181 [8181] (8181) Medical doctors specialised in pharmacology [8181] (8181) Fachärzte/innen in der Pharmakologie
8182 [8182] (8182) Pharmaceutical-technical assistants [8182] (8182) Berufe pharmazeutisch-techn. Assistenz
8188 [8188] (8188) Occupations in pharmacy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8188] (8188) Berufe in der Pharmazie (s.s.T.)
8189 [8189] (8189) Managers in pharmacy [8189] (8189) Führung - Pharmazie
8210 [8210] (8210) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation) [8210] (8210) Berufe in der Altenpflege (o.S.)
8218 [8218] (8218) Occupations in geriatric care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8218] (8218) Berufe in der Altenpflege (s.s.T.)
8219 [8219] (8219) Managers in geriatric care [8219] (8219) Führung - Altenpflege
8221 [8221] (8221) Occupations providing health counselling [8221] (8221) Berufe in der Gesundheitsberatung
8222 [8222] (8222) Occupations in wellness [8222] (8222) Wellnessberufe
8223 [8223] (8223) Occupations providing nutritional advice [8223] (8223) Berufe in der Ernährungsberatung
8224 [8224] (8224) Quality assurance representative in the health care system [8224] (8224) Qualitätsbeauftragte im Gesundheitswesen
8228 [8228] (8228) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8228] (8228) Ernährungs,Gesundheitsber.,Wellness(ssT)
8231 [8231] (8231) Occupations in hairdressing [8231] (8231) Berufe im Friseurgewerbe
8232 [8232] (8232) Occupations in cosmetics [8232] (8232) Berufe in der Kosmetik
8233 [8233] (8233) Tattooists and piercers [8233] (8233) Tätowierer/innen und Piercer/innen
8234 [8234] (8234) Make-up artists [8234] (8234) Berufe in der Maskenbildnerei
8239 [8239] (8239) Supervisors in body care [8239] (8239) Aufsicht - Körperpflege
8240 [8240] (8240) Occupations in funeral services [8240] (8240) Berufe im Bestattungswesen
8249 [8249] (8249) Supervisors and managers in funeral services [8249] (8249) Aufsicht und Führung - Bestattungswesen
8250 [8250] (8250) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation) [8250] (8250) Medizintechnik (o.S.)
8251 [8251] (8251) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation [8251] (8251) Berufe in der Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik
8252 [8252] (8252) Occupations in ophthalmic optics [8252] (8252) Berufe in der Augenoptik
8253 [8253] (8253) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics [8253] (8253) Berufe in der Hörgeräteakustik
8254 [8254] (8254) Technical occupations in prosthetic dentistry [8254] (8254) Berufe in der Zahntechnik
8259 [8259] (8259) Supervisors and managers in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology [8259] (8259) Aufsicht,Führung-Med-Orthopäd,Rehatechn.
8311 [8311] (8311) Occupations in child care and child-rearing [8311] (8311) Berufe i.d. Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung
8312 [8312] (8312) Occupations in social work and social pedagogics [8312] (8312) Berufe i.d. Sozialarbeit,Sozialpädagogik
8313 [8313] (8313) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education [8313] (8313) Berufe Heilerziehungspflege, Sonderpäd.
8314 [8314] (8314) Social care workers specialized in household assistance and family care [8314] (8314) Berufe in der Haus- und Familienpflege
8315 [8315] (8315) Occupations in social, educational and addiction counselling [8315] (8315) Berufe Sozial-,Erziehungs-,Suchtberatung
8319 [8319] (8319) Supervisors and managers in education and social work, and of pedagogic specialists in social care work [8319] (8319) Aufsicht,Führung-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit
8321 [8321] (8321) Occupations in housekeeping [8321] (8321) Berufe in der Hauswirtschaft
8322 [8322] (8322) Occupations in consumer counselling [8322] (8322) Berufe in der Verbraucherberatung
8329 [8329] (8329) Supervisors in housekeeping and consumer counselling [8329] (8329) Aufsicht-Hauswirtschaft,Verbraucherber.
8331 [8331] (8331) Occupations in theology [8331] (8331) Berufe in der Theologie
8332 [8332] (8332) Occupations in church community work [8332] (8332) Berufe in der Gemeindearbeit
8333 [8333] (8333) Members of religious orders [8333] (8333) Angehörige geistl. Orden, Mutterhäuser
8338 [8338] (8338) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8338] (8338) Berufe in Theologie,Gemeindearbeit (ssT)
8339 [8339] (8339) Managers in theology and church community work [8339] (8339) Führung - Theologie und Gemeindearbeit
8411 [8411] (8411) Teachers in primary education [8411] (8411) Lehrkräfte in der Primarstufe
8412 [8412] (8412) Teachers in secondary education [8412] (8412) Lehrkräfte in der Sekundarstufe
8413 [8413] (8413) Teachers in schools for special needs education [8413] (8413) Lehrkräfte an Sonderschulen
8414 [8414] (8414) Occupations in teacher training [8414] (8414) Berufe in der Lehrerausbildung
8418 [8418] (8418) Teachers in schools of general education (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8418] (8418) Lehrkräfte allgemeinbild. Schulen (ssT)
8419 [8419] (8419) Managers in schools of general education [8419] (8419) Führung - Allgemeinbildende Schulen
8421 [8421] (8421) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools [8421] (8421) Lehrkräfte für berufsbildende Fächer
8422 [8422] (8422) In-company instructors in vocational training [8422] (8422) Berufe betriebl. Ausbildung, Berufspäd.
8429 [8429] (8429) Managers in vocational schools, and in-company training of apprentices [8429] (8429) Führung - BBS, betriebl.Ausb., Betr.päd.
8430 [8430] (8430) Teachers and researcher at universities and colleges [8430] (8430) Berufe i. d. Hochschullehre, -forschung
8439 [8439] (8439) Managers at universities and colleges [8439] (8439) Führung - Hochschullehre und -forschung
8440 [8440] (8440) Teachers in adult education (without specialisation) [8440] (8440) Berufe in der Erwachsenenbildung (o.S.)
8441 [8441] (8441) Occupations in music education [8441] (8441) Berufe in der Musikpädagogik
8442 [8442] (8442) Occupations in religious education [8442] (8442) Berufe in der Religionspädagogik
8443 [8443] (8443) Occupations in art and theatre education [8443] (8443) Berufe in der Kunst-, Theaterpädagogik
8444 [8444] (8444) Occupations in IT-application training [8444] (8444) Berufe im IT-Anwendungstraining
8445 [8445] (8445) (Foreign) Language teachers [8445] (8445) (Fremd-)Sprachenlehrer/innen
8448 [8448] (8448) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified except driving, flying and sports instructors) [8448] (8448) Lehrkräfte außerschul.Bild.einrich.(ssT)
8449 [8449] (8449) Managers at educational institutions other than schools [8449] (8449) Führung-Außerschul.Bildungseinrichtungen
8450 [8450] (8450) Sports instructors (without specialisation) [8450] (8450) Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.)
8451 [8451] (8451) Driving instructors [8451] (8451) Fahrlehrer/innen
8452 [8452] (8452) Flying instructors [8452] (8452) Fluglehrer/innen
8453 [8453] (8453) Dance instructors [8453] (8453) Tanzlehrer/innen
8454 [8454] (8454) Coaches in ball sports [8454] (8454) Trainer/innen - Ballsportarten
8455 [8455] (8455) Trainer in fitness and gymnastics [8455] (8455) Trainer/innen - Fitness und Gymnastik
8458 [8458] (8458) Sports instructors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [8458] (8458) Sportlehrer/innen (s.s.T.)
9110 [9110] (9110) Occupations in philology (without specialisation) [9110] (9110) Berufe in Sprach-, Literaturwissen.(oS)
9111 [9111] (9111) Occupations in German philology [9111] (9111) Berufe in der Germanistik
9112 [9112] (9112) Occupations in English and American philology [9112] (9112) Berufe in der Anglistik, Amerikanistik
9113 [9113] (9113) Occupations in Romance philology [9113] (9113) Berufe in der Romanistik
9114 [9114] (9114) Occupations in Slavic philology [9114] (9114) Berufe i.d. Slawistik, verw. Bereichen
9115 [9115] (9115) Occupations in Arabic and Oriental philology [9115] (9115) Berufe in der Arabistik, Orientalistik
9116 [9116] (9116) Occupations in Asian philology [9116] (9116) Berufe Sprach-, Literaturwis. asiat.Raum
9117 [9117] (9117) Occupations in Classics [9117] (9117) Berufe in der Altphilologie
9118 [9118] (9118) Occupations in philology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9118] (9118) Berufe Sprach-,Literaturwissensch. (ssT)
9121 [9121] (9121) Occupations in philosophy, religion and ethics [9121] (9121) Berufe in Philosophie, Religion, Ethik
9122 [9122] (9122) Occupations in history [9122] (9122) Berufe in Geschichtswissenschaften
9123 [9123] (9123) Occupations in archaeology [9123] (9123) Berufe in der Archäologie
9124 [9124] (9124) Occupations in media science and theatre studies [9124] (9124) Berufe in Medien-, Theaterwissenschaft
9125 [9125] (9125) Occupations in regional science [9125] (9125) Berufe in der Regionalwissenschaft
9126 [9126] (9126) Occupations in anthropology and ethnology [9126] (9126) Berufe in der Anthropologie, Ethnologie
9131 [9131] (9131) Occupations in political science [9131] (9131) Berufe in der Politologie
9132 [9132] (9132) Occupations in sociology [9132] (9132) Berufe in der Soziologie
9133 [9133] (9133) Occupations in pedagogy [9133] (9133) Berufe in der Erziehungswissenschaft
9134 [9134] (9134) Occupations in market and opinion research [9134] (9134) Berufe in der Markt-, Meinungsforschung
9135 [9135] (9135) Occupations in demography [9135] (9135) Berufe in der Demografie
9138 [9138] (9138) Occupations in the social sciences (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9138] (9138) Berufe Gesellschaftswissenschaften (ssT)
9140 [9140] (9140) Occupations in economics (without specialisation) [9140] (9140) Berufe in Wirtschaftswissenschaften (oS)
9148 [9148] (9148) Occupations in economics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9148] (9148) Berufe in Wirtschaftswissenschaften(ssT)
9211 [9211] (9211) Occupations in advertising and marketing [9211] (9211) Berufe in Werbung und Marketing
9212 [9212] (9212) Occupations in dialog marketing [9212] (9212) Berufe im Dialogmarketing
9213 [9213] (9213) Occupations in customer management [9213] (9213) Berufe im Kundenmanagement
9219 [9219] (9219) Managers in advertising and marketing [9219] (9219) Führung - Werbung und Marketing
9220 [9220] (9220) Occupations in public relations [9220] (9220) Berufe in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
9229 [9229] (9229) Managers in public relations [9229] (9229) Führung - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
9230 [9230] (9230) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation) [9230] (9230) Verlags- und Medienkaufleute (o.S.)
9238 [9238] (9238) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields) [9238] (9238) Verlags- und Medienkaufleute (s.s.T.)
9239 [9239] (9239) Managers in publishing and media management [9239] (9239) Führung - Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft
9241 [9241] (9241) Editors and journalists [9241] (9241) Redakteure/innen, Journalisten/innen
9242 [9242] (9242) Copy editors [9242] (9242) Lektoren/innen
9243 [9243] (9243) Authors and writers [9243] (9243) Autoren/Autorinnen, Schriftsteller/innen
9249 [9249] (9249) Managers in editorial work and journalism [9249] (9249) Führung - Redaktion und Journalismus
9310 [9310] (9310) Occupations in product and industrial design [9310] (9310) Berufe im Produkt- und Industriedesign
9321 [9321] (9321) Occupations in interior design [9321] (9321) Berufe in der Innenarchitektur
9322 [9322] (9322) Occupations in visual marketing [9322] (9322) Berufe im visuellen Marketing
9323 [9323] (9323) Occupations in interior decoration [9323] (9323) Berufe in der Raumausstattung
9329 [9329] (9329) Supervisors in interior design, visual marketing, and interior decoration [9329] (9329) Aufsicht-Innenarchitektur,Raumausstatt.
9330 [9330] (9330) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation) [9330] (9330) Berufe Kunsthandwerk, bildend.Kunst (oS)
9331 [9331] (9331) Occupations in sculpting [9331] (9331) Berufe in der Bildhauerei
9332 [9332] (9332) Painters and illustrators [9332] (9332) Kunstmaler/innen, Zeichner/innen
9333 [9333] (9333) Occupations in turnery and toy manufacture [9333] (9333) Berufe Drechslerei, Spielzeugherstellung
9334 [9334] (9334) Gilders [9334] (9334) Berufe im Vergolderhandwerk
9335 [9335] (9335) Chandlers [9335] (9335) Berufe in der Wachszieherei
9338 [9338] (9338) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9338] (9338) Berufe Kunsthandwerk, bild. Kunst (ssT)
9339 [9339] (9339) Supervisors in artisan craftwork and fine arts [9339] (9339) Aufsicht - Kunsthandwerk,bildende Kunst
9341 [9341] (9341) Artisans designing ceramics [9341] (9341) Berufe kunsthandwerkl. Keramikgestaltung
9342 [9342] (9342) Artisans painting glassware, ceramics and porcelain [9342] (9342) Berufe kunsthand.GlasKeram,Porzellanmal.
9343 [9343] (9343) Artisans working in glass blowing [9343] (9343) Berufe kunsthandwerkliche Glasbläserei
9349 [9349] (9349) Supervisors in artisan craftwork using ceramics and glassware [9349] (9349) Aufsicht-Kunsthandw.Keramik,Glasgestalt.
9351 [9351] (9351) Artisans working with metal [9351] (9351) Berufe kunsthandwerkl. Metallgestaltung
9352 [9352] (9352) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals [9352] (9352) Kunsthandw.Schmuckherst.,Edelsteinbearb.
9353 [9353] (9353) Engravers [9353] (9353) Berufe in der Gravur
9354 [9354] (9354) Producers of advertising signs and illuminated advertisements [9354] (9354) Berufe Schilder-,Lichtreklameherstellung
9359 [9359] (9359) Supervisors of artisans working with metal [9359] (9359) Aufsicht-Kunsthandwerkl.Metallgestaltung
9360 [9360] (9360) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation) [9360] (9360) Berufe im Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.)
9361 [9361] (9361) Occupations making bowed and plucked string instruments [9361] (9361) Berufe im Streich-, Zupfinstrumentenbau
9362 [9362] (9362) Occupations making woodwind instruments [9362] (9362) Berufe im Holzblasinstrumentenbau
9363 [9363] (9363) Occupations making brass instruments [9363] (9363) Berufe im Metallblasinstrumentenbau
9364 [9364] (9364) Occupations making pianos and harpsichords [9364] (9364) Berufe im Klavier- und Cembalobau
9365 [9365] (9365) Occupations making organs and harmoniums [9365] (9365) Berufe im Orgel- und Harmoniumbau
9368 [9368] (9368) Occupations in musical instrument making (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9368] (9368) Berufe im Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)
9369 [9369] (9369) Supervisors in musical instrument making [9369] (9369) Aufsicht - Musikinstrumentenbau
9411 [9411] (9411) Musicians [9411] (9411) Musiker/innen
9412 [9412] (9412) Singers [9412] (9412) Sänger/innen
9413 [9413] (9413) Conductors [9413] (9413) Dirigenten/Dirigentinnen
9414 [9414] (9414) Composers [9414] (9414) Komponisten/Komponistinnen
9418 [9418] (9418) Musicians, singers and conductors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9418] (9418) Musik-,Gesangs-, Dirigententätigk. (ssT)
9421 [9421] (9421) Actors [9421] (9421) Schauspieler/innen
9422 [9422] (9422) Dancers and choreographers [9422] (9422) Tänzer/innen, Choreografen/innen
9423 [9423] (9423) Models [9423] (9423) Mannequins, Dressmen, sonstige Models
9424 [9424] (9424) Athletes and professional sportspersons [9424] (9424) Athleten, Berufssportler
9425 [9425] (9425) Occupations in personal escort services [9425] (9425) Berufe personenbezog. Dienstleistungen
9428 [9428] (9428) Occupations in acting, dancing, athletics and related occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9428] (9428) BerufeSchauspielTanz,Bewegungskunst(ssT)
9430 [9430] (9430) Presenters and entertainers (without specialisation) [9430] (9430) Berufe in Moderation, Unterhaltung (oS)
9431 [9431] (9431) Comedians and cabaret artists [9431] (9431) Komiker/innen, Kabarettisten/innen
9432 [9432] (9432) Magicians and illusionists [9432] (9432) Zauberer/innen, Illusionisten/innen
9433 [9433] (9433) Radio and television presenters [9433] (9433) Hörfunk-, Fernsehmoderatoren/innen
9434 [9434] (9434) Occupations in gambling and betting [9434] (9434) Berufe im Bereich Glücks- und Wettspiel
9438 [9438] (9438) Occupations in presentation and entertainment (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9438] (9438) Berufe in Moderation, Unterhaltung (ssT)
9440 [9440] (9440) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation) [9440] (9440) Berufe Theater-,Film-,Fernsehproduk.(oS)
9441 [9441] (9441) Occupations in managing theatre, film and television productions [9441] (9441) Berufe in der Regie
9448 [9448] (9448) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9448] (9448) Berufe Theater-,Film-, Fernsehprod.(ssT)
9449 [9449] (9449) Supervisors and managers in theatre, film and television productions [9449] (9449) Aufsicht,Führung-TheaterFilm,Fernsehprod
9451 [9451] (9451) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft [9451] (9451) Berufe Veranstaltungs- und Bühnentechnik
9452 [9452] (9452) Cinematographers, camera assistants, and projectionists [9452] (9452) Berufe in der Kameratechnik
9453 [9453] (9453) Technical occupations in video and sound production [9453] (9453) Berufe in der Bild- und Tontechnik
9458 [9458] (9458) Occupations in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [9458] (9458) Berufe Veranstalt.-Kamera-,Tontech.(ssT)
9459 [9459] (9459) Supervisors in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering [9459] (9459) Aufsicht-Veranstaltungs-Kamera-,Tontech.
9461 [9461] (9461) Occupations in stage and costume design [9461] (9461) Berufe i.d. Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei
9462 [9462] (9462) Prop designers [9462] (9462) Berufe in der Requisite
9469 [9469] (9469) Supervisors in stage, costume and prop design [9469] (9469) Aufsicht-Bühnen-,Kostümbildn.,Requisite
9470 [9470] (9470) Occupations in museums (without specialisation) [9470] (9470) Museumsberufe (o.S.)
