
en de
1104 [1104] Officer [1104] Offiziere
1203 [1203] Senior Non-Commissioned Officers and Higher [1203] Unteroffiziere mit Portepee
1302 [1302] Junior Non-Commissioned Officers [1302] Unteroffiziere ohne Portepee
1402 [1402] Armed Forces Personnel in Other Ranks [1402] Angeh. regulaere Streitkraefte sonst.Raenge
11101 [11101] Occupations in Farming (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [11101] Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Helfer
11102 [11102] Occupations in Farming (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [11102] Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11103 [11103] Occupations in Farming (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [11103] Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Spezialist
11104 [11104] Occupations in Farming (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [11104] Landwirtschaft (o.S.) - Experte
11113 [11113] Technical Occup. in Farming-Complex Tasks [11113] Landtechnik - Spezialist
11114 [11114] Technical Occup. in Farming-Highly Complex Tasks [11114] Landtechnik - Experte
11123 [11123] Agricultural Experts-Complex Tasks [11123] Landwirtsch.Sachverstaendige - Spezialist
11124 [11124] Agricultural Experts-High Complex Tasks [11124] Landwirtschaftl. Sachverstaendige-Experte
11132 [11132] Technical Laboratory Occup. in Agriculture-Skilled Tasks [11132] Landwirtsch.-tech.Laboratorium-Fachkraft
11133 [11133] Technical Laboratory Occup. in Agriculture-Complex Tasks [11133] Landwirtsch.-tech.Laborat.-Spezialist
11182 [11182] Occupations in Farming (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [11182] Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
11183 [11183] Occupations in Farming (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [11183] Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
11184 [11184] Occupations in Farming (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [11184] Landwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Experte
11193 [11193] Supervisors in Farming [11193] Aufsicht - Landwirtschaft
11194 [11194] Managers in Farming [11194] Fuehrung - Landwirtschaft
11211 [11211] Occupations in Livestock Farming (without Poultry Farming)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [11211] Nutztierhaltung - Helfer
11212 [11212] Occupations in Livestock Farming (without Poultry Farming)-Skilled Tasks [11212] Nutztierhaltung - Fachkraft
11213 [11213] Occupations in Livestock Farming (without Poultry Farming)-Complex Tasks [11213] Nutztierhaltung - Spezialist
11214 [11214] Occupations in Livestock Farming (without Poultry Farming)-Highly Complex Tasks [11214] Nutztierhaltung - Experte
11222 [11222] Occupations in Poultry Farming-Skilled Tasks [11222] Gefluegelhaltung - Fachkraft
11223 [11223] Occupations in Poultry Farming-Complex Tasks [11223] Gefluegelhaltung - Spezialist
11232 [11232] Occupations in Beekeeping-Skilled Tasks [11232] Imkerei - Fachkraft
11233 [11233] Occupations in Beekeeping-Complex Tasks [11233] Imkerei - Spezialist
11282 [11282] Occupations in Animal Husbandry (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [11282] Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
11283 [11283] Occupations in Animal Husbandry (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [11283] Tierwirtschaft (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
11293 [11293] Supervisors in Animal Husbandry [11293] Aufsicht - Tierwirtschaft
11294 [11294] Managers in Animal Husbandry [11294] Fuehrung - Tierwirtschaft
11302 [11302] Occupations in Horsekeeping (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [11302] Pferdewirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11312 [11312] Occupations in Horse Breeding-Skilled Tasks [11312] Pferdewirtschaft-Pferdezucht - Fachkraft
11322 [11322] Occupations in Horsekeeping: Riding-Skilled Tasks [11322] Pferdewirtschaft-Reiten - Fachkraft
11333 [11333] Farrier-Complex Tasks [11333] Hufbeschlagschmiede/innen - Spezialist
11342 [11342] Coachman-Skilled Tasks [11342] Kutscher/innen - Fachkraft
11393 [11393] Supervisors in Horsekeeping [11393] Aufsicht - Pferdewirtschaft
11394 [11394] Managers in Horsekeeping [11394] Fuehrung - Pferdewirtschaft
11401 [11401] Occupations in Fishing (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [11401] Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) - Helfer
11402 [11402] Occupations in Fishing (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [11402] Fischwirtschaft (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11412 [11412] Occupations in Fish Farming-Skilled Tasks [11412] Fischzucht - Fachkraft
11422 [11422] Occupations in Fishery-Skilled Tasks [11422] Fischerei - Fachkraft
11423 [11423] Occupations in Fishery-Complex Tasks [11423] Fischerei - Spezialist
11424 [11424] Occupations in Fishery-Highly Complex Tasks [11424] Fischerei - Experte
11493 [11493] Supervisors in Fishing [11493] Aufsicht - Fischwirtschaft
11494 [11494] Managers in Fishing [11494] Fuehrung - Fischwirtschaft
11501 [11501] Occupations in Animal Care (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [11501] Tierpflege (o.S.) - Helfer
11502 [11502] Occupations in Animal Care (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [11502] Tierpflege (o.S.) - Fachkraft
11512 [11512] Occupations in Livestock Care-Skilled Tasks [11512] Nutztierpflege - Fachkraft
11522 [11522] Occupations in Pet and Zoo Animal Care-Skilled Tasks [11522] Haus-, Zootierpflege - Fachkraft
11582 [11582] Occupations in Animal Care (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [11582] Tierpflege (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
11593 [11593] Supervisors in Animal Care [11593] Aufsicht - Tierpflege
11594 [11594] Managers in Animal Care [11594] Fuehrung - Tierpflege
11602 [11602] Occupations in Vini- and Viticulture-Skilled Tasks [11602] Weinbau - Fachkraft
11603 [11603] Occupations in Vini- and Viticulture-Complex Tasks [11603] Weinbau - Spezialist
11604 [11604] Occupations in Vini- and Viticulture-Highly Complex Tasks [11604] Weinbau - Experte
11693 [11693] Supervisors in Vini- and Viticulture [11693] Aufsicht - Weinbau
11694 [11694] Managers in Vini- and Viticulture [11694] Fuehrung - Weinbau
11711 [11711] Occupations in Forestry-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [11711] Forstwirtschaft - Helfer
11712 [11712] Occupations in Forestry-Skilled Tasks [11712] Forstwirtschaft - Fachkraft
11713 [11713] Occupations in Forestry-Complex Tasks [11713] Forstwirtschaft - Spezialist
11714 [11714] Occupations in Forestry-Highly Complex Tasks [11714] Forstwirtschaft - Experte
11722 [11722] Occupations in Landscape Preservation-Skilled Tasks [11722] Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Fachkraft
11723 [11723] Occupations in Landscape Preservation-Complex Tasks [11723] Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Spezialist
11724 [11724] Occupations in Landscape Preservation-Highly Complex Tasks [11724] Natur-, Landschaftspflege - Experte
11732 [11732] Occupations in Hunting and Gamekeeping-Skilled Tasks [11732] Jagdwirtschaft, Wildhege - Fachkraft
11742 [11742] Picking and Extracting Plants and Other Natural Products-Skilled Tasks [11742] Sammeln von Naturprodukten - Fachkraft
11793 [11793] Supervisors in Forestry, Hunting and Landscape Preservation [11793] Aufsicht - Forst,Jagd, Landschaftspflege
11794 [11794] Managers in Forestry, Hunting and Landscape Preservation [11794] Fuehrung - Forst,Jagd, Landschaftspflege
12101 [12101] Occupations in Gardening (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [12101] Gartenbau (o.S.) - Helfer
12102 [12102] Occupations in Gardening (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [12102] Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
12103 [12103] Occupations in Gardening (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [12103] Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
12104 [12104] Occupations in Gardening (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [12104] Berufe im Gartenbau (o.S.) - Experte
12112 [12112] Occupations in Fruit and Vegetable Farming-Skilled Tasks [12112] Berufe im Obst-, Gemuesebau - Fachkraft
12113 [12113] Occupations in Fruit and Vegetable Farming-Complex Tasks [12113] Berufe im Obst-, Gemuesebau - Spezialist
12122 [12122] Occupations in Tree, Perennial and Ornamental Plants Farming-Skilled Tasks [12122] BaumschuleStauden,Zierpflanzen-Fachkraft
12123 [12123] Occupations in Tree, Perennial and Ornamental Plants Farming-Complex Tasks [12123] BaumschuleStaudenZierpflanzen-Spezialist
12132 [12132] Occupations in Cemetery Gardening-Skilled Tasks [12132] Friedhofsgaertnerei - Fachkraft
12133 [12133] Occupations in Cemetery Gardening-Complex Tasks [12133] Friedhofsgaertnerei - Spezialist
12142 [12142] Occupations in Horticulture, Landscape Gardening, and Sports Field Maintenance-Skilled Tasks [12142] GartenLandschaftsSportplatzb.-Fachkraft
12143 [12143] Occupations in Horticulture, Landscape Gardening, and Sports Field Maintenance-Complex Tasks [12143] GartenLandschaftsSportplatzb.-Spezialist
12144 [12144] Occupations in Horticulture, Landscape Gardening, and Sports Field Maintenance-Highly Complex Tasks [12144] Garten-Landschafts,Sportplatzbau-Experte
12193 [12193] Supervisors in Gardening [12193] Aufsicht - Gartenbau
12194 [12194] Managers in Gardening [12194] Fuehrung - Gartenbau
12202 [12202] Occupations in Floristry-Skilled Tasks [12202] Floristik - Fachkraft
12203 [12203] Occupations in Floristry-Complex Tasks [12203] Floristik - Spezialist
12293 [12293] Supervisors in Floristry [12293] Aufsicht - Floristik
12294 [12294] Managers in Floristry [12294] Fuehrung - Floristik
21111 [21111] Occupations in Underground and Surface Mining-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [21111] Berg- und Tagebau - Helfer
21112 [21112] Occupations in Underground and Surface Mining-Skilled Tasks [21112] Berg- und Tagebau - Fachkraft
21113 [21113] Occupations in Underground and Surface Mining-Complex Tasks [21113] Berg- und Tagebau - Spezialist
21114 [21114] Occupations in Underground and Surface Mining-Highly Complex Tasks [21114] Berg- und Tagebau - Experte
21122 [21122] Occupations in Blasting Engineering-Skilled Tasks [21122] Sprengtechnik - Fachkraft
21123 [21123] Occupations in Blasting Engineering-Complex Tasks [21123] Sprengtechnik - Spezialist
21124 [21124] Occupations in Blasting Engineering-Highly Complex Tasks [21124] Sprengtechnik - Experte
21193 [21193] Supervisors in Underground and Surface Mining and Blasting Engineering [21193] Aufsicht -Berg-,Tagebau, Sprengtechnik
21194 [21194] Managers in Underground and Surface Mining and Blasting Engineering [21194] Fuehrung -Berg-,Tagebau, Sprengtechnik
21201 [21201] Conditioning and Processing of Natural Stone and Minerals, Production of Building Materials (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [21201] Naturstein,Baustoffherstell (o.S)-Helfer
21212 [21212] Conditioning and Processing of Natural Stone and Minerals-Skilled Tasks [21212] Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereit.-Fachkraft
21213 [21213] Conditioning and Processing of Natural Stone and Minerals-Complex Tasks [21213] Naturstein-,Mineralaufbereit.-Spezialist
21222 [21222] Production of Building Materials-Skilled Tasks [21222] Baustoffherstellung - Fachkraft
21223 [21223] Production of Building Materials-Complex Tasks [21223] Baustoffherstellung - Spezialist
21232 [21232] Occupations in Stonemasonry-Skilled Tasks [21232] Steinmetztechnik - Fachkraft
21233 [21233] Occupations in Stonemasonry-Complex Tasks [21233] Steinmetztechnik - Spezialist
21293 [21293] Supervisors in Conditioning and Processing of Natural Stone and Minerals, Production of Building Materials [21293] Aufsicht-Naturstein,Mineral,Baustoffher.
21311 [21311] Occupations in Glass-Making-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [21311] Glasherstellung - Helfer
21312 [21312] Occupations in Glass-Making-Skilled Tasks [21312] Glasherstellung - Fachkraft
21313 [21313] Occupations in Glass-Making-Complex Tasks [21313] Glasherstellung - Spezialist
21322 [21322] Manufacturing of Glass Instruments Engineering-Skilled Tasks [21322] Glasapparatebau - Fachkraft
21323 [21323] Manufacturing of Glass Instruments Engineering-Complex Tasks [21323] Glasapparatebau - Spezialist
21332 [21332] Occupations in Industrial Glassblowing-Skilled Tasks [21332] Industrielle Glasblaeserei - Fachkraft
21342 [21342] Occupations in Glass Finishing-Skilled Tasks [21342] Glasveredelung - Fachkraft
21352 [21352] Occupations in Adjusting of Glass Instruments-Skilled Tasks [21352] Glasapparatejustierung - Fachkraft
21362 [21362] Occupations in Precision Optics-Skilled Tasks [21362] Feinoptik - Fachkraft
21363 [21363] Occupations in Precision Optics-Complex Tasks [21363] Feinoptik - Spezialist
21393 [21393] Supervisors in Industrial Glass-Making and -processing [21393] Aufsicht-Industri.Glasherst.,-verarbeit.
21411 [21411] Occupations in Industrial Process and Plant Engineering For Ceramic Materials-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [21411] Industriekeramik (Verfahren)-Helfer
21412 [21412] Occupations in Industrial Process and Plant Engineering For Ceramic Materials-Skilled Tasks [21412] Industriekeramik (Verfahren)-Fachkraft
21413 [21413] Occupations in Industrial Process and Plant Engineering For Ceramic Materials-Complex Tasks [21413] Industriekeramik(Verfahren)-Spezialist
21422 [21422] Occupations in Industrial Ceramic Model Making-Skilled Tasks [21422] Industriekeramik(Modelltechn.)-Fachkraft
21423 [21423] Occupations in Industrial Ceramic Model Making-Complex Tasks [21423] Industriekeramik(Modelltechn)-Spezialist
21493 [21493] Supervisors in Industrial Ceramic-Making and -processing [21493] Aufsicht-Industrielle Keramikherstellung
22101 [22101] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [22101] Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst. (oS.)-Helfer
22102 [22102] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [22102] Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst(oS)-Fachkraft
22103 [22103] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [22103] Kunststoff-,Kautschukhers(oS)-Spezialist
22104 [22104] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [22104] Kunststoff-,Kautschukherst. (oS)-Experte
22112 [22112] Technical Occup. in Tire Production and Vulcanisation-Skilled Tasks [22112] Reifen-, Vulkanisationstechnik-Fachkraft
22182 [22182] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making and -processing (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [22182] Kunststoff,Kautschukverar(ssT)-Fachkraft
22183 [22183] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making and -processing (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [22183] Kunststoff,Kautschukver.(ssT)-Spezialist
22184 [22184] Occupations in Plastic- and Rubber-Making and -processing (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [22184] Kunststoff,Kautschukverarb.(ssT)-Experte
22193 [22193] Supervisors in Plastic- and Rubber-Making and -processing [22193] Aufsicht-Kunststoff,Kautschukher,verarb.