9471 [9471] (9471) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions [9471] (9471) Berufe Museums- und Ausstellungstechnik
9472 [9472] (9472) Art experts [9472] (9472) Kunstsachverständige
9479 [9479] (9479) Managers in museum [9479] (9479) Führung - Museum
11101 [11101] (11101) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [11101] (11101) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Helfer
11102 [11102] (11102) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [11102] (11102) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11103 [11103] (11103) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-complex tasks [11103] (11103) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Spezialist
11104 [11104] (11104) Occupations in farming (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [11104] (11104) Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Experte
11113 [11113] (11113) Technical occupations in farming-complex tasks [11113] (11113) Landtechnik - Spezialist
11114 [11114] (11114) Technical occupations in farming-highly complex tasks [11114] (11114) Landtechnik - Experte
11123 [11123] (11123) Agricultural experts-complex tasks [11123] (11123) Landwirtsch.Sachverständige - Spezialist
11124 [11124] (11124) Agricultural experts-high complex tasks [11124] (11124) Landwirtschaftl. Sachverständige-Experte
11132 [11132] (11132) Technical laboratory occupations in agriculture-skilled tasks [11132] (11132) Landwirtsch.-tech.Laboratorium-Fachkraft
11133 [11133] (11133) Technical laboratory occupations in agriculture-complex tasks [11133] (11133) Landwirtsch.-tech.Laborat.-Spezialist
11182 [11182] (11182) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [11182] (11182) Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
11183 [11183] (11183) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [11183] (11183) Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
11184 [11184] (11184) Occupations in farming (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [11184] (11184) Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Experte
11193 [11193] (11193) Supervisors in farming [11193] (11193) Aufsicht - Landwirtschaft
11194 [11194] (11194) Managers in farming [11194] (11194) Führung - Landwirtschaft
11211 [11211] (11211) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [11211] (11211) Nutztierhaltung - Helfer
11212 [11212] (11212) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-skilled tasks [11212] (11212) Nutztierhaltung - Fachkraft
11213 [11213] (11213) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-complex tasks [11213] (11213) Nutztierhaltung - Spezialist
11214 [11214] (11214) Occupations in livestock farming (without poultry farming)-highly complex tasks [11214] (11214) Nutztierhaltung - Experte
11222 [11222] (11222) Occupations in poultry farming-skilled tasks [11222] (11222) Geflügelhaltung - Fachkraft
11223 [11223] (11223) Occupations in poultry farming-complex tasks [11223] (11223) Geflügelhaltung - Spezialist
11232 [11232] (11232) Occupations in beekeeping-skilled tasks [11232] (11232) Imkerei - Fachkraft
11233 [11233] (11233) Occupations in beekeeping-complex tasks [11233] (11233) Imkerei - Spezialist
11282 [11282] (11282) Occupations in animal husbandry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [11282] (11282) Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
11283 [11283] (11283) Occupations in animal husbandry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [11283] (11283) Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
11293 [11293] (11293) Supervisors in animal husbandry [11293] (11293) Aufsicht - Tierwirtschaft
11294 [11294] (11294) Managers in animal husbandry [11294] (11294) Führung - Tierwirtschaft
11302 [11302] (11302) Occupations in horsekeeping (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [11302] (11302) Pferdewirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11312 [11312] (11312) Occupations in horse breeding-skilled tasks [11312] (11312) Pferdewirtschaft-Pferdezucht - Fachkraft
11322 [11322] (11322) Occupations in horsekeeping: riding-skilled tasks [11322] (11322) Pferdewirtschaft-Reiten - Fachkraft
11333 [11333] (11333) Farrier-complex tasks [11333] (11333) Hufbeschlagschmiede/innen - Spezialist
11342 [11342] (11342) Coachman-skilled tasks [11342] (11342) Kutscher/innen - Fachkraft
11393 [11393] (11393) Supervisors in horsekeeping [11393] (11393) Aufsicht - Pferdewirtschaft
11394 [11394] (11394) Managers in horsekeeping [11394] (11394) Führung - Pferdewirtschaft
11401 [11401] (11401) Occupations in fishing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [11401] (11401) Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) - Helfer
11402 [11402] (11402) Occupations in fishing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [11402] (11402) Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11412 [11412] (11412) Occupations in fish farming-skilled tasks [11412] (11412) Fischzucht - Fachkraft
11422 [11422] (11422) Occupations in fishery-skilled tasks [11422] (11422) Fischerei - Fachkraft
11423 [11423] (11423) Occupations in fishery-complex tasks [11423] (11423) Fischerei - Spezialist
11424 [11424] (11424) Occupations in fishery-highly complex tasks [11424] (11424) Fischerei - Experte
11493 [11493] (11493) Supervisors in fishing [11493] (11493) Aufsicht - Fischwirtschaft
11494 [11494] (11494) Managers in fishing [11494] (11494) Führung - Fischwirtschaft
11501 [11501] (11501) Occupations in animal care (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [11501] (11501) Tierpflege (o.S.) - Helfer
11502 [11502] (11502) Occupations in animal care (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [11502] (11502) Tierpflege (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11512 [11512] (11512) Occupations in livestock care-skilled tasks [11512] (11512) Nutztierpflege - Fachkraft
11522 [11522] (11522) Occupations in pet and zoo animal care-skilled tasks [11522] (11522) Haus-, Zootierpflege - Fachkraft
11582 [11582] (11582) Occupations in animal care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [11582] (11582) Tierpflege (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
11593 [11593] (11593) Supervisors in animal care [11593] (11593) Aufsicht - Tierpflege
11594 [11594] (11594) Managers in animal care [11594] (11594) Führung - Tierpflege
11602 [11602] (11602) Occupations in vini- and viticulture-skilled tasks [11602] (11602) Weinbau - Fachkraft
11603 [11603] (11603) Occupations in vini- and viticulture-complex tasks [11603] (11603) Weinbau - Spezialist
11604 [11604] (11604) Occupations in vini- and viticulture-highly complex tasks [11604] (11604) Weinbau - Experte
11693 [11693] (11693) Supervisors in vini- and viticulture [11693] (11693) Aufsicht - Weinbau
11694 [11694] (11694) Managers in vini- and viticulture [11694] (11694) Führung - Weinbau
11711 [11711] (11711) Occupations in forestry-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [11711] (11711) Forstwirtschaft - Helfer
11712 [11712] (11712) Occupations in forestry-skilled tasks [11712] (11712) Forstwirtschaft - Fachkraft
11713 [11713] (11713) Occupations in forestry-complex tasks [11713] (11713) Forstwirtschaft - Spezialist
11714 [11714] (11714) Occupations in forestry-highly complex tasks [11714] (11714) Forstwirtschaft - Experte
11722 [11722] (11722) Occupations in landscape preservation-skilled tasks [11722] (11722) Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Fachkraft
11723 [11723] (11723) Occupations in landscape preservation-complex tasks [11723] (11723) Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Spezialist
11724 [11724] (11724) Occupations in landscape preservation-highly complex tasks [11724] (11724) Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Experte
11732 [11732] (11732) Occupations in hunting and gamekeeping-skilled tasks [11732] (11732) Jagdwirtschaft, Wildhege - Fachkraft
11742 [11742] (11742) Picking and extracting plants and other natural products-skilled tasks [11742] (11742) Sammeln von Naturprodukten - Fachkraft
11793 [11793] (11793) Supervisors in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation [11793] (11793) Aufsicht - Forst,Jagd, Landschaftspflege
11794 [11794] (11794) Managers in forestry, hunting and landscape preservation [11794] (11794) Führung - Forst,Jagd, Landschaftspflege
12101 [12101] (12101) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [12101] (12101) Gartenbau (o.S.) - Helfer
12102 [12102] (12102) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [12102] (12102) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
12103 [12103] (12103) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-complex tasks [12103] (12103) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
12104 [12104] (12104) Occupations in gardening (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [12104] (12104) Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Experte
12112 [12112] (12112) Occupations in fruit and vegetable farming-skilled tasks [12112] (12112) Berufe im Obst-, Gemüsebau - Fachkraft
12113 [12113] (12113) Occupations in fruit and vegetable farming-complex tasks [12113] (12113) Berufe im Obst-, Gemüsebau - Spezialist
12122 [12122] (12122) Occupations in tree, perennial and ornamental plants farming-skilled tasks [12122] (12122) BaumschuleStauden,Zierpflanzen-Fachkraft
12123 [12123] (12123) Occupations in tree, perennial and ornamental plants farming-complex tasks [12123] (12123) BaumschuleStaudenZierpflanzen-Spezialist
12132 [12132] (12132) Occupations in cemetery gardening-skilled tasks [12132] (12132) Friedhofsgärtnerei - Fachkraft
12133 [12133] (12133) Occupations in cemetery gardening-complex tasks [12133] (12133) Friedhofsgärtnerei - Spezialist
12142 [12142] (12142) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance-skilled tasks [12142] (12142) GartenLandschaftsSportplatzb.-Fachkraft
12143 [12143] (12143) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance-complex tasks [12143] (12143) GartenLandschaftsSportplatzb.-Spezialist
12144 [12144] (12144) Occupations in horticulture, landscape gardening, and sports field maintenance-highly complex tasks [12144] (12144) Garten-Landschafts,Sportplatzbau-Experte
12193 [12193] (12193) Supervisors in gardening [12193] (12193) Aufsicht - Gartenbau
12194 [12194] (12194) Managers in gardening [12194] (12194) Führung - Gartenbau
12202 [12202] (12202) Occupations in floristry-skilled tasks [12202] (12202) Floristik - Fachkraft
12203 [12203] (12203) Occupations in floristry-complex tasks [12203] (12203) Floristik - Spezialist
12293 [12293] (12293) Supervisors in floristry [12293] (12293) Aufsicht - Floristik
12294 [12294] (12294) Managers in floristry [12294] (12294) Führung - Floristik
21111 [21111] (21111) Occupations in underground and surface mining-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [21111] (21111) Berg- und Tagebau - Helfer
21112 [21112] (21112) Occupations in underground and surface mining-skilled tasks [21112] (21112) Berg- und Tagebau - Fachkraft
21113 [21113] (21113) Occupations in underground and surface mining-complex tasks [21113] (21113) Berg- und Tagebau - Spezialist
21114 [21114] (21114) Occupations in underground and surface mining-highly complex tasks [21114] (21114) Berg- und Tagebau - Experte
21122 [21122] (21122) Occupations in blasting engineering-skilled tasks [21122] (21122) Sprengtechnik - Fachkraft
21123 [21123] (21123) Occupations in blasting engineering-complex tasks [21123] (21123) Sprengtechnik - Spezialist
21124 [21124] (21124) Occupations in blasting engineering-highly complex tasks [21124] (21124) Sprengtechnik - Experte
21193 [21193] (21193) Supervisors in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering [21193] (21193) Aufsicht -Berg-,Tagebau, Sprengtechnik
21194 [21194] (21194) Managers in underground and surface mining and blasting engineering [21194] (21194) Führung -Berg-,Tagebau, Sprengtechnik
21201 [21201] (21201) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [21201] (21201) Naturstein,Baustoffherstell (o.S)-Helfer
21212 [21212] (21212) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals-skilled tasks [21212] (21212) Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereit.-Fachkraft
21213 [21213] (21213) Conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals-complex tasks [21213] (21213) Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereit.-Spezialist
21222 [21222] (21222) Production of building materials-skilled tasks [21222] (21222) Baustoffherstellung - Fachkraft
21223 [21223] (21223) Production of building materials-complex tasks [21223] (21223) Baustoffherstellung - Spezialist
21232 [21232] (21232) Occupations in stonemasonry-skilled tasks [21232] (21232) Steinmetztechnik - Fachkraft
21233 [21233] (21233) Occupations in stonemasonry-complex tasks [21233] (21233) Steinmetztechnik - Spezialist
21293 [21293] (21293) Supervisors in conditioning and processing of natural stone and minerals, production of building materials [21293] (21293) Aufsicht-Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffher.
21311 [21311] (21311) Occupations in glass-making-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [21311] (21311) Glasherstellung - Helfer
21312 [21312] (21312) Occupations in glass-making-skilled tasks [21312] (21312) Glasherstellung - Fachkraft
21313 [21313] (21313) Occupations in glass-making-complex tasks [21313] (21313) Glasherstellung - Spezialist
21322 [21322] (21322) Manufacturing of glass instruments engineering-skilled tasks [21322] (21322) Glasapparatebau - Fachkraft
21323 [21323] (21323) Manufacturing of glass instruments engineering-complex tasks [21323] (21323) Glasapparatebau - Spezialist
21332 [21332] (21332) Occupations in industrial glassblowing-skilled tasks [21332] (21332) Industrielle Glasbläserei - Fachkraft
21342 [21342] (21342) Occupations in glass finishing-skilled tasks [21342] (21342) Glasveredelung - Fachkraft
21352 [21352] (21352) Occupations in adjusting of glass instruments-skilled tasks [21352] (21352) Glasapparatejustierung - Fachkraft
21362 [21362] (21362) Occupations in precision optics-skilled tasks [21362] (21362) Feinoptik - Fachkraft
21363 [21363] (21363) Occupations in precision optics-complex tasks [21363] (21363) Feinoptik - Spezialist
21393 [21393] (21393) Supervisors in industrial glass-making and -processing [21393] (21393) Aufsicht-Industri.Glasherst.,-verarbeit.
21411 [21411] (21411) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [21411] (21411) Industriekeramik (Verfahren)-Helfer
21412 [21412] (21412) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials-skilled tasks [21412] (21412) Industriekeramik (Verfahren)-Fachkraft
21413 [21413] (21413) Occupations in industrial process and plant engineering for ceramic materials-complex tasks [21413] (21413) Industriekeramik(Verfahren)-Spezialist
21422 [21422] (21422) Occupations in industrial ceramic model making-skilled tasks [21422] (21422) Industriekeramik(Modelltechn.)-Fachkraft
21423 [21423] (21423) Occupations in industrial ceramic model making-complex tasks [21423] (21423) Industriekeramik(Modelltechn)-Spezialist
21493 [21493] (21493) Supervisors in industrial ceramic-making and -processing [21493] (21493) Aufsicht-Industrielle Keramikherstellung
22101 [22101] (22101) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [22101] (22101) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst. (oS.)-Helfer
22102 [22102] (22102) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [22102] (22102) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst(oS)-Fachkraft
22103 [22103] (22103) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-complex tasks [22103] (22103) Kunststoff-,Kautschukhers(oS)-Spezialist
22104 [22104] (22104) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [22104] (22104) Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst. (oS)-Experte
22112 [22112] (22112) Technical occupations in tire production and vulcanisation-skilled tasks [22112] (22112) Reifen-, Vulkanisationstechnik-Fachkraft
22182 [22182] (22182) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [22182] (22182) Kunststoff,Kautschukverar(ssT)-Fachkraft
22183 [22183] (22183) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [22183] (22183) Kunststoff,Kautschukver.(ssT)-Spezialist
22184 [22184] (22184) Occupations in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [22184] (22184) Kunststoff,Kautschukverarb.(ssT)-Experte
22193 [22193] (22193) Supervisors in plastic- and rubber-making and -processing [22193] (22193) Aufsicht-Kunststoff,Kautschukher,verarb.
22201 [22201] (22201) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [22201] (22201) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
22202 [22202] (22202) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [22202] (22202) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
22203 [22203] (22203) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-complex tasks [22203] (22203) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
22204 [22204] (22204) Occupations in colour coating and varnishing (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [22204] (22204) Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Experte
22212 [22212] (22212) Vehicle paintwork-skilled tasks [22212] (22212) Fahrzeuglackierung - Fachkraft
22222 [22222] (22222) Occupations in varnishing laboratories-skilled tasks [22222] (22222) Lacklaboratorium - Fachkraft
22293 [22293] (22293) Supervisors in colour coating and varnishing [22293] (22293) Aufsicht - Farb-, Lacktechnik
22301 [22301] (22301) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [22301] (22301) Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (o.S.) - Helfer
22302 [22302] (22302) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [22302] (22302) Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
22303 [22303] (22303) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-complex tasks [22303] (22303) Holzbe-,-verarbeitung(o.S.) - Spezialist
22304 [22304] (22304) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [22304] (22304) Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (o.S.) - Experte
22312 [22312] (22312) Occupations in wood drying and preservation-skilled tasks [22312] (22312) Holztrocknung,-konservierung - Fachkraft
22322 [22322] (22322) Occupations producing wood-based materials and wooden components-skilled tasks [22322] (22322) Prod. Holzwerkstoffe,-bauteile-Fachkraft
22332 [22332] (22332) Occupations producing finished products from wood and wood-based materials-skilled tasks [22332] (22332) Prod. Fertigprodukte aus Holz -Fachkraft
22333 [22333] (22333) Occupations producing finished products from wood and wood-based materials-complex tasks [22333] (22333) Prod. Fertigprodukte aus Holz-Spezialist
22342 [22342] (22342) Occupations in wood construction, furniture and cabinet making, and interior finishing-skilled tasks [22342] (22342) Holz-, Möbel-, Innenausbau - Fachkraft
22343 [22343] (22343) Occupations in wood construction, furniture and cabinet making, and interior finishing-complex tasks [22343] (22343) Holz-, Möbel-, Innenausbau - Spezialist
22352 [22352] (22352) Wickerwork manufacturers, broom and brush makers-skilled tasks [22352] (22352) Flechtwerk,Bürste,Pinselmacher-Fachkraft
22382 [22382] (22382) Occupations in wood-working and -processing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [22382] (22382) Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (ssT) - Fachkraft
22393 [22393] (22393) Supervisors in wood-working and -processing [22393] (22393) Aufsicht - Holzbe-, -verarbeitung
22394 [22394] (22394) Managers in wood-working and -processing [22394] (22394) Führung - Holzbe-, -verarbeitung
23101 [23101] (23101) Technical occupations in paper-making and -processing and packaging (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [23101] (23101) Papier-,Verpackungstechnik (oS) - Helfer
23112 [23112] (23112) Occupations in paper-making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [23112] (23112) Papierherstellung - Fachkraft
23113 [23113] (23113) Occupations in paper-making (without specialisation)-complex tasks [23113] (23113) Papierherstellung - Spezialist
23114 [23114] (23114) Occupations in paper-making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [23114] (23114) Papierherstellung - Experte
23122 [23122] (23122) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging-skilled tasks [23122] (23122) Papierverarb,Verpackungstechn.-Fachkraft
23123 [23123] (23123) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging-complex tasks [23123] (23123) Papierverarb,Verpackungstechn-Spezialist
23124 [23124] (23124) Occupations in paper-processing and packaging-highly complex tasks [23124] (23124) Papierverarb.,Verpackungstechn.-Experte
23193 [23193] (23193) Supervisors in paper-making and -processing and packaging [23193] (23193) Aufsicht - Papier-, Verpackungstechnik
23212 [23212] (23212) Occupations in digital and print media design-skilled tasks [23212] (23212) Digital-,Printmediengestaltung-Fachkraft
23213 [23213] (23213) Occupations in digital and print media design-complex tasks# [23213] (23213) Digital,Printmediengestaltung-Spezialist
23222 [23222] (23222) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design-skilled tasks [23222] (23222) Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Fachkraft
23223 [23223] (23223) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design-complex tasks [23223] (23223) Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Spezialist
23224 [23224] (23224) Occupations in graphic, communication, and photo design-highly complex tasks [23224] (23224) Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Experte
23282 [23282] (23282) Occupations in technical media design (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [23282] (23282) Techn.Mediengestaltung (ssT) - Fachkraft
23293 [23293] (23293) Supervisors in technical media design [23293] (23293) Aufsicht - Technische Mediengestaltung
23294 [23294] (23294) Managers in technical media design [23294] (23294) Führung - Technische Mediengestaltung
23312 [23312] (23312) Occupations in photographic technology-skilled tasks [23312] (23312) Fototechnik - Fachkraft
23313 [23313] (23313) Occupations in photographic technology-complex tasks [23313] (23313) Fototechnik - Spezialist
23314 [23314] (23314) Occupations in photographic technology-highly complex tasks [23314] (23314) Fototechnik - Experte
23322 [23322] (23322) Occupations in photography-skilled tasks [23322] (23322) Fotografie - Fachkraft
23393 [23393] (23393) Supervisors in photography and photographic technology [23393] (23393) Aufsicht - Fototechnik und Fotografie
23411 [23411] (23411) Occupations in printing technology-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [23411] (23411) Drucktechnik - Helfer
23412 [23412] (23412) Occupations in printing technology-skilled tasks [23412] (23412) Drucktechnik - Fachkraft
23413 [23413] (23413) Occupations in printing technology-complex tasks [23413] (23413) Drucktechnik - Spezialist
23414 [23414] (23414) Occupations in printing technology-highly complex tasks [23414] (23414) Drucktechnik - Experte
23422 [23422] (23422) Occupations in book binding and print finishing-skilled tasks [23422] (23422) Buchbinderei,Druckweiterverarb-Fachkraft
23423 [23423] (23423) Occupations in book binding and print finishing-complex tasks [23423] (23423) Buchbinderei,Druckweiterver.-Spezialist
23493 [23493] (23493) Supervisors in printing technology, print finishing, and book binding [23493] (23493) Aufsicht-Drucktechnik,Buchbinderei
24101 [24101] (24101) Occupations in metal-making (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [24101] (24101) Metallerzeugung (o.S.) - Helfer
24112 [24112] (24112) Occupations in metallurgy-skilled tasks [24112] (24112) Hüttentechnik - Fachkraft
24113 [24113] (24113) Occupations in metallurgy-complex tasks [24113] (24113) Hüttentechnik - Spezialist
24114 [24114] (24114) Occupations in metallurgy-highly complex tasks [24114] (24114) Hüttentechnik - Experte
24122 [24122] (24122) Occupations in metal moulding-skilled tasks [24122] (24122) Metallumformung - Fachkraft
24123 [24123] (24123) Occupations in metal moulding-complex tasks [24123] (24123) Metallumformung - Spezialist
24124 [24124] (24124) Occupations in metal moulding-highly complex tasks [24124] (24124) Metallumformung - Experte
24132 [24132] (24132) Occupations in industrial metal casting-skilled tasks [24132] (24132) Industrielle Gießerei - Fachkraft
24133 [24133] (24133) Occupations in industrial metal casting-complex tasks [24133] (24133) Industrielle Gießerei - Spezialist
24134 [24134] (24134) Occupations in industrial metal casting -highly complex tasks [24134] (24134) Industrielle Gießerei - Experte
24142 [24142] (24142) Occupations in manual metal and bell founding-skilled tasks [24142] (24142) Handw.Metall-,Glockengießerei-Fachkraft
24193 [24193] (24193) Supervisors in metal-making [24193] (24193) Aufsicht - Metallerzeugung
24201 [24201] (24201) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [24201] (24201) Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Helfer
24202 [24202] (24202) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [24202] (24202) Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
24203 [24203] (24203) Occupations in metalworking (without specialisation)-complex tasks [24203] (24203) Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Spezialist
24212 [24212] (24212) Occupations in metalworking: non-cutting-skilled tasks [24212] (24212) Spanlose Metallbearbeitung - Fachkraft
24222 [24222] (24222) Occupations in metalworking: grinding-skilled tasks [24222] (24222) Schleifende Metallbearbeitung-Fachkraft
24232 [24232] (24232) Occupations in metalworking: cutting-skilled tasks [24232] (24232) Spanende Metallbearbeitung - Fachkraft
24233 [24233] (24233) Occupations in metalworking: cutting-complex tasks [24233] (24233) Spanende Metallbearbeitung - Spezialist
24243 [24243] (24243) Occupations in laser-assisted metalworking-complex tasks [24243] (24243) Metallbearbeitung Laserstrahl-Spezialist
24244 [24244] (24244) Occupations in laser-assisted metalworking-highly complex tasks [24244] (24244) Metallbearbeitung Laserstrahl-Experte
24293 [24293] (24293) Supervisors in metalworking [24293] (24293) Aufsicht - Metallbearbeitung
24301 [24301] (24301) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [24301] (24301) Metalloberflächenbehandl. (oS) - Helfer
24302 [24302] (24302) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [24302] (24302) Metalloberflächenbehandl.(oS)-Fachkraft
24303 [24303] (24303) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-complex tasks [24303] (24303) Metalloberflächenbehandl.(oS)-Spezialist
24304 [24304] (24304) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [24304] (24304) Metalloberflächenbehandl. (oS)-Experte
24382 [24382] (24382) Occupations in treatment of metal surfaces (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [24382] (24382) Metalloberflächenbehandl.(ssT)-Fachkraft
24393 [24393] (24393) Supervisors in treatment of metal surfaces [24393] (24393) Aufsicht - Metalloberflächenbehandlung
24411 [24411] (24411) Occupations in metal constructing-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [24411] (24411) Metallbau - Helfer
24412 [24412] (24412) Occupations in metal constructing-skilled tasks [24412] (24412) Metallbau - Fachkraft
24413 [24413] (24413) Occupations in metal constructing-complex tasks [24413] (24413) Metallbau - Spezialist
24414 [24414] (24414) Occupations in metal constructing-highly complex tasks [24414] (24414) Metallbau - Experte
24422 [24422] (24422) Occupations in welding and joining-skilled tasks [24422] (24422) Schweiß-, Verbindungstechnik - Fachkraft
24423 [24423] (24423) Occupations in welding and joining-complex tasks [24423] (24423) Schweiß-,Verbindungstechnik - Spezialist
24424 [24424] (24424) Occupations in welding and joining-highly complex tasks [24424] (24424) Schweiß-, Verbindungstechnik - Experte
24432 [24432] (24432) Industrial divers and other diving occupations-skilled tasks [24432] (24432) Industrietaucher/innen u.a. - Fachkraft
24493 [24493] (24493) Supervisors in metal constructing and welding [24493] (24493) Aufsicht - Metallbau und Schweißtechnik
24511 [24511] (24511) Occupations in precision mechanics-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [24511] (24511) Feinwerktechnik - Helfer
24512 [24512] (24512) Occupations in precision mechanics-skilled tasks [24512] (24512) Feinwerktechnik - Fachkraft
24513 [24513] (24513) Occupations in precision mechanics-complex tasks [24513] (24513) Feinwerktechnik - Spezialist
24514 [24514] (24514) Occupations in precision mechanics-highly complex tasks [24514] (24514) Feinwerktechnik - Experte
24522 [24522] (24522) Occupations in tool making-skilled tasks [24522] (24522) Werkzeugtechnik - Fachkraft
24523 [24523] (24523) Occupations in tool making-complex tasks [24523] (24523) Werkzeugtechnik - Spezialist
24524 [24524] (24524) Occupations in tool making-highly complex tasks [24524] (24524) Werkzeugtechnik - Experte
24532 [24532] (24532) Occupations in watchmaking- skilled tasks [24532] (24532) Uhrmacherhandwerk - Fachkraft
24533 [24533] (24533) Occupations in watchmaking-complex tasks [24533] (24533) Uhrmacherhandwerk - Spezialist
24593 [24593] (24593) Supervisors in precision mechanics and tool making [24593] (24593) Aufsicht - Feinwerk- u. Werkzeugtechnik
25101 [25101] (25101) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [25101] (25101) Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechnik(oS)-Helfer
25102 [25102] (25102) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [25102] (25102) Maschinenbau-,Betriebstech(oS)-Fachkraft
25103 [25103] (25103) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-complex tasks [25103] (25103) Maschinenbau,Betriebstech(oS)-Spezialist
25104 [25104] (25104) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [25104] (25104) Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechn.(oS)-Experte
25112 [25112] (25112) Machine and equipment assemblers-skilled tasks [25112] (25112) Maschinen,Gerätezusammensetzer-Fachkraft
25122 [25122] (25122) Machine and plant operators-skilled tasks [25122] (25122) Maschinen-, Anlagenführer - Fachkraft
25131 [25131] (25131) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [25131] (25131) Tech.Servicekr. Wartung,Instand.-Helfer
25132 [25132] (25132) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-skilled tasks [25132] (25132) Tech.Servicekr.Wartung,Instand-Fachkraft
25133 [25133] (25133) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-complex tasks [25133] (25133) TechServicekr.Wartung,Instand-Spezialist
25134 [25134] (25134) Technical service staff in maintenance and repair-highly complex tasks [25134] (25134) Tech.Servicekr.Wartung,Instand.-Experte
25182 [25182] (25182) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [25182] (25182) Maschinenbau,Betriebstech(ssT)-Fachkraft
25183 [25183] (25183) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [25183] (25183) Maschinenbau,Betriebstec(ssT)-Spezialist
25184 [25184] (25184) Occupations in machine-building and -operating (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [25184] (25184) Maschinenbau,Betriebstechn.(ssT)-Experte
25193 [25193] (25193) Supervisors in machine-building and -operating [25193] (25193) Aufsicht - Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechnik
25194 [25194] (25194) Managers in machine-building and -operating [25194] (25194) Führung - Maschinenbau-, Betriebstechnik
25201 [25201] (25201) Technical occupations in the automotive industries (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [25201] (25201) Fahrzeugtechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
25212 [25212] (25212) Technical occupations in the automotive industries-skilled tasks [25212] (25212) Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Fachkraft
25213 [25213] (25213) Technical occupations in the automotive industries-complex tasks [25213] (25213) Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Spezialist
25214 [25214] (25214) Technical occupations in the automotive industries-highly complex tasks [25214] (25214) Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Experte
25222 [25222] (25222) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery-skilled tasks [25222] (25222) Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Fachkraft
25223 [25223] (25223) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery-complex tasks [25223] (25223) Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Spezialist
25224 [25224] (25224) Technical occupations, agricultural and construction machinery-highly complex tasks [25224] (25224) Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Experte
25232 [25232] (25232) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries-skilled tasks [25232] (25232) Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Fachkraft
25233 [25233] (25233) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries-complex tasks [25233] (25233) Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Spezialist
25234 [25234] (25234) Technical occupations in the aeronautic and aerospace industries-highly complex tasks [25234] (25234) Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Experte
25242 [25242] (25242) Technical occupations in ship building-skilled tasks [25242] (25242) Schiffbautechnik - Fachkraft
25243 [25243] (25243) Technical occupations in ship building-complex tasks [25243] (25243) Schiffbautechnik - Spezialist
25244 [25244] (25244) Technical occupations in ship building-highly complex tasks [25244] (25244) Schiffbautechnik - Experte
25252 [25252] (25252) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes-skilled tasks [25252] (25252) Zweiradtechnik - Fachkraft
25253 [25253] (25253) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes-complex tasks [25253] (25253) Zweiradtechnik - Spezialist
25254 [25254] (25254) Technical occupations in the maintenance and construction of bicycles and motorbikes-highly complex tasks [25254] (25254) Zweiradtechnik - Experte
25293 [25293] (25293) Supervisors in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries [25293] (25293) Aufsicht-FahrzeugLuftRaumf.Schiffbautech
25294 [25294] (25294) Managers in the automotive, aeronautic, aerospace and ship building industries [25294] (25294) Führung-FahrzeugLuftRaumf.Schiffbautech
26112 [26112] (26112) Occupations in mechatronics-skilled tasks [26112] (26112) Mechatronik - Fachkraft
26113 [26113] (26113) Occupations in mechatronics-complex tasks [26113] (26113) Mechatronik - Spezialist
26114 [26114] (26114) Occupations in mechatronics-highly complex tasks [26114] (26114) Mechatronik - Experte
26122 [26122] (26122) Occupations in automation and control technology-skilled tasks [26122] (26122) Automatisierungstechnik - Fachkraft
26123 [26123] (26123) Occupations in automation and control technology-complex tasks [26123] (26123) Automatisierungstechnik - Spezialist
26124 [26124] (26124) Occupations in automation and control technology-highly complex tasks [26124] (26124) Automatisierungstechnik - Experte
26193 [26193] (26193) Supervisors in mechatronics and automation and control technology [26193] (26193) Aufsicht-Mechatronik,Automatisierungst.