22201 [22201] Occupations in Colour Coating and Varnishing (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [22201] Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
22202 [22202] Occupations in Colour Coating and Varnishing (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [22202] Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
22203 [22203] Occupations in Colour Coating and Varnishing (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [22203] Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
22204 [22204] Occupations in Colour Coating and Varnishing (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [22204] Farb-, Lacktechnik (o.S.) - Experte
22212 [22212] Vehicle Paintwork-Skilled Tasks [22212] Fahrzeuglackierung - Fachkraft
22222 [22222] Occupations in Varnishing Laboratories-Skilled Tasks [22222] Lacklaboratorium - Fachkraft
22293 [22293] Supervisors in Colour Coating and Varnishing [22293] Aufsicht - Farb-, Lacktechnik
22301 [22301] Occupations in Wood-Working and -processing (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [22301] Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (o.S.) - Helfer
22302 [22302] Occupations in Wood-Working and -processing (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [22302] Holzbe-,-verarbeitung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
22303 [22303] Occupations in Wood-Working and -processing (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [22303] Holzbe-,-verarbeitung(o.S.) - Spezialist
22304 [22304] Occupations in Wood-Working and -processing (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [22304] Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (o.S.) - Experte
22312 [22312] Occupations in Wood Drying and Preservation-Skilled Tasks [22312] Holztrocknung,-konservierung - Fachkraft
22322 [22322] Occupations Producing Wood-Based Materials and Wooden Components-Skilled Tasks [22322] Prod. Holzwerkstoffe,-bauteile-Fachkraft
22332 [22332] Occupations Producing Finished Products From Wood and Wood-Based Materials-Skilled Tasks [22332] Prod. Fertigprodukte aus Holz -Fachkraft
22333 [22333] Occupations Producing Finished Products From Wood and Wood-Based Materials-Complex Tasks [22333] Prod. Fertigprodukte aus Holz-Spezialist
22342 [22342] Occupations in Wood Construction, Furniture and Cabinet Making, and Interior Finishing-Skilled Tasks [22342] Holz-, Moebel-, Innenausbau - Fachkraft
22343 [22343] Occupations in Wood Construction, Furniture and Cabinet Making, and Interior Finishing-Complex Tasks [22343] Holz-, Moebel-, Innenausbau - Spezialist
22352 [22352] Wickerwork Manufacturers, Broom and Brush Makers-Skilled Tasks [22352] Flechtwerk,Buerste,Pinselmacher-Fachkraft
22382 [22382] Occupations in Wood-Working and -processing (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [22382] Holzbe-, -verarbeitung (ssT) - Fachkraft
22393 [22393] Supervisors in Wood-Working and -processing [22393] Aufsicht - Holzbe-, -verarbeitung
22394 [22394] Managers in Wood-Working and -processing [22394] Fuehrung - Holzbe-, -verarbeitung
23101 [23101] Technical Occup. in Paper-Making and -processing and Packaging (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [23101] Papier-,Verpackungstechnik (oS) - Helfer
23112 [23112] Occupations in Paper-Making (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [23112] Papierherstellung - Fachkraft
23113 [23113] Occupations in Paper-Making (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [23113] Papierherstellung - Spezialist
23114 [23114] Occupations in Paper-Making (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [23114] Papierherstellung - Experte
23122 [23122] Occupations in Paper-Processing and Packaging-Skilled Tasks [23122] Papierverarb,Verpackungstechn.-Fachkraft
23123 [23123] Occupations in Paper-Processing and Packaging-Complex Tasks [23123] Papierverarb,Verpackungstechn-Spezialist
23124 [23124] Occupations in Paper-Processing and Packaging-Highly Complex Tasks [23124] Papierverarb.,Verpackungstechn.-Experte
23193 [23193] Supervisors in Paper-Making and -processing and Packaging [23193] Aufsicht - Papier-, Verpackungstechnik
23212 [23212] Occupations in Digital and Print Media Design-Skilled Tasks [23212] Digital-,Printmediengestaltung-Fachkraft
23213 [23213] Occupations in Digital and Print Media Design-Complex Tasks [23213] Digital,Printmediengestaltung-Spezialist
23222 [23222] Occupations in Graphic, Communication, and Photo Design-Skilled Tasks [23222] Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Fachkraft
23223 [23223] Occupations in Graphic, Communication, and Photo Design-Complex Tasks [23223] Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Spezialist
23224 [23224] Occupations in Graphic, Communication, and Photo Design-Highly Complex Tasks [23224] Grafik-Kommunikat.,Fotodesign-Experte
23282 [23282] Occupations in Technical Media Design (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [23282] Techn.Mediengestaltung (ssT) - Fachkraft
23293 [23293] Supervisors in Technical Media Design [23293] Aufsicht - Technische Mediengestaltung
23294 [23294] Managers in Technical Media Design [23294] Fuehrung - Technische Mediengestaltung
23312 [23312] Occupations in Photographic Technology-Skilled Tasks [23312] Fototechnik - Fachkraft
23313 [23313] Occupations in Photographic Technology-Complex Tasks [23313] Fototechnik - Spezialist
23314 [23314] Occupations in Photographic Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [23314] Fototechnik - Experte
23322 [23322] Occupations in Photography-Skilled Tasks [23322] Fotografie - Fachkraft
23393 [23393] Supervisors in Photography and Photographic Technology [23393] Aufsicht - Fototechnik und Fotografie
23411 [23411] Occupations in Printing Technology-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [23411] Drucktechnik - Helfer
23412 [23412] Occupations in Printing Technology-Skilled Tasks [23412] Drucktechnik - Fachkraft
23413 [23413] Occupations in Printing Technology-Complex Tasks [23413] Drucktechnik - Spezialist
23414 [23414] Occupations in Printing Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [23414] Drucktechnik - Experte
23422 [23422] Occupations in Book Binding and Print Finishing-Skilled Tasks [23422] Buchbinderei,Druckweiterverarb-Fachkraft
23423 [23423] Occupations in Book Binding and Print Finishing-Complex Tasks [23423] Buchbinderei,Druckweiterver.-Spezialist
23493 [23493] Supervisors in Printing Technology, Print Finishing, and Book Binding [23493] Aufsicht-Drucktechnik,Buchbinderei
24101 [24101] Occupations in Metal-Making (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [24101] Metallerzeugung (o.S.) - Helfer
24112 [24112] Occupations in Metallurgy-Skilled Tasks [24112] Huettentechnik - Fachkraft
24113 [24113] Occupations in Metallurgy-Complex Tasks [24113] Huettentechnik - Spezialist
24114 [24114] Occupations in Metallurgy-Highly Complex Tasks [24114] Huettentechnik - Experte
24122 [24122] Occupations in Metal Moulding-Skilled Tasks [24122] Metallumformung - Fachkraft
24123 [24123] Occupations in Metal Moulding-Complex Tasks [24123] Metallumformung - Spezialist
24124 [24124] Occupations in Metal Moulding-Highly Complex Tasks [24124] Metallumformung - Experte
24132 [24132] Occupations in Industrial Metal Casting-Skilled Tasks [24132] Industrielle Giesserei - Fachkraft
24133 [24133] Occupations in Industrial Metal Casting-Complex Tasks [24133] Industrielle Giesserei - Spezialist
24134 [24134] Occupations in Industrial Metal Casting -highly Complex Tasks [24134] Industrielle Giesserei - Experte
24142 [24142] Occupations in Manual Metal and Bell Founding-Skilled Tasks [24142] Handw.Metall-,Glockengiesserei-Fachkraft
24193 [24193] Supervisors in Metal-Making [24193] Aufsicht - Metallerzeugung
24201 [24201] Occupations in Metalworking (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [24201] Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Helfer
24202 [24202] Occupations in Metalworking (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [24202] Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
24203 [24203] Occupations in Metalworking (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [24203] Metallbearbeitung (o.S.) - Spezialist
24212 [24212] Occupations in Metalworking: Non-Cutting-Skilled Tasks [24212] Spanlose Metallbearbeitung - Fachkraft
24222 [24222] Occupations in Metalworking: Grinding-Skilled Tasks [24222] Schleifende Metallbearbeitung-Fachkraft
24232 [24232] Occupations in Metalworking: Cutting-Skilled Tasks [24232] Spanende Metallbearbeitung - Fachkraft
24233 [24233] Occupations in Metalworking: Cutting-Complex Tasks [24233] Spanende Metallbearbeitung - Spezialist
24243 [24243] Occupations in Laser-Assisted Metalworking-Complex Tasks [24243] Metallbearbeitung Laserstrahl-Spezialist
24244 [24244] Occupations in Laser-Assisted Metalworking-Highly Complex Tasks [24244] Metallbearbeitung Laserstrahl-Experte
24293 [24293] Supervisors in Metalworking [24293] Aufsicht - Metallbearbeitung
24301 [24301] Occupations in Treatment of Metal Surfaces (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [24301] Metalloberflaechenbehandl. (oS) - Helfer
24302 [24302] Occupations in Treatment of Metal Surfaces (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [24302] Metalloberflaechenbehandl.(oS)-Fachkraft
24303 [24303] Occupations in Treatment of Metal Surfaces (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [24303] Metalloberflaechenbehandl.(oS)-Spezialist
24304 [24304] Occupations in Treatment of Metal Surfaces (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [24304] Metalloberflaechenbehandl. (oS)-Experte
24382 [24382] Occupations in Treatment of Metal Surfaces (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [24382] Metalloberflaechenbehandl.(ssT)-Fachkraft
24393 [24393] Supervisors in Treatment of Metal Surfaces [24393] Aufsicht - Metalloberflaechenbehandlung
24411 [24411] Occupations in Metal Constructing-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [24411] Metallbau - Helfer
24412 [24412] Occupations in Metal Constructing-Skilled Tasks [24412] Metallbau - Fachkraft
24413 [24413] Occupations in Metal Constructing-Complex Tasks [24413] Metallbau - Spezialist
24414 [24414] Occupations in Metal Constructing-Highly Complex Tasks [24414] Metallbau - Experte
24422 [24422] Occupations in Welding and Joining-Skilled Tasks [24422] Schweiss-, Verbindungstechnik - Fachkraft
24423 [24423] Occupations in Welding and Joining-Complex Tasks [24423] Schweiss-,Verbindungstechnik - Spezialist
24424 [24424] Occupations in Welding and Joining-Highly Complex Tasks [24424] Schweiss-, Verbindungstechnik - Experte
24432 [24432] Industrial Divers and Other Diving Occupations-Skilled Tasks [24432] Industrietaucher/innen u.a. - Fachkraft
24493 [24493] Supervisors in Metal Constructing and Welding [24493] Aufsicht - Metallbau und Schweisstechnik
24511 [24511] Occupations in Precision Mechanics-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [24511] Feinwerktechnik - Helfer
24512 [24512] Occupations in Precision Mechanics-Skilled Tasks [24512] Feinwerktechnik - Fachkraft
24513 [24513] Occupations in Precision Mechanics-Complex Tasks [24513] Feinwerktechnik - Spezialist
24514 [24514] Occupations in Precision Mechanics-Highly Complex Tasks [24514] Feinwerktechnik - Experte
24522 [24522] Occupations in Tool Making-Skilled Tasks [24522] Werkzeugtechnik - Fachkraft
24523 [24523] Occupations in Tool Making-Complex Tasks [24523] Werkzeugtechnik - Spezialist
24524 [24524] Occupations in Tool Making-Highly Complex Tasks [24524] Werkzeugtechnik - Experte
24532 [24532] Occupations in Watchmaking- Skilled Tasks [24532] Uhrmacherhandwerk - Fachkraft
24533 [24533] Occupations in Watchmaking-Complex Tasks [24533] Uhrmacherhandwerk - Spezialist
24593 [24593] Supervisors in Precision Mechanics and Tool Making [24593] Aufsicht - Feinwerk- u. Werkzeugtechnik
25101 [25101] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [25101] Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechnik(oS)-Helfer
25102 [25102] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [25102] Maschinenbau-,Betriebstech(oS)-Fachkraft
25103 [25103] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [25103] Maschinenbau,Betriebstech(oS)-Spezialist
25104 [25104] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [25104] Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechn.(oS)-Experte
25112 [25112] Machine and Equipment Assemblers-Skilled Tasks [25112] Maschinen,Geraetezusammensetzer-Fachkraft
25122 [25122] Machine and Plant Operators-Skilled Tasks [25122] Maschinen-, Anlagenfuehrer - Fachkraft
25131 [25131] Technical Service Staff in Maintenance and Repair-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [25131] Tech.Servicekr. Wartung,Instand.-Helfer
25132 [25132] Technical Service Staff in Maintenance and Repair-Skilled Tasks [25132] Tech.Servicekr.Wartung,Instand-Fachkraft
25133 [25133] Technical Service Staff in Maintenance and Repair-Complex Tasks [25133] TechServicekr.Wartung,Instand-Spezialist
25134 [25134] Technical Service Staff in Maintenance and Repair-Highly Complex Tasks [25134] Tech.Servicekr.Wartung,Instand.-Experte
25182 [25182] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [25182] Maschinenbau,Betriebstech(ssT)-Fachkraft
25183 [25183] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [25183] Maschinenbau,Betriebstec(ssT)-Spezialist
25184 [25184] Occupations in Machine-Building and -operating (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [25184] Maschinenbau,Betriebstechn.(ssT)-Experte
25193 [25193] Supervisors in Machine-Building and -operating [25193] Aufsicht - Maschinenbau-,Betriebstechnik
25194 [25194] Managers in Machine-Building and -operating [25194] Fuehrung - Maschinenbau-, Betriebstechnik
25201 [25201] Technical Occup. in the Automotive Industries (without Specialisation)-Un-/Semiskilled Tasks [25201] Fahrzeugtechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
25212 [25212] Technical Occup. in the Automotive Industries-Skilled Tasks [25212] Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Fachkraft
25213 [25213] Technical Occup. in the Automotive Industries-Complex Tasks [25213] Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Spezialist
25214 [25214] Technical Occup. in the Automotive Industries-Highly Complex Tasks [25214] Kraftfahrzeugtechnik - Experte
25222 [25222] Technical Occup., Agricultural and Construction Machinery-Skilled Tasks [25222] Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Fachkraft
25223 [25223] Technical Occup., Agricultural and Construction Machinery-Complex Tasks [25223] Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Spezialist
25224 [25224] Technical Occup., Agricultural and Construction Machinery-Highly Complex Tasks [25224] Land-, Baumaschinentechnik - Experte
25232 [25232] Technical Occup. in the Aeronautic and Aerospace Industries-Skilled Tasks [25232] Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Fachkraft
25233 [25233] Technical Occup. in the Aeronautic and Aerospace Industries-Complex Tasks [25233] Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Spezialist
25234 [25234] Technical Occup. in the Aeronautic and Aerospace Industries-Highly Complex Tasks [25234] Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik - Experte
25242 [25242] Technical Occup. in Ship Building-Skilled Tasks [25242] Schiffbautechnik - Fachkraft
25243 [25243] Technical Occup. in Ship Building-Complex Tasks [25243] Schiffbautechnik - Spezialist
25244 [25244] Technical Occup. in Ship Building-Highly Complex Tasks [25244] Schiffbautechnik - Experte
25252 [25252] Technical Occup. in the Maintenance and Construction of Bicycles and Motorbikes-Skilled Tasks [25252] Zweiradtechnik - Fachkraft
25253 [25253] Technical Occup. in the Maintenance and Construction of Bicycles and Motorbikes-Complex Tasks [25253] Zweiradtechnik - Spezialist
25254 [25254] Technical Occup. in the Maintenance and Construction of Bicycles and Motorbikes-Highly Complex Tasks [25254] Zweiradtechnik - Experte
25293 [25293] Supervisors in the Automotive, Aeronautic, Aerospace and Ship Building Industries [25293] Aufsicht-FahrzeugLuftRaumf.Schiffbautech
25294 [25294] Managers in the Automotive, Aeronautic, Aerospace and Ship Building Industries [25294] Fuehrung-FahrzeugLuftRaumf.Schiffbautech
26112 [26112] Occupations in Mechatronics-Skilled Tasks [26112] Mechatronik - Fachkraft
26113 [26113] Occupations in Mechatronics-Complex Tasks [26113] Mechatronik - Spezialist
26114 [26114] Occupations in Mechatronics-Highly Complex Tasks [26114] Mechatronik - Experte
26122 [26122] Occupations in Automation and Control Technology-Skilled Tasks [26122] Automatisierungstechnik - Fachkraft
26123 [26123] Occupations in Automation and Control Technology-Complex Tasks [26123] Automatisierungstechnik - Spezialist
26124 [26124] Occupations in Automation and Control Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [26124] Automatisierungstechnik - Experte
26193 [26193] Supervisors in Mechatronics and Automation and Control Technology [26193] Aufsicht-Mechatronik,Automatisierungst.
26212 [26212] Electricians in Construction-Skilled Tasks [26212] Bauelektrik - Fachkraft
26222 [26222] Technical Occup. in Maintenance of Electric Machines-Skilled Tasks [26222] Elektromaschinentechnik - Fachkraft
26223 [26223] Technical Occup. in Maintenance of Electric Machines-Complex Tasks [26223] Elektromaschinentechnik - Spezialist
26232 [26232] Technical Occup. in Energy and Power Plant Technology-Skilled Tasks [26232] Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Fachkraft
26233 [26233] Technical Occup. in Energy and Power Plant Technology-Complex Tasks [26233] Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Spezialist
26234 [26234] Technical Occup. in Energy and Power Plant Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [26234] Energie-, Kraftwerkstechnik - Experte
26242 [26242] Occupations in Renewable Energy Technology-Skilled Tasks [26242] Regenerative Energietechnik - Fachkraft
26243 [26243] Occupations in Renewable Energy Technology-Complex Tasks [26243] Regenerative Energietechnik - Spezialist
26244 [26244] Occupations in Renewable Energy Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [26244] Regenerative Energietechnik - Experte
26252 [26252] Occupations in Installing and Maintaining Electrical Machines and Equipment in Plants-Skilled Tasks [26252] Elektrische Betriebstechnik - Fachkraft
26253 [26253] Occupations in Installing and Maintaining Electrical Machines and Equipment in Plants-Complex Tasks [26253] Elektrische Betriebstechnik - Spezialist
26262 [26262] Occupations in Installing and Servicing Electrical Cables-Skilled Tasks [26262] Leitungsinstallation,-wartung -Fachkraft
26263 [26263] Occupations in Installing and Servicing Electrical Cables-Complex Tasks [26263] Leitungsinstallation,-wartung-Spezialist
26264 [26264] Occupations in Installing and Servicing Electrical Cables-Highly Complex Tasks [26264] Leitungsinstallation,-wartung - Experte
26293 [26293] Supervisors in Energy Technology [26293] Aufsicht - Energietechnik
26301 [26301] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [26301] Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
26302 [26302] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [26302] Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
26303 [26303] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [26303] Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
26304 [26304] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [26304] Elektrotechnik (o.S.) - Experte
26312 [26312] Occupations in Information and Telecommunication Technology-Skilled Tasks [26312] Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Fachkraft
26313 [26313] Occupations in Information and Telecommunication Technology-Complex Tasks [26313] Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Spezialist
26314 [26314] Occupations in Information and Telecommunication Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [26314] Inform-,Telekommunikationst.-Experte
26322 [26322] Occupations in Microsystems Technology-Skilled Tasks [26322] Mikrosystemtechnik - Fachkraft
26323 [26323] Occupations in Microsystems Technology-Complex Tasks [26323] Mikrosystemtechnik - Spezialist
26324 [26324] Occupations in Microsystems Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [26324] Mikrosystemtechnik - Experte
26332 [26332] Occupations in Aeronautic, Naval, and Automotive Electronics-Skilled Tasks [26332] Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron.-Fachkraft
26333 [26333] Occupations in In Aeronautic, Naval, and Automotive Electronics-Complex Tasks [26333] Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektron-Spezialist
26334 [26334] Occupations in In Aeronautic, Naval, and Automotive Electronics-Highly Complex Tasks [26334] Luftv.Schiff,Fahrzeugelektronik-Experte
26382 [26382] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [26382] Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
26383 [26383] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [26383] Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
26384 [26384] Occupations in Electrical Engineering (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [26384] Elektrotechnik (s.s.T.) - Experte
26393 [26393] Supervisors in Electrical Engineering [26393] Aufsicht - Elektrotechnik
27103 [27103] Occupations in Technical Research and Development (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [27103] Techn.Forschung,Entwickl.(oS)-Spezialist
27104 [27104] Occupations in Technical Research and Development (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [27104] Techn.Forschung,Entwickl.(oS)-Experte
27182 [27182] Occupations in Technical Research and Development (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [27182] Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Fachkraft
27183 [27183] Occupations in Technical Research and Development (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [27183] Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Spezialist
27184 [27184] Occupations in Technical Research and Development (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [27184] Tech.Forschung,Entwickl.(ssT)-Experte
27194 [27194] Managers in Technical Research and Development [27194] Fuehrung - Techn. Forschung, Entwicklung
27212 [27212] Draftspersons-Skilled Tasks [27212] Technische Zeichner/innen - Fachkraft
27223 [27223] Occupations in Technical Design and Apparatus Building-Complex Tasks [27223] Konstruktion und Geraetebau - Spezialist
27224 [27224] Occupations in Technical Design and Apparatus Building-Highly Complex Tasks [27224] Konstruktion und Geraetebau - Experte
27232 [27232] Model Makers-Skilled Tasks [27232] Modellbau - Fachkraft
27282 [27282] Technical Draftspersons, Engineering Designers and Model Makers (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [27282] TechZeich,Konstr,Modellb.(ssT)-Fachkraft
27283 [27283] Technical Draftspersons, Engineering Designers and Model Makers (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [27283] TechZeich,Konstr,Modellb(ssT)-Spezialist
27284 [27284] Technical Draftspersons, Engineering Designers and Model Makers (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [27284] TechZeich.,Konstr.,Modellb.(ssT)-Experte
27293 [27293] Supervisors in Technical Drawing, Engineering Design and Model Making [27293] Aufsicht-TechZeichnen,Konstrukt.Modellb.
27294 [27294] Managers in Technical Drawing, Engineering Design and Model Making [27294] Fuehrung-TechZeichnen,Konstrukt.Modellb.
27302 [27302] Technical Occup. in Production Planning and Scheduling-Skilled Tasks [27302] Tech.Produktionspl.,-steuerung-Fachkraft
27303 [27303] Technical Occup. in Production Planning and Scheduling-Complex Tasks [27303] Tech.Produktionspl.,steuerung-Spezialist
27304 [27304] Technical Occup. in Production Planning and Scheduling-Highly Complex Tasks [27304] Tech.Produktionspl.,-steuerung-Experte
27312 [27312] Technical Occup. in Quality Control-Skilled Tasks [27312] Technische Qualitaetssicherung-Fachkraft
27313 [27313] Technical Occup. in Quality Control-Complex Tasks [27313] Technische Qualitaetssicherung-Spezialist
27314 [27314] Technical Occup. in Quality Control-Highly Complex Tasks [27314] Technische Qualitaetssicherung - Experte
27393 [27393] Supervisors in Production Planning and Scheduling [27393] Aufsicht-Techn.Produktionsplan.,-steuer.
27394 [27394] Managers in Production Planning and Scheduling [27394] Fuehrung- Techn.Produktionsplan.,-steuer.
28101 [28101] Occupations in Textile Making (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [28101] Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Helfer
28102 [28102] Occupations in Textile Making (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [28102] Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
28103 [28103] Occupations in Textile Making (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [28103] Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
28104 [28104] Occupations in Textile Making (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [28104] Textiltechnik (o.S.) - Experte
28112 [28112] Occupations in Textile Design-Skilled Tasks [28112] Textilgestaltung - Fachkraft
28113 [28113] Occupations in Textile Design-Complex Tasks [28113] Textilgestaltung - Spezialist
28114 [28114] Occupations in Textile Design-Highly Complex Tasks [28114] Textilgestaltung - Experte
28122 [28122] Occupations in Textile Production-Skilled Tasks [28122] Textilherstellung - Fachkraft
28123 [28123] Occupations in Textile Production-Complex Tasks [28123] Textilherstellung - Spezialist
28132 [28132] Occupations in Spinning and Rope-Making-Skilled Tasks [28132] Garn- und Seilherstellung - Fachkraft
28133 [28133] Occupations in Spinning and Rope-Making-Complex Tasks [28133] Garn- und Seilherstellung - Spezialist
28142 [28142] Occupations in Textile Finishing-Skilled Tasks [28142] Textilveredlung - Fachkraft
28143 [28143] Occupations in Textile Finishing-Complex Tasks [28143] Textilveredlung - Spezialist
28193 [28193] Supervisors in Textile Making [28193] Aufsicht - Textiltechnik, -produktion
28194 [28194] Managers in Textile Making [28194] Fuehrung - Textiltechnik, -produktion
28212 [28212] Occupations in Fashion Design-Skilled Tasks [28212] Modedesign - Fachkraft
28213 [28213] Occupations in Fashion Design-Complex Tasks [28213] Modedesign - Spezialist
28214 [28214] Occupations in Fashion Design-Highly Complex Tasks [28214] Modedesign - Experte
28221 [28221] Occupations in the Production of Clothing, Hat and Cap Making-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [28221] Bekleidungsherstellung - Helfer
28222 [28222] Occupations in the Production of Clothing, Hat and Cap Making-Skilled Tasks [28222] Bekleidungsherstellung - Fachkraft
28223 [28223] Occupations in the Production of Clothing, Hat and Cap Making-Complex Tasks [28223] Bekleidungsherstellung - Spezialist
28224 [28224] Occupations in the Production of Clothing, Hat and Cap Making-Highly Complex Tasks [28224] Bekleidungsherstellung - Experte
28232 [28232] Occupations in Manufacturing of Heavy Duty Textile Products, Sail Makers-Skilled Tasks [28232] Tech.Konfektionaere,Segelmacher-Fachkraft
28242 [28242] Occupations in Upholstery and Interior Fitting of Vehicles-Skilled Tasks [28242] Polsterei,Fahrzeuginnenausstat-Fachkraft
28293 [28293] Supervisors in the Production of Clothing and Other Textile Products [28293] Aufsicht - Textilverarbeitung
28294 [28294] Managers in the Production of Clothing and Other Textile Products [28294] Fuehrung - Textilverarbeitung
28301 [28301] Occupations in Leather- and Fur-Making and -processing (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [28301] Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.(oS)-Helfer
28312 [28312] Occupations in Leather Making-Skilled Tasks [28312] Lederherstellung - Fachkraft
28313 [28313] Occupations in Leather Making-Complex Tasks [28313] Lederherstellung - Spezialist
28314 [28314] Occupations in Leather Making-Highly Complex Tasks [28314] Lederherstellung - Experte
28322 [28322] Occupations in Saddlery and Production of Leather Wares [28322] Sattlerei,Herst. Lederutensil.-Fachkraft
28332 [28332] Occupations in Shoemaking-Skilled Tasks [28332] Schuhherstellung - Fachkraft
28333 [28333] Occupations in Shoemaking-Complex Tasks [28333] Schuhherstellung - Spezialist
28342 [28342] Occupations in Fur Treatment and Processing-Skilled Tasks [28342] Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung - Fachkraft
28343 [28343] Occupations in Fur Treatment and Processing-Complex Tasks [28343] Pelzbe- und -verarbeitung - Spezialist
28393 [28393] Supervisors in Leather- and Fur-Making and -processing [28393] Aufsicht - Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.
28394 [28394] Managers in Leather- and Fur-Making and -processing [28394] Fuehrung - Leder-,Pelzherstell.,-verarb.
29102 [29102] Occupations in Beverage Production (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [29102] Getraenkeherstellung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
29103 [29103] Occupations in Beverage Production (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [29103] Getraenkeherstellung (o.S.) - Spezialist
29104 [29104] Occupations in Beverage Production (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [29104] Getraenkeherstellung (o.S.) - Experte
29112 [29112] Brewers and Maltsters-Skilled Tasks [29112] Brauer/innen, Maelzer/innen - Fachkraft
29113 [29113] Brewers and Maltsters-Complex Tasks [29113] Brauer/innen, Maelzer/innen - Spezialist
29114 [29114] Brewers and Maltsters-Highly Complex Tasks [29114] Brauer/innen, Maelzer/innen - Experte
29122 [29122] Coopers-Skilled Tasks [29122] Weinkuefer/innen - Fachkraft
29123 [29123] Coopers-Complex Tasks [29123] Weinkuefer/innen - Spezialist
29132 [29132] Distillers-Skilled Tasks [29132] Brenner, Destillateure - Fachkraft
29133 [29133] Distillers-Complex Tasks [29133] Brenner, Destillateure - Spezialist
29134 [29134] Distillers-Highly Complex Tasks [29134] Brenner, Destillateure - Experte
29142 [29142] Occupations in Fruit Juice Production-Skilled Tasks [29142] Fruchtsafttechnik - Fachkraft
29143 [29143] Occupations in Fruit Juice Production-Complex Tasks [29143] Fruchtsafttechnik - Spezialist
29152 [29152] Tasters of Foodstuffs and Beverages-Skilled Tasks [29152] Nahrungsmittel-,Getraenkekoster-Fachkraft
29193 [29193] Supervisors in Beverages Production [29193] Aufsicht - Getraenkeherstellung
29194 [29194] Managers in Beverages Production [29194] Fuehrung - Getraenkeherstellung
29201 [29201] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [29201] Lebensmittelherstellung (o.S.) - Helfer
29202 [29202] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [29202] Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) - Fachkraft
29203 [29203] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [29203] Lebensmittelherstellung (oS) -Spezialist
29204 [29204] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [29204] Lebensmittelherstellung (o.S.) - Experte
29212 [29212] Occupations in the Production of Milling Products and Animal Feeds-Skilled Tasks [29212] Muehlenprod.-,Futtermittelher.-Fachkraft
29213 [29213] Occupations in the Production of Milling Products and Animal Feeds-Complex Tasks [29213] Muehlenprod.-,Futtermittelher.-Spezialist
29222 [29222] Occupations in the Production of Baked Goods and Pastries-Skilled Tasks [29222] Back-, Konditoreiwarenherst.-Fachkraft
29223 [29223] Occupations in the Production of Baked Goods and Pastries-Complex Tasks [29223] Back-, Konditoreiwarenherst.-Spezialist
29232 [29232] Occupations in Meat Processing-Skilled Tasks [29232] Fleischverarbeitung - Fachkraft
29233 [29233] Occupations in Meat Processing-Complex Tasks [29233] Fleischverarbeitung - Spezialist
29242 [29242] Occupations in Fish Processing-Skilled Tasks [29242] Fischverarbeitung - Fachkraft
29243 [29243] Occupations in Fish Processing-Complex Tasks [29243] Fischverarbeitung - Spezialist
29252 [29252] Occupations in the Production of Dairy Goods-Skilled Tasks [29252] Milchproduktherstellung - Fachkraft
29253 [29253] Occupations in the Production of Dairy Goods-Complex Tasks [29253] Milchproduktherstellung - Spezialist
29262 [29262] Occupations in Confectionery Production-Skilled Tasks [29262] Suesswarenherstellung - Fachkraft
29263 [29263] Occupations in Confectionery Production-Complex Tasks [29263] Suesswarenherstellung - Spezialist
29272 [29272] Occupations in the Manufacturing of Tobacco Products-Skilled Tasks [29272] Tabakwarenherstellung - Fachkraft
29273 [29273] Occupations in the Manufacturing of Tobacco Products-Complex Tasks [29273] Tabakwarenherstellung - Spezialist
29282 [29282] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [29282] Lebensmittelherstellung(ssT) - Fachkraft
29283 [29283] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [29283] Lebensmittelherstellung(ssT) -Spezialist
29284 [29284] Occupations in the Production of Foodstuffs (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [29284] Lebensmittelherstellung (ssT) - Experte
29293 [29293] Supervisors in the Production of Foodstuffs, Confectionery and Tobacco Products [29293] Aufsicht-Lebens-,Genussmittelherstellung
29294 [29294] Managers in the Production of Foodstuffs, Confectionery and Tobacco Products [29294] Fuehrung-Lebens-,Genussmittelherstellung
29301 [29301] Cooks (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [29301] Koeche/Koechinnen (o.S.) - Helfer
29302 [29302] Cooks (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [29302] Koeche/Koechinnen (o.S.) - Fachkraft
29312 [29312] Hors DOuvrier, Pantry Or Pastry Cooks-Skilled Tasks [29312] Vor-, Kalt-, Suessspeisenkoeche - Fachkraft
29322 [29322] Roast, Grill Or Fish Cooks-Skilled Tasks [29322] Grill-, Braten-, Fischkoeche - Fachkraft
29382 [29382] Cooks (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [29382] Koeche/Koechinnen (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
29393 [29393] Supervisors in Cooking [29393] Aufsicht - Speisenzubereitung
29394 [29394] Managers in Cooking [29394] Fuehrung - Speisenzubereitung
31102 [31102] Occupations in Construction Scheduling and Supervision (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [31102] Bauplanung,-ueberwachung (oS)-Fachkraft
31103 [31103] Occupations in Construction Scheduling and Supervision (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [31103] Bauplanung,-ueberwachung (oS)-Spezialist
31104 [31104] Occupations in Construction Scheduling and Supervision (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [31104] Bauplanung, -ueberwachung (oS) - Experte
31114 [31114] Occupations in Architecture-Highly Complex Tasks [31114] Architektur - Experte
31124 [31124] Occupations in Urban and Spatial Planning-Highly Complex Tasks [31124] Stadt- und Raumplanung - Experte
31132 [31132] Occupations in the Planning of Traffic Routes and Other Infrastructure-Skilled Tasks [31132] Bauplan. Verkehrswege,-anlagen-Fachkraft
31133 [31133] Occupations in the Planning of Traffic Routes and Other Infrastructure-Complex Tasks [31133] Bauplan Verkehrswege,-anlagen-Spezialist
31134 [31134] Occupations in the Planning of Traffic Routes and Other Infrastructure-Highly Complex Tasks [31134] Bauplan. Verkehrswege,-anlagen - Experte
31142 [31142] Occupations in Water Resource Management-Skilled Tasks [31142] Wasserwirtschaft - Fachkraft
31143 [31143] Occupations in Water Resource Management-Complex Tasks [31143] Wasserwirtschaft - Spezialist
31144 [31144] Occupations in Water Resource Management-Highly Complex Tasks [31144] Wasserwirtschaft - Experte
31152 [31152] Occupations in the Maintenance and Renovation of Buildings-Skilled Tasks [31152] Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Fachkraft
31153 [31153] Occupations in the Maintenance and Renovation of Buildings-Complex Tasks [31153] Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Spezialist
31154 [31154] Occupations in the Maintenance and Renovation of Buildings-Highly Complex Tasks [31154] Bauwerkserhaltung,-erneuerung-Experte
31163 [31163] Construction Surveyors and Inspectors-Complex Tasks [31163] Bausachverstaend,-kontrolleure-Spezialist
31164 [31164] Construction Surveyors and Inspectors-Highly Complex Tasks [31164] Bausachverstaendige,-kontrolleure-Experte
31173 [31173] Occupations in Construction Accounting and Cost Calculation For Buildings-Complex Tasks [31173] Bauabrechnung,-kalkulation - Spezialist
31174 [31174] Occupations in Construction Accounting and Cost Calculation For Buildings-Highly Complex Tasks [31174] Bauabrechnung, -kalkulation - Experte
31193 [31193] Supervisors in Construction Scheduling and Supervision, and Architecture [31193] Aufsicht-Bauplan.,-ueberwach.,Architektur
31194 [31194] Managers in Construction Scheduling and Supervision, and Architecture [31194] Fuehrung-Bauplan.,-ueberwach., Architektur
31212 [31212] Occupations in Surveying-Skilled Tasks [31212] Vermessungstechnik - Fachkraft
31213 [31213] Occupations in Surveying-Complex Tasks [31213] Vermessungstechnik - Spezialist
31214 [31214] Occupations in Surveying-Highly Complex Tasks [31214] Vermessungstechnik - Experte
31222 [31222] Occupations in Cartography-Skilled Tasks [31222] Kartografie - Fachkraft
31223 [31223] Occupations in Cartography-Complex Tasks [31223] Kartografie - Spezialist
31224 [31224] Occupations in Cartography-Highly Complex Tasks [31224] Kartografie - Experte
32101 [32101] Occupations in Building Construction (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [32101] Hochbau (o.S.) - Helfer
32102 [32102] Occupations in Building Construction (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [32102] Hochbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
32103 [32103] Occupations in Building Construction (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [32103] Hochbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
32104 [32104] Occupations in Building Construction (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [32104] Hochbau (o.S.) - Experte
32112 [32112] Occupations in the Construction of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures-Skilled Tasks [32112] Beton- und Stahlbetonbau - Fachkraft
32113 [32113] Occupations in the Construction of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Structures-Complex Tasks [32113] Beton- und Stahlbetonbau - Spezialist
32122 [32122] Occupations in the Bricklayers Trade-Skilled Tasks [32122] Maurerhandwerk - Fachkraft
32123 [32123] Occupations in the Bricklayers Trade-Complex Tasks [32123] Maurerhandwerk - Spezialist
32132 [32132] Occupations in Chimney Construction-Skilled Tasks [32132] Schornsteinbau - Fachkraft
32142 [32142] Occupations in Roofing-Skilled Tasks [32142] Dachdeckerei - Fachkraft
32152 [32152] Occupations in Facade Construction-Skilled Tasks [32152] Fassadenbau - Fachkraft
32162 [32162] Occupations in Scaffolding-Skilled Tasks [32162] Geruestbau - Fachkraft
32172 [32172] Occupations in Building Demolition-Skilled Tasks [32172] Bauwerksabbruch - Fachkraft
32193 [32193] Supervisors in Building Construction [32193] Aufsicht - Hochbau
32201 [32201] Occupations in Civil Engineering (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [32201] Tiefbau (o.S.) - Helfer
32202 [32202] Occupations in Civil Engineering (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [32202] Tiefbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
32203 [32203] Occupations in Civil Engineering (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [32203] Tiefbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
32204 [32204] Occupations in Civil Engineering (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [32204] Tiefbau (o.S.) - Experte
32212 [32212] Pavers and Stone Setters-Skilled Tasks [32212] Pflasterer, Steinsetzer - Fachkraft
32222 [32222] Occupations in Road and Asphalt Construction-Skilled Tasks [32222] Strassen- und Asphaltbau - Fachkraft
32223 [32223] Occupations in Road and Asphalt Construction-Complex Tasks [32223] Strassen- und Asphaltbau - Spezialist
32224 [32224] Occupations in Road and Asphalt Construction-Highly Complex Tasks [32224] Strassen- und Asphaltbau - Experte
32232 [32232] Occupations in Railroad Construction-Skilled Tasks [32232] Gleisbau - Fachkraft
32233 [32233] Occupations in Railroad Construction-Complex Tasks [32233] Gleisbau - Spezialist
32242 [32242] Occupations in Well Construction-Skilled Tasks [32242] Brunnenbau - Fachkraft
32243 [32243] Occupations in Well Construction-Complex Tasks [32243] Brunnenbau - Spezialist
32252 [32252] Occupations in Canal and Tunnel Construction-Skilled Tasks [32252] Kanal- und Tunnelbau - Fachkraft
32253 [32253] Occupations in Canal and Tunnel Construction-Complex Tasks [32253] Kanal- und Tunnelbau - Spezialist
32262 [32262] Occupations in Land Improvement and Hydraulic Construction-Skilled Tasks [32262] Kultur- und Wasserbau - Fachkraft
32263 [32263] Occupations in Land Improvement and Hydraulic Construction-Complex Tasks [32263] Kultur- und Wasserbau - Spezialist
32264 [32264] Occupations in Land Improvement and Hydraulic Construction-Highly Complex Tasks [32264] Kultur- und Wasserbau - Experte
32293 [32293] Supervisors in Civil Engineering [32293] Aufsicht - Tiefbau
33101 [33101] Floor Layers (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [33101] Bodenverlegung (o.S.) - Helfer
33102 [33102] Floor Layers (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [33102] Bodenverlegung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
33112 [33112] Pavers, Tile Setters and Mosaic-Layers-Skilled Tasks [33112] Fliesen-Platten-,Mosaikverleg.-Fachkraft
33122 [33122] Composition Floor and Terrazzo-Layers-Skilled Tasks [33122] Estrich-, Terrazzoverlegung - Fachkraft
33132 [33132] Parquet Floor Layers-Skilled Tasks [33132] Parkettverlegung - Fachkraft
33133 [33133] Parquet Floor Layers-Complex Tasks [33133] Parkettverlegung - Spezialist
33193 [33193] Supervisors in Floor Laying [33193] Aufsicht - Bodenverlegung
33211 [33211] Painters and Varnishers-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [33211] Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Helfer
33212 [33212] Painters and Varnishers-Skilled Tasks [33212] Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Fachkraft
33213 [33213] Painters and Varnishers-Complex Tasks [33213] Maler-, Lackiererarbeiten - Spezialist
33222 [33222] Plasterers-Skilled Tasks [33222] Stuckateurarbeiten - Fachkraft
33223 [33223] Plasterers-Complex Tasks [33223] Stuckateurarbeiten - Spezialist
33232 [33232] Occupations in the Waterproofing of Buildings -skilled Tasks [33232] Bauwerksabdichtung - Fachkraft
33233 [33233] Occupations in the Waterproofing of Buildings -complex Tasks [33233] Bauwerksabdichtung - Spezialist
33242 [33242] Occupations in the Preservation of Structures and Wooden Building Components-Skilled Tasks [33242] Holz- und Bautenschutz - Fachkraft
33243 [33243] Occupations in the Preservation of Structures and Wooden Building Components-Complex Tasks [33243] Holz- und Bautenschutz - Spezialist
33293 [33293] Supervisors in the Painting, Varnishing, Plastering, Water Proofing of Buildings, Preservation of Structures and Wooden Building Components [33293] Aufsicht-MalerStuckBauwerksabdBautensch.