26212 [26212] (26212) Electricians in construction-skilled tasks [26212] (26212) Bauelektrik - Fachkraft
26222 [26222] (26222) Technical occupations in maintenance of electric machines-skilled tasks [26222] (26222) Elektromaschinentechnik - Fachkraft
26223 [26223] (26223) Technical occupations in maintenance of electric machines-complex tasks [26223] (26223) Elektromaschinentechnik - Spezialist
26232 [26232] (26232) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology-skilled tasks [26232] (26232) Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Fachkraft
26233 [26233] (26233) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology-complex tasks [26233] (26233) Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Spezialist
26234 [26234] (26234) Technical occupations in energy and power plant technology-highly complex tasks [26234] (26234) Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Experte
26242 [26242] (26242) Occupations in renewable energy technology-skilled tasks [26242] (26242) Regenerative Energietechnik - Fachkraft
26243 [26243] (26243) Occupations in renewable energy technology-complex tasks [26243] (26243) Regenerative Energietechnik - Spezialist
26244 [26244] (26244) Occupations in renewable energy technology-highly complex tasks [26244] (26244) Regenerative Energietechnik - Experte
26252 [26252] (26252) Occupations in installing and maintaining electrical machines and equipment in plants-skilled tasks [26252] (26252) Elektrische Betriebstechnik - Fachkraft
26253 [26253] (26253) Occupations in installing and maintaining electrical machines and equipment in plants-complex tasks [26253] (26253) Elektrische Betriebstechnik - Spezialist
26262 [26262] (26262) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables-skilled tasks [26262] (26262) Leitungsinstallation,-wartung -Fachkraft
26263 [26263] (26263) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables-complex tasks [26263] (26263) Leitungsinstallation,-wartung-Spezialist
26264 [26264] (26264) Occupations in installing and servicing electrical cables-highly complex tasks [26264] (26264) Leitungsinstallation,-wartung - Experte
26293 [26293] (26293) Supervisors in energy technology [26293] (26293) Aufsicht - Energietechnik
26301 [26301] (26301) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [26301] (26301) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
26302 [26302] (26302) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [26302] (26302) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
26303 [26303] (26303) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks [26303] (26303) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
26304 [26304] (26304) Occupations in electrical engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [26304] (26304) Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Experte
26312 [26312] (26312) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology-skilled tasks [26312] (26312) Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Fachkraft
26313 [26313] (26313) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology-complex tasks [26313] (26313) Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Spezialist
26314 [26314] (26314) Occupations in information and telecommunication technology-highly complex tasks [26314] (26314) Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Experte
26322 [26322] (26322) Occupations in microsystems technology-skilled tasks [26322] (26322) Mikrosystemtechnik - Fachkraft
26323 [26323] (26323) Occupations in microsystems technology-complex tasks [26323] (26323) Mikrosystemtechnik - Spezialist
26324 [26324] (26324) Occupations in microsystems technology-highly complex tasks [26324] (26324) Mikrosystemtechnik - Experte
26332 [26332] (26332) Occupations in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics-skilled tasks [26332] (26332) Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron.-Fachkraft
26333 [26333] (26333) Occupations in in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics-complex tasks [26333] (26333) Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron-Spezialist
26334 [26334] (26334) Occupations in in aeronautic, naval, and automotive electronics-highly complex tasks [26334] (26334) Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektronik-Experte
26382 [26382] (26382) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [26382] (26382) Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
26383 [26383] (26383) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [26383] (26383) Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
26384 [26384] (26384) Occupations in electrical engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [26384] (26384) Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Experte
26393 [26393] (26393) Supervisors in electrical engineering [26393] (26393) Aufsicht - Elektrotechnik
27103 [27103] (27103) Occupations in technical research and development (without specialisation)-complex tasks [27103] (27103) Techn.Forschung,Entwickl.(oS)-Spezialist
27104 [27104] (27104) Occupations in technical research and development (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [27104] (27104) Techn.Forschung,Entwickl.(oS)-Experte
27182 [27182] (27182) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [27182] (27182) Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Fachkraft
27183 [27183] (27183) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [27183] (27183) Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Spezialist
27184 [27184] (27184) Occupations in technical research and development (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [27184] (27184) Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Experte
27194 [27194] (27194) Managers in technical research and development [27194] (27194) Führung - Techn. Forschung, Entwicklung
27212 [27212] (27212) Draftspersons-skilled tasks [27212] (27212) Technische Zeichner/innen - Fachkraft
27223 [27223] (27223) Occupations in technical design and apparatus building-complex tasks [27223] (27223) Konstruktion und Gerätebau - Spezialist
27224 [27224] (27224) Occupations in technical design and apparatus building-highly complex tasks [27224] (27224) Konstruktion und Gerätebau - Experte
27232 [27232] (27232) Model makers-skilled tasks [27232] (27232) Modellbau - Fachkraft
27282 [27282] (27282) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [27282] (27282) TechZeich,Konstr,Modellb.(ssT)-Fachkraft
27283 [27283] (27283) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [27283] (27283) TechZeich,Konstr,Modellb(ssT)-Spezialist
27284 [27284] (27284) Technical draftspersons, engineering designers and model makers (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [27284] (27284) TechZeich.,Konstr.,Modellb.(ssT)-Experte
27293 [27293] (27293) Supervisors in technical drawing, engineering design and model making [27293] (27293) Aufsicht-TechZeichnen,Konstrukt.Modellb.
27294 [27294] (27294) Managers in technical drawing, engineering design and model making [27294] (27294) Führung-TechZeichnen,Konstrukt.Modellb.
27302 [27302] (27302) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling-skilled tasks [27302] (27302) Tech.Produktionspl.,-steuerung-Fachkraft
27303 [27303] (27303) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling-complex tasks [27303] (27303) Tech.Produktionspl.,steuerung-Spezialist
27304 [27304] (27304) Technical occupations in production planning and scheduling-highly complex tasks [27304] (27304) Tech.Produktionspl.,-steuerung-Experte
27312 [27312] (27312) Technical occupations in quality control-skilled tasks [27312] (27312) Technische Qualitätssicherung-Fachkraft
27313 [27313] (27313) Technical occupations in quality control-complex tasks [27313] (27313) Technische Qualitätssicherung-Spezialist
27314 [27314] (27314) Technical occupations in quality control-highly complex tasks [27314] (27314) Technische Qualitätssicherung - Experte
27393 [27393] (27393) Supervisors in production planning and scheduling [27393] (27393) Aufsicht-Techn.Produktionsplan.,-steuer.
27394 [27394] (27394) Managers in production planning and scheduling [27394] (27394) Führung- Techn.Produktionsplan.,-steuer.
28101 [28101] (28101) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [28101] (28101) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
28102 [28102] (28102) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [28102] (28102) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
28103 [28103] (28103) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-complex tasks [28103] (28103) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
28104 [28104] (28104) Occupations in textile making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [28104] (28104) Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Experte
28112 [28112] (28112) Occupations in textile design-skilled tasks [28112] (28112) Textilgestaltung - Fachkraft
28113 [28113] (28113) Occupations in textile design-complex tasks [28113] (28113) Textilgestaltung - Spezialist
28114 [28114] (28114) Occupations in textile design-highly complex tasks [28114] (28114) Textilgestaltung - Experte
28122 [28122] (28122) Occupations in textile production-skilled tasks [28122] (28122) Textilherstellung - Fachkraft
28123 [28123] (28123) Occupations in textile production-complex tasks [28123] (28123) Textilherstellung - Spezialist
28132 [28132] (28132) Occupations in spinning and rope-making-skilled tasks [28132] (28132) Garn- und Seilherstellung - Fachkraft
28133 [28133] (28133) Occupations in spinning and rope-making-complex tasks [28133] (28133) Garn- und Seilherstellung - Spezialist
28142 [28142] (28142) Occupations in textile finishing-skilled tasks [28142] (28142) Textilveredlung - Fachkraft
28143 [28143] (28143) Occupations in textile finishing-complex tasks [28143] (28143) Textilveredlung - Spezialist
28193 [28193] (28193) Supervisors in textile making [28193] (28193) Aufsicht - Textiltechnik, -produktion
28194 [28194] (28194) Managers in textile making [28194] (28194) Führung - Textiltechnik, -produktion
28212 [28212] (28212) Occupations in fashion design-skilled tasks [28212] (28212) Modedesign - Fachkraft
28213 [28213] (28213) Occupations in fashion design-complex tasks [28213] (28213) Modedesign - Spezialist
28214 [28214] (28214) Occupations in fashion design-highly complex tasks [28214] (28214) Modedesign - Experte
28221 [28221] (28221) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [28221] (28221) Bekleidungsherstellung - Helfer
28222 [28222] (28222) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-skilled tasks [28222] (28222) Bekleidungsherstellung - Fachkraft
28223 [28223] (28223) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-complex tasks [28223] (28223) Bekleidungsherstellung - Spezialist
28224 [28224] (28224) Occupations in the production of clothing, hat and cap making-highly complex tasks [28224] (28224) Bekleidungsherstellung - Experte
28232 [28232] (28232) Occupations in manufacturing of heavy duty textile products, sail makers-skilled tasks [28232] (28232) Tech.Konfektionäre,Segelmacher-Fachkraft
28242 [28242] (28242) Occupations in upholstery and interior fitting of vehicles-skilled tasks [28242] (28242) Polsterei,Fahrzeuginnenausstat-Fachkraft
28293 [28293] (28293) Supervisors in the production of clothing and other textile products [28293] (28293) Aufsicht - Textilverarbeitung
28294 [28294] (28294) Managers in the production of clothing and other textile products [28294] (28294) Führung - Textilverarbeitung
28301 [28301] (28301) Occupations in leather- and fur-making and -processing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [28301] (28301) Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.(oS)-Helfer
28312 [28312] (28312) Occupations in leather making-skilled tasks [28312] (28312) Lederherstellung - Fachkraft
28313 [28313] (28313) Occupations in leather making-complex tasks [28313] (28313) Lederherstellung - Spezialist
28314 [28314] (28314) Occupations in leather making-highly complex tasks [28314] (28314) Lederherstellung - Experte
28322 [28322] (28322) Occupations in saddlery and production of leather wares [28322] (28322) Sattlerei,Herst. Lederutensil.-Fachkraft
28332 [28332] (28332) Occupations in shoemaking-skilled tasks [28332] (28332) Schuhherstellung - Fachkraft
28333 [28333] (28333) Occupations in shoemaking-complex tasks [28333] (28333) Schuhherstellung - Spezialist
28342 [28342] (28342) Occupations in fur treatment and processing-skilled tasks [28342] (28342) Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung - Fachkraft
28343 [28343] (28343) Occupations in fur treatment and processing-complex tasks [28343] (28343) Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung - Spezialist
28393 [28393] (28393) Supervisors in leather- and fur-making and -processing [28393] (28393) Aufsicht - Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.
28394 [28394] (28394) Managers in leather- and fur-making and -processing [28394] (28394) Führung - Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.