33301 [33301] Occupations in the Interior Construction and Dry Walling (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [33301] Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Helfer
33302 [33302] Occupations in the Interior Construction and Dry Walling (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [33302] Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
33303 [33303] Occupations in the Interior Construction and Dry Walling (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [33303] Aus- und Trockenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
33312 [33312] Occupations in Insulation-Skilled Tasks [33312] Isolierung - Fachkraft
33322 [33322] Carpenters-Skilled Tasks [33322] Zimmerei - Fachkraft
33323 [33323] Carpenters-Complex Tasks [33323] Zimmerei - Spezialist
33332 [33332] Joiners-Skilled Tasks [33332] Bautischlerei - Fachkraft
33342 [33342] Glaziers-Skilled Tasks [33342] Glaserei - Fachkraft
33352 [33352] Roller Shutter and Jalousie Installers-Skilled Tasks [33352] Rollladen- und Jalousiebau - Fachkraft
33393 [33393] Supervisors in Interior Construction and Dry Walling, Insulation, Carpentry, Glazing, Roller Shutter and Jalousie Installation [33393] Aufsicht-Aus-,Trockenbau.Iso.Zimm.Glas.
34102 [34102] Occupations in Building Services Engineering (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [34102] Gebaeudetechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
34103 [34103] Occupations in Building Services Engineering (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [34103] Gebaeudetechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
34104 [34104] Occupations in Building Services Engineering (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [34104] Gebaeudetechnik (o.S.) - Experte
34112 [34112] Green Keepers and Equipment Managers-Skilled Tasks [34112] Platz-, Geraetewarte/innen - Fachkraft
34193 [34193] Supervisors in Building Services Engineering [34193] Aufsicht - Gebaeudetechnik
34201 [34201] Occupations in Plumping (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [34201] Klempnerei (o.S.) - Helfer
34202 [34202] Occupations in Plumping (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [34202] Klempnerei (o.S.) - Fachkraft
34203 [34203] Occupations in Plumping (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [34203] Klempnerei (o.S.) - Spezialist
34212 [34212] Occupations in Sanitation, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning-Skilled Tasks [34212] Sanitaer,Heizung,Klimatechnik - Fachkraft
34213 [34213] Occupations in Sanitation, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning-Complex Tasks [34213] Sanitaer,Heizung,Klimatechnik -Spezialist
34214 [34214] Occupations in Sanitation, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning-Highly Complex Tasks [34214] Sanitaer,Heizung,Klimatechnik - Experte
34222 [34222] Occupations in the Construction of Stoves, Storage Heaters, and Forced-Air Heating Systems-Skilled Tasks [34222] Ofen- und Luftheizungsbau - Fachkraft
34232 [34232] Occupations in Ventilating, and Air Conditioning-Skilled Tasks [34232] Kaeltetechnik - Fachkraft
34233 [34233] Occupations in Ventilating, and Air Conditioning-Complex Tasks [34233] Kaeltetechnik - Spezialist
34234 [34234] Occupations in Ventilating, and Air Conditioning-Highly Complex Tasks [34234] Kaeltetechnik - Experte
34293 [34293] Supervisors in Sanitation, Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning [34293] Aufsicht-Klemp.Sanitaer,Heizung,Klimatech
34301 [34301] Occupations in Building Services and Waste Disposal (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [34301] Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Helfer
34302 [34302] Occupations in Building Services and Waste Disposal (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [34302] Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Fachkraft
34303 [34303] Occupations in Building Services and Waste Disposal (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [34303] Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Spezialist
34304 [34304] Occupations in Building Services and Waste Disposal (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [34304] Ver- und Entsorgung (o.S.) - Experte
34312 [34312] Technical Occup. in Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal-Skilled Tasks [34312] Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Fachkraft
34313 [34313] Technical Occup. in Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal-Complex Tasks [34313] Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Spezialist
34314 [34314] Technical Occup. in Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal -highly Complex Tasks [34314] Wasserversorg.,Abwassertechn.-Experte
34322 [34322] Occupations in Pipeline Construction-Skilled Tasks [34322] Rohrleitungsbau - Fachkraft
34323 [34323] Occupations in Pipeline Construction-Complex Tasks [34323] Rohrleitungsbau - Spezialist
34324 [34324] Occupations in Pipeline Construction [34324] Rohrleitungsbau - Experte
34332 [34332] Occupations in Waste Management-Skilled Tasks [34332] Abfallwirtschaft - Fachkraft
34333 [34333] Occupations in Waste Management-Complex Tasks [34333] Abfallwirtschaft - Spezialist
34334 [34334] Occupations in Waste Management-Highly Complex Tasks [34334] Abfallwirtschaft - Experte
34342 [34342] Occupations in Plant, Vessels, Tank and Apparatus Construction-Skilled Tasks [34342] Anlagen-,Behaelter-,Apparatebau-Fachkraft
34343 [34343] Occupations in Plant, Vessels, Tank and Apparatus Construction-Complex Tasks [34343] Anlage-,Behaelter-,Apparatebau-Spezialist
34344 [34344] Occupations in Plant, Vessels, Tank and Apparatus Construction-Highly Complex Tasks [34344] Anlagen-,Behaelter-,Apparatebau-Experte
34393 [34393] Supervisors in Building Services and Waste Disposal [34393] Aufsicht - Ver- und Entsorgung
41103 [41103] Occupations in Mathematics-Complex Tasks [41103] Mathematik (o.S.) - Spezialist
41104 [41104] Occupations in Mathematics-Highly Complex Tasks [41104] Mathematik (o.S.) - Experte
41114 [41114] Occupations in Statistics-Highly Complex Tasks [41114] Statistik - Experte
41184 [41184] Occupations in Mathematics (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [41184] Mathematik (s.s.T.) - Experte
41194 [41194] Managers in Mathematics and Statistics [41194] Fuehrung - Mathematik und Statistik
41203 [41203] Occupations in Biology (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [41203] Biologie (o.S.) - Spezialist
41204 [41204] Occupations in Biology (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [41204] Biologie (o.S.) - Experte
41212 [41212] Biological Technical Laboratory Occupations-Skilled Tasks [41212] Biologisch-techn. Laboratorium-Fachkraft
41213 [41213] Biological Technical Laboratory Occupations-Complex Tasks [41213] Biologisch-techn.Laboratorium-Spezialist
41214 [41214] Biological Technical Laboratory Occupations-Highly Complex Tasks [41214] Biologisch-techn.Laboratorium-Experte
41222 [41222] Occupations in the Preparation of Biological Specimen-Skilled Tasks [41222] Biologische Praeparation - Fachkraft
41234 [41234] Occupations in Ecology-Highly Complex Tasks [41234] Biologie (Oekologie) - Experte
41244 [41244] Occupations in Botany-Highly Complex Tasks [41244] Biologie (Botanik) - Experte
41254 [41254] Occupations in Zoology-Highly Complex Tasks [41254] Biologie (Zoologie) - Experte
41264 [41264] Occupations in Microbiology-Highly Complex Tasks [41264] Biologie (Mikrobiologie) - Experte
41274 [41274] Occupations in Human Biology-Highly Complex Tasks [41274] Biologie (Humanbiologie) - Experte
41283 [41283] Occupations in Biology (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [41283] Biologie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
41284 [41284] Occupations in Biology (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [41284] Biologie (s.s.T.) - Experte
41293 [41293] Supervisors in Biology [41293] Aufsicht - Biologie
41294 [41294] Managers in Biology [41294] Fuehrung - Biologie
41303 [41303] Occupations in Chemistry (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [41303] Chemie (o.S.) - Spezialist
41304 [41304] Occupations in Chemistry (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [41304] Chemie (o.S.) - Experte
41311 [41311] Occupations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [41311] Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Helfer
41312 [41312] Occupations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering-Skilled Tasks [41312] Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Fachkraft
41313 [41313] Occupations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering-Complex Tasks [41313] Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Spezialist
41314 [41314] Occupations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering-Highly Complex Tasks [41314] Chemie- und Pharmatechnik - Experte
41322 [41322] Chemical Technical Laboratory Occupations-Skilled Tasks [41322] Chemisch-techn. Laboratorium - Fachkraft
41323 [41323] Chemical Technical Laboratory Occupations-Complex Tasks [41323] Chemisch-techn.Laboratorium - Spezialist
41324 [41324] Chemical Technical Laboratory Occupations-Highly Complex Tasks [41324] Chemisch-techn.Laboratorium - Experte
41333 [41333] Operators of Chemical Production Plants-Complex Tasks [41333] Steuerer chem. Verfahrensanl.-Spezialist
41343 [41343] Operators of Oil and Gas Refinery Plants-Complex Tasks [41343] Steuerer Erdoel,Erdgasraf.anl.-Spezialist
41383 [41383] Occupations in Chemistry (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [41383] Chemie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
41384 [41384] Occupations in Chemistry (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [41384] Chemie (s.s.T.) - Experte
41393 [41393] Supervisors in Chemistry [41393] Aufsicht - Chemie
41394 [41394] Managers in Chemistry [41394] Fuehrung - Chemie
41403 [41403] Occupations in Physics (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [41403] Physik (o.S.) - Spezialist
41404 [41404] Occupations in Physics (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [41404] Physik (o.S.) - Experte
41412 [41412] Physical Technical Laboratory Occupations-Skilled Tasks [41412] Physikalisch-tech.Laboratorium-Fachkraft
41413 [41413] Physical Technical Laboratory Occupations-Complex Tasks [41413] Physikal.-techn. Laboratorium-Spezialist
41414 [41414] Physical Technical Laboratory Occupations-Highly Complex Tasks [41414] Physikalisch-techn. Laboratorium-Experte
41422 [41422] Occupations in Material Engineering-Skilled Tasks [41422] Werkstofftechnik - Fachkraft
41423 [41423] Occupations in Material Engineering-Complex Tasks [41423] Werkstofftechnik - Spezialist
41424 [41424] Occupations in Material Engineering-Highly Complex Tasks [41424] Werkstofftechnik - Experte
41432 [41432] Occupations in Construction Materials Testing-Skilled Tasks [41432] Baustoffpruefung - Fachkraft
41433 [41433] Occupations in Construction Materials Testing-Complex Tasks [41433] Baustoffpruefung - Spezialist
41434 [41434] Occupations in Construction Materials Testing-Highly Complex Tasks [41434] Baustoffpruefung - Experte
41482 [41482] Occupations in Physics (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [41482] Physik (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
41483 [41483] Occupations in Physics (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [41483] Physik (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
41484 [41484] Occupations in Physics (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [41484] Physik (s.s.T.) - Experte
41493 [41493] Supervisors in Physics [41493] Aufsicht - Physik
41494 [41494] Managers in Physics [41494] Fuehrung - Physik
42112 [42112] Occupations in Geotechnical Engineering-Skilled Tasks [42112] Geotechnik - Fachkraft
42113 [42113] Occupations in Geotechnical Engineering-Complex Tasks [42113] Geotechnik - Spezialist
42114 [42114] Occupations in Geotechnical Engineering-Highly Complex Tasks [42114] Geotechnik - Experte
42124 [42124] Occupations in Geology-Highly Complex Tasks [42124] Geologie - Experte
42134 [42134] Occupations in Geography-Highly Complex Tasks [42134] Geografie - Experte
42142 [42142] Occupations in Meteorology-Skilled Tasks [42142] Meteorologie - Fachkraft
42143 [42143] Occupations in Meteorology-Complex Tasks [42143] Meteorologie - Spezialist
42144 [42144] Occupations in Meteorology-Highly Complex Tasks [42144] Meteorologie - Experte
42202 [42202] Occupations in Environmental Protection Engineering (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [42202] Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
42203 [42203] Occupations in Environmental Protection Engineering (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [42203] Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
42204 [42204] Occupations in Environmental Protection Engineering (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [42204] Umweltschutztechnik (o.S.) - Experte
42212 [42212] Chimney Sweeps-Skilled Tasks [42212] Schornsteinfeger/innen - Fachkraft
42283 [42283] Occupations in Environmental Protection Engineering (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [42283] Umweltschutztechnik(s.s.T.) - Spezialist
42293 [42293] Supervisors in Environmental Protection Engineering [42293] Aufsicht - Umweltschutztechnik
42312 [42312] Occupations in Environmental Protection Administration and Environmental Protection Consulting-Skilled Tasks [42312] Umweltschutzverwalt.,-beratung-Fachkraft
42313 [42313] Occupations in Environmental Protection Administration and Environmental Protection Consulting-Complex Tasks [42313] Umweltschutzverwalt,-beratung-Spezialist
42314 [42314] Occupations in Environmental Protection Administration and Environmental Protection Consulting-Highly Complex Tasks [42314] Umweltschutzverwaltung,-beratung-Experte
42323 [42323] Water Pollution and Emission Control, Waste Management Commissioners-Complex Tasks [42323] Gewaes.Immissions,Abfallbeauf.-Spezialist
42324 [42324] Water Pollution and Emission Control, Waste Management Commissioners-Highly Complex Tasks [42324] Gewaes.Immissions,Abfallbeauf.-Experte
42333 [42333] Radiation Protection Commissioners-Complex Tasks [42333] Strahlenschutzbeauftragte - Spezialist
42334 [42334] Radiation Protection Commissioners-Highly Complex Tasks [42334] Strahlenschutzbeauftragte - Experte
42394 [42394] Managers in Environmental Protection Administration and Consulting [42394] Fuehrung - Umweltmanagement und -beratung
43102 [43102] Occupations in Computer Science (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [43102] Informatik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
43103 [43103] Occupations in Computer Science (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [43103] Informatik (o.S.) - Spezialist
43104 [43104] Occupations in Computer Science (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [43104] Informatik (o.S.) - Experte
43112 [43112] Occupations in Business Informatics-Skilled Tasks [43112] Wirtschaftsinformatik - Fachkraft
43113 [43113] Occupations in Business Informatics-Complex Tasks [43113] Wirtschaftsinformatik - Spezialist
43114 [43114] Occupations in Business Informatics-Highly Complex Tasks [43114] Wirtschaftsinformatik - Experte
43122 [43122] Occupations in Computer Engineering-Skilled Tasks [43122] Technische Informatik - Fachkraft
43123 [43123] Occupations in Computer Engineering-Complex Tasks [43123] Technische Informatik - Spezialist
43124 [43124] Occupations in Computer Engineering-Highly Complex Tasks [43124] Technische Informatik - Experte
43134 [43134] Occupations in Bio- and Medical Informatics-Highly Complex Tasks [43134] Bio-, Medizininformatik - Experte
43144 [43144] Occupations in Geoinformatics-Highly Complex Tasks [43144] Geoinformatik - Experte
43152 [43152] Occupations in Media Informatics-Skilled Tasks [43152] Medieninformatik - Fachkraft
43153 [43153] Occupations in Media Informatics-Complex Tasks [43153] Medieninformatik - Spezialist
43154 [43154] Occupations in Media Informatics-Highly Complex Tasks [43154] Medieninformatik - Experte
43194 [43194] Managers in Computer Science [43194] Fuehrung - Informatik
43214 [43214] Occupations in It-System-Analysis-Highly Complex Tasks [43214] IT-Systemanalyse - Experte
43223 [43223] Occupations in It-Application-Consulting-Complex Tasks [43223] IT-Anwendungsberatung - Spezialist
43224 [43224] Occupations in It-Application-Consulting-Highly Complex Tasks [43224] IT-Anwendungsberatung - Experte
43233 [43233] Occupations in It-Sales-Complex Tasks [43233] IT-Vertrieb - Spezialist
43294 [43294] Managers in It-System-Analysis, It-Application-Consulting and It-Sales [43294] Fuehrung-IT-System,-Anwendung,-Vertrieb
43313 [43313] Occupations in It-Network Engineering-Complex Tasks [43313] IT-Netzwerktechnik - Spezialist
43314 [43314] Occupations in It-Network Engineering-Highly Complex Tasks [43314] IT-Netzwerktechnik - Experte
43323 [43323] Occupations in It-Coordination-Complex Tasks [43323] IT-Koordination - Spezialist
43333 [43333] Occupations in It-Organisation-Complex Tasks [43333] IT-Organisation - Spezialist
43343 [43343] Occupations in It-System-Administration-Complex Tasks [43343] IT-Systemadministation - Spezialist
43353 [43353] Occupations in Database Development and Administration-Complex Tasks [43353] Datenbankentwick.,-administr.-Spezialist
43363 [43363] Occupations in Web Administration-Complex Tasks [43363] Webadministration - Spezialist
43383 [43383] Occupations in It-Network Engineering, It-Coordination, It-Administration and It-Organisation (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [43383] IT-Netzw,Koord,Admin,Org(ssT)-Spezialist
43384 [43384] Occupations in It-Network Engineering, It-Coordination, It-Administration and It-Organisation (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [43384] IT-Netzw.,Koord.,Admin,Orga(ssT)-Experte
43394 [43394] Managers in It-Network Engineering, It-Coordination, It-Administration and It-Organisation (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified) [43394] Fuehrung-IT-Netzw.,-Koord.,-Admin.,-Orga.
43412 [43412] Occupations in Software Development-Skilled Tasks [43412] Softwareentwicklung - Fachkraft
43413 [43413] Occupations in Software Development-Complex Tasks [43413] Softwareentwicklung - Spezialist
43414 [43414] Occupations in Software Development-Highly Complex Tasks [43414] Softwareentwicklung - Experte
43423 [43423] Occupations in Programming-Complex Tasks [43423] Programmierung - Spezialist
43494 [43494] Managers in Software Development and Programming [43494] Fuehrung-Softwareentwickl.,Programmierung
51112 [51112] Technical Occup. in Railway Operation-Skilled Tasks [51112] Technischer Eisenbahnbetrieb - Fachkraft
51113 [51113] Technical Occup. in Railway Operation-Complex Tasks [51113] Technischer Eisenbahnbetrieb -Spezialist
51122 [51122] Technical Occup. in Aircraft Operation-Skilled Tasks [51122] Techn. Luftverkehrsbetrieb - Fachkraft
51123 [51123] Technical Occup. in Aircraft Operation-Complex Tasks [51123] Techn. Luftverkehrsbetrieb - Spezialist
51132 [51132] Technical Occup. in Ship Operation-Skilled Tasks [51132] Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb-Fachkraft
51133 [51133] Technical Occup. in Ship Operation-Complex Tasks [51133] Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb-Spezialist
51134 [51134] Technical Occup. in Ship Operation-Highly Complex Tasks [51134] Techn. Schiffsverkehrsbetrieb - Experte
51182 [51182] Technical Occup. in Railway, Aircraft and Ship Operation (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [51182] TechBetEisenbLuftSchiffsv(ssT)-Fachkraft
51183 [51183] Technical Occup. in Railway, Aircraft and Ship Operation (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [51183] TechBetEisenbLuftSchiffv(ssT)-Spezialist
51193 [51193] Supervisors in Railway, Aircraft and Ship Operation [51193] Aufsicht-TechBetr.Eisenb.LuftSchiffsverk
51212 [51212] Road and Tunnel Inspection and Controlling Commissioners-Skilled Tasks [51212] Strassen-, Tunnelwaerter/innen - Fachkraft
51222 [51222] Occupations in the Inspection and Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure-Skilled Tasks [51222] Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur - Fachkraft
51223 [51223] Occupations in the Inspection and Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure-Complex Tasks [51223] Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur -Spezialist
51224 [51224] Occupations in the Inspection and Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure-Highly Complex Tasks [51224] Wart. Eisenbahninfrastruktur - Experte
51233 [51233] Technical Occup. in Air Traffic Control-Complex Tasks [51233] Flugsicherungstechnik - Spezialist
51234 [51234] Technical Occup. in Air Traffic Control-Highly Complex Tasks [51234] Flugsicherungstechnik - Experte
51242 [51242] Waterway and Bridges Inspection and Controlling Commissioners-Skilled Tasks [51242] Wasserstrassen-,Brueckenwaerter - Fachkraft
51243 [51243] Waterway and Bridges Inspection and Controlling Commissioners-Complex Tasks [51243] Wasserstrassen-, Brueckenwaerter-Spezialist
51293 [51293] Supervisors in the Inspection and Maintenance of Traffic Infrastructure [51293] Aufsicht - Ueberw.,Wart.Verkehrsinfraktur
51311 [51311] Occupations in Warehousing and Logistics-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [51311] Lagerwirtschaft - Helfer
51312 [51312] Occupations in Warehousing and Logistics-Skilled Tasks [51312] Lagerwirtschaft - Fachkraft
51321 [51321] Occupations in Postal and Other Delivery Services-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [51321] Post- und Zustelldienste - Helfer
51322 [51322] Occupations in Postal and Other Delivery Services-Skilled Tasks [51322] Post- und Zustelldienste - Fachkraft
51332 [51332] Occupations in Cargo Handling-Skilled Tasks [51332] Gueter- und Warenumschlag - Fachkraft
51393 [51393] Supervisors in Warehousing and Logistics, in Postal and Other Delivery Services, and in Cargo Handling [51393] Aufsicht-Lagerw.,Post,Zustell.,Gueterum.
51394 [51394] Managers in Warehousing and Logistics, in Postal and Other Delivery Services, and in Cargo Handling [51394] Fuehrung-Lagerw.,Post,Zustell.,Gueterum.
51412 [51412] Service Occupations in Road and Railway Traffic-Skilled Tasks [51412] Servicefachk.StrassenSchienenv.-Fachkraft
51422 [51422] Service Occupations in Air Traffic-Skilled Tasks [51422] Servicefachkraefte Luftverkehr-Fachkraft
51432 [51432] Service Occupations in Shipping Traffic-Skilled Tasks [51432] Servicefachkraefte Schiffsverk.-Fachkraft
51493 [51493] Supervisors of Service Personnel in Passenger Traffic [51493] Aufsicht-Personenverkehr(Servicebereich)
51503 [51503] Occupations in Traffic Surveillance and Control (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [51503] Ueberwach. Verkehrsbetrieb(oS)-Spezialist
51504 [51504] Occupations in Traffic Surveillance and Control (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [51504] Ueberwach. Verkehrsbetrieb (oS) - Experte
51512 [51512] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Road Traffic-Skilled Tasks [51512] Ueberwach. Strassenverkehrsbetr.-Fachkraft
51513 [51513] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Road Traffic-Complex Tasks [51513] Ueberwach. Strassenverkehrsbetr-Spezialist
51522 [51522] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Railway Traffic-Skilled Tasks [51522] Ueberwach.Eisenbahnverkehrsbetr-Fachkraft
51523 [51523] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Railway Traffic-Complex Tasks [51523] Ueberwach.Eisenbahnverkehrsbet-Spezialist
51532 [51532] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Air Traffic-Skilled Tasks [51532] Ueberwachung Luftverkehrsbetr.-Fachkraft
51533 [51533] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Air Traffic-Complex Tasks [51533] Ueberwachung Luftverkehrsbetr.-Spezialist
51534 [51534] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Air Traffic-Highly Complex Tasks [51534] Ueberwachung Luftverkehrsbetr. -Experte
51543 [51543] Occupations in the Surveillance and Control of Shipping Traffic-Complex Tasks [51543] Ueberwach.Schiffsverkehrsbetr.-Spezialist
51583 [51583] Occupations in Traffic Surveillance and Control (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [51583] Ueberwach.Verkehrsbetrieb(ssT)-Spezialist
51593 [51593] Supervisors in Traffic Surveillance and Control [51593] Aufsicht - Ueberwachung Verkehrsbetrieb
51594 [51594] Managers in Traffic Surveillance and Control [51594] Fuehrung - Ueberwachung Verkehrsbetrieb
51613 [51613] Management Assistants in Transport-Complex Tasks [51613] Verkehrskaufleute - Spezialist
51614 [51614] Management Assistants in Transport -highly Complex Tasks [51614] Verkehrskaufleute - Experte
51622 [51622] Forwarding Agents and Management Assistants in Logistics-Skilled Tasks [51622] Speditions-,Logistikkaufleute-Fachkraft
51623 [51623] Forwarding Agents and Management Assistants in Logistics-Complex Tasks [51623] Speditions-,Logistikkaufleute-Spezialist
51624 [51624] Forwarding Agents and Management Assistants in Logistics-Highly Complex Tasks [51624] Speditions-, Logistikkaufleute - Experte
51632 [51632] Management Assistants in Road and Railway Transport-Skilled Tasks [51632] Strassen,Schienenverkehrskaufl.-Fachkraft
51633 [51633] Management Assistants in Road and Railway Transport-Complex Tasks [51633] Strasse,Schienenverkehrskaufl.-Spezialist
51642 [51642] Management Assistants in Air Transport-Skilled Tasks [51642] Luftverkehrskaufleute - Fachkraft
51643 [51643] Management Assistants in Air Transport-Complex Tasks [51643] Luftverkehrskaufleute - Spezialist
51652 [51652] Management Assistants in Shipping Transport-Skilled Tasks [51652] Schifffahrtskaufleute - Fachkraft
51653 [51653] Management Assistants in Shipping Transport-Complex Tasks [51653] Schifffahrtskaufleute - Spezialist
51662 [51662] Management Assistants in Courier Services, Express and Postal Delivery Services-Skilled Tasks [51662] KurierExpressPostdienstl.kaufl-Fachkraft
51663 [51663] Management Assistants in Courier Services, Express and Postal Delivery Services-Complex Tasks [51663] KurierExpressPostdienst.kaufl-Spezialist
51694 [51694] Managers in Transport and Logistics [51694] Fuehrung-Verkehr,Logistik (kaufm.Bereich)
52112 [52112] Professional Drivers (passengers Transport)-Skilled Tasks [52112] Berufskraftfahrer(Pers./PKW.)-Fachkraft
52122 [52122] Professional Drivers (cargo Trucks)-Skilled Tasks [52122] Berufskraftfahrer(Gueterv./LKW)-Fachkraft
52132 [52132] Bus and Tram Drivers-Skilled Tasks [52132] Bus-, Strassenbahnfahrer/innen-Fachkraft
52182 [52182] Drivers of Vehicles in Road Traffic (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [52182] FahrzeugfuehrerStrassenverk(ssT)-Fachkraft
52202 [52202] Drivers of Train Engines and Other Railway Vehicles-Skilled Tasks [52202] TriebfahrzeugfuehrEisenbahn(oS)-Fachkraft
52313 [52313] Pilots of Planes and Airliners-Complex Tasks [52313] PilotenVerkehrsflugzeugfuehrer-Spezialist
52314 [52314] Pilots of Planes and Airliners-Highly Complex Tasks [52314] Piloten,Verkehrsflugzeugfuehrer - Experte
52383 [52383] Aircraft Pilots (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [52383] Fahrzeugfuehrer Flugverk.(ssT)-Spezialist
52384 [52384] Aircraft Pilots (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [52384] Fahrzeugfuehrer Flugverkehr (ssT)-Experte
52413 [52413] Deck Officers/Mates and Ships Captains Or Skippers-Complex Tasks [52413] NautSchiffsoffiziere,Kapitaene-Spezialist
52414 [52414] Deck Officers/Mates and Ships Captains Or Skippers-Highly Complex Tasks [52414] Naut.Schiffsoffiziere, Kapitaene-Experte
52422 [52422] Ships Masters in Inland Navigation and Port Traffic-Skilled Tasks [52422] Schiffsfuehr.Binnen-,Hafenverk.-Fachkraft
52423 [52423] Ships Masters in Inland Navigation and Port Traffic-Complex Tasks [52423] Schiffsfuehr.Binnen,Hafenverk.-Spezialist
52512 [52512] Drivers of Agricultural and Forestry Machines-Skilled Tasks [52512] Fuehrer land-,forstw. Maschinen-Fachkraft
52522 [52522] Drivers of Earthmoving and Related Machines-Skilled Tasks [52522] Fuehrer Erdbeweg,verw.Maschinen-Fachkraft
52531 [52531] Operators of Cranes, Lifts and Related Lifting Devices-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [52531] Kranfuehr., Bediener Hebeeinricht.-Helfer
52532 [52532] Operators of Cranes, Lifts and Related Lifting Devices-Skilled Tasks [52532] Kranfuehr.BedienerHebeeinricht.-Fachkraft
52593 [52593] Supervisors of Drivers and Operators of Construction and Transportation Vehicles and Equipment [52593] Aufsicht - Bau-, Transportgeraetefuehrung
53111 [53111] Occupations in Physical Security, Protection of Valuables, and Personal Protection-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [53111] Objekt-, Werte-, Personenschutz - Helfer
53112 [53112] Occupations in Physical Security, Protection of Valuables, and Personal Protection-Skilled Tasks [53112] Objekt-,Werte-, Personenschutz-Fachkraft
53122 [53122] Occupations Focusing On Workplace Safety and Safety Technology-Skilled Tasks [53122] Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Fachkraft
53123 [53123] Occupations Focusing On Workplace Safety and Safety Technology-Complex Tasks [53123] Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Spezialist
53124 [53124] Occupations Focusing On Workplace Safety and Safety Technology-Highly Complex Tasks [53124] Arbeitssicherh.,Sich.-technik-Experte
53132 [53132] Occupations in Fire Protection-Skilled Tasks [53132] Brandschutz - Fachkraft
53133 [53133] Occupations in Fire Protection-Complex Tasks [53133] Brandschutz - Spezialist
53134 [53134] Occupations in Fire Protection-Highly Complex Tasks [53134] Brandschutz - Experte
53142 [53142] Pool Attendants and Lifeguards-Skilled Tasks [53142] Badeaufsicht - Fachkraft
53152 [53152] Private Detectives-Skilled Tasks [53152] Detektive/Detektivinnen - Fachkraft
53162 [53162] Debt Collectors-Skilled Tasks [53162] Inkassobeauftragte - Fachkraft
53182 [53182] Occupations in Physical Security, Personal Protection, Fire Protection and Workplace Safety (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [53182] Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Fachkraft
53183 [53183] Occupations in Physical Security, Personal Protection, Fire Protection and Workplace Safety (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [53183] Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Spezialist
53184 [53184] Occupations in Physical Security, Personal Protection, Fire Protection and Workplace Safety (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [53184] Obj.Pers.Brandschutz (ssT)-Experte
53193 [53193] Supervisors in Physical Security, Personal Protection, Fire Protection and Workplace Safety [53193] Aufsicht-Objekt,Brandschutz,Arbeitssich.