29102 [29102] (29102) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [29102] (29102) Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
29103 [29103] (29103) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation)-complex tasks [29103] (29103) Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) - Spezialist
29104 [29104] (29104) Occupations in beverage production (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [29104] (29104) Getränkeherstellung (o.S.) - Experte
29112 [29112] (29112) Brewers and maltsters-skilled tasks [29112] (29112) Brauer/innen, Mälzer/innen - Fachkraft
29113 [29113] (29113) Brewers and maltsters-complex tasks [29113] (29113) Brauer/innen, Mälzer/innen - Spezialist
29114 [29114] (29114) Brewers and maltsters-highly complex tasks [29114] (29114) Brauer/innen, Mälzer/innen - Experte
29122 [29122] (29122) Coopers-skilled tasks [29122] (29122) Weinküfer/innen - Fachkraft
29123 [29123] (29123) Coopers-complex tasks [29123] (29123) Weinküfer/innen - Spezialist
29132 [29132] (29132) Distillers-skilled tasks [29132] (29132) Brenner, Destillateure - Fachkraft
29133 [29133] (29133) Distillers-complex tasks [29133] (29133) Brenner, Destillateure - Spezialist
29134 [29134] (29134) Distillers-highly complex tasks [29134] (29134) Brenner, Destillateure - Experte
29142 [29142] (29142) Occupations in fruit juice production-skilled tasks [29142] (29142) Fruchtsafttechnik - Fachkraft
29143 [29143] (29143) Occupations in fruit juice production-complex tasks [29143] (29143) Fruchtsafttechnik - Spezialist
29152 [29152] (29152) Tasters of foodstuffs and beverages-skilled tasks [29152] (29152) Nahrungsmittel-,Getränkekoster-Fachkraft
29193 [29193] (29193) Supervisors in beverages production [29193] (29193) Aufsicht - Getränkeherstellung
29194 [29194] (29194) Managers in beverages production [29194] (29194) Führung - Getränkeherstellung
29201 [29201] (29201) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [29201] (29201) Lebensmittelherstellung (o.S.) - Helfer
29202 [29202] (29202) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [29202] (29202) Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) - Fachkraft
29203 [29203] (29203) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-complex tasks [29203] (29203) Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) -Spezialist
29204 [29204] (29204) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [29204] (29204) Lebensmittelherstellung (o.S.) - Experte
29212 [29212] (29212) Occupations in the production of milling products and animal feeds-skilled tasks [29212] (29212) Mühlenprod.-,Futtermittelher.-Fachkraft
29213 [29213] (29213) Occupations in the production of milling products and animal feeds-complex tasks [29213] (29213) Mühlenprod.-,Futtermittelher.-Spezialist
29222 [29222] (29222) Occupations in the production of baked goods and pastries-skilled tasks [29222] (29222) Back-, Konditoreiwarenherst.-Fachkraft
29223 [29223] (29223) Occupations in the production of baked goods and pastries-complex tasks [29223] (29223) Back-, Konditoreiwarenherst.-Spezialist
29232 [29232] (29232) Occupations in meat processing-skilled tasks [29232] (29232) Fleischverarbeitung - Fachkraft
29233 [29233] (29233) Occupations in meat processing-complex tasks [29233] (29233) Fleischverarbeitung - Spezialist
29242 [29242] (29242) Occupations in fish processing-skilled tasks [29242] (29242) Fischverarbeitung - Fachkraft
29243 [29243] (29243) Occupations in fish processing-complex tasks [29243] (29243) Fischverarbeitung - Spezialist
29252 [29252] (29252) Occupations in the production of dairy goods-skilled tasks [29252] (29252) Milchproduktherstellung - Fachkraft
29253 [29253] (29253) Occupations in the production of dairy goods-complex tasks [29253] (29253) Milchproduktherstellung - Spezialist
29262 [29262] (29262) Occupations in confectionery production-skilled tasks [29262] (29262) Süßwarenherstellung - Fachkraft
29263 [29263] (29263) Occupations in confectionery production-complex tasks [29263] (29263) Süßwarenherstellung - Spezialist
29272 [29272] (29272) Occupations in the manufacturing of tobacco products-skilled tasks [29272] (29272) Tabakwarenherstellung - Fachkraft
29273 [29273] (29273) Occupations in the manufacturing of tobacco products-complex tasks [29273] (29273) Tabakwarenherstellung - Spezialist
29282 [29282] (29282) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [29282] (29282) Lebensmittelherstellung(ssT) - Fachkraft
29283 [29283] (29283) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [29283] (29283) Lebensmittelherstellung(ssT) -Spezialist
29284 [29284] (29284) Occupations in the production of foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [29284] (29284) Lebensmittelherstellung (ssT) - Experte
29293 [29293] (29293) Supervisors in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products [29293] (29293) Aufsicht-Lebens-,Genussmittelherstellung
29294 [29294] (29294) Managers in the production of foodstuffs, confectionery and tobacco products [29294] (29294) Führung-Lebens-,Genussmittelherstellung
29301 [29301] (29301) Cooks (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [29301] (29301) Köche/Köchinnen (o.S.) - Helfer
29302 [29302] (29302) Cooks (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [29302] (29302) Köche/Köchinnen (o.S.) - Fachkraft
29312 [29312] (29312) Hors d'œuvrier, pantry or pastry cooks-skilled tasks [29312] (29312) Vor-, Kalt-, Süßspeisenköche - Fachkraft
29322 [29322] (29322) Roast, grill or fish cooks-skilled tasks [29322] (29322) Grill-, Braten-, Fischköche - Fachkraft
29382 [29382] (29382) Cooks (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [29382] (29382) Köche/Köchinnen (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
29393 [29393] (29393) Supervisors in cooking [29393] (29393) Aufsicht - Speisenzubereitung
29394 [29394] (29394) Managers in cooking [29394] (29394) Führung - Speisenzubereitung
31102 [31102] (31102) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [31102] (31102) Bauplanung,-überwachung (oS)-Fachkraft
31103 [31103] (31103) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation)-complex tasks [31103] (31103) Bauplanung,-überwachung (oS)-Spezialist
31104 [31104] (31104) Occupations in construction scheduling and supervision (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [31104] (31104) Bauplanung, -überwachung (oS) - Experte
31114 [31114] (31114) Occupations in architecture-highly complex tasks [31114] (31114) Architektur - Experte
31124 [31124] (31124) Occupations in urban and spatial planning-highly complex tasks [31124] (31124) Stadt- und Raumplanung - Experte
31132 [31132] (31132) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure-skilled tasks [31132] (31132) Bauplan. Verkehrswege,-anlagen-Fachkraft
31133 [31133] (31133) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure-complex tasks [31133] (31133) Bauplan Verkehrswege,-anlagen-Spezialist
31134 [31134] (31134) Occupations in the planning of traffic routes and other infrastructure-highly complex tasks [31134] (31134) Bauplan. Verkehrswege,-anlagen - Experte
31142 [31142] (31142) Occupations in water resource management-skilled tasks [31142] (31142) Wasserwirtschaft - Fachkraft
31143 [31143] (31143) Occupations in water resource management-complex tasks [31143] (31143) Wasserwirtschaft - Spezialist
31144 [31144] (31144) Occupations in water resource management-highly complex tasks [31144] (31144) Wasserwirtschaft - Experte
31152 [31152] (31152) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings-skilled tasks [31152] (31152) Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Fachkraft
31153 [31153] (31153) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings-complex tasks [31153] (31153) Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Spezialist
31154 [31154] (31154) Occupations in the maintenance and renovation of buildings-highly complex tasks [31154] (31154) Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Experte
31163 [31163] (31163) Construction surveyors and inspectors-complex tasks [31163] (31163) Bausachverständ,-kontrolleure-Spezialist
31164 [31164] (31164) Construction surveyors and inspectors-highly complex tasks [31164] (31164) Bausachverständige,-kontrolleure-Experte
31173 [31173] (31173) Occupations in construction accounting and cost calculation for buildings-complex tasks [31173] (31173) Bauabrechnung,-kalkulation - Spezialist
31174 [31174] (31174) Occupations in construction accounting and cost calculation for buildings-highly complex tasks [31174] (31174) Bauabrechnung, -kalkulation - Experte
31193 [31193] (31193) Supervisors in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture [31193] (31193) Aufsicht-Bauplan.,-überwach.,Architektur
31194 [31194] (31194) Managers in construction scheduling and supervision, and architecture [31194] (31194) Führung-Bauplan.,-überwach., Architektur
31212 [31212] (31212) Occupations in surveying-skilled tasks [31212] (31212) Vermessungstechnik - Fachkraft
31213 [31213] (31213) Occupations in surveying-complex tasks [31213] (31213) Vermessungstechnik - Spezialist
31214 [31214] (31214) Occupations in surveying-highly complex tasks [31214] (31214) Vermessungstechnik - Experte
31222 [31222] (31222) Occupations in cartography-skilled tasks [31222] (31222) Kartografie - Fachkraft
31223 [31223] (31223) Occupations in cartography-complex tasks [31223] (31223) Kartografie - Spezialist
31224 [31224] (31224) Occupations in cartography-highly complex tasks [31224] (31224) Kartografie - Experte
32101 [32101] (32101) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [32101] (32101) Hochbau (o.S.) - Helfer
32102 [32102] (32102) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [32102] (32102) Hochbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
32103 [32103] (32103) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-complex tasks [32103] (32103) Hochbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
32104 [32104] (32104) Occupations in building construction (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [32104] (32104) Hochbau (o.S.) - Experte
32112 [32112] (32112) Occupations in the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures-skilled tasks [32112] (32112) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau - Fachkraft
32113 [32113] (32113) Occupations in the construction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures-complex tasks [32113] (32113) Beton- und Stahlbetonbau - Spezialist
32122 [32122] (32122) Occupations in the bricklayer's trade-skilled tasks [32122] (32122) Maurerhandwerk - Fachkraft
32123 [32123] (32123) Occupations in the bricklayer's trade-complex tasks [32123] (32123) Maurerhandwerk - Spezialist
32132 [32132] (32132) Occupations in chimney construction-skilled tasks [32132] (32132) Schornsteinbau - Fachkraft
32142 [32142] (32142) Occupations in roofing-skilled tasks [32142] (32142) Dachdeckerei - Fachkraft
32152 [32152] (32152) Occupations in facade construction-skilled tasks [32152] (32152) Fassadenbau - Fachkraft
32162 [32162] (32162) Occupations in scaffolding-skilled tasks [32162] (32162) Gerüstbau - Fachkraft
32172 [32172] (32172) Occupations in building demolition-skilled tasks [32172] (32172) Bauwerksabbruch - Fachkraft
32193 [32193] (32193) Supervisors in building construction [32193] (32193) Aufsicht - Hochbau
32201 [32201] (32201) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [32201] (32201) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Helfer
32202 [32202] (32202) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [32202] (32202) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
32203 [32203] (32203) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks [32203] (32203) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
32204 [32204] (32204) Occupations in civil engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [32204] (32204) Tiefbau (o.S.) - Experte
32212 [32212] (32212) Pavers and stone setters-skilled tasks [32212] (32212) Pflasterer, Steinsetzer - Fachkraft
32222 [32222] (32222) Occupations in road and asphalt construction-skilled tasks [32222] (32222) Straßen- und Asphaltbau - Fachkraft
32223 [32223] (32223) Occupations in road and asphalt construction-complex tasks [32223] (32223) Straßen- und Asphaltbau - Spezialist
32224 [32224] (32224) Occupations in road and asphalt construction-highly complex tasks [32224] (32224) Straßen- und Asphaltbau - Experte
32232 [32232] (32232) Occupations in railroad construction-skilled tasks [32232] (32232) Gleisbau - Fachkraft
32233 [32233] (32233) Occupations in railroad construction-complex tasks [32233] (32233) Gleisbau - Spezialist
32242 [32242] (32242) Occupations in well construction-skilled tasks [32242] (32242) Brunnenbau - Fachkraft
32243 [32243] (32243) Occupations in well construction-complex tasks [32243] (32243) Brunnenbau - Spezialist
32252 [32252] (32252) Occupations in canal and tunnel construction-skilled tasks [32252] (32252) Kanal- und Tunnelbau - Fachkraft
32253 [32253] (32253) Occupations in canal and tunnel construction-complex tasks [32253] (32253) Kanal- und Tunnelbau - Spezialist
32262 [32262] (32262) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction-skilled tasks [32262] (32262) Kultur- und Wasserbau - Fachkraft
32263 [32263] (32263) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction-complex tasks [32263] (32263) Kultur- und Wasserbau - Spezialist
32264 [32264] (32264) Occupations in land improvement and hydraulic construction-highly complex tasks [32264] (32264) Kultur- und Wasserbau - Experte
32293 [32293] (32293) Supervisors in civil engineering [32293] (32293) Aufsicht - Tiefbau
33101 [33101] (33101) Floor layers (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [33101] (33101) Bodenverlegung (o.S.) - Helfer
33102 [33102] (33102) Floor layers (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [33102] (33102) Bodenverlegung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
33112 [33112] (33112) Pavers, tile setters and mosaic-layers-skilled tasks [33112] (33112) Fliesen-Platten-,Mosaikverleg.-Fachkraft
33122 [33122] (33122) Composition floor and terrazzo-layers-skilled tasks [33122] (33122) Estrich-, Terrazzoverlegung - Fachkraft
33132 [33132] (33132) Parquet floor layers-skilled tasks [33132] (33132) Parkettverlegung - Fachkraft
33133 [33133] (33133) Parquet floor layers-complex tasks [33133] (33133) Parkettverlegung - Spezialist
33193 [33193] (33193) Supervisors in floor laying [33193] (33193) Aufsicht - Bodenverlegung
33211 [33211] (33211) Painters and varnishers-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [33211] (33211) Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Helfer
33212 [33212] (33212) Painters and varnishers-skilled tasks [33212] (33212) Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Fachkraft
33213 [33213] (33213) Painters and varnishers-complex tasks [33213] (33213) Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Spezialist
33222 [33222] (33222) Plasterers-skilled tasks [33222] (33222) Stuckateurarbeiten - Fachkraft
33223 [33223] (33223) Plasterers-complex tasks [33223] (33223) Stuckateurarbeiten - Spezialist
33232 [33232] (33232) Occupations in the waterproofing of buildings -skilled tasks [33232] (33232) Bauwerksabdichtung - Fachkraft
33233 [33233] (33233) Occupations in the waterproofing of buildings -complex tasks [33233] (33233) Bauwerksabdichtung - Spezialist
33242 [33242] (33242) Occupations in the preservation of structures and wooden building components-skilled tasks [33242] (33242) Holz- und Bautenschutz - Fachkraft
33243 [33243] (33243) Occupations in the preservation of structures and wooden building components-complex tasks [33243] (33243) Holz- und Bautenschutz - Spezialist
33293 [33293] (33293) Supervisors in the painting, varnishing, plastering, water proofing of buildings, preservation of structures and wooden building components [33293] (33293) Aufsicht-MalerStuckBauwerksabdBautensch.
33301 [33301] (33301) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [33301] (33301) Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Helfer
33302 [33302] (33302) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [33302] (33302) Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
33303 [33303] (33303) Occupations in the interior construction and dry walling (without specialisation)-complex tasks [33303] (33303) Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
33312 [33312] (33312) Occupations in insulation-skilled tasks [33312] (33312) Isolierung - Fachkraft
33322 [33322] (33322) Carpenters-skilled tasks [33322] (33322) Zimmerei - Fachkraft
33323 [33323] (33323) Carpenters-complex tasks [33323] (33323) Zimmerei - Spezialist
33332 [33332] (33332) Joiners-skilled tasks [33332] (33332) Bautischlerei - Fachkraft
33342 [33342] (33342) Glaziers-skilled tasks [33342] (33342) Glaserei - Fachkraft
33352 [33352] (33352) Roller shutter and jalousie installers-skilled tasks [33352] (33352) Rollladen- und Jalousiebau - Fachkraft
33393 [33393] (33393) Supervisors in interior construction and dry walling, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter and jalousie installation [33393] (33393) Aufsicht-Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimm.Glas.
34102 [34102] (34102) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [34102] (34102) Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
34103 [34103] (34103) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks [34103] (34103) Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
34104 [34104] (34104) Occupations in building services engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [34104] (34104) Gebäudetechnik (o.S.) - Experte
34112 [34112] (34112) Green keepers and equipment managers-skilled tasks [34112] (34112) Platz-, Gerätewarte/innen - Fachkraft
34193 [34193] (34193) Supervisors in building services engineering [34193] (34193) Aufsicht - Gebäudetechnik
34201 [34201] (34201) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [34201] (34201) Klempnerei (o.S.) - Helfer
34202 [34202] (34202) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [34202] (34202) Klempnerei (o.S.) - Fachkraft
34203 [34203] (34203) Occupations in plumping (without specialisation)-complex tasks [34203] (34203) Klempnerei (o.S.) - Spezialist
34212 [34212] (34212) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-skilled tasks [34212] (34212) Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik - Fachkraft
34213 [34213] (34213) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-complex tasks [34213] (34213) Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik -Spezialist
34214 [34214] (34214) Occupations in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning-highly complex tasks [34214] (34214) Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatechnik - Experte
34222 [34222] (34222) Occupations in the construction of stoves, storage heaters, and forced-air heating systems-skilled tasks [34222] (34222) Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau - Fachkraft
34232 [34232] (34232) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning-skilled tasks [34232] (34232) Kältetechnik - Fachkraft
34233 [34233] (34233) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning-complex tasks [34233] (34233) Kältetechnik - Spezialist
34234 [34234] (34234) Occupations in ventilating, and air conditioning-highly complex tasks [34234] (34234) Kältetechnik - Experte
34293 [34293] (34293) Supervisors in sanitation, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning [34293] (34293) Aufsicht-Klemp.Sanitär,Heizung,Klimatech
34301 [34301] (34301) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [34301] (34301) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Helfer
34302 [34302] (34302) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [34302] (34302) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
34303 [34303] (34303) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-complex tasks [34303] (34303) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Spezialist
34304 [34304] (34304) Occupations in building services and waste disposal (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [34304] (34304) Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Experte
34312 [34312] (34312) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal-skilled tasks [34312] (34312) Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Fachkraft
34313 [34313] (34313) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal-complex tasks [34313] (34313) Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Spezialist
34314 [34314] (34314) Technical occupations in water supply and wastewater disposal -highly complex tasks [34314] (34314) Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Experte
34322 [34322] (34322) Occupations in pipeline construction-skilled tasks [34322] (34322) Rohrleitungsbau - Fachkraft
34323 [34323] (34323) Occupations in pipeline construction-complex tasks [34323] (34323) Rohrleitungsbau - Spezialist
34324 [34324] (34324) Occupations in pipeline construction [34324] (34324) Rohrleitungsbau - Experte
34332 [34332] (34332) Occupations in waste management-skilled tasks [34332] (34332) Abfallwirtschaft - Fachkraft
34333 [34333] (34333) Occupations in waste management-complex tasks [34333] (34333) Abfallwirtschaft - Spezialist
34334 [34334] (34334) Occupations in waste management-highly complex tasks [34334] (34334) Abfallwirtschaft - Experte
34342 [34342] (34342) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction-skilled tasks [34342] (34342) Anlagen-,Behälter-,Apparatebau-Fachkraft
34343 [34343] (34343) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction-complex tasks [34343] (34343) Anlage-,Behälter-,Apparatebau-Spezialist
34344 [34344] (34344) Occupations in plant, vessels, tank and apparatus construction-highly complex tasks [34344] (34344) Anlagen-,Behälter-,Apparatebau-Experte
34393 [34393] (34393) Supervisors in building services and waste disposal [34393] (34393) Aufsicht - Ver- und Entsorgung
41103 [41103] (41103) Occupations in mathematics-complex tasks [41103] (41103) Mathematik (o.S.) - Spezialist
41104 [41104] (41104) Occupations in mathematics-highly complex tasks [41104] (41104) Mathematik (o.S.) - Experte
41114 [41114] (41114) Occupations in statistics-highly complex tasks [41114] (41114) Statistik - Experte
41184 [41184] (41184) Occupations in mathematics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [41184] (41184) Mathematik (s.s.T.) - Experte
41194 [41194] (41194) Managers in mathematics and statistics [41194] (41194) Führung - Mathematik und Statistik
41203 [41203] (41203) Occupations in biology (without specialisation)-complex tasks [41203] (41203) Biologie (o.S.) - Spezialist
41204 [41204] (41204) Occupations in biology (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [41204] (41204) Biologie (o.S.) - Experte
41212 [41212] (41212) Biological technical laboratory occupations-skilled tasks [41212] (41212) Biologisch-techn. Laboratorium-Fachkraft
41213 [41213] (41213) Biological technical laboratory occupations-complex tasks [41213] (41213) Biologisch-techn.Laboratorium-Spezialist
41214 [41214] (41214) Biological technical laboratory occupations-highly complex tasks [41214] (41214) Biologisch-techn.Laboratorium-Experte
41222 [41222] (41222) Occupations in the preparation of biological specimen-skilled tasks [41222] (41222) Biologische Präparation - Fachkraft
41234 [41234] (41234) Occupations in ecology-highly complex tasks [41234] (41234) Biologie (Ökologie) - Experte
41244 [41244] (41244) Occupations in botany-highly complex tasks [41244] (41244) Biologie (Botanik) - Experte
41254 [41254] (41254) Occupations in zoology-highly complex tasks [41254] (41254) Biologie (Zoologie) - Experte
41264 [41264] (41264) Occupations in microbiology-highly complex tasks [41264] (41264) Biologie (Mikrobiologie) - Experte
41274 [41274] (41274) Occupations in human biology-highly complex tasks [41274] (41274) Biologie (Humanbiologie) - Experte
41283 [41283] (41283) Occupations in biology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [41283] (41283) Biologie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
41284 [41284] (41284) Occupations in biology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [41284] (41284) Biologie (s.s.T.) - Experte
41293 [41293] (41293) Supervisors in biology [41293] (41293) Aufsicht - Biologie
41294 [41294] (41294) Managers in biology [41294] (41294) Führung - Biologie
41303 [41303] (41303) Occupations in chemistry (without specialisation)-complex tasks [41303] (41303) Chemie (o.S.) - Spezialist
41304 [41304] (41304) Occupations in chemistry (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [41304] (41304) Chemie (o.S.) - Experte
41311 [41311] (41311) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [41311] (41311) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Helfer
41312 [41312] (41312) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-skilled tasks [41312] (41312) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Fachkraft
41313 [41313] (41313) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-complex tasks [41313] (41313) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Spezialist
41314 [41314] (41314) Occupations in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering-highly complex tasks [41314] (41314) Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Experte
41322 [41322] (41322) Chemical technical laboratory occupations-skilled tasks [41322] (41322) Chemisch-techn. Laboratorium - Fachkraft
41323 [41323] (41323) Chemical technical laboratory occupations-complex tasks [41323] (41323) Chemisch-techn.Laboratorium - Spezialist
41324 [41324] (41324) Chemical technical laboratory occupations-highly complex tasks [41324] (41324) Chemisch-techn.Laboratorium - Experte
41333 [41333] (41333) Operators of chemical production plants-complex tasks [41333] (41333) Steuerer chem. Verfahrensanl.-Spezialist
41343 [41343] (41343) Operators of oil and gas refinery plants-complex tasks [41343] (41343) Steuerer Erdöl,Erdgasraf.anl.-Spezialist
41383 [41383] (41383) Occupations in chemistry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [41383] (41383) Chemie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
41384 [41384] (41384) Occupations in chemistry (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [41384] (41384) Chemie (s.s.T.) - Experte
41393 [41393] (41393) Supervisors in chemistry [41393] (41393) Aufsicht - Chemie
41394 [41394] (41394) Managers in chemistry [41394] (41394) Führung - Chemie
41403 [41403] (41403) Occupations in physics (without specialisation)-complex tasks [41403] (41403) Physik (o.S.) - Spezialist
41404 [41404] (41404) Occupations in physics (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [41404] (41404) Physik (o.S.) - Experte
41412 [41412] (41412) Physical technical laboratory occupations-skilled tasks [41412] (41412) Physikalisch-tech.Laboratorium-Fachkraft
41413 [41413] (41413) Physical technical laboratory occupations-complex tasks [41413] (41413) Physikal.-techn. Laboratorium-Spezialist
41414 [41414] (41414) Physical technical laboratory occupations-highly complex tasks [41414] (41414) Physikalisch-techn. Laboratorium-Experte
41422 [41422] (41422) Occupations in material engineering-skilled tasks [41422] (41422) Werkstofftechnik - Fachkraft
41423 [41423] (41423) Occupations in material engineering-complex tasks [41423] (41423) Werkstofftechnik - Spezialist
41424 [41424] (41424) Occupations in material engineering-highly complex tasks [41424] (41424) Werkstofftechnik - Experte
41432 [41432] (41432) Occupations in construction materials testing-skilled tasks [41432] (41432) Baustoffprüfung - Fachkraft
41433 [41433] (41433) Occupations in construction materials testing-complex tasks [41433] (41433) Baustoffprüfung - Spezialist
41434 [41434] (41434) Occupations in construction materials testing-highly complex tasks [41434] (41434) Baustoffprüfung - Experte
41482 [41482] (41482) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [41482] (41482) Physik (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
41483 [41483] (41483) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [41483] (41483) Physik (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
41484 [41484] (41484) Occupations in physics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [41484] (41484) Physik (s.s.T.) - Experte
41493 [41493] (41493) Supervisors in physics [41493] (41493) Aufsicht - Physik
41494 [41494] (41494) Managers in physics [41494] (41494) Führung - Physik
42112 [42112] (42112) Occupations in geotechnical engineering-skilled tasks [42112] (42112) Geotechnik - Fachkraft
42113 [42113] (42113) Occupations in geotechnical engineering-complex tasks [42113] (42113) Geotechnik - Spezialist
42114 [42114] (42114) Occupations in geotechnical engineering-highly complex tasks [42114] (42114) Geotechnik - Experte
42124 [42124] (42124) Occupations in geology-highly complex tasks [42124] (42124) Geologie - Experte
42134 [42134] (42134) Occupations in geography-highly complex tasks [42134] (42134) Geografie - Experte
42142 [42142] (42142) Occupations in meteorology-skilled tasks [42142] (42142) Meteorologie - Fachkraft
42143 [42143] (42143) Occupations in meteorology-complex tasks [42143] (42143) Meteorologie - Spezialist
42144 [42144] (42144) Occupations in meteorology-highly complex tasks [42144] (42144) Meteorologie - Experte
42202 [42202] (42202) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [42202] (42202) Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
42203 [42203] (42203) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation)-complex tasks [42203] (42203) Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
42204 [42204] (42204) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [42204] (42204) Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Experte
42212 [42212] (42212) Chimney sweeps-skilled tasks [42212] (42212) Schornsteinfeger/innen - Fachkraft
42283 [42283] (42283) Occupations in environmental protection engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [42283] (42283) Umweltschutztechnik(s.s.T.) - Spezialist
42293 [42293] (42293) Supervisors in environmental protection engineering [42293] (42293) Aufsicht - Umweltschutztechnik
42312 [42312] (42312) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting-skilled tasks [42312] (42312) Umweltschutzverwalt.,-beratung-Fachkraft
42313 [42313] (42313) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting-complex tasks [42313] (42313) Umweltschutzverwalt,-beratung-Spezialist
42314 [42314] (42314) Occupations in environmental protection administration and environmental protection consulting-highly complex tasks [42314] (42314) Umweltschutzverwaltung,-beratung-Experte
42323 [42323] (42323) Water pollution and emission control, waste management commissioners-complex tasks [42323] (42323) Gewäs.Immissions,Abfallbeauf.-Spezialist
42324 [42324] (42324) Water pollution and emission control, waste management commissioners-highly complex tasks [42324] (42324) Gewäs.Immissions,Abfallbeauf.-Experte
42333 [42333] (42333) Radiation protection commissioners-complex tasks [42333] (42333) Strahlenschutzbeauftragte - Spezialist
42334 [42334] (42334) Radiation protection commissioners-highly complex tasks [42334] (42334) Strahlenschutzbeauftragte - Experte
42394 [42394] (42394) Managers in environmental protection administration and consulting [42394] (42394) Führung - Umweltmanagement und -beratung
43102 [43102] (43102) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [43102] (43102) Informatik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
43103 [43103] (43103) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation)-complex tasks [43103] (43103) Informatik (o.S.) - Spezialist
43104 [43104] (43104) Occupations in computer science (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [43104] (43104) Informatik (o.S.) - Experte
43112 [43112] (43112) Occupations in business informatics-skilled tasks [43112] (43112) Wirtschaftsinformatik - Fachkraft
43113 [43113] (43113) Occupations in business informatics-complex tasks [43113] (43113) Wirtschaftsinformatik - Spezialist
43114 [43114] (43114) Occupations in business informatics-highly complex tasks [43114] (43114) Wirtschaftsinformatik - Experte
43122 [43122] (43122) Occupations in computer engineering-skilled tasks [43122] (43122) Technische Informatik - Fachkraft
43123 [43123] (43123) Occupations in computer engineering-complex tasks [43123] (43123) Technische Informatik - Spezialist
43124 [43124] (43124) Occupations in computer engineering-highly complex tasks [43124] (43124) Technische Informatik - Experte
43134 [43134] (43134) Occupations in bio- and medical informatics-highly complex tasks [43134] (43134) Bio-, Medizininformatik - Experte
43144 [43144] (43144) Occupations in geoinformatics-highly complex tasks [43144] (43144) Geoinformatik - Experte
43152 [43152] (43152) Occupations in media informatics-skilled tasks [43152] (43152) Medieninformatik - Fachkraft
43153 [43153] (43153) Occupations in media informatics-complex tasks [43153] (43153) Medieninformatik - Spezialist
43154 [43154] (43154) Occupations in media informatics-highly complex tasks [43154] (43154) Medieninformatik - Experte
43194 [43194] (43194) Managers in computer science [43194] (43194) Führung - Informatik
43214 [43214] (43214) Occupations in IT-system-analysis-highly complex tasks [43214] (43214) IT-Systemanalyse - Experte
43223 [43223] (43223) Occupations in IT-application-consulting-complex tasks [43223] (43223) IT-Anwendungsberatung - Spezialist
43224 [43224] (43224) Occupations in IT-application-consulting-highly complex tasks [43224] (43224) IT-Anwendungsberatung - Experte
43233 [43233] (43233) Occupations in IT-sales-complex tasks [43233] (43233) IT-Vertrieb - Spezialist
43294 [43294] (43294) Managers in IT-system-analysis, IT-application-consulting and IT-sales [43294] (43294) Führung-IT-System,-Anwendung,-Vertrieb
43313 [43313] (43313) Occupations in IT-network engineering-complex tasks [43313] (43313) IT-Netzwerktechnik - Spezialist
43314 [43314] (43314) Occupations in IT-network engineering-highly complex tasks [43314] (43314) IT-Netzwerktechnik - Experte
43323 [43323] (43323) Occupations in IT-coordination-complex tasks [43323] (43323) IT-Koordination - Spezialist
43333 [43333] (43333) Occupations in IT-organisation-complex tasks [43333] (43333) IT-Organisation - Spezialist
43343 [43343] (43343) Occupations in IT-system-administration-complex tasks [43343] (43343) IT-Systemadministation - Spezialist
43353 [43353] (43353) Occupations in database development and administration-complex tasks [43353] (43353) Datenbankentwick.,-administr.-Spezialist
43363 [43363] (43363) Occupations in web administration-complex tasks [43363] (43363) Webadministration - Spezialist
43383 [43383] (43383) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [43383] (43383) IT-Netzw,Koord,Admin,Org(ssT)-Spezialist
43384 [43384] (43384) Occupations in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [43384] (43384) IT-Netzw.,Koord.,Admin,Orga(ssT)-Experte
43394 [43394] (43394) Managers in IT-network engineering, IT-coordination, IT-administration and IT-organisation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified) [43394] (43394) Führung-IT-Netzw.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Orga.
43412 [43412] (43412) Occupations in software development-skilled tasks [43412] (43412) Softwareentwicklung - Fachkraft
43413 [43413] (43413) Occupations in software development-complex tasks [43413] (43413) Softwareentwicklung - Spezialist
43414 [43414] (43414) Occupations in software development-highly complex tasks [43414] (43414) Softwareentwicklung - Experte
43423 [43423] (43423) Occupations in programming-complex tasks [43423] (43423) Programmierung - Spezialist
43494 [43494] (43494) Managers in software development and programming [43494] (43494) Führung-Softwareentwickl.,Programmierung
51112 [51112] (51112) Technical occupations in railway operation-skilled tasks [51112] (51112) Technischer Eisenbahnbetrieb - Fachkraft
51113 [51113] (51113) Technical occupations in railway operation-complex tasks [51113] (51113) Technischer Eisenbahnbetrieb -Spezialist
51122 [51122] (51122) Technical occupations in aircraft operation-skilled tasks [51122] (51122) Techn. Luftverkehrsbetrieb - Fachkraft
51123 [51123] (51123) Technical occupations in aircraft operation-complex tasks [51123] (51123) Techn. Luftverkehrsbetrieb - Spezialist
51132 [51132] (51132) Technical occupations in ship operation-skilled tasks [51132] (51132) Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb-Fachkraft
51133 [51133] (51133) Technical occupations in ship operation-complex tasks [51133] (51133) Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb-Spezialist
51134 [51134] (51134) Technical occupations in ship operation-highly complex tasks [51134] (51134) Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb - Experte
51182 [51182] (51182) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [51182] (51182) TechBetEisenbLuftSchiffsv(ssT)-Fachkraft
51183 [51183] (51183) Technical occupations in railway, aircraft and ship operation (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [51183] (51183) TechBetEisenbLuftSchiffv(ssT)-Spezialist
51193 [51193] (51193) Supervisors in railway, aircraft and ship operation [51193] (51193) Aufsicht-TechBetr.Eisenb.LuftSchiffsverk
51212 [51212] (51212) Road and tunnel inspection and controlling commissioners-skilled tasks [51212] (51212) Straßen-, Tunnelwärter/innen - Fachkraft
51222 [51222] (51222) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure-skilled tasks [51222] (51222) Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur - Fachkraft
51223 [51223] (51223) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure-complex tasks [51223] (51223) Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur -Spezialist
51224 [51224] (51224) Occupations in the inspection and maintenance of railway infrastructure-highly complex tasks [51224] (51224) Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur - Experte
51233 [51233] (51233) Technical occupations in air traffic control-complex tasks [51233] (51233) Flugsicherungstechnik - Spezialist
51234 [51234] (51234) Technical occupations in air traffic control-highly complex tasks [51234] (51234) Flugsicherungstechnik - Experte
51242 [51242] (51242) Waterway and bridges inspection and controlling commissioners-skilled tasks [51242] (51242) Wasserstraßen-,Brückenwärter - Fachkraft
51243 [51243] (51243) Waterway and bridges inspection and controlling commissioners-complex tasks [51243] (51243) Wasserstraßen-, Brückenwärter-Spezialist
51293 [51293] (51293) Supervisors in the inspection and maintenance of traffic infrastructure [51293] (51293) Aufsicht - Überw.,Wart.Verkehrsinfraktur
51311 [51311] (51311) Occupations in warehousing and logistics-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [51311] (51311) Lagerwirtschaft - Helfer
51312 [51312] (51312) Occupations in warehousing and logistics-skilled tasks [51312] (51312) Lagerwirtschaft - Fachkraft
51321 [51321] (51321) Occupations in postal and other delivery services-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [51321] (51321) Post- und Zustelldienste - Helfer
51322 [51322] (51322) Occupations in postal and other delivery services-skilled tasks [51322] (51322) Post- und Zustelldienste - Fachkraft
51332 [51332] (51332) Occupations in cargo handling-skilled tasks [51332] (51332) Güter- und Warenumschlag - Fachkraft
51393 [51393] (51393) Supervisors in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling [51393] (51393) Aufsicht-Lagerw.,Post,Zustell.,Güterum.
51394 [51394] (51394) Managers in warehousing and logistics, in postal and other delivery services, and in cargo handling [51394] (51394) Führung-Lagerw.,Post,Zustell.,Güterum.
51412 [51412] (51412) Service occupations in road and railway traffic-skilled tasks [51412] (51412) Servicefachk.StraßenSchienenv.-Fachkraft
51422 [51422] (51422) Service occupations in air traffic-skilled tasks [51422] (51422) Servicefachkräfte Luftverkehr-Fachkraft
51432 [51432] (51432) Service occupations in shipping traffic-skilled tasks [51432] (51432) Servicefachkräfte Schiffsverk.-Fachkraft
51493 [51493] (51493) Supervisors of service personnel in passenger traffic [51493] (51493) Aufsicht-Personenverkehr(Servicebereich)
51503 [51503] (51503) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (without specialisation)-complex tasks [51503] (51503) Überwach. Verkehrsbetrieb(oS)-Spezialist
51504 [51504] (51504) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [51504] (51504) Überwach. Verkehrsbetrieb (oS) - Experte
51512 [51512] (51512) Occupations in the surveillance and control of road traffic-skilled tasks [51512] (51512) Überwach. Straßenverkehrsbetr.-Fachkraft
51513 [51513] (51513) Occupations in the surveillance and control of road traffic-complex tasks [51513] (51513) Überwach. Straßenverkehrsbetr-Spezialist
51522 [51522] (51522) Occupations in the surveillance and control of railway traffic-skilled tasks [51522] (51522) Überwach.Eisenbahnverkehrsbetr-Fachkraft
51523 [51523] (51523) Occupations in the surveillance and control of railway traffic-complex tasks [51523] (51523) Überwach.Eisenbahnverkehrsbet-Spezialist
51532 [51532] (51532) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic-skilled tasks [51532] (51532) Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetr.-Fachkraft
51533 [51533] (51533) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic-complex tasks [51533] (51533) Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetr.-Spezialist
51534 [51534] (51534) Occupations in the surveillance and control of air traffic-highly complex tasks [51534] (51534) Überwachung Luftverkehrsbetr. -Experte
51543 [51543] (51543) Occupations in the surveillance and control of shipping traffic-complex tasks [51543] (51543) Überwach.Schiffsverkehrsbetr.-Spezialist
51583 [51583] (51583) Occupations in traffic surveillance and control (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [51583] (51583) Überwach.Verkehrsbetrieb(ssT)-Spezialist
51593 [51593] (51593) Supervisors in traffic surveillance and control [51593] (51593) Aufsicht - Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb
51594 [51594] (51594) Managers in traffic surveillance and control [51594] (51594) Führung - Überwachung Verkehrsbetrieb
51613 [51613] (51613) Management assistants in transport-complex tasks [51613] (51613) Verkehrskaufleute - Spezialist
51614 [51614] (51614) Management assistants in transport -highly complex tasks [51614] (51614) Verkehrskaufleute - Experte
51622 [51622] (51622) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics-skilled tasks [51622] (51622) Speditions-,Logistikkaufleute-Fachkraft
51623 [51623] (51623) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics-complex tasks [51623] (51623) Speditions-,Logistikkaufleute-Spezialist
51624 [51624] (51624) Forwarding agents and management assistants in logistics-highly complex tasks [51624] (51624) Speditions-, Logistikkaufleute - Experte
51632 [51632] (51632) Management assistants in road and railway transport-skilled tasks [51632] (51632) Straßen,Schienenverkehrskaufl.-Fachkraft
51633 [51633] (51633) Management assistants in road and railway transport-complex tasks [51633] (51633) Straße,Schienenverkehrskaufl.-Spezialist
51642 [51642] (51642) Management assistants in air transport-skilled tasks [51642] (51642) Luftverkehrskaufleute - Fachkraft
51643 [51643] (51643) Management assistants in air transport-complex tasks [51643] (51643) Luftverkehrskaufleute - Spezialist
51652 [51652] (51652) Management assistants in shipping transport-skilled tasks [51652] (51652) Schifffahrtskaufleute - Fachkraft
51653 [51653] (51653) Management assistants in shipping transport-complex tasks [51653] (51653) Schifffahrtskaufleute - Spezialist
51662 [51662] (51662) Management assistants in courier services, express and postal delivery services-skilled tasks [51662] (51662) KurierExpressPostdienstl.kaufl-Fachkraft
51663 [51663] (51663) Management assistants in courier services, express and postal delivery services-complex tasks [51663] (51663) KurierExpressPostdienst.kaufl-Spezialist
51694 [51694] (51694) Managers in transport and logistics [51694] (51694) Führung-Verkehr,Logistik (kaufm.Bereich)
52112 [52112] (52112) Professional drivers (passengers transport)-skilled tasks [52112] (52112) Berufskraftfahrer(Pers./PKW.)-Fachkraft
52122 [52122] (52122) Professional drivers (cargo trucks)-skilled tasks [52122] (52122) Berufskraftfahrer(Güterv./LKW)-Fachkraft
52132 [52132] (52132) Bus and tram drivers-skilled tasks [52132] (52132) Bus-, Straßenbahnfahrer/innen-Fachkraft
52182 [52182] (52182) Drivers of vehicles in road traffic (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [52182] (52182) FahrzeugführerStraßenverk(ssT)-Fachkraft
52202 [52202] (52202) Drivers of train engines and other railway vehicles-skilled tasks [52202] (52202) TriebfahrzeugführEisenbahn(oS)-Fachkraft
52313 [52313] (52313) Pilots of planes and airliners-complex tasks [52313] (52313) PilotenVerkehrsflugzeugführer-Spezialist
52314 [52314] (52314) Pilots of planes and airliners-highly complex tasks [52314] (52314) Piloten,Verkehrsflugzeugführer - Experte
52383 [52383] (52383) Aircraft pilots (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [52383] (52383) Fahrzeugführer Flugverk.(ssT)-Spezialist
52384 [52384] (52384) Aircraft pilots (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [52384] (52384) Fahrzeugführer Flugverkehr (ssT)-Experte
52413 [52413] (52413) Deck officers/mates and ship’s captains or skippers-complex tasks [52413] (52413) NautSchiffsoffiziere,Kapitäne-Spezialist
52414 [52414] (52414) Deck officers/mates and ship’s captains or skippers-highly complex tasks [52414] (52414) Naut.Schiffsoffiziere, Kapitäne-Experte
52422 [52422] (52422) Ship’s masters in inland navigation and port traffic-skilled tasks [52422] (52422) Schiffsführ.Binnen-,Hafenverk.-Fachkraft
52423 [52423] (52423) Ship’s masters in inland navigation and port traffic-complex tasks [52423] (52423) Schiffsführ.Binnen,Hafenverk.-Spezialist
52512 [52512] (52512) Drivers of agricultural and forestry machines-skilled tasks [52512] (52512) Führer land-,forstw. Maschinen-Fachkraft
52522 [52522] (52522) Drivers of earthmoving and related machines-skilled tasks [52522] (52522) Führer Erdbeweg,verw.Maschinen-Fachkraft
52531 [52531] (52531) Operators of cranes, lifts and related lifting devices-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [52531] (52531) Kranführ., Bediener Hebeeinricht.-Helfer
52532 [52532] (52532) Operators of cranes, lifts and related lifting devices-skilled tasks [52532] (52532) Kranführ.BedienerHebeeinricht.-Fachkraft
52593 [52593] (52593) Supervisors of drivers and operators of construction and transportation vehicles and equipment [52593] (52593) Aufsicht - Bau-, Transportgeräteführung
53111 [53111] (53111) Occupations in physical security, protection of valuables, and personal protection-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [53111] (53111) Objekt-, Werte-, Personenschutz - Helfer
53112 [53112] (53112) Occupations in physical security, protection of valuables, and personal protection-skilled tasks [53112] (53112) Objekt-,Werte-, Personenschutz-Fachkraft
53122 [53122] (53122) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology-skilled tasks [53122] (53122) Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Fachkraft
53123 [53123] (53123) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology-complex tasks [53123] (53123) Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Spezialist
53124 [53124] (53124) Occupations focusing on workplace safety and safety technology-highly complex tasks [53124] (53124) Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Experte
53132 [53132] (53132) Occupations in fire protection-skilled tasks [53132] (53132) Brandschutz - Fachkraft
53133 [53133] (53133) Occupations in fire protection-complex tasks [53133] (53133) Brandschutz - Spezialist
53134 [53134] (53134) Occupations in fire protection-highly complex tasks [53134] (53134) Brandschutz - Experte
53142 [53142] (53142) Pool attendants and lifeguards-skilled tasks [53142] (53142) Badeaufsicht - Fachkraft
53152 [53152] (53152) Private detectives-skilled tasks [53152] (53152) Detektive/Detektivinnen - Fachkraft
53162 [53162] (53162) Debt collectors-skilled tasks [53162] (53162) Inkassobeauftragte - Fachkraft
53182 [53182] (53182) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [53182] (53182) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Fachkraft
53183 [53183] (53183) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [53183] (53183) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Spezialist
53184 [53184] (53184) Occupations in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [53184] (53184) Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Experte
53193 [53193] (53193) Supervisors in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety [53193] (53193) Aufsicht-Objekt,Brandschutz,Arbeitssich.
53194 [53194] (53194) Managers in physical security, personal protection, fire protection and workplace safety [53194] (53194) Führung-Objekt-,Brandschutz,Arbeitssich.
53212 [53212] (53212) Uniformed police personnel-skilled tasks [53212] (53212) Polizeivollzugsdienst - Fachkraft
53213 [53213] (53213) Uniformed police personnel-complex tasks [53213] (53213) Polizeivollzugsdienst - Spezialist
53214 [53214] (53214) Uniformed police personnel-highly complex tasks [53214] (53214) Polizeivollzugsdienst - Experte
53222 [53222] (53222) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments-skilled tasks [53222] (53222) Kriminaldienst - Fachkraft
53223 [53223] (53223) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments-complex tasks [53223] (53223) Kriminaldienst - Spezialist
53224 [53224] (53224) Detectives and police officers in criminal investigation departments-highly complex tasks [53224] (53224) Kriminaldienst - Experte
53232 [53232] (53232) Court officers-skilled tasks [53232] (53232) Gerichtsvollzug - Fachkraft
53233 [53233] (53233) Court officers-complex tasks [53233] (53233) Gerichtsvollzug - Spezialist
53241 [53241] (53241) Police officers in penal institutions- unskilled/semiskilled tasks [53241] (53241) Justizvollzugsdienst - Helfer
53242 [53242] (53242) Police officers in penal institutions-skilled tasks [53242] (53242) Justizvollzugsdienst - Fachkraft
53243 [53243] (53243) Police officers in penal institutions-complex tasks [53243] (53243) Justizvollzugsdienst - Spezialist
53244 [53244] (53244) Police officers in penal institutions-highly complex tasks [53244] (53244) Justizvollzugsdienst - Experte
53312 [53312] (53312) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration-skilled tasks [53312] (53312) Gewerbeaufsicht - Fachkraft
53313 [53313] (53313) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration-complex tasks [53313] (53313) Gewerbeaufsicht - Spezialist
53314 [53314] (53314) Occupations in occupational health and safety administration-highly complex tasks [53314] (53314) Gewerbeaufsicht - Experte
53322 [53322] (53322) Occupations in public health authority and hygiene control-skilled tasks [53322] (53322) Gesundheitsaufs.,Hygieneüberw.-Fachkraft
53323 [53323] (53323) Occupations in public health authority and hygiene control-complex tasks [53323] (53323) Gesundheitsaufs.Hygieneüberw.-Spezialist
53332 [53332] (53332) Occupations in food control-skilled tasks [53332] (53332) Lebensmittelkontrolle - Fachkraft
53333 [53333] (53333) Occupations in food control-complex tasks [53333] (53333) Lebensmittelkontrolle - Spezialist
53342 [53342] (53342) Occupations in disinfection and pest control-skilled tasks [53342] (53342) Desinfekt., Schädlingsbekämpf.-Fachkraft
53393 [53393] (53393) Supervisors in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection [53393] (53393) Aufsicht-Gewerbe-, Gesundheitsaufsicht
53394 [53394] (53394) Managers in occupational health and safety administration, public health authority, and disinfection [53394] (53394) Führung-Gewerbe-, Gesundheitsaufsicht
54101 [54101] (54101) Occupations in cleaning services (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [54101] (54101) Reinigung (o.S.) - Helfer
54112 [54112] (54112) Occupations in building cleaning services-skilled tasks [54112] (54112) Gebäudereinigung - Fachkraft
54113 [54113] (54113) Occupations in building cleaning services-complex tasks [54113] (54113) Gebäudereinigung - Spezialist
54122 [54122] (54122) Occupations in glass and window cleaning services-skilled tasks [54122] (54122) Glas-, Fensterreinigung - Fachkraft
54132 [54132] (54132) Occupations in textile cleaning services-skilled tasks [54132] (54132) Textilreinigung - Fachkraft
54142 [54142] (54142) Occupations in machine and equipment cleaning services-skilled tasks [54142] (54142) Maschinen-, Anlagenreinigung - Fachkraft
54152 [54152] (54152) Occupations in vehicle cleaning services-skilled tasks [54152] (54152) Fahrzeugreinigung - Fachkraft
54182 [54182] (54182) Occupations in cleaning services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [54182] (54182) Reinigung (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
54193 [54193] (54193) Supervisors in cleaning services [54193] (54193) Aufsicht - Reinigung
61112 [61112] (61112) Occupations in purchasing-skilled tasks [61112] (61112) Einkauf - Fachkraft
61113 [61113] (61113) Occupations in purchasing-complex tasks [61113] (61113) Einkauf - Spezialist
61122 [61122] (61122) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies)-skilled tasks [61122] (61122) Vertrieb (außer IKT) - Fachkraft
61123 [61123] (61123) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies)-complex tasks [61123] (61123) Vertrieb (außer IKT) - Spezialist
61124 [61124] (61124) Occupations in sales (except information and communication technologies)-highly complex tasks [61124] (61124) Vertrieb (außer IKT) - Experte
61132 [61132] (61132) Trade brokers and auctioneers-skilled tasks [61132] (61132) Handelsmakler,Auktionatoren - Fachkraft
61133 [61133] (61133) Trade brokers and auctioneers-complex tasks [61133] (61133) Handelsmakler,Auktionatoren - Spezialist
61142 [61142] (61142) Occupations in placing and servicing vending machines-skilled tasks [61142] (61142) Kaufleute Automatenservice - Fachkraft
61152 [61152] (61152) Money lenders and pawn brokers-skilled tasks [61152] (61152) Geld- und Pfandverleih - Fachkraft
61162 [61162] (61162) Occupations in rental services (except money lending and pawn broking)-skilled tasks [61162] (61162) Verleih (außer Geld u. Pfand) -Fachkraft
61194 [61194] (61194) Managers in purchasing and sales [61194] (61194) Führung - Einkauf und Vertrieb
61203 [61203] (61203) Management assistants in trade (without specialisation)-complex tasks [61203] (61203) Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) - Spezialist
61204 [61204] (61204) Management assistants in trade (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [61204] (61204) Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) - Experte
61212 [61212] (61212) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade-skilled tasks [61212] (61212) Kaufleute Groß-, Außenhandel - Fachkraft
61213 [61213] (61213) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade-complex tasks [61213] (61213) Kaufleute Groß-, Außenhandel -Spezialist
61214 [61214] (61214) Management assistants in wholesale and foreign trade-highly complex tasks [61214] (61214) Kaufleute Groß-, Außenhandel - Experte
61282 [61282] (61282) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [61282] (61282) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T) - Fachkraft
61283 [61283] (61283) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [61283] (61283) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T) - Spezialist
61284 [61284] (61284) Management assistants in trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [61284] (61284) Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T.) - Experte
61294 [61294] (61294) Managers in trade [61294] (61294) Führung - Handel
61312 [61312] (61312) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration-skilled tasks [61312] (61312) Immobilienvermarktung,-verwal.-Fachkraft
61313 [61313] (61313) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration-complex tasks [61313] (61313) Immobilienvermarktung,verwal.-Spezialist
61314 [61314] (61314) Occupations in real estate marketing and administration-highly complex tasks [61314] (61314) Immobilienvermarktung,-verwal.-Experte
61323 [61323] (61323) Occupations in facility management-complex tasks [61323] (61323) Facility-Management - Spezialist
61394 [61394] (61394) Managers in real estate and facility management [61394] (61394) Führung-Immobilienwirt., Facility-Manag.