53194 [53194] Managers in Physical Security, Personal Protection, Fire Protection and Workplace Safety [53194] Fuehrung-Objekt-,Brandschutz,Arbeitssich.
53212 [53212] Uniformed Police Personnel-Skilled Tasks [53212] Polizeivollzugsdienst - Fachkraft
53213 [53213] Uniformed Police Personnel-Complex Tasks [53213] Polizeivollzugsdienst - Spezialist
53214 [53214] Uniformed Police Personnel-Highly Complex Tasks [53214] Polizeivollzugsdienst - Experte
53222 [53222] Detectives and Police Officers in Criminal Investigation Departments-Skilled Tasks [53222] Kriminaldienst - Fachkraft
53223 [53223] Detectives and Police Officers in Criminal Investigation Departments-Complex Tasks [53223] Kriminaldienst - Spezialist
53224 [53224] Detectives and Police Officers in Criminal Investigation Departments-Highly Complex Tasks [53224] Kriminaldienst - Experte
53232 [53232] Court Officers-Skilled Tasks [53232] Gerichtsvollzug - Fachkraft
53233 [53233] Court Officers-Complex Tasks [53233] Gerichtsvollzug - Spezialist
53241 [53241] PoliceOfficers in Penal Institutions- Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [53241] Justizvollzugsdienst - Helfer
53242 [53242] PoliceOfficers in Penal Institutions-Skilled Tasks [53242] Justizvollzugsdienst - Fachkraft
53243 [53243] PoliceOfficers in Penal Institutions-Complex Tasks [53243] Justizvollzugsdienst - Spezialist
53244 [53244] PoliceOfficers in Penal Institutions-Highly Complex Tasks [53244] Justizvollzugsdienst - Experte
53312 [53312] Occupations in Occupational Health and Safety Administration-Skilled Tasks [53312] Gewerbeaufsicht - Fachkraft
53313 [53313] Occupations in Occupational Health and Safety Administration-Complex Tasks [53313] Gewerbeaufsicht - Spezialist
53314 [53314] Occupations in Occupational Health and Safety Administration-Highly Complex Tasks [53314] Gewerbeaufsicht - Experte
53322 [53322] Occupations in Public Health Authority and Hygiene Control-Skilled Tasks [53322] Gesundheitsaufs.,Hygieneueberw.-Fachkraft
53323 [53323] Occupations in Public Health Authority and Hygiene Control-Complex Tasks [53323] Gesundheitsaufs.Hygieneueberw.-Spezialist
53332 [53332] Occupations in Food Control-Skilled Tasks [53332] Lebensmittelkontrolle - Fachkraft
53333 [53333] Occupations in Food Control-Complex Tasks [53333] Lebensmittelkontrolle - Spezialist
53342 [53342] Occupations in Disinfection and Pest Control-Skilled Tasks [53342] Desinfekt., Schaedlingsbekaempf.-Fachkraft
53393 [53393] Supervisors in Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Public Health Authority, and Disinfection [53393] Aufsicht-Gewerbe-, Gesundheitsaufsicht
53394 [53394] Managers in Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Public Health Authority, and Disinfection [53394] Fuehrung-Gewerbe-, Gesundheitsaufsicht
54101 [54101] Occupations in Cleaning Services (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [54101] Reinigung (o.S.) - Helfer
54112 [54112] Occupations in Building Cleaning Services-Skilled Tasks [54112] Gebaeudereinigung - Fachkraft
54113 [54113] Occupations in Building Cleaning Services-Complex Tasks [54113] Gebaeudereinigung - Spezialist
54122 [54122] Occupations in Glass and Window Cleaning Services-Skilled Tasks [54122] Glas-, Fensterreinigung - Fachkraft
54132 [54132] Occupations in Textile Cleaning Services-Skilled Tasks [54132] Textilreinigung - Fachkraft
54142 [54142] Occupations in Machine and Equipment Cleaning Services-Skilled Tasks [54142] Maschinen-, Anlagenreinigung - Fachkraft
54152 [54152] Occupations in Vehicle Cleaning Services-Skilled Tasks [54152] Fahrzeugreinigung - Fachkraft
54182 [54182] Occupations in Cleaning Services (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [54182] Reinigung (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
54193 [54193] Supervisors in Cleaning Services [54193] Aufsicht - Reinigung
61112 [61112] Occupations in Purchasing-Skilled Tasks [61112] Einkauf - Fachkraft
61113 [61113] Occupations in Purchasing-Complex Tasks [61113] Einkauf - Spezialist
61122 [61122] Occupations in Sales (except Information and Communication Technologies)-Skilled Tasks [61122] Vertrieb (ausser IKT) - Fachkraft
61123 [61123] Occupations in Sales (except Information and Communication Technologies)-Complex Tasks [61123] Vertrieb (ausser IKT) - Spezialist
61124 [61124] Occupations in Sales (except Information and Communication Technologies)-Highly Complex Tasks [61124] Vertrieb (ausser IKT) - Experte
61132 [61132] Trade Brokers and Auctioneers- Skilled Tasks [61132] Handelsmakler,Auktionatoren - Fachkraft
61133 [61133] Trade Brokers and Auctioneers- Complex Tasks [61133] Handelsmakler,Auktionatoren - Spezialist
61142 [61142] Occupations in Placing and Servicing Vending Machines-Skilled Tasks [61142] Kaufleute Automatenservice - Fachkraft
61152 [61152] Money Lenders and Pawn Brokers-Skilled Tasks [61152] Geld- und Pfandverleih - Fachkraft
61162 [61162] Occupations in Rental Services (except Money Lending and Pawn Broking)-Skilled Tasks [61162] Verleih (ausser Geld u. Pfand) -Fachkraft
61194 [61194] Managers in Purchasing and Sales [61194] Fuehrung - Einkauf und Vertrieb
61203 [61203] Management Assistants in Trade (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [61203] Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) - Spezialist
61204 [61204] Management Assistants in Trade (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [61204] Kaufleute im Handel (o.S.) - Experte
61212 [61212] Management Assistants in Wholesale and Foreign Trade-Skilled Tasks [61212] Kaufleute Gross-, Aussenhandel - Fachkraft
61213 [61213] Management Assistants in Wholesale and Foreign Trade-Complex Tasks [61213] Kaufleute Gross-, Aussenhandel -Spezialist
61214 [61214] Management Assistants in Wholesale and Foreign Trade-Highly Complex Tasks [61214] Kaufleute Gross-, Aussenhandel - Experte
61282 [61282] Management Assistants in Trade (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [61282] Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T) - Fachkraft
61283 [61283] Management Assistants in Trade (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [61283] Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T) - Spezialist
61284 [61284] Management Assistants in Trade (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [61284] Kaufleute im Handel (s.s.T.) - Experte
61294 [61294] Managers in Trade [61294] Fuehrung - Handel
61312 [61312] Occupations in Real Estate Marketing and Administration-Skilled Tasks [61312] Immobilienvermarktung,-verwal.-Fachkraft
61313 [61313] Occupations in Real Estate Marketing and Administration-Complex Tasks [61313] Immobilienvermarktung,verwal.-Spezialist
61314 [61314] Occupations in Real Estate Marketing and Administration-Highly Complex Tasks [61314] Immobilienvermarktung,-verwal.-Experte
61323 [61323] Occupations in Facility Management-Complex Tasks [61323] Facility-Management - Spezialist
61394 [61394] Managers in Real Estate and Facility Management [61394] Fuehrung-Immobilienwirt., Facility-Manag.
62101 [62101] Sales Occupations in Retail Trade (without Product Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [62101] Verkauf (ohne Produktspezialis.)-Helfer
62102 [62102] Sales Occupations in Retail Trade (without Product Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [62102] Verkauf (ohne Produktspezial.)-Fachkraft
62103 [62103] Sales Occupations in Retail Trade (without Product Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [62103] Verkauf (ohne Produktspez.) - Spezialist
62112 [62112] Cashiers and Ticket Agents-Skilled Tasks [62112] Kassierer, Kartenverkaeufer - Fachkraft
62122 [62122] Stall and Market Sellers-Skilled Tasks [62122] Verkaufsstand-,Marktverkaeufer -Fachkraft
62182 [62182] Sales Occupations in Retail Trade (without Product Specialisation; With Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [62182] Verkauf (o. Produktspez) (ssT)-Fachkraft
62183 [62183] Sales Occupations in Retail Trade (without Product Specialisation; With Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [62183] Verkauf (o. Produktspez)(ssT)-Spezialist
62193 [62193] Supervisors in Retail Trade [62193] Aufsicht - Verkauf
62194 [62194] Managers in Retail Trade [62194] Fuehrung - Verkauf
62212 [62212] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) Selling Clothing, Sporting Goods, Leather Goods and Shoes-Skilled Tasks [62212] Verkauf (Bekleid.,Leder,Sport)-Fachkraft
62222 [62222] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) Selling Jewellery and Watches-Skilled Tasks [62222] Verkauf (Schmuck, Uhren) - Fachkraft
62232 [62232] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) Selling Office Supplies, Gifts and Toys-Skilled Tasks [62232] Verkauf (Buero,Geschenk,Spiel)-Fachkraft
62242 [62242] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) Selling Electrical and Electronic Goods, and Household Supplies-Skilled Tasks [62242] Verkauf (Elektro-,Hauswaltsw.)-Fachkraft
62252 [62252] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) Selling Furniture and Furnishings-Skilled Tasks [62252] Verkauf (Moebel, Einrichtung)-Fachkraft
62262 [62262] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) in Gardening Stores, Home Improvement Stores, Pet Shops and Zoo Supplies Stores-Skilled Tasks [62262] Verkauf (Garten,Heimwerk,Tier)-Fachkraft
62272 [62272] Sales Occupations (Retail Trade) Selling Motor Vehicles, Bicycles, Motorbikes, and Related Supplies-Skilled Tasks [62272] Verkauf (KFZ, Zweirad,Zubehoer)-Fachkraft
62282 [62282] Sales Occupations in Retail Trade (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [62282] Verkauf (ssT) - Fachkraft
62301 [62301] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Foodstuffs (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [62301] Verkauf Lebensmittel (o.S.) - Helfer
62302 [62302] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Foodstuffs (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [62302] Verkauf Lebensmittel (o.S.) - Fachkraft
62312 [62312] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Baked Goods, Pastries and Confectionaries-Skilled Tasks [62312] Verkauf Back-,Konditoreiwaren-Fachkraft
62322 [62322] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Meat Products-Skilled Tasks [62322] Verkauf von Fleischwaren - Fachkraft
62382 [62382] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Foodstuffs (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [62382] Verkauf Lebensmittel (s.s.T.)-Fachkraft
62412 [62412] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Drugstore Products and Pharmaceuticals-Skilled Tasks [62412] Verkauf drog.apotheken.Waren-Fachkraft
62422 [62422] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Medical Supplies and Healthcare Goods-Skilled Tasks [62422] Verkauf Sanitaets,Medizinbedarf-Fachkraft
62512 [62512] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Books-Skilled Tasks [62512] Buchhandel - Fachkraft
62513 [62513] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Books-Complex Tasks [62513] Buchhandel - Spezialist
62514 [62514] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Books-Highly Complex Tasks [62514] Buchhandel - Experte
62522 [62522] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Art and Antiques-Skilled Tasks [62522] Kunst-, Antiquitaetenhandel - Fachkraft
62532 [62532] Sales Occupations (Retail) Selling Musical Instruments, Recordings Or Sheet Music-Skilled Tasks [62532] Musikfachhandel - Fachkraft
63112 [63112] Management Assistants in Tourism-Skilled Tasks [63112] Tourismuskaufleute - Fachkraft
63113 [63113] Management Assistants in Tourism-Complex Tasks [63113] Tourismuskaufleute - Spezialist
63114 [63114] Management Assistants in Tourism-Highly Complex Tasks [63114] Tourismuskaufleute - Experte
63122 [63122] Management Assistants in the Sports and Fitness Industry, Sports Administrators-Skilled Tasks [63122] Sport-,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Fachkraft
63123 [63123] Management Assistants in the Sports and Fitness Industry, Sports Administrators-Complex Tasks [63123] Sport,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Spezialist
63124 [63124] Management Assistants in the Sports and Fitness Industry, Sports Administrators-Highly Complex Tasks [63124] Sport-,Fitnesskaufl.Sportmanag-Experte
63132 [63132] Animators and Guest Attendants-Skilled Tasks [63132] Animateure und Gaestebetreuer - Fachkraft
63142 [63142] Tourist Guides and Tour Guides-Skilled Tasks [63142] Reiseleiter, Fremdenfuehrer - Fachkraft
63143 [63143] Tourist Guides and Tour Guides-Complex Tasks [63143] Reiseleiter, Fremdenfuehrer - Spezialist
63194 [63194] Managers in Tourism and theSports (and Fitness) Industry [63194] Fuehrung - Tourismus und Sport
63212 [63212] Management Assistants in Hotels-Skilled Tasks [63212] Hotelkaufleute - Fachkraft
63213 [63213] Management Assistants in Hotels-Complex Tasks [63213] Hotelkaufleute - Spezialist
63221 [63221] Occupations in Hotel Service-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [63221] Hotelservice - Helfer
63222 [63222] Occupations in Hotel Service-Skilled Tasks [63222] Hotelservice - Fachkraft
63293 [63293] Supervisors in Hotels [63293] Aufsicht - Hotellerie
63294 [63294] Managers in Hotels [63294] Fuehrung - Hotellerie
63301 [63301] Gastronomy Occupations (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [63301] Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Helfer
63302 [63302] Gastronomy Occupations (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [63302] Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Fachkraft
63303 [63303] Gastronomy Occupations (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [63303] Gastronomieservice (o.S.) - Spezialist
63312 [63312] Occupations in System Catering-Skilled Tasks [63312] Systemgastronomie - Fachkraft
63313 [63313] Occupations in System Catering-Complex Tasks [63313] Systemgastronomie - Spezialist
63322 [63322] Barkeepers-Skilled Tasks [63322] Barkeeper/innen - Fachkraft
63382 [63382] Gastronomy Occupations (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [63382] Gastronomie (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
63383 [63383] Gastronomy Occupations (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [63383] Gastronomie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
63393 [63393] Supervisors in Gastronomy and System Catering [63393] Aufsicht - Gastronomie
63394 [63394] Managers in Gastronomy and System Catering [63394] Fuehrung - Gastronomie
63401 [63401] Occupations in Event Organisation and Management-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [63401] Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. - Helfer
63402 [63402] Occupations in Event Organisation and Management-Skilled Tasks [63402] Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. -Fachkraft
63403 [63403] Occupations in Event Organisation and Management-Complex Tasks [63403] Veranstaltungsservice,-manag.-Spezialist
63404 [63404] Occupations in Event Organisation and Management-Highly Complex Tasks [63404] Veranstaltungsservice,-manag. - Experte
71104 [71104] Managing Directors and Executive Board Members-Highly Complex Tasks [71104] Geschaeftsfuehrer und Vorstaende - Experte
71214 [71214] Legislators-Highly Complex Tasks [71214] Angeh. gesetzgeb. Koerperschaften-Experte
71224 [71224] Senior Officials of Special Interest Organisations-Highly Complex Tasks [71224] Leit. Bedienstete Interessenorga-Experte
71234 [71234] Elected Employee Representatives in Firms-Highly Complex Tasks [71234] Betriebsinterne Wahlaemter - Experte
71302 [71302] Occupations in Business Administration and Technical Business Management (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [71302] Kaufm.,techn.Betriebswirt.(oS)-Fachkraft
71303 [71303] Occupations in Business Administration and Technical Business Management (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [71303] Kaufm.,tech.Betriebswirt.(oS)-Spezialist
71304 [71304] Occupations in Business Administration and Technical Business Management (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [71304] Kaufm.,tech.Betriebswirtsch.(oS)-Experte
71314 [71314] Occupations in Business Organisation and Planning-Highly Complex Tasks [71314] Unternehmensorganisation,planung-Experte
71324 [71324] Occupations in Business Consulting-Highly Complex Tasks [71324] Unternehmensberatung - Experte
71333 [71333] Occupations in Business Development-Highly Complex Tasks [71333] Wirtschaftsfoerderung - Spezialist
71382 [71382] Occupations in Business Organisation and Strategy (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [71382] Unternehmensorg.,strateg.(ssT)-Fachkraft
71383 [71383] Occupations in Business Organisation and Strategy (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [71383] Unternehmensorg,strateg.(ssT)-Spezialist
71384 [71384] Occupations in Business Organisation and Strategy (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [71384] Unternehmensorg.,-strategie(ssT)-Experte
71393 [71393] Supervisors in Business Organisation and Strategy [71393] Aufsicht - Unternehmensorg.,-strategie
71394 [71394] Managers in Business Organisation and Strategy [71394] Fuehrung - Unternehmensorg., -strategie
71401 [71401] Office Clerks and Secretaries (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [71401] Buero-, Sekretariatskraefte(o.S.) - Helfer
71402 [71402] Office Clerks and Secretaries (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [71402] Buero-,Sekretariatskraefte(o.S.)-Fachkraft
71403 [71403] Office Clerks and Secretaries (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [71403] Buero-,Sekretariatskraefte(oS) -Spezialist
71412 [71412] Foreign Language Secretaries and Foreign Language Correspondence Clerks-Skilled Tasks [71412] Fremdsprachensekr.,korrespond.-Fachkraft
71413 [71413] Foreign Language Secretaries and Foreign Language Correspondence Clerks-Complex Tasks [71413] Fremdsprachensek.,korrespond.-Spezialist
71423 [71423] Interpreters and Translators-Complex Tasks [71423] Dolmetscher, Uebersetzer - Spezialist
71424 [71424] Interpreters and Translators-Highly Complex Tasks [71424] Dolmetscher, Uebersetzer - Experte
71432 [71432] Shorthand and Audio Typists-Skilled Tasks [71432] Steno-, Phonotypisten - Fachkraft
71433 [71433] Shorthand and Audio Typists-Complex Tasks [71433] Steno-, Phonotypisten - Spezialist
71442 [71442] Coders, Proof Readers and Related Clerks-Skilled Tasks [71442] Kodierer, Korrekturleser - Fachkraft
71452 [71452] Customer Or Passenger Information Office Clerks-Skilled Tasks [71452] Auskunft, Kundeninformation - Fachkraft
71493 [71493] Supervisors of Office Clerks and Secretaries [71493] Aufsicht - Buero und Sekretariat
71512 [71512] Occupations in Human Resources Development and Personnel Service-Skilled Tasks [71512] Personalentwick.,sachbearbeit.-Fachkraft
71513 [71513] Occupations in Human Resources Development and Personnel Service-Complex Tasks [71513] Personalentwick.,sachbearbeit-Spezialist
71514 [71514] Occupations in Human Resources Development and Personnel Service-Highly Complex Tasks [71514] Personalentwickl.,-sachbearbeit.-Experte
71522 [71522] Occupations in Recruiting and Employment Services-Skilled Tasks [71522] Personaldienstleistung - Fachkraft
71523 [71523] Occupations in Recruiting and Employment Services-Complex Tasks [71523] Personaldienstleistung - Spezialist
71524 [71524] Occupations in Recruiting and Employment Services-Highly Complex Tasks [71524] Personaldienstleistung - Experte
71594 [71594] Managers in Human Resources Management and Personnel Services [71594] Fuehrung - Personalwesen, -dienstleistung
72112 [72112] Bankers-Skilled Tasks [72112] Bankkaufleute - Fachkraft
72113 [72113] Bankers-Complex Tasks [72113] Bankkaufleute - Spezialist
72122 [72122] Investment Consultants and Other Occupations in Financial Services-Skilled Tasks [72122] Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Fachkraft
72123 [72123] Investment Consultants and Other Occupations in Financial Services-Complex Tasks [72123] Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Spezialist
72124 [72124] Investment Consultants and Other Occupations in Financial Services-Highly Complex Tasks [72124] Anlageberater, Finanzdienstl.-Experte
72132 [72132] Insurance Salespersons-Skilled Tasks [72132] Versicherungskaufleute - Fachkraft
72133 [72133] Insurance Salespersons-Complex Tasks [72133] Versicherungskaufleute - Spezialist
72134 [72134] Insurance Salespersons-Highly Complex Tasks [72134] Versicherungskaufleute - Experte
72144 [72144] Financial Analysts-Highly Complex Tasks [72144] Finanzanalysten/innen - Experte
72182 [72182] Occupations in Insurance and Financial Services (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [72182] Versicher-,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Fachkraft
72183 [72183] Occupations in Insurance and Financial Services (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [72183] Versicher,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Spezialist
72184 [72184] Occupations in Insurance and Financial Services (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [72184] Versicher-,Finanzdienstl.(ssT)-Experte
72194 [72194] Managers in Insurance and Financial Services [72194] Fuehrung-Versicherung-,Finanzdienstleist.