62101 [62101] (62101) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [62101] (62101) Verkauf (ohne Produktspezialis.)-Helfer
62102 [62102] (62102) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation)-skilled tasks [62102] (62102) Verkauf (ohne Produktspezial.)-Fachkraft
62103 [62103] (62103) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation)-complex tasks [62103] (62103) Verkauf (ohne Produktspez.) - Spezialist
62112 [62112] (62112) Cashiers and ticket agents-skilled tasks [62112] (62112) Kassierer, Kartenverkäufer - Fachkraft
62122 [62122] (62122) Stall and market sellers-skilled tasks [62122] (62122) Verkaufsstand-,Marktverkäufer -Fachkraft
62182 [62182] (62182) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation; with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [62182] (62182) Verkauf (o. Produktspez) (ssT)-Fachkraft
62183 [62183] (62183) Sales occupations in retail trade (without product specialisation; with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [62183] (62183) Verkauf (o. Produktspez)(ssT)-Spezialist
62193 [62193] (62193) Supervisors in retail trade [62193] (62193) Aufsicht - Verkauf
62194 [62194] (62194) Managers in retail trade [62194] (62194) Führung - Verkauf
62212 [62212] (62212) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling clothing, sporting goods, leather goods and shoes-skilled tasks [62212] (62212) Verkauf (Bekleid.,Leder,Sport)-Fachkraft
62222 [62222] (62222) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling jewellery and watches-skilled tasks [62222] (62222) Verkauf (Schmuck, Uhren) - Fachkraft
62232 [62232] (62232) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling office supplies, gifts and toys-skilled tasks [62232] (62232) Verkauf (Büro,Geschenk,Spiel)-Fachkraft
62242 [62242] (62242) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling electrical and electronic goods, and household supplies-skilled tasks [62242] (62242) Verkauf (Elektro-,Hauswaltsw.)-Fachkraft
62252 [62252] (62252) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling furniture and furnishings-skilled tasks [62252] (62252) Verkauf (Möbel, Einrichtung)-Fachkraft
62262 [62262] (62262) Sales occupations (retail trade) in gardening stores, home improvement stores, pet shops and zoo supplies stores-skilled tasks [62262] (62262) Verkauf (Garten,Heimwerk,Tier)-Fachkraft
62272 [62272] (62272) Sales occupations (retail trade) selling motor vehicles, bicycles, motorbikes, and related supplies-skilled tasks [62272] (62272) Verkauf (KFZ, Zweirad,Zubehör)-Fachkraft
62282 [62282] (62282) Sales occupations in retail trade (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [62282] (62282) Verkauf (ssT) - Fachkraft
62301 [62301] (62301) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [62301] (62301) Verkauf Lebensmittel (o.S.) - Helfer
62302 [62302] (62302) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [62302] (62302) Verkauf Lebensmittel (o.S.) - Fachkraft
62312 [62312] (62312) Sales occupations (retail) selling baked goods, pastries and confectionaries-skilled tasks [62312] (62312) Verkauf Back-,Konditoreiwaren-Fachkraft
62322 [62322] (62322) Sales occupations (retail) selling meat products-skilled tasks [62322] (62322) Verkauf von Fleischwaren - Fachkraft
62382 [62382] (62382) Sales occupations (retail) selling foodstuffs (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [62382] (62382) Verkauf Lebensmittel (s.s.T.)-Fachkraft
62412 [62412] (62412) Sales occupations (retail) selling drugstore products and pharmaceuticals-skilled tasks [62412] (62412) Verkauf drog.apotheken.Waren-Fachkraft
62422 [62422] (62422) Sales occupations (retail) selling medical supplies and healthcare goods-skilled tasks [62422] (62422) Verkauf Sanitäts,Medizinbedarf-Fachkraft
62512 [62512] (62512) Sales occupations (retail) selling books-skilled tasks [62512] (62512) Buchhandel - Fachkraft
62513 [62513] (62513) Sales occupations (retail) selling books-complex tasks [62513] (62513) Buchhandel - Spezialist
62514 [62514] (62514) Sales occupations (retail) selling books-highly complex tasks [62514] (62514) Buchhandel - Experte
62522 [62522] (62522) Sales occupations (retail) selling art and antiques-skilled tasks [62522] (62522) Kunst-, Antiquitätenhandel - Fachkraft
62532 [62532] (62532) Sales occupations (retail) selling musical instruments, recordings or sheet music-skilled tasks [62532] (62532) Musikfachhandel - Fachkraft
63112 [63112] (63112) Management assistants in tourism-skilled tasks [63112] (63112) Tourismuskaufleute - Fachkraft
63113 [63113] (63113) Management assistants in tourism-complex tasks [63113] (63113) Tourismuskaufleute - Spezialist
63114 [63114] (63114) Management assistants in tourism-highly complex tasks [63114] (63114) Tourismuskaufleute - Experte
63122 [63122] (63122) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators-skilled tasks [63122] (63122) Sport-,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Fachkraft
63123 [63123] (63123) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators-complex tasks [63123] (63123) Sport,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Spezialist
63124 [63124] (63124) Management assistants in the sports and fitness industry, sports administrators-highly complex tasks [63124] (63124) Sport-,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Experte
63132 [63132] (63132) Animators and guest attendants-skilled tasks [63132] (63132) Animateure und Gästebetreuer - Fachkraft
63142 [63142] (63142) Tourist guides and tour guides-skilled tasks [63142] (63142) Reiseleiter, Fremdenführer - Fachkraft
63143 [63143] (63143) Tourist guides and tour guides-complex tasks [63143] (63143) Reiseleiter, Fremdenführer - Spezialist
63194 [63194] (63194) Managers in tourism and the sports (and fitness) industry [63194] (63194) Führung - Tourismus und Sport
63212 [63212] (63212) Management assistants in hotels-skilled tasks [63212] (63212) Hotelkaufleute - Fachkraft
63213 [63213] (63213) Management assistants in hotels-complex tasks [63213] (63213) Hotelkaufleute - Spezialist
63221 [63221] (63221) Occupations in hotel service-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [63221] (63221) Hotelservice - Helfer
63222 [63222] (63222) Occupations in hotel service-skilled tasks [63222] (63222) Hotelservice - Fachkraft
63293 [63293] (63293) Supervisors in hotels [63293] (63293) Aufsicht - Hotellerie
63294 [63294] (63294) Managers in hotels [63294] (63294) Führung - Hotellerie
63301 [63301] (63301) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [63301] (63301) Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Helfer
63302 [63302] (63302) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [63302] (63302) Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Fachkraft
63303 [63303] (63303) Gastronomy occupations (without specialisation)-complex tasks [63303] (63303) Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Spezialist
63312 [63312] (63312) Occupations in system catering-skilled tasks [63312] (63312) Systemgastronomie - Fachkraft
63313 [63313] (63313) Occupations in system catering-complex tasks [63313] (63313) Systemgastronomie - Spezialist
63322 [63322] (63322) Barkeepers-skilled tasks [63322] (63322) Barkeeper/innen - Fachkraft
63382 [63382] (63382) Gastronomy occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [63382] (63382) Gastronomie (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
63383 [63383] (63383) Gastronomy occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [63383] (63383) Gastronomie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
63393 [63393] (63393) Supervisors in gastronomy and system catering [63393] (63393) Aufsicht - Gastronomie
63394 [63394] (63394) Managers in gastronomy and system catering [63394] (63394) Führung - Gastronomie
63401 [63401] (63401) Occupations in event organisation and management-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [63401] (63401) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. - Helfer
63402 [63402] (63402) Occupations in event organisation and management-skilled tasks [63402] (63402) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. -Fachkraft
63403 [63403] (63403) Occupations in event organisation and management-complex tasks [63403] (63403) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag.-Spezialist
63404 [63404] (63404) Occupations in event organisation and management-highly complex tasks [63404] (63404) Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. - Experte
71104 [71104] (71104) Managing directors and executive board members-highly complex tasks [71104] (71104) Geschäftsführer und Vorstände - Experte
71214 [71214] (71214) Legislators-highly complex tasks [71214] (71214) Angeh. gesetzgeb. Körperschaften-Experte
71224 [71224] (71224) Senior officials of special interest organisations-highly complex tasks [71224] (71224) Leit. Bedienstete Interessenorga-Experte
71234 [71234] (71234) Elected employee representatives in firms-highly complex tasks [71234] (71234) Betriebsinterne Wahlämter - Experte
71302 [71302] (71302) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [71302] (71302) Kaufm.,techn.Betriebswirt.(oS)-Fachkraft
71303 [71303] (71303) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation)-complex tasks [71303] (71303) Kaufm.,tech.Betriebswirt.(oS)-Spezialist
71304 [71304] (71304) Occupations in business administration and technical business management (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [71304] (71304) Kaufm.,tech.Betriebswirtsch.(oS)-Experte
71314 [71314] (71314) Occupations in business organisation and planning-highly complex tasks [71314] (71314) Unternehmensorganisation,planung-Experte
71324 [71324] (71324) Occupations in business consulting-highly complex tasks [71324] (71324) Unternehmensberatung - Experte
71333 [71333] (71333) Occupations in business development-highly complex tasks [71333] (71333) Wirtschaftsförderung - Spezialist
71382 [71382] (71382) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [71382] (71382) Unternehmensorg.,strateg.(ssT)-Fachkraft
71383 [71383] (71383) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [71383] (71383) Unternehmensorg,strateg.(ssT)-Spezialist
71384 [71384] (71384) Occupations in business organisation and strategy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [71384] (71384) Unternehmensorg.,-strategie(ssT)-Experte
71393 [71393] (71393) Supervisors in business organisation and strategy [71393] (71393) Aufsicht - Unternehmensorg.,-strategie
71394 [71394] (71394) Managers in business organisation and strategy [71394] (71394) Führung - Unternehmensorg., -strategie
71401 [71401] (71401) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [71401] (71401) Büro-, Sekretariatskräfte(o.S.) - Helfer
71402 [71402] (71402) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [71402] (71402) Büro-,Sekretariatskräfte(o.S.)-Fachkraft
71403 [71403] (71403) Office clerks and secretaries (without specialisation)-complex tasks [71403] (71403) Büro-,Sekretariatskräfte(oS) -Spezialist
71412 [71412] (71412) Foreign language secretaries and foreign language correspondence clerks-skilled tasks [71412] (71412) Fremdsprachensekr.,korrespond.-Fachkraft
71413 [71413] (71413) Foreign language secretaries and foreign language correspondence clerks-complex tasks [71413] (71413) Fremdsprachensek.,korrespond.-Spezialist
71423 [71423] (71423) Interpreters and translators-complex tasks [71423] (71423) Dolmetscher, Übersetzer - Spezialist
71424 [71424] (71424) Interpreters and translators-highly complex tasks [71424] (71424) Dolmetscher, Übersetzer - Experte
71432 [71432] (71432) Shorthand and audio typists-skilled tasks [71432] (71432) Steno-, Phonotypisten - Fachkraft
71433 [71433] (71433) Shorthand and audio typists-complex tasks [71433] (71433) Steno-, Phonotypisten - Spezialist
71442 [71442] (71442) Coders, proof readers and related clerks-skilled tasks [71442] (71442) Kodierer, Korrekturleser - Fachkraft
71452 [71452] (71452) Customer or passenger information office clerks-skilled tasks [71452] (71452) Auskunft, Kundeninformation - Fachkraft
71493 [71493] (71493) Supervisors of office clerks and secretaries [71493] (71493) Aufsicht - Büro und Sekretariat
71512 [71512] (71512) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service-skilled tasks [71512] (71512) Personalentwick.,sachbearbeit.-Fachkraft
71513 [71513] (71513) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service-complex tasks [71513] (71513) Personalentwick.,sachbearbeit-Spezialist
71514 [71514] (71514) Occupations in human resources development and personnel service-highly complex tasks [71514] (71514) Personalentwickl.,-sachbearbeit.-Experte
71522 [71522] (71522) Occupations in recruiting and employment services-skilled tasks [71522] (71522) Personaldienstleistung - Fachkraft
71523 [71523] (71523) Occupations in recruiting and employment services-complex tasks [71523] (71523) Personaldienstleistung - Spezialist
71524 [71524] (71524) Occupations in recruiting and employment services-highly complex tasks [71524] (71524) Personaldienstleistung - Experte
71594 [71594] (71594) Managers in human resources management and personnel services [71594] (71594) Führung - Personalwesen, -dienstleistung
72112 [72112] (72112) Bankers-skilled tasks [72112] (72112) Bankkaufleute - Fachkraft
72113 [72113] (72113) Bankers-complex tasks [72113] (72113) Bankkaufleute - Spezialist
72122 [72122] (72122) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services-skilled tasks [72122] (72122) Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Fachkraft
72123 [72123] (72123) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services-complex tasks [72123] (72123) Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Spezialist
72124 [72124] (72124) Investment consultants and other occupations in financial services-highly complex tasks [72124] (72124) Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Experte
72132 [72132] (72132) Insurance salespersons-skilled tasks [72132] (72132) Versicherungskaufleute - Fachkraft
72133 [72133] (72133) Insurance salespersons-complex tasks [72133] (72133) Versicherungskaufleute - Spezialist
72134 [72134] (72134) Insurance salespersons-highly complex tasks [72134] (72134) Versicherungskaufleute - Experte
72144 [72144] (72144) Financial analysts-highly complex tasks [72144] (72144) Finanzanalysten/innen - Experte
72182 [72182] (72182) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [72182] (72182) Versicher-,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Fachkraft
72183 [72183] (72183) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [72183] (72183) Versicher,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Spezialist
72184 [72184] (72184) Occupations in insurance and financial services (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [72184] (72184) Versicher-,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Experte
72194 [72194] (72194) Managers in insurance and financial services [72194] (72194) Führung-Versicherung-,Finanzdienstleist.
72212 [72212] (72212) Occupations in accounting-skilled tasks [72212] (72212) Buchhaltung - Fachkraft
72213 [72213] (72213) Occupations in accounting-complex tasks [72213] (72213) Buchhaltung - Spezialist
72214 [72214] (72214) Occupations in accounting-highly complex tasks [72214] (72214) Buchhaltung - Experte
72223 [72223] (72223) Occupations in cost accounting and calculation-complex tasks [72223] (72223) Kostenrechnung, Kalkulation - Spezialist
72224 [72224] (72224) Occupations in cost accounting and calculation-highly complex tasks [72224] (72224) Kostenrechnung, Kalkulation - Experte
72233 [72233] (72233) Occupations in controlling-complex tasks [72233] (72233) Controlling - Spezialist
72234 [72234] (72234) Occupations in controlling-highly complex tasks [72234] (72234) Controlling - Experte
72243 [72243] (72243) Occupations in auditing-complex tasks [72243] (72243) Wirtschaftsprüfung - Spezialist
72244 [72244] (72244) Occupations in auditing-highly complex tasks [72244] (72244) Wirtschaftsprüfung - Experte
72294 [72294] (72294) Managers in accounting, controlling and auditing [72294] (72294) Führung-Rechnungsw.,Controlling,Revision
72302 [72302] (72302) Occupations in tax consultancy-skilled tasks [72302] (72302) Steuerberatung - Fachkraft
72303 [72303] (72303) Occupations in tax consultancy-complex tasks [72303] (72303) Steuerberatung - Spezialist
72304 [72304] (72304) Occupations in tax consultancy-highly complex tasks [72304] (72304) Steuerberatung - Experte
73104 [73104] (73104) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [73104] (73104) Rechtsberatung,-sprechung (oS) - Experte
73112 [73112] (73112) Assistants in lawyers’ and notaries’ offices-skilled tasks [73112] (73112) Assistenz Rechtsanwalt.,Notar.-Fachkraft
73113 [73113] (73113) Assistants in lawyers’ and notaries’ offices-complex tasks [73113] (73113) Assistenz Rechtsanwalt.,Notar-Spezialist
73124 [73124] (73124) Notaries-highly complex tasks [73124] (73124) Notare/Notarinnen - Experte
73134 [73134] (73134) Lawyers-highly complex tasks [73134] (73134) Rechtsanwälte/-anwältinnen - Experte
73144 [73144] (73144) Prosecutors-highly complex tasks [73144] (73144) Staatsanwälte/-anwältinnen - Experte
73154 [73154] (73154) Judges-highly complex tasks [73154] (73154) Richter/innen - Experte
73162 [73162] (73162) Occupations in the national security service-skilled tasks [73162] (73162) Verfassungsschutz - Fachkraft
73163 [73163] (73163) Occupations in the national security service-complex tasks [73163] (73163) Verfassungsschutz - Spezialist
73164 [73164] (73164) Occupations in the national security service-highly complex tasks [73164] (73164) Verfassungsschutz - Experte
73183 [73183] (73183) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [73183] (73183) Rechtsber.,sprech.,ordn.(ssT)-Spezialist
73184 [73184] (73184) Occupations in legal services, jurisdiction, and other officers of the court (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [73184] (73184) Rechtsberat.,sprech.,ordn.(ssT)-Experte
73194 [73194] (73194) Managers in legal services, jurisdiction, and of other officers of the court [73194] (73194) Führung-Rechtsberatung,sprechung,ordnung
73201 [73201] (73201) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [73201] (73201) Öffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.) - Helfer
73202 [73202] (73202) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [73202] (73202) Öffentliche Verwaltung(o.S.) - Fachkraft
73203 [73203] (73203) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-complex tasks [73203] (73203) Öffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.)-Spezialist
73204 [73204] (73204) Occupations in public administration (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [73204] (73204) Öffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.) - Experte
73212 [73212] (73212) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system-skilled tasks [73212] (73212) Sozialverwaltung,-versicherung-Fachkraft
73213 [73213] (73213) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system-complex tasks [73213] (73213) Sozialverwaltung,versicherung-Spezialist
73214 [73214] (73214) Occupations in the social service administration and the social security system-highly complex tasks [73214] (73214) Sozialverwaltung, -versicherung-Experte
73222 [73222] (73222) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system-skilled tasks [73222] (73222) Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes. -Fachkraft
73223 [73223] (73223) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system-complex tasks [73223] (73223) Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes.-Spezialist
73224 [73224] (73224) Administrative occupations in the welfare and health care system-highly complex tasks [73224] (73224) Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes. - Experte
73231 [73231] (73231) Occupations in tax administration-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [73231] (73231) Steuerverwaltung - Helfer
73232 [73232] (73232) Occupations in tax administration-skilled tasks [73232] (73232) Steuerverwaltung - Fachkraft
73233 [73233] (73233) Occupations in tax administration-complex tasks [73233] (73233) Steuerverwaltung - Spezialist
73234 [73234] (73234) Occupations in tax administration-highly complex tasks [73234] (73234) Steuerverwaltung - Experte
73241 [73241] (73241) Occupations in the customs service-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [73241] (73241) Zolldienst - Helfer
73242 [73242] (73242) Occupations in the customs service-skilled tasks [73242] (73242) Zolldienst - Fachkraft
73243 [73243] (73243) Occupations in the customs service-complex tasks [73243] (73243) Zolldienst - Spezialist
73244 [73244] (73244) Occupations in the customs service-highly complex tasks [73244] (73244) Zolldienst - Experte
73252 [73252] (73252) Occupations in the administration of justice-skilled tasks [73252] (73252) Justizverwaltung - Fachkraft
73253 [73253] (73253) Occupations in the administration of justice-complex tasks [73253] (73253) Justizverwaltung - Spezialist
73254 [73254] (73254) Occupations in the administration of justice-highly complex tasks [73254] (73254) Justizverwaltung - Experte
73282 [73282] (73282) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [73282] (73282) Öffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) - Fachkraft
73283 [73283] (73283) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [73283] (73283) Öffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) -Spezialist
73284 [73284] (73284) Occupations in public administration (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [73284] (73284) Öffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) - Experte
73293 [73293] (73293) Supervisors in public administration [73293] (73293) Aufsicht - Verwaltung
73294 [73294] (73294) Managers in public administration [73294] (73294) Führung - Verwaltung
73312 [73312] (73312) Occupations in archiving-skilled tasks [73312] (73312) Archivwesen - Fachkraft
73313 [73313] (73313) Occupations in archiving-complex tasks [73313] (73313) Archivwesen - Spezialist
73314 [73314] (73314) Occupations in archiving-highly complex tasks [73314] (73314) Archivwesen - Experte
73322 [73322] (73322) Library occupations-skilled tasks [73322] (73322) Bibliothekswesen - Fachkraft
73323 [73323] (73323) Library occupations-complex tasks [73323] (73323) Bibliothekswesen - Spezialist
73324 [73324] (73324) Library occupations-highly complex tasks [73324] (73324) Bibliothekswesen - Experte
73332 [73332] (73332) Occupations in documentation and information services-skilled tasks [73332] (73332) Dokument.-,Informationsdienst-Fachkraft
73333 [73333] (73333) Occupations in documentation and information services-complex tasks [73333] (73333) Dokument.-,Informationsdienst-Spezialist
73334 [73334] (73334) Occupations in documentation and information services-highly complex tasks [73334] (73334) Dokumentat.-, Informationsdienst-Experte
73342 [73342] (73342) Occupations in medical documentation-skilled tasks [73342] (73342) Medizinische Dokumentation - Fachkraft
73394 [73394] (73394) Managers in media, documentation and information services [73394] (73394) Führung-Medien-Dokument.-,Informationsd.