72212 [72212] Occupations in Accounting-Skilled Tasks [72212] Buchhaltung - Fachkraft
72213 [72213] Occupations in Accounting-Complex Tasks [72213] Buchhaltung - Spezialist
72214 [72214] Occupations in Accounting-Highly Complex Tasks [72214] Buchhaltung - Experte
72223 [72223] Occupations in Cost Accounting and Calculation-Complex Tasks [72223] Kostenrechnung, Kalkulation - Spezialist
72224 [72224] Occupations in Cost Accounting and Calculation-Highly Complex Tasks [72224] Kostenrechnung, Kalkulation - Experte
72233 [72233] Occupations in Controlling-Complex Tasks [72233] Controlling - Spezialist
72234 [72234] Occupations in Controlling-Highly Complex Tasks [72234] Controlling - Experte
72243 [72243] Occupations in Auditing-Complex Tasks [72243] Wirtschaftspruefung - Spezialist
72244 [72244] Occupations in Auditing-Highly Complex Tasks [72244] Wirtschaftspruefung - Experte
72294 [72294] Managers in Accounting, Controlling and Auditing [72294] Fuehrung-Rechnungsw.,Controlling,Revision
72302 [72302] Occupations in Tax Consultancy-Skilled Tasks [72302] Steuerberatung - Fachkraft
72303 [72303] Occupations in Tax Consultancy-Complex Tasks [72303] Steuerberatung - Spezialist
72304 [72304] Occupations in Tax Consultancy-Highly Complex Tasks [72304] Steuerberatung - Experte
73104 [73104] Occupations in Legal Services, Jurisdiction, and Other Officers of the Court (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [73104] Rechtsberatung,-sprechung (oS) - Experte
73112 [73112] Assistants in Lawyers and Notaries Offices-Skilled Tasks [73112] Assistenz Rechtsanwalt.,Notar.-Fachkraft
73113 [73113] Assistants in Lawyers and Notaries Offices-Complex Tasks [73113] Assistenz Rechtsanwalt.,Notar-Spezialist
73124 [73124] Notaries-Highly Complex Tasks [73124] Notare/Notarinnen - Experte
73134 [73134] Lawyers-Highly Complex Tasks [73134] Rechtsanwaelte/-anwaeltinnen - Experte
73144 [73144] Prosecutors-Highly Complex Tasks [73144] Staatsanwaelte/-anwaeltinnen - Experte
73154 [73154] Judges-Highly Complex Tasks [73154] Richter/innen - Experte
73162 [73162] Occupations in the National Security Service-Skilled Tasks [73162] Verfassungsschutz - Fachkraft
73163 [73163] Occupations in the National Security Service-Complex Tasks [73163] Verfassungsschutz - Spezialist
73164 [73164] Occupations in the National Security Service-Highly Complex Tasks [73164] Verfassungsschutz - Experte
73183 [73183] Occupations in Legal Services, Jurisdiction, and Other Officers of the Court (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [73183] Rechtsber.,sprech.,ordn.(ssT)-Spezialist
73184 [73184] Occupations in Legal Services, Jurisdiction, and Other Officers of the Court (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [73184] Rechtsberat.,sprech.,ordn.(ssT)-Experte
73194 [73194] Managers in Legal Services, Jurisdiction, and of Other Officers of theCourt [73194] Fuehrung-Rechtsberatung,sprechung,ordnung
73201 [73201] Occupations in Public Administration (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [73201] Oeffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.) - Helfer
73202 [73202] Occupations in Public Administration (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [73202] Oeffentliche Verwaltung(o.S.) - Fachkraft
73203 [73203] Occupations in Public Administration (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [73203] Oeffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.)-Spezialist
73204 [73204] Occupations in Public Administration (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [73204] Oeffentliche Verwaltung (o.S.) - Experte
73212 [73212] Occupations in the Social Service Administration and theSocial Security System-Skilled Tasks [73212] Sozialverwaltung,-versicherung-Fachkraft
73213 [73213] Occupations in the Social Service Administration and theSocial Security System-Complex Tasks [73213] Sozialverwaltung,versicherung-Spezialist
73214 [73214] Occupations in the Social Service Administration and theSocial Security System-Highly Complex Tasks [73214] Sozialverwaltung, -versicherung-Experte
73222 [73222] Administrative Occupations in the Welfare and Health Care System-Skilled Tasks [73222] Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes. -Fachkraft
73223 [73223] Administrative Occupations in the Welfare and Health Care System-Complex Tasks [73223] Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes.-Spezialist
73224 [73224] Administrative Occupations in the Welfare and Health Care System-Highly Complex Tasks [73224] Verw. Sozial-,Gesundheitswes. - Experte
73231 [73231] Occupations in Tax Administration-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [73231] Steuerverwaltung - Helfer
73232 [73232] Occupations in Tax Administration-Skilled Tasks [73232] Steuerverwaltung - Fachkraft
73233 [73233] Occupations in Tax Administration-Complex Tasks [73233] Steuerverwaltung - Spezialist
73234 [73234] Occupations in Tax Administration-Highly Complex Tasks [73234] Steuerverwaltung - Experte
73241 [73241] Occupations in the Customs Service-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [73241] Zolldienst - Helfer
73242 [73242] Occupations in the Customs Service-Skilled Tasks [73242] Zolldienst - Fachkraft
73243 [73243] Occupations in the Customs Service-Complex Tasks [73243] Zolldienst - Spezialist
73244 [73244] Occupations in the Customs Service-Highly Complex Tasks [73244] Zolldienst - Experte
73252 [73252] Occupations in the Administration of Justice-Skilled Tasks [73252] Justizverwaltung - Fachkraft
73253 [73253] Occupations in the Administration of Justice-Complex Tasks [73253] Justizverwaltung - Spezialist
73254 [73254] Occupations in the Administration of Justice-Highly Complex Tasks [73254] Justizverwaltung - Experte
73282 [73282] Occupations in Public Administration (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [73282] Oeffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) - Fachkraft
73283 [73283] Occupations in Public Administration (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [73283] Oeffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) -Spezialist
73284 [73284] Occupations in Public Administration (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [73284] Oeffentliche Verwaltung (ssT) - Experte
73293 [73293] Supervisors in Public Administration [73293] Aufsicht - Verwaltung
73294 [73294] Managers in Public Administration [73294] Fuehrung - Verwaltung
73312 [73312] Occupations in Archiving-Skilled Tasks [73312] Archivwesen - Fachkraft
73313 [73313] Occupations in Archiving-Complex Tasks [73313] Archivwesen - Spezialist
73314 [73314] Occupations in Archiving-Highly Complex Tasks [73314] Archivwesen - Experte
73322 [73322] Library Occupations-Skilled Tasks [73322] Bibliothekswesen - Fachkraft
73323 [73323] Library Occupations-Complex Tasks [73323] Bibliothekswesen - Spezialist
73324 [73324] Library Occupations-Highly Complex Tasks [73324] Bibliothekswesen - Experte
73332 [73332] Occupations in Documentation and Information Services-Skilled Tasks [73332] Dokument.-,Informationsdienst-Fachkraft
73333 [73333] Occupations in Documentation and Information Services-Complex Tasks [73333] Dokument.-,Informationsdienst-Spezialist
73334 [73334] Occupations in Documentation and Information Services-Highly Complex Tasks [73334] Dokumentat.-, Informationsdienst-Experte
73342 [73342] Occupations in Medical Documentation-Skilled Tasks [73342] Medizinische Dokumentation - Fachkraft
73394 [73394] Managers in Media, Documentation and Information Services [73394] Fuehrung-Medien-Dokument.-,Informationsd.
81102 [81102] Medical Assistants (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [81102] Medizin. Fachangestellte (oS)-Fachkraft
81103 [81103] Medical Assistants (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [81103] Medizin. Fachangestellte (oS)-Spezialist
81112 [81112] Dental Assistants-Skilled Tasks [81112] Zahnmedizin. Fachangestellte - Fachkraft
81113 [81113] Dental Assistants-Complex Tasks [81113] Zahnmedizin.Fachangestellte - Spezialist
81122 [81122] Podologists-Skilled Tasks [81122] Podologen/Podologinnen - Fachkraft
81132 [81132] Orthoptists-Skilled Tasks [81132] Orthoptisten/Orthoptistinnen - Fachkraft
81142 [81142] Veterinary Assistants-Skilled Tasks [81142] Tiermedizin. Fachangestellte - Fachkraft
81143 [81143] Veterinary Assistants-Complex Tasks [81143] Tiermedizin.Fachangestellte - Spezialist
81182 [81182] Medical Assistants (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [81182] Medizin. Fachangestellte (ssT)-Fachkraft
81183 [81183] Medical Assistants (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [81183] Medizin.Fachangestellte (ssT)-Spezialist
81212 [81212] Technical Laboratory Occup. in Medicine-Skilled Tasks [81212] Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Fachkraft
81213 [81213] Technical Laboratory Occup. in Medicine-Complex Tasks [81213] Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Spezialist
81214 [81214] Technical Laboratory Occup. in Medicine-Highly Complex Tasks [81214] Med.-techn. Berufe Laborat. - Experte
81222 [81222] Technical Occup. in Medical Laboratories For Functional Diagnostics-Skilled Tasks [81222] Med.-tech.Berufe Funktionsdiag-Fachkraft
81223 [81223] Technical Occup. in Medical Laboratories For Functional Diagnostics-Complex Tasks [81223] Med-tech.Berufe Funktionsdiag-Spezialist
81224 [81224] Technical Occup. in Medical Laboratories For Functional Diagnostics-Highly Complex Tasks [81224] Med.-tech. Berufe Funktionsdiag-Experte
81232 [81232] Technical Occup. in Radiology-Skilled Tasks [81232] Med.-tech.Berufe Radiologie - Fachkraft
81233 [81233] Technical Occup. in Radiology-Complex Tasks [81233] Med.-tech. Berufe Radiologie -Spezialist
81234 [81234] Technical Occup. in Radiology-Highly Complex Tasks [81234] Med.-techn. Berufe Radiologie - Experte
81242 [81242] Technical Occup. in Veterinary Medicine-Skilled Tasks [81242] Med.-tech.Berufe Veterinaermed.-Fachkraft
81243 [81243] Technical Occup. in Veterinary Medicine-Complex Tasks [81243] Med.-tech.BerufeVeterinaermed.-Spezialist
81294 [81294] Managers in Medical Laboratories [81294] Fuehrung - Medizinisches Laboratorium
81301 [81301] Occupations in Nursing (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [81301] Gesundheits-, Krankenpflege (oS)-Helfer
81302 [81302] Occupations in Nursing (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [81302] Gesundheits-,Krankenpflege(oS)-Fachkraft
81313 [81313] Occupations in Nursing Specialised in A Particular Branch of Nursing-Complex Tasks [81313] Fachkrankenpflege - Spezialist
81323 [81323] Occupations in Nursing Specialised in Paediatrics-Complex Tasks [81323] Fachkinderkrankenpflege - Spezialist
81332 [81332] Surgical and Medico-Technical Assistants-Skilled Tasks [81332] Operationstechn. Assistenz - Fachkraft
81333 [81333] Surgical and Medico-Technical Assistants-Complex Tasks [81333] Operationstechn. Assistenz - Spezialist
81341 [81341] Occupations in Emergency Medical Services-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [81341] Rettungsdienst - Helfer
81342 [81342] Occupations in Emergency Medical Services-Skilled Tasks [81342] Rettungsdienst - Fachkraft
81343 [81343] Occupations in Emergency Medical Services-Complex Tasks [81343] Rettungsdienst - Spezialist
81352 [81352] Occupations in Obstetrics and Maternity Care-Skilled Tasks [81352] Geburtshilfe,Entbindungspflege-Fachkraft
81353 [81353] Occupations in Obstetrics and Maternity Care-Complex Tasks [81353] GeburtshilfeEntbindungspflege-Spezialist
81382 [81382] Occupations in Nursing (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [81382] Gesundheits,Krankenpflege(ssT)-Fachkraft
81383 [81383] Occupations Nursing (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [81383] Gesundheits-,Krankenpfl.(ssT)-Spezialist
81393 [81393] Supervisors in Nursing, Emergency Medical Services and Obstetrics [81393] Aufsicht-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.,Geburtsh
81394 [81394] Managers in Nursing, Emergency Medical Services and Obstetrics [81394] Fuehrung-Krankenpfl.,Rettungsd.,Geburtsh.