81102 [81102] (81102) Medical assistants (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [81102] (81102) Medizin. Fachangestellte (oS)-Fachkraft
81103 [81103] (81103) Medical assistants (without specialisation)-complex tasks [81103] (81103) Medizin. Fachangestellte (oS)-Spezialist
81112 [81112] (81112) Dental assistants-skilled tasks [81112] (81112) Zahnmedizin. Fachangestellte - Fachkraft
81113 [81113] (81113) Dental assistants-complex tasks [81113] (81113) Zahnmedizin.Fachangestellte - Spezialist
81122 [81122] (81122) Podologists-skilled tasks [81122] (81122) Podologen/Podologinnen - Fachkraft
81132 [81132] (81132) Orthoptists-skilled tasks [81132] (81132) Orthoptisten/Orthoptistinnen - Fachkraft
81142 [81142] (81142) Veterinary assistants-skilled tasks [81142] (81142) Tiermedizin. Fachangestellte - Fachkraft
81143 [81143] (81143) Veterinary assistants-complex tasks [81143] (81143) Tiermedizin.Fachangestellte - Spezialist
81182 [81182] (81182) Medical assistants (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [81182] (81182) Medizin. Fachangestellte (ssT)-Fachkraft
81183 [81183] (81183) Medical assistants (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [81183] (81183) Medizin.Fachangestellte (ssT)-Spezialist
81212 [81212] (81212) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine-skilled tasks [81212] (81212) Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Fachkraft
81213 [81213] (81213) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine-complex tasks [81213] (81213) Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Spezialist
81214 [81214] (81214) Technical laboratory occupations in medicine-highly complex tasks [81214] (81214) Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Experte
81222 [81222] (81222) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics-skilled tasks [81222] (81222) Med.-tech.Berufe Funktionsdiag-Fachkraft
81223 [81223] (81223) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics-complex tasks [81223] (81223) Med-tech.Berufe Funktionsdiag-Spezialist
81224 [81224] (81224) Technical occupations in medical laboratories for functional diagnostics-highly complex tasks [81224] (81224) Med.-tech. Berufe Funktionsdiag-Experte
81232 [81232] (81232) Technical occupations in radiology-skilled tasks [81232] (81232) Med.-tech.Berufe Radiologie - Fachkraft
81233 [81233] (81233) Technical occupations in radiology-complex tasks [81233] (81233) Med.-tech. Berufe Radiologie -Spezialist
81234 [81234] (81234) Technical occupations in radiology-highly complex tasks [81234] (81234) Med.-techn. Berufe Radiologie - Experte
81242 [81242] (81242) Technical occupations in veterinary medicine-skilled tasks [81242] (81242) Med.-tech.Berufe Veterinärmed.-Fachkraft
81243 [81243] (81243) Technical occupations in veterinary medicine-complex tasks [81243] (81243) Med.-tech.BerufeVeterinärmed.-Spezialist
81294 [81294] (81294) Managers in medical laboratories [81294] (81294) Führung - Medizinisches Laboratorium
81301 [81301] (81301) Occupations in nursing (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [81301] (81301) Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (oS)-Helfer
81302 [81302] (81302) Occupations in nursing (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [81302] (81302) Gesundheits-,Krankenpflege(oS)-Fachkraft
81313 [81313] (81313) Occupations in nursing specialised in a particular branch of nursing-complex tasks [81313] (81313) Fachkrankenpflege - Spezialist
81323 [81323] (81323) Occupations in nursing specialised in paediatrics-complex tasks [81323] (81323) Fachkinderkrankenpflege - Spezialist
81332 [81332] (81332) Surgical and medico-technical assistants-skilled tasks [81332] (81332) Operationstechn. Assistenz - Fachkraft
81333 [81333] (81333) Surgical and medico-technical assistants-complex tasks [81333] (81333) Operationstechn. Assistenz - Spezialist
81341 [81341] (81341) Occupations in emergency medical services-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [81341] (81341) Rettungsdienst - Helfer
81342 [81342] (81342) Occupations in emergency medical services-skilled tasks [81342] (81342) Rettungsdienst - Fachkraft
81343 [81343] (81343) Occupations in emergency medical services-complex tasks [81343] (81343) Rettungsdienst - Spezialist
81352 [81352] (81352) Occupations in obstetrics and maternity care-skilled tasks [81352] (81352) Geburtshilfe,Entbindungspflege-Fachkraft
81353 [81353] (81353) Occupations in obstetrics and maternity care-complex tasks [81353] (81353) GeburtshilfeEntbindungspflege-Spezialist
81382 [81382] (81382) Occupations in nursing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [81382] (81382) Gesundheits,Krankenpflege(ssT)-Fachkraft
81383 [81383] (81383) Occupations nursing (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [81383] (81383) Gesundheits-,Krankenpfl.(ssT)-Spezialist
81393 [81393] (81393) Supervisors in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics [81393] (81393) Aufsicht-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.,Geburtsh
81394 [81394] (81394) Managers in nursing, emergency medical services and obstetrics [81394] (81394) Führung-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.,Geburtsh.
81404 [81404] (81404) Medical doctors (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [81404] (81404) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (o.S.) - Experte
81414 [81414] (81414) Medical doctors specialised in pediatrics and adolescent medicine-highly complex tasks [81414] (81414) Fachärzte Kinder-,Jugendmedizin -Experte
81424 [81424] (81424) Medical doctors specialised in internal medicine-highly complex tasks [81424] (81424) Fachärzte Innere Medizin - Experte
81434 [81434] (81434) Medical doctors specialised in surgery-highly complex tasks [81434] (81434) Fachärzte in der Chirurgie - Experte
81444 [81444] (81444) Medical doctors specialised in dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, gynaecology, andrology and related medical fields-highly complex tasks [81444] (81444) Fachärzte Sinnes,Geschlechtsorg.-Experte
81454 [81454] (81454) Medical doctors specialised in anaesthesiology-highly complex tasks [81454] (81454) Fachärzte Anästhesiologie - Experte
81464 [81464] (81464) Medical doctors specialised in neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine-highly complex tasks [81464] (81464) Fachärzte Psychiatr.,Psychother.-Experte
81474 [81474] (81474) Dentists and orthodontists-highly complex tasks [81474] (81474) Zahnärzte, Kieferorthopäden - Experte
81484 [81484] (81484) Medical doctors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [81484] (81484) Ärzte/Ärztinnen (s.s.T.) - Experte
81494 [81494] (81494) Managers in human medicine and dentistry [81494] (81494) Führung - Human- und Zahnmedizin
81504 [81504] (81504) Veterinaries (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [81504] (81504) Tierärzte/-ärztinnen (o.S.) - Experte
81514 [81514] (81514) Veterinaries for large and farm animals-highly complex tasks [81514] (81514) Tierärzte für Groß-, Nutztiere - Experte
81524 [81524] (81524) Veterinaries for pets-highly complex tasks [81524] (81524) Tierärzte für Haus-, Heimtiere - Experte
81532 [81532] (81532) Non-medical animal health practitioners-skilled tasks [81532] (81532) Tierheilpraktiker/innen - Fachkraft
81584 [81584] (81584) Occupations in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [81584] (81584) Tiermedizin, Tierheilkunde (ssT)-Experte
81594 [81594] (81594) Managers in veterinary medicine and non-medical animal health practitioners [81594] (81594) Führung - Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde
81614 [81614] (81614) Occupations in non-clinical psychology-highly complex tasks [81614] (81614) Nicht klinische Psychologie - Experte
81623 [81623] (81623) Occupations in clinical psychology-complex tasks [81623] (81623) Klinische Psychologie - Spezialist
81624 [81624] (81624) Occupations in clinical psychology-highly complex tasks [81624] (81624) Klinische Psychologie - Experte
81634 [81634] (81634) Occupations in non-medical psychotherapy-highly complex tasks [81634] (81634) Nicht ärztliche Psychotherapie - Experte
81712 [81712] (81712) Occupations in physiotherapy-skilled tasks [81712] (81712) Physiotherapie - Fachkraft
81713 [81713] (81713) Occupations in physiotherapy-complex tasks [81713] (81713) Physiotherapie - Spezialist
81714 [81714] (81714) Occupations in physiotherapy-highly complex tasks [81714] (81714) Physiotherapie - Experte
81722 [81722] (81722) Occupations in occupational therapy-skilled tasks [81722] (81722) Ergotherapie - Fachkraft
81723 [81723] (81723) Occupations in occupational therapy-complex tasks [81723] (81723) Ergotherapie - Spezialist
81724 [81724] (81724) Occupations in occupational therapy-highly complex tasks [81724] (81724) Ergotherapie - Experte
81733 [81733] (81733) Occupations in speech therapy-complex tasks [81733] (81733) Sprachtherapie - Spezialist
81734 [81734] (81734) Occupations in speech therapy-highly complex tasks [81734] (81734) Sprachtherapie - Experte
81743 [81743] (81743) Occupations in music and art therapy-complex tasks [81743] (81743) Musik- und Kunsttherapie - Spezialist
81744 [81744] (81744) Occupations in music and art therapy-highly complex tasks [81744] (81744) Musik- und Kunsttherapie - Experte
81752 [81752] (81752) Practitioners of alternative medicine and homeopathy-skilled tasks [81752] (81752) Heilkunde und Homöopathie - Fachkraft
81753 [81753] (81753) Practitioners of alternative medicine and homeopathy-complex tasks [81753] (81753) Heilkunde und Homöopathie - Spezialist
81762 [81762] (81762) Dieticians and Nutritionists-skilled tasks [81762] (81762) Diät-, Ernährungstherapie - Fachkraft
81763 [81763] (81763) Dieticians and Nutritionists-complex tasks [81763] (81763) Diät-, Ernährungstherapie - Spezialist
81764 [81764] (81764) Dieticians and Nutritionists-highly complex tasks [81764] (81764) Diät-, Ernährungstherapie - Experte
81782 [81782] (81782) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [81782] (81782) Nichtärzt.Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)-Fachkraft
81783 [81783] (81783) Occupations in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [81783] (81783) Nichtärzt.Therapie,Heilk(ssT)-Spezialist
81784 [81784] (81784) Occupations in non-medical therapy and of alternative medicine (specific occupation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [81784] (81784) Nichtärztl.Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)-Experte
81794 [81794] (81794) Managers in in non-medical therapy and alternative medicine [81794] (81794) Führung - Nichtärztl. Therapie,Heilkunde
81804 [81804] (81804) Pharmacists-highly complex tasks [81804] (81804) Apotheker, Pharmazeuten - Experte
81814 [81814] (81814) Medical doctors specialised in pharmacology-highly complex tasks [81814] (81814) Fachärzte in der Pharmakologie - Experte
81822 [81822] (81822) Pharmaceutical-technical assistants-skilled tasks [81822] (81822) Pharmazeut.-techn. Assistenz - Fachkraft
81883 [81883] (81883) Occupations in pharmacy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [81883] (81883) Pharmazie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
81884 [81884] (81884) Occupations in pharmacy (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [81884] (81884) Pharmazie (s.s.T.) - Experte
81894 [81894] (81894) Managers in pharmacy [81894] (81894) Führung - Pharmazie
82101 [82101] (82101) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation)-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [82101] (82101) Altenpflege (o.S.) - Helfer
82102 [82102] (82102) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [82102] (82102) Altenpflege (o.S.) - Fachkraft
82103 [82103] (82103) Occupations in geriatric care (without specialisation)-complex tasks [82103] (82103) Altenpflege (o.S.) - Spezialist
82182 [82182] (82182) Occupations in geriatric care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [82182] (82182) Altenpflege (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
82183 [82183] (82183) Occupations in geriatric care (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [82183] (82183) Altenpflege (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
82194 [82194] (82194) Managers in geriatric care [82194] (82194) Führung - Altenpflege
82212 [82212] (82212) Occupations providing health counselling-skilled tasks [82212] (82212) Gesundheitsberatung - Fachkraft
82213 [82213] (82213) Occupations providing health counselling-complex tasks [82213] (82213) Gesundheitsberatung - Spezialist
82214 [82214] (82214) Occupations providing health counselling-highly complex tasks [82214] (82214) Gesundheitsberatung - Experte
82222 [82222] (82222) Occupations in wellness-skilled tasks [82222] (82222) Wellness - Fachkraft
82223 [82223] (82223) Occupations in wellness-complex tasks [82223] (82223) Wellness - Spezialist
82232 [82232] (82232) Occupations providing nutritional advice-skilled tasks [82232] (82232) Ernährungsberatung - Fachkraft
82233 [82233] (82233) Occupations providing nutritional advice-complex tasks [82233] (82233) Ernährungsberatung - Spezialist
82243 [82243] (82243) Quality assurance representative in the health care system-highly complex tasks [82243] (82243) Qualitätsbeauft.Gesundheitsw.-Spezialist
82283 [82283] (82283) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [82283] (82283) Ernähr.,Gesundheitsber.(ssT)-Spezialist
82284 [82284] (82284) Occupations providing nutritional advice or health counselling, and occupations in wellness (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [82284] (82284) Ernähr., Gesundheitsberat.(ssT)-Experte
82311 [82311] (82311) Occupations in hairdressing-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [82311] (82311) Friseurgewerbe - Helfer
82312 [82312] (82312) Occupations in hairdressing-skilled tasks [82312] (82312) Friseurgewerbe - Fachkraft
82322 [82322] (82322) Occupations in cosmetics-skilled tasks [82322] (82322) Kosmetik - Fachkraft
82332 [82332] (82332) Tattooists and piercers-skilled tasks [82332] (82332) Tätowierer, Piercer - Fachkraft
82342 [82342] (82342) Make-up artists-skilled tasks [82342] (82342) Maskenbildnerei - Fachkraft
82343 [82343] (82343) Make-up artists-complex tasks [82343] (82343) Maskenbildnerei - Spezialist
82393 [82393] (82393) Supervisors in body care [82393] (82393) Aufsicht - Körperpflege
82402 [82402] (82402) Occupations in funeral services-skilled tasks [82402] (82402) Bestattungswesen - Fachkraft
82403 [82403] (82403) Occupations in funeral services-complex tasks [82403] (82403) Bestattungswesen - Spezialist
82493 [82493] (82493) Supervisors in funeral services [82493] (82493) Aufsicht - Bestattungswesen
82494 [82494] (82494) Managers in funeral services [82494] (82494) Führung - Bestattungswesen
82502 [82502] (82502) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [82502] (82502) Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
82503 [82503] (82503) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation)-complex tasks [82503] (82503) Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
82504 [82504] (82504) Technical occupations in medicine (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [82504] (82504) Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Experte
82512 [82512] (82512) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation-skilled tasks [82512] (82512) Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik - Fachkraft
82513 [82513] (82513) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation-complex tasks [82513] (82513) Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik - Spezialist
82514 [82514] (82514) Technical occupations in orthopaedic and rehabilitation-highly complex tasks [82514] (82514) Orthopädie-, Rehatechnik - Experte
82522 [82522] (82522) Occupations in ophthalmic optics-skilled tasks [82522] (82522) Augenoptik - Fachkraft
82523 [82523] (82523) Occupations in ophthalmic optics-complex tasks [82523] (82523) Augenoptik - Spezialist
82524 [82524] (82524) Occupations in ophthalmic optics-highly complex tasks [82524] (82524) Augenoptik - Experte
82532 [82532] (82532) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics-skilled tasks [82532] (82532) Hörgeräteakustik - Fachkraft
82533 [82533] (82533) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics-complex tasks [82533] (82533) Hörgeräteakustik - Spezialist
82534 [82534] (82534) Occupations in hearing-aid acoustics-highly complex tasks [82534] (82534) Hörgeräteakustik - Experte
82542 [82542] (82542) Technical occupations in prosthetic dentistry-skilled tasks [82542] (82542) Zahntechnik - Fachkraft
82593 [82593] (82593) Supervisors in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology [82593] (82593) Aufsicht-Medizin-Orthopädie-,Rehatechnik
82594 [82594] (82594) Managers in medicine, orthopaedic and rehabilitation technology [82594] (82594) Führung-Medizin-Orthopädie-,Rehatechnik
83111 [83111] (83111) Occupations in child care and child-rearing-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [83111] (83111) Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung - Helfer
83112 [83112] (83112) Occupations in child care and child-rearing-skilled tasks [83112] (83112) Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung - Fachkraft
83123 [83123] (83123) Occupations in social work and social pedagogics-complex tasks [83123] (83123) Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik-Spezialist
83124 [83124] (83124) Occupations in social work and social pedagogics-highly complex tasks [83124] (83124) Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik - Experte
83131 [83131] (83131) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [83131] (83131) Heilerziehungspflege, Sonderpäd. -Helfer
83132 [83132] (83132) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-skilled tasks [83132] (83132) Heilerziehungspflege,Sonderpäd-Fachkraft
83133 [83133] (83133) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-complex tasks [83133] (83133) Heilerziehungspfl.,Sonderpäd.-Spezialist
83134 [83134] (83134) Pedagogic specialists in social care work and special needs education-highly complex tasks [83134] (83134) Heilerziehungspflege,Sonderpäd.-Experte
83142 [83142] (83142) Social care workers specialized in household assistance and family care-skilled tasks [83142] (83142) Haus- und Familienpflege - Fachkraft
83143 [83143] (83143) Social care workers specialized in household assistance and family care-complex tasks [83143] (83143) Haus- und Familienpflege - Spezialist
83154 [83154] (83154) Occupations in social, educational and addiction counselling-highly complex tasks [83154] (83154) Sozial-,Erziehungs-, Suchtberat.-Experte
83193 [83193] (83193) Supervisors in education and social work, and of pedagogic specialists in social care work [83193] (83193) Aufsicht-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit,Heilerz.
83194 [83194] (83194) Managers in education and social work, and of pedagogic specialists in social care work [83194] (83194) Führung-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit,Heilerz.
83211 [83211] (83211) Occupations in housekeeping-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [83211] (83211) Hauswirtschaft - Helfer
83212 [83212] (83212) Occupations in housekeeping-skilled tasks [83212] (83212) Hauswirtschaft - Fachkraft
83213 [83213] (83213) Occupations in housekeeping-complex tasks [83213] (83213) Hauswirtschaft - Spezialist
83223 [83223] (83223) Occupations in consumer counselling-highly complex tasks [83223] (83223) Verbraucherberatung - Spezialist
83293 [83293] (83293) Supervisors in housekeeping and consumer counselling [83293] (83293) Aufsicht-Hauswirtschaft,Verbraucherber.
83314 [83314] (83314) Occupations in theology-highly complex tasks [83314] (83314) Theologie - Experte
83322 [83322] (83322) Occupations in church community work-skilled tasks [83322] (83322) Gemeindearbeit - Fachkraft
83323 [83323] (83323) Occupations in church community work-complex tasks [83323] (83323) Gemeindearbeit - Spezialist
83332 [83332] (83332) Members of religious orders-skilled tasks [83332] (83332) Angeh.geistl.Orden,Mutterhäus.-Fachkraft
83333 [83333] (83333) Members of religious orders-complex tasks [83333] (83333) Angeh.geistl.Orden, Mutterh.-Spezialist
83382 [83382] (83382) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [83382] (83382) Theologie,Gemeindearbeit (ssT)-Fachkraft
83383 [83383] (83383) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [83383] (83383) Theologie,Gemeindearbeit(ssT)-Spezialist
83384 [83384] (83384) Occupations in theology and church community work (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [83384] (83384) Theologie, Gemeindearbeit (ssT)-Experte
83394 [83394] (83394) Managers in theology and church community work [83394] (83394) Führung - Theologie und Gemeindearbeit
84114 [84114] (84114) Teachers in primary education-highly complex tasks [84114] (84114) Lehrkräfte in der Primarstufe - Experte
84124 [84124] (84124) Teachers in secondary education-highly complex tasks [84124] (84124) Lehrkräfte in d. Sekundarstufe - Experte
84134 [84134] (84134) Teachers in schools for special needs education-highly complex tasks [84134] (84134) Lehrkräfte an Sonderschulen - Experte
84144 [84144] (84144) Occupations in teacher training-highly complex tasks [84144] (84144) Lehrerausbildung - Experte
84183 [84183] (84183) Teachers in schools of general education (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [84183] (84183) Lehrkräfte allg. Schule (ssT)-Spezialist
84184 [84184] (84184) Teachers in schools of general education (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [84184] (84184) Lehrkräfte allg. Schule (ssT)-Experte
84194 [84194] (84194) Managers in schools of general education [84194] (84194) Führung - Allgemeinbildende Schulen
84213 [84213] (84213) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools-complex tasks [84213] (84213) Lehrkräfte berufsbild. Fächer-Spezialist
84214 [84214] (84214) Teachers for occupation-specific subjects at vocational schools-highly complex tasks [84214] (84214) Lehrkräfte berufsbildende Fächer-Experte
84223 [84223] (84223) In-company instructors in vocational training-complex tasks [84223] (84223) Betriebl.Ausbild., Berufspäd.-Spezialist
84224 [84224] (84224) In-company instructors in vocational training-highly complex tasks [84224] (84224) Betriebl. Ausbild., Berufspäd.-Experte
84294 [84294] (84294) Managers in vocational schools and in-company training of apprentices [84294] (84294) Führung - BBS, betriebl.Ausb., Betr.päd.
84304 [84304] (84304) Teachers and researcher at universities and colleges-highly complex tasks [84304] (84304) Hochschullehre und -forschung - Experte
84394 [84394] (84394) Managers at universities and colleges [84394] (84394) Führung - Hochschullehre und -forschung
84404 [84404] (84404) Teachers in adult education (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [84404] (84404) Erwachsenenbildung (o.S.) - Experte
84412 [84412] (84412) Occupations in music education-skilled tasks [84412] (84412) Musikpädagogik - Fachkraft
84413 [84413] (84413) Occupations in music education-complex tasks [84413] (84413) Musikpädagogik - Spezialist
84414 [84414] (84414) Occupations in music education-highly complex tasks [84414] (84414) Musikpädagogik - Experte
84424 [84424] (84424) Occupations in religious education-highly complex tasks [84424] (84424) Religionspädagogik - Experte
84434 [84434] (84434) Occupations in art and theatre education-highly complex tasks [84434] (84434) Kunst-, Theaterpädagogik - Experte
84444 [84444] (84444) Occupations in IT-application training-highly complex tasks [84444] (84444) IT-Anwendungstraining - Experte
84454 [84454] (84454) (Foreign) Language teachers-highly complex tasks [84454] (84454) (Fremd-)Sprachenlehrer/innen - Experte
84483 [84483] (84483) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified except driving, flying and sports instructors)-complex tasks [84483] (84483) Lehrkr.außerschul.Bild.(ssT)-Spezialist
84484 [84484] (84484) Teachers at educational institutions other than schools (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified except driving, flying and sports instructors)-highly complex tasks [84484] (84484) Lehrkr. außerschul.Bild.(ssT)-Experte
84494 [84494] (84494) Managers at educational institutions other than schools [84494] (84494) Führung-Außerschul.Bildungseinrichtungen
84503 [84503] (84503) Sports instructors (without specialisation)-complex tasks [84503] (84503) Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) - Spezialist
84504 [84504] (84504) Sports instructors (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [84504] (84504) Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) - Experte
84513 [84513] (84513) Driving instructors-complex tasks [84513] (84513) Fahrlehrer/innen - Spezialist
84523 [84523] (84523) Flying instructors-complex tasks [84523] (84523) Fluglehrer/innen - Spezialist
84533 [84533] (84533) Dance instructors-complex tasks [84533] (84533) Tanzlehrer/innen - Spezialist
84543 [84543] (84543) Coaches in ball sports-complex tasks [84543] (84543) Trainer - Ballsportarten - Spezialist
84553 [84553] (84553) Trainer in fitness and gymnastics-complex tasks [84553] (84553) Trainer - Fitness,Gymnastik - Spezialist
84583 [84583] (84583) Sports instructors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [84583] (84583) Sportlehrer/innen (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
91104 [91104] (91104) Occupations in philology (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [91104] (91104) Sprach-, Literaturwissen.(oS) - Experte
91114 [91114] (91114) Occupations in German philology-highly complex tasks [91114] (91114) Germanistik - Experte
91124 [91124] (91124) Occupations in English and American philology-highly complex tasks [91124] (91124) Anglistik, Amerikanistik - Experte
91134 [91134] (91134) Occupations in Romance philology-highly complex tasks [91134] (91134) Romanistik - Experte
91144 [91144] (91144) Occupations in Slavic philology-highly complex tasks [91144] (91144) Slawistik, verwandte Bereiche - Experte
91154 [91154] (91154) Occupations in Arabic and Oriental philology-highly complex tasks [91154] (91154) Arabistik, Orientalistik - Experte
91164 [91164] (91164) Occupations in Asian philology-highly complex tasks [91164] (91164) Sprach-,Literaturwis. asiat.Raum-Experte
91174 [91174] (91174) Occupations in Classics-highly complex tasks [91174] (91174) Altphilologie - Experte
91184 [91184] (91184) Occupations in philology (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [91184] (91184) Sprach-,Literaturwissensch.(ssT)-Experte
91214 [91214] (91214) Occupations in philosophy, religion and ethics-highly complex tasks [91214] (91214) Philosophie, Religion, Ethik - Experte
91224 [91224] (91224) Occupations in history-highly complex tasks [91224] (91224) Geschichtswissenschaften - Experte
91233 [91233] (91233) Occupations in archaeology-complex tasks [91233] (91233) Archäologie - Spezialist
91234 [91234] (91234) Occupations in archaeology-highly complex tasks [91234] (91234) Archäologie - Experte
91244 [91244] (91244) Occupations in media science and theatre studies-highly complex tasks [91244] (91244) Medien-, Theaterwissenschaft - Experte
91254 [91254] (91254) Occupations in regional science-highly complex tasks [91254] (91254) Regionalwissenschaft - Experte
91264 [91264] (91264) Occupations in anthropology and ethnology-highly complex tasks [91264] (91264) Anthropologie, Ethnologie - Experte
91314 [91314] (91314) Occupations in political science-highly complex tasks [91314] (91314) Politologie - Experte
91324 [91324] (91324) Occupations in sociology-highly complex tasks [91324] (91324) Soziologie - Experte
91334 [91334] (91334) Occupations in pedagogy-highly complex tasks [91334] (91334) Erziehungswissenschaft - Experte
91341 [91341] (91341) Occupations in market and opinion research-unskilled/semiskilled tasks [91341] (91341) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Helfer
91342 [91342] (91342) Occupations in market and opinion research-skilled tasks [91342] (91342) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Fachkraft
91343 [91343] (91343) Occupations in market and opinion research-complex tasks [91343] (91343) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Spezialist
91344 [91344] (91344) Occupations in market and opinion research-highly complex tasks [91344] (91344) Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Experte
91354 [91354] (91354) Occupations in demography-highly complex tasks [91354] (91354) Demografie - Experte
91384 [91384] (91384) Occupations in the social sciences (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [91384] (91384) Gesellschaftswissenschaften(ssT)-Experte
91404 [91404] (91404) Occupations in economics (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [91404] (91404) Wirtschaftswissenschaften (oS) - Experte
91484 [91484] (91484) Occupations in economics (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [91484] (91484) Wirtschaftswissenschaften(ssT) - Experte
92112 [92112] (92112) Occupations in advertising and marketing-skilled tasks [92112] (92112) Werbung und Marketing - Fachkraft
92113 [92113] (92113) Occupations in advertising and marketing-complex tasks [92113] (92113) Werbung und Marketing - Spezialist
92114 [92114] (92114) Occupations in advertising and marketing-highly complex tasks [92114] (92114) Werbung und Marketing - Experte
92122 [92122] (92122) Occupations in dialog marketing-skilled tasks [92122] (92122) Dialogmarketing - Fachkraft
92123 [92123] (92123) Occupations in dialog marketing-complex tasks [92123] (92123) Dialogmarketing - Spezialist
92133 [92133] (92133) Occupations in customer management-highly complex tasks [92133] (92133) Kundenmanagement - Spezialist
92194 [92194] (92194) Managers in advertising and marketing [92194] (92194) Führung - Werbung und Marketing
92203 [92203] (92203) Occupations in public relations-complex tasks [92203] (92203) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Spezialist
92204 [92204] (92204) Occupations in public relations-highly complex tasks [92204] (92204) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Experte
92294 [92294] (92294) Managers in public relations [92294] (92294) Führung - Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
92302 [92302] (92302) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [92302] (92302) Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(oS) - Fachkraft
92303 [92303] (92303) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation)-complex tasks [92303] (92303) Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(oS) -Spezialist
92304 [92304] (92304) Occupations in publishing and media management (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [92304] (92304) Verlags-, Medienkaufleute (oS) - Experte
92382 [92382] (92382) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields)-skilled tasks [92382] (92382) Verlags-, Medienkaufleute(ssT)-Fachkraft
92383 [92383] (92383) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields)-complex tasks [92383] (92383) Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(ssT)-Spezialist
92384 [92384] (92384) Occupations in publishing and media management (other specifc fields)-highly complex tasks [92384] (92384) Verlags-, Medienkaufleute (ssT) -Experte
92394 [92394] (92394) Managers in publishing and media management [92394] (92394) Führung - Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft
92412 [92412] (92412) Editors and journalists-skilled tasks [92412] (92412) Redakteure, Journalisten - Fachkraft
92413 [92413] (92413) Editors and journalists-complex tasks [92413] (92413) Redakteure, Journalisten - Spezialist
92414 [92414] (92414) Editors and journalists-highly complex tasks [92414] (92414) Redakteure, Journalisten - Experte
92424 [92424] (92424) Copy editors-highly complex tasks [92424] (92424) Lektoren/innen - Experte
92434 [92434] (92434) Authors and writers-highly complex tasks [92434] (92434) Autoren, Schriftsteller - Experte
92494 [92494] (92494) Managers in editorial work and journalism [92494] (92494) Führung - Redaktion und Journalismus
93102 [93102] (93102) Occupations in product and industrial design-skilled tasks [93102] (93102) Produkt-, Industriedesign - Fachkraft
93103 [93103] (93103) Occupations in product and industrial design-complex tasks [93103] (93103) Produkt-, Industriedesign - Spezialist
93104 [93104] (93104) Occupations in product and industrial design-highly complex tasks [93104] (93104) Produkt-, Industriedesign - Experte
93212 [93212] (93212) Occupations in interior design-skilled tasks [93212] (93212) Innenarchitektur - Fachkraft
93213 [93213] (93213) Occupations in interior design-complex tasks [93213] (93213) Innenarchitektur - Spezialist
93214 [93214] (93214) Occupations in interior design-highly complex tasks [93214] (93214) Innenarchitektur - Experte
93222 [93222] (93222) Occupations in visual marketing-skilled tasks [93222] (93222) Visuelles Marketing - Fachkraft
93223 [93223] (93223) Occupations in visual marketing-complex tasks [93223] (93223) Visuelles Marketing - Spezialist
93232 [93232] (93232) Occupations in interior decoration-skilled tasks [93232] (93232) Raumausstattung - Fachkraft
93233 [93233] (93233) Occupations in interior decoration-complex tasks [93233] (93233) Raumausstattung - Spezialist
93293 [93293] (93293) Supervisors in interior design, visual marketing, and interior decoration [93293] (93293) Aufsicht-Innenarchitektur,Raumausstatt.
93302 [93302] (93302) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [93302] (93302) Kunsthandw., bild.Kunst (oS) - Fachkraft
93303 [93303] (93303) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation)-complex tasks [93303] (93303) Kunsthandwerk,bild.Kunst (oS)-Spezialist
93304 [93304] (93304) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [93304] (93304) Kunsthandwerk, bild. Kunst (oS)-Experte
93312 [93312] (93312) Occupations in sculpting-skilled tasks [93312] (93312) Bildhauerei - Fachkraft
93313 [93313] (93313) Occupations in sculpting-complex tasks [93313] (93313) Bildhauerei - Spezialist
93323 [93323] (93323) Painters and illustrators-highly complex tasks [93323] (93323) Kunstmaler, Zeichner - Spezialist
93332 [93332] (93332) Occupations in turnery and toy manufacture-skilled tasks [93332] (93332) Drechslerei,Spielzeugherstell.-Fachkraft
93333 [93333] (93333) Occupations in turnery and toy manufacture-complex tasks [93333] (93333) Drechslerei, Spielzeugherst.-Spezialist
93342 [93342] (93342) Gilders-skilled tasks [93342] (93342) Vergolderhandwerk - Fachkraft
93343 [93343] (93343) Gilders-complex tasks [93343] (93343) Vergolderhandwerk - Spezialist
93352 [93352] (93352) Chandlers-skilled tasks [93352] (93352) Wachszieherei - Fachkraft
93382 [93382] (93382) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [93382] (93382) Kunsthandwerk, bild.Kunst(ssT)-Fachkraft
93383 [93383] (93383) Occupations in artisan craftwork and fine arts (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [93383] (93383) Kunsthandwerk,bild.Kunst(ssT)-Spezialist
93393 [93393] (93393) Supervisors in artisan craftwork and fine arts [93393] (93393) Aufsicht - Kunsthandwerk,bildende Kunst
93412 [93412] (93412) Artisans designing ceramics-skilled tasks [93412] (93412) Kunsthandw. Keramikgestaltung-Fachkraft
93413 [93413] (93413) Artisans designing ceramics-complex tasks [93413] (93413) Kunsthandw. Keramikgestaltung-Spezialist
93422 [93422] (93422) Artisans painting glassware, ceramics and porcelain-skilled tasks [93422] (93422) KunsthandGlasKeramPorzellanmal-Fachkraft
93432 [93432] (93432) Artisans working in glass blowing-skilled tasks [93432] (93432) Kunsthandwerkl. Glasbläserei - Fachkraft
93433 [93433] (93433) Artisans working in glass blowing-complex tasks [93433] (93433) Kunsthandwerkl. Glasbläserei-Spezialist
93493 [93493] (93493) Supervisors in artisan craftwork using ceramics and glassware [93493] (93493) Aufsicht-Kunsthandw.Keramik,Glasgestalt.
93512 [93512] (93512) Artisans working with metal-skilled tasks [93512] (93512) Kunsthandw. Metallgestaltung - Fachkraft
93513 [93513] (93513) Artisans working with metal-complex tasks [93513] (93513) Kunsthandw. Metallgestaltung-Spezialist
93522 [93522] (93522) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals-skilled tasks [93522] (93522) Kunsth.Schmuckher.Edelsteinbe.-Fachkraft
93523 [93523] (93523) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals-complex tasks [93523] (93523) Kunsth.SchmuckherEdelsteinbe.-Spezialist
93524 [93524] (93524) Artisans producing jewellery or working with precious stones and metals-highly complex tasks [93524] (93524) Kunsth.Schmuckher.Edelsteinbear.-Experte
93532 [93532] (93532) Engravers-skilled tasks [93532] (93532) Gravur - Fachkraft
93542 [93542] (93542) Producers of advertising signs and illuminated advertisements-skilled tasks [93542] (93542) Schilder-,Lichtreklameherst. - Fachkraft
93593 [93593] (93593) Supervisors of artisans working with metal [93593] (93593) Aufsicht-Kunsthandwerkl.Metallgestaltung
93602 [93602] (93602) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [93602] (93602) Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
93603 [93603] (93603) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation)-complex tasks [93603] (93603) Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
93604 [93604] (93604) Occupations in musical instrument making (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [93604] (93604) Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Experte
93612 [93612] (93612) Occupations making bowed and plucked string instruments-skilled tasks [93612] (93612) Streich-,Zupfinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft
93613 [93613] (93613) Occupations making bowed and plucked string instruments-complex tasks [93613] (93613) Streich-,Zupfinstrumentenbau-Spezialist
93622 [93622] (93622) Occupations making woodwind instruments-skilled tasks [93622] (93622) Holzblasinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft
93623 [93623] (93623) Occupations making woodwind instruments-complex tasks [93623] (93623) Holzblasinstrumentenbau - Spezialist
93632 [93632] (93632) Occupations making brass instruments-skilled tasks [93632] (93632) Metallblasinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft
93633 [93633] (93633) Occupations making brass instruments-complex tasks [93633] (93633) Metallblasinstrumentenbau - Spezialist
93642 [93642] (93642) Occupations making pianos and harpsichords-skilled tasks [93642] (93642) Klavier- und Cembalobau - Fachkraft
93643 [93643] (93643) Occupations making pianos and harpsichords-complex tasks [93643] (93643) Klavier- und Cembalobau - Spezialist
93652 [93652] (93652) Occupations making organs and harmoniums-skilled tasks [93652] (93652) Orgel- und Harmoniumbau - Fachkraft
93653 [93653] (93653) Occupations making organs and harmoniums-complex tasks [93653] (93653) Orgel- und Harmoniumbau - Spezialist
93682 [93682] (93682) Occupations in musical instrument making (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [93682] (93682) Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)-Fachkraft
93683 [93683] (93683) Occupations in musical instrument making (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [93683] (93683) Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)-Spezialist
93693 [93693] (93693) Supervisors in musical instrument making [93693] (93693) Aufsicht - Musikinstrumentenbau
94114 [94114] (94114) Musicians-highly complex tasks [94114] (94114) Musiker/innen - Experte
94124 [94124] (94124) Singers-highly complex tasks [94124] (94124) Sänger/innen - Experte
94134 [94134] (94134) Conductors-highly complex tasks [94134] (94134) Dirigenten/Dirigentinnen - Experte
94144 [94144] (94144) Composers-highly complex tasks [94144] (94144) Komponisten/Komponistinnen - Experte
94183 [94183] (94183) Musicians, singers and conductors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [94183] (94183) MusikGesangDirigententät(ssT)-Spezialist
94184 [94184] (94184) Musicians, singers and conductors (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [94184] (94184) MusikGesangs,Dirigententät.(ssT)-Experte
94214 [94214] (94214) Actors-highly complex tasks [94214] (94214) Schauspieler/innen - Experte
94224 [94224] (94224) Dancers and choreographers-highly complex tasks [94224] (94224) Tänzer, Choreografen - Experte
94232 [94232] (94232) Models-skilled tasks [94232] (94232) MannequinDressmen,sonst.Models-Fachkraft
94243 [94243] (94243) Athletes and professional sportspersons-complex tasks [94243] (94243) Athleten, Berufssportler - Spezialist
94252 [94252] (94252) Occupations in personal escort services-skilled tasks [94252] (94252) Personenbezog.Dienstleistungen-Fachkraft
94283 [94283] (94283) Occupations in acting, dancing, athletics and related occupations (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [94283] (94283) SchauspielTanzBewegungsk(ssT)-Spezialist
94303 [94303] (94303) Presenters and entertainers (without specialisation)-complex tasks [94303] (94303) Moderation,Unterhaltung (oS) -Spezialist
94313 [94313] (94313) Comedians and cabaret artists-complex tasks [94313] (94313) Komiker, Kabarettisten - Spezialist
94323 [94323] (94323) Magicians and illusionists-complex tasks [94323] (94323) Zauberer, Illusionisten - Spezialist
94334 [94334] (94334) Radio and television presenters-highly complex tasks [94334] (94334) Hörfunk-, Fernsehmoderatoren - Experte
94342 [94342] (94342) Occupations in gambling and betting-skilled tasks [94342] (94342) Glücks- und Wettspiel - Fachkraft
94383 [94383] (94383) Occupations in presentation and entertainment (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [94383] (94383) Moderation,Unterhaltung(ssT) -Spezialist
94402 [94402] (94402) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation)-skilled tasks [94402] (94402) Theater-Film-,Fernsehprod.(oS)-Fachkraft
94403 [94403] (94403) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation)-complex tasks [94403] (94403) Theater-Film,Fernsehprod.(oS)-Spezialist
94404 [94404] (94404) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [94404] (94404) Theater-,Film-, Fernsehprod.(oS)-Experte
94413 [94413] (94413) Occupations in managing theatre, film and television productions-complex tasks [94413] (94413) Regie - Spezialist
94414 [94414] (94414) Occupations managing theatre, film and television productions-highly complex tasks [94414] (94414) Regie - Experte
94482 [94482] (94482) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [94482] (94482) Theater-Film,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Fachkraft
94483 [94483] (94483) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-complex tasks [94483] (94483) TheaterFilm,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Spezialist
94484 [94484] (94484) Occupations in theatre, film and television productions (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-highly complex tasks [94484] (94484) Theater-Film-,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Experte
94493 [94493] (94493) Supervisors in theatre, film and television productions [94493] (94493) Aufsicht-Theater-Film-,Fernsehproduktion
94494 [94494] (94494) Managers in theatre, film and television productions [94494] (94494) Führung-Theater-,Film-,Fernsehproduktion
94512 [94512] (94512) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft-skilled tasks [94512] (94512) Veranstaltungs-, Bühnentechnik-Fachkraft
94513 [94513] (94513) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft-complex tasks [94513] (94513) Veranstaltungs-,Bühnentechnik-Spezialist
94514 [94514] (94514) Technical occupation in event technology and stagecraft-highly complex tasks [94514] (94514) Veranstaltungs-, Bühnentechnik - Experte
94522 [94522] (94522) Cinematographers, camera assistants, and projectionists-skilled tasks [94522] (94522) Kameratechnik - Fachkraft
94523 [94523] (94523) Cinematographers, camera assistants, and projectionists-complex tasks [94523] (94523) Kameratechnik - Spezialist
94532 [94532] (94532) Technical occupations in video and sound production-skilled tasks [94532] (94532) Bild- und Tontechnik - Fachkraft
94533 [94533] (94533) Technical occupations in video and sound production-complex tasks [94533] (94533) Bild- und Tontechnik - Spezialist
94534 [94534] (94534) Technical occupations in video and sound production-highly complex tasks [94534] (94534) Bild- und Tontechnik - Experte
94582 [94582] (94582) Occupations in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering (with specialisation, not elsewhere classified)-skilled tasks [94582] (94582) Veranstalt.-Kamera-,Tont.(ssT)-Fachkraft
94593 [94593] (94593) Supervisors in event technology, cinematography, and sound engineering [94593] (94593) Aufsicht-Veranstaltungs-Kamera-,Tontech.
94612 [94612] (94612) Stage and costume designers-skilled tasks [94612] (94612) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei - Fachkraft
94613 [94613] (94613) Stage and costume designers-complex tasks [94613] (94613) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei - Spezialist
94614 [94614] (94614) Stage and costume designers-highly complex tasks [94614] (94614) Bühnen- und Kostümbildnerei - Experte
94622 [94622] (94622) Prop designers-skilled tasks [94622] (94622) Requisite - Fachkraft
94623 [94623] (94623) Prop designers-complex tasks [94623] (94623) Requisite - Spezialist
94693 [94693] (94693) Supervisors in stage, costume and prop design [94693] (94693) Aufsicht-Bühnen-,Kostümbildn.,Requisite
94704 [94704] (94704) Occupations in museums (without specialisation)-highly complex tasks [94704] (94704) Museum (o.S.) - Experte
94712 [94712] (94712) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions-skilled tasks [94712] (94712) Museums-,Ausstellungstechnik - Fachkraft
94713 [94713] (94713) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions-complex tasks [94713] (94713) Museums-,Ausstellungstechnik-Spezialist
94714 [94714] (94714) Technical occupations in museums and exhibitions-highly complex tasks [94714] (94714) Museums-, Ausstellungstechnik - Experte
94724 [94724] (94724) Art experts-highly complex tasks [94724] (94724) Kunstsachverständige - Experte
94794 [94794] (94794) Managers in museum [94794] (94794) Führung - Museum
-1 [-1] No answer / don’t know [-1] keine Angabe/weiß nicht
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Implausible value [-3] unplausibler Wert
-4 [-4] Inadmissable multiple response [-4] unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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No concept available.

: [de] 2. Nebentätigkeit (KldB 2010, roh)

: 2. Nebentätigkeit (KldB 2010, roh)

blp – Data from individual questionnaires 2021



: 2021

: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
valid 0
invalid 20401

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)