81404 [81404] Medical Doctors (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [81404] Aerzte/Aerztinnen (o.S.) - Experte
81414 [81414] Medical Doctors Specialised in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine-Highly Complex Tasks [81414] Fachaerzte Kinder-,Jugendmedizin -Experte
81424 [81424] Medical Doctors Specialised in Internal Medicine-Highly Complex Tasks [81424] Fachaerzte Innere Medizin - Experte
81434 [81434] Medical Doctors Specialised in Surgery-Highly Complex Tasks [81434] Fachaerzte in der Chirurgie - Experte
81444 [81444] Medical Doctors Specialised in Dermatology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Gynaecology, Andrology and Related Medical Fields-Highly Complex Tasks [81444] Fachaerzte Sinnes,Geschlechtsorg.-Experte
81454 [81454] Medical Doctors Specialised in Anaesthesiology-Highly Complex Tasks [81454] Fachaerzte Anaesthesiologie - Experte
81464 [81464] Medical Doctors Specialised in Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Medicine-Highly Complex Tasks [81464] Fachaerzte Psychiatr.,Psychother.-Experte
81474 [81474] Dentists and Orthodontists-Highly Complex Tasks [81474] Zahnaerzte, Kieferorthopaeden - Experte
81484 [81484] Medical Doctors (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [81484] Aerzte/Aerztinnen (s.s.T.) - Experte
81494 [81494] Managers in Human Medicine and Dentistry [81494] Fuehrung - Human- und Zahnmedizin
81504 [81504] Veterinaries (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [81504] Tieraerzte/-aerztinnen (o.S.) - Experte
81514 [81514] Veterinaries For Large and Farm Animals-Highly Complex Tasks [81514] Tieraerzte fuer Gross-, Nutztiere - Experte
81524 [81524] Veterinaries For Pets-Highly Complex Tasks [81524] Tieraerzte fuer Haus-, Heimtiere - Experte
81532 [81532] Non-Medical Animal Health Practitioners-Skilled Tasks [81532] Tierheilpraktiker/innen - Fachkraft
81584 [81584] Occupations in Veterinary Medicine and Non-Medical Animal Health Practitioners (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [81584] Tiermedizin, Tierheilkunde (ssT)-Experte
81594 [81594] Managers in Veterinary Medicine and Non-Medical Animal Health Practitioners [81594] Fuehrung - Tiermedizin und Tierheilkunde
81614 [81614] Occupations in Non-Clinical Psychology-Highly Complex Tasks [81614] Nicht klinische Psychologie - Experte
81623 [81623] Occupations in Clinical Psychology-Complex Tasks [81623] Klinische Psychologie - Spezialist
81624 [81624] Occupations in Clinical Psychology-Highly Complex Tasks [81624] Klinische Psychologie - Experte
81634 [81634] Occupations in Non-Medical Psychotherapy-Highly Complex Tasks [81634] Nicht aerztliche Psychotherapie - Experte
81712 [81712] Occupations in Physiotherapy-Skilled Tasks [81712] Physiotherapie - Fachkraft
81713 [81713] Occupations in Physiotherapy-Complex Tasks [81713] Physiotherapie - Spezialist
81714 [81714] Occupations in Physiotherapy-Highly Complex Tasks [81714] Physiotherapie - Experte
81722 [81722] Occupations in Occupational Therapy-Skilled Tasks [81722] Ergotherapie - Fachkraft
81723 [81723] Occupations in Occupational Therapy-Complex Tasks [81723] Ergotherapie - Spezialist
81724 [81724] Occupations in Occupational Therapy-Highly Complex Tasks [81724] Ergotherapie - Experte
81733 [81733] Occupations in Speech Therapy-Complex Tasks [81733] Sprachtherapie - Spezialist
81734 [81734] Occupations in Speech Therapy-Highly Complex Tasks [81734] Sprachtherapie - Experte
81743 [81743] Occupations in Music and Art Therapy-Complex Tasks [81743] Musik- und Kunsttherapie - Spezialist
81744 [81744] Occupations in Music and Art Therapy-Highly Complex Tasks [81744] Musik- und Kunsttherapie - Experte
81752 [81752] Practitioners of Alternative Medicine and Homeopathy-Skilled Tasks [81752] Heilkunde und Homoeopathie - Fachkraft
81753 [81753] Practitioners of Alternative Medicine and Homeopathy-Complex Tasks [81753] Heilkunde und Homoeopathie - Spezialist
81762 [81762] Dieticians and Nutritionists-Skilled Tasks [81762] Diaet-, Ernaehrungstherapie - Fachkraft
81763 [81763] Dieticians and Nutritionists-Complex Tasks [81763] Diaet-, Ernaehrungstherapie - Spezialist
81764 [81764] Dieticians and Nutritionists-Highly Complex Tasks [81764] Diaet-, Ernaehrungstherapie - Experte
81782 [81782] Occupations in Non-Medical Therapy and Alternative Medicine (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [81782] Nichtaerzt.Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)-Fachkraft
81783 [81783] Occupations in Non-Medical Therapy and Alternative Medicine (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [81783] Nichtaerzt.Therapie,Heilk(ssT)-Spezialist
81784 [81784] Occupations in Non-Medical Therapy and of Alternative Medicine (specific Occupation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [81784] Nichtaerztl.Therapie,Heilk.(ssT)-Experte
81794 [81794] Managers in In Non-Medical Therapy and Alternative Medicine [81794] Fuehrung - Nichtaerztl. Therapie,Heilkunde
81804 [81804] Pharmacists-Highly Complex Tasks [81804] Apotheker, Pharmazeuten - Experte
81814 [81814] Medical Doctors Specialised in Pharmacology-Highly Complex Tasks [81814] Fachaerzte in der Pharmakologie - Experte
81822 [81822] Pharmaceutical-Technical Assistants-Skilled Tasks [81822] Pharmazeut.-techn. Assistenz - Fachkraft
81883 [81883] Occupations in Pharmacy (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [81883] Pharmazie (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
81884 [81884] Occupations in Pharmacy (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [81884] Pharmazie (s.s.T.) - Experte
81894 [81894] Managers in Pharmacy [81894] Fuehrung - Pharmazie
82101 [82101] Occupations in Geriatric Care (without Specialisation)-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [82101] Altenpflege (o.S.) - Helfer
82102 [82102] Occupations in Geriatric Care (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [82102] Altenpflege (o.S.) - Fachkraft
82103 [82103] Occupations in Geriatric Care (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [82103] Altenpflege (o.S.) - Spezialist
82182 [82182] Occupations in Geriatric Care (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [82182] Altenpflege (s.s.T.) - Fachkraft
82183 [82183] Occupations in Geriatric Care (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [82183] Altenpflege (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
82194 [82194] Managers in Geriatric Care [82194] Fuehrung - Altenpflege
82212 [82212] Occupations Providing Health Counselling-Skilled Tasks [82212] Gesundheitsberatung - Fachkraft
82213 [82213] Occupations Providing Health Counselling-Complex Tasks [82213] Gesundheitsberatung - Spezialist
82214 [82214] Occupations Providing Health Counselling-Highly Complex Tasks [82214] Gesundheitsberatung - Experte
82222 [82222] Occupations in Wellness-Skilled Tasks [82222] Wellness - Fachkraft
82223 [82223] Occupations in Wellness-Complex Tasks [82223] Wellness - Spezialist
82232 [82232] Occupations Providing Nutritional Advice-Skilled Tasks [82232] Ernaehrungsberatung - Fachkraft
82233 [82233] Occupations Providing Nutritional Advice-Complex Tasks [82233] Ernaehrungsberatung - Spezialist
82243 [82243] Quality Assurance Representative in the Health Care System-Highly Complex Tasks [82243] Qualitaetsbeauft.Gesundheitsw.-Spezialist
82283 [82283] Occupations Providing Nutritional Advice Or Health Counselling, and Occupations in Wellness (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [82283] Ernaehr.,Gesundheitsber.(ssT)-Spezialist
82284 [82284] Occupations Providing Nutritional Advice Or Health Counselling, and Occupations in Wellness (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [82284] Ernaehr., Gesundheitsberat.(ssT)-Experte
82311 [82311] Occupations in Hairdressing-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [82311] Friseurgewerbe - Helfer
82312 [82312] Occupations in Hairdressing-Skilled Tasks [82312] Friseurgewerbe - Fachkraft
82322 [82322] Occupations in Cosmetics-Skilled Tasks [82322] Kosmetik - Fachkraft
82332 [82332] Tattooists and Piercers-Skilled Tasks [82332] Taetowierer, Piercer - Fachkraft
82342 [82342] Make-Up Artists-Skilled Tasks [82342] Maskenbildnerei - Fachkraft
82343 [82343] Make-Up Artists-Complex Tasks [82343] Maskenbildnerei - Spezialist
82393 [82393] Supervisors in Body Care [82393] Aufsicht - Koerperpflege
82402 [82402] Occupations in Funeral Services-Skilled Tasks [82402] Bestattungswesen - Fachkraft
82403 [82403] Occupations in Funeral Services-Complex Tasks [82403] Bestattungswesen - Spezialist
82493 [82493] Supervisors in Funeral Services [82493] Aufsicht - Bestattungswesen
82494 [82494] Managers in Funeral Services [82494] Fuehrung - Bestattungswesen
82502 [82502] Technical Occup. in Medicine (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [82502] Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Fachkraft
82503 [82503] Technical Occup. in Medicine (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [82503] Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Spezialist
82504 [82504] Technical Occup. in Medicine (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [82504] Medizintechnik (o.S.) - Experte
82512 [82512] Technical Occup. in Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation-Skilled Tasks [82512] Orthopaedie-, Rehatechnik - Fachkraft
82513 [82513] Technical Occup. in Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation-Complex Tasks [82513] Orthopaedie-, Rehatechnik - Spezialist
82514 [82514] Technical Occup. in Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation-Highly Complex Tasks [82514] Orthopaedie-, Rehatechnik - Experte
82522 [82522] Occupations in Ophthalmic Optics-Skilled Tasks [82522] Augenoptik - Fachkraft
82523 [82523] Occupations in Ophthalmic Optics-Complex Tasks [82523] Augenoptik - Spezialist
82524 [82524] Occupations in Ophthalmic Optics-Highly Complex Tasks [82524] Augenoptik - Experte
82532 [82532] Occupations in Hearing-Aid Acoustics-Skilled Tasks [82532] Hoergeraeteakustik - Fachkraft
82533 [82533] Occupations in Hearing-Aid Acoustics-Complex Tasks [82533] Hoergeraeteakustik - Spezialist
82534 [82534] Occupations in Hearing-Aid Acoustics-Highly Complex Tasks [82534] Hoergeraeteakustik - Experte
82542 [82542] Technical Occup. in Prosthetic Dentistry-Skilled Tasks [82542] Zahntechnik - Fachkraft
82593 [82593] Supervisors in Medicine, Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology [82593] Aufsicht-Medizin-Orthopaedie-,Rehatechnik
82594 [82594] Managers in Medicine, Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Technology [82594] Fuehrung-Medizin-Orthopaedie-,Rehatechnik
83111 [83111] Occupations in Child Care and Child-Rearing-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [83111] Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung - Helfer
83112 [83112] Occupations in Child Care and Child-Rearing-Skilled Tasks [83112] Kinderbetreuung, -erziehung - Fachkraft
83123 [83123] Occupations in Social Work and Social Pedagogics-Complex Tasks [83123] Sozialarbeit, Sozialpaedagogik-Spezialist
83124 [83124] Occupations in Social Work and Social Pedagogics-Highly Complex Tasks [83124] Sozialarbeit, Sozialpaedagogik - Experte
83131 [83131] Pedagogic Specialists in Social Care Work and Special Needs Education-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [83131] Heilerziehungspflege, Sonderpaed. -Helfer
83132 [83132] Pedagogic Specialists in Social Care Work and Special Needs Education-Skilled Tasks [83132] Heilerziehungspflege,Sonderpaed-Fachkraft
83133 [83133] Pedagogic Specialists in Social Care Work and Special Needs Education-Complex Tasks [83133] Heilerziehungspfl.,Sonderpaed.-Spezialist
83134 [83134] Pedagogic Specialists in Social Care Work and Special Needs Education-Highly Complex Tasks [83134] Heilerziehungspflege,Sonderpaed.-Experte
83142 [83142] Social Care Workers Specialized in Household Assistance and Family Care-Skilled Tasks [83142] Haus- und Familienpflege - Fachkraft
83143 [83143] Social Care Workers Specialized in Household Assistance and Family Care-Complex Tasks [83143] Haus- und Familienpflege - Spezialist
83154 [83154] Occupations in Social, Educational and Addiction Counselling-Highly Complex Tasks [83154] Sozial-,Erziehungs-, Suchtberat.-Experte
83193 [83193] Supervisors in Education and Social Work, and of Pedagogic Specialists in Social Care Work [83193] Aufsicht-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit,Heilerz.
83194 [83194] Managers in Education and Social Work, and of Pedagogic Specialists in Social Care Work [83194] Fuehrung-Erziehung,Sozialarbeit,Heilerz.
83211 [83211] Occupations in Housekeeping-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [83211] Hauswirtschaft - Helfer
83212 [83212] Occupations in Housekeeping-Skilled Tasks [83212] Hauswirtschaft - Fachkraft
83213 [83213] Occupations in Housekeeping-Complex Tasks [83213] Hauswirtschaft - Spezialist
83223 [83223] Occupations in Consumer Counselling-Highly Complex Tasks [83223] Verbraucherberatung - Spezialist
83293 [83293] Supervisors in Housekeeping and Consumer Counselling [83293] Aufsicht-Hauswirtschaft,Verbraucherber.
83314 [83314] Occupations in Theology-Highly Complex Tasks [83314] Theologie - Experte
83322 [83322] Occupations in Church Community Work-Skilled Tasks [83322] Gemeindearbeit - Fachkraft
83323 [83323] Occupations in Church Community Work-Complex Tasks [83323] Gemeindearbeit - Spezialist
83332 [83332] Members of Religious Orders-Skilled Tasks [83332] Angeh.geistl.Orden,Mutterhaeus.-Fachkraft
83333 [83333] Members of Religious Orders-Complex Tasks [83333] Angeh.geistl.Orden, Mutterh.-Spezialist
83382 [83382] Occupations in Theology and Church Community Work (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [83382] Theologie,Gemeindearbeit (ssT)-Fachkraft
83383 [83383] Occupations in Theology and Church Community Work (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [83383] Theologie,Gemeindearbeit(ssT)-Spezialist
83384 [83384] Occupations in Theology and Church Community Work (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [83384] Theologie, Gemeindearbeit (ssT)-Experte
83394 [83394] Managers in Theology and Church Community Work [83394] Fuehrung - Theologie und Gemeindearbeit
84114 [84114] Teachers in Primary Education-Highly Complex Tasks [84114] Lehrkraefte in der Primarstufe - Experte
84124 [84124] Teachers in Secondary Education-Highly Complex Tasks [84124] Lehrkraefte in d. Sekundarstufe - Experte
84134 [84134] Teachers in Schools For Special Needs Education-Highly Complex Tasks [84134] Lehrkraefte an Sonderschulen - Experte
84144 [84144] Occupations in Teacher Training-Highly Complex Tasks [84144] Lehrerausbildung - Experte
84183 [84183] Teachers in Schools of General Education (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [84183] Lehrkraefte allg. Schule (ssT)-Spezialist
84184 [84184] Teachers in Schools of General Education (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [84184] Lehrkraefte allg. Schule (ssT)-Experte
84194 [84194] Managers in Schools of General Education [84194] Fuehrung - Allgemeinbildende Schulen
84213 [84213] Teachers For Occupation-Specific Subjects at Vocational Schools-Complex Tasks [84213] Lehrkraefte berufsbild. Faecher-Spezialist
84214 [84214] Teachers For Occupation-Specific Subjects at Vocational Schools-Highly Complex Tasks [84214] Lehrkraefte berufsbildende Faecher-Experte
84223 [84223] In-Company Instructors in Vocational Training-Complex Tasks [84223] Betriebl.Ausbild., Berufspaed.-Spezialist
84224 [84224] In-Company Instructors in Vocational Training-Highly Complex Tasks [84224] Betriebl. Ausbild., Berufspaed.-Experte
84294 [84294] Managers in Vocational Schools and In-Company Training of Apprentices [84294] Fuehrung - BBS, betriebl.Ausb., Betr.paed.
84304 [84304] Teachers and Researcher at Universities and Colleges-Highly Complex Tasks [84304] Hochschullehre und -forschung - Experte
84394 [84394] Managers at Universities and Colleges [84394] Fuehrung - Hochschullehre und -forschung
84404 [84404] Teachers in Adult Education (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [84404] Erwachsenenbildung (o.S.) - Experte
84412 [84412] Occupations in Music Education-Skilled Tasks [84412] Musikpaedagogik - Fachkraft
84413 [84413] Occupations in Music Education-Complex Tasks [84413] Musikpaedagogik - Spezialist
84414 [84414] Occupations in Music Education-Highly Complex Tasks [84414] Musikpaedagogik - Experte
84424 [84424] Occupations in Religious Education-Highly Complex Tasks [84424] Religionspaedagogik - Experte
84434 [84434] Occupations in Art and Theatre Education-Highly Complex Tasks [84434] Kunst-, Theaterpaedagogik - Experte
84444 [84444] Occupations in It-Application Training-Highly Complex Tasks [84444] IT-Anwendungstraining - Experte
84454 [84454] (Foreign) Language Teachers-Highly Complex Tasks [84454] (Fremd-)Sprachenlehrer/innen - Experte
84483 [84483] Teachers at Educational Institutions Other Than Schools (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified Except Driving, Flying and Sports Instructors)-Complex Tasks [84483] Lehrkr.ausserschul.Bild.(ssT)-Spezialist
84484 [84484] Teachers at Educational Institutions Other Than Schools (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified Except Driving, Flying and Sports Instructors)-Highly Complex Tasks [84484] Lehrkr. ausserschul.Bild.(ssT)-Experte
84494 [84494] Managers at Educational Institutions Other Than Schools [84494] Fuehrung-Ausserschul.Bildungseinrichtungen
84503 [84503] Sports Instructors (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [84503] Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) - Spezialist
84504 [84504] Sports Instructors (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [84504] Sportlehrer/innen (o.S.) - Experte
84513 [84513] Driving Instructors-Complex Tasks [84513] Fahrlehrer/innen - Spezialist
84523 [84523] Flying Instructors-Complex Tasks [84523] Fluglehrer/innen - Spezialist
84533 [84533] Dance Instructors-Complex Tasks [84533] Tanzlehrer/innen - Spezialist
84543 [84543] Coaches in Ball Sports-Complex Tasks [84543] Trainer - Ballsportarten - Spezialist
84553 [84553] Trainer in Fitness and Gymnastics-Complex Tasks [84553] Trainer - Fitness,Gymnastik - Spezialist
84583 [84583] Sports Instructors (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [84583] Sportlehrer/innen (s.s.T.) - Spezialist
91104 [91104] Occupations in Philology (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [91104] Sprach-, Literaturwissen.(oS) - Experte
91114 [91114] Occupations in German Philology-Highly Complex Tasks [91114] Germanistik - Experte
91124 [91124] Occupations in English and American Philology-Highly Complex Tasks [91124] Anglistik, Amerikanistik - Experte
91134 [91134] Occupations in Romance Philology-Highly Complex Tasks [91134] Romanistik - Experte
91144 [91144] Occupations in Slavic Philology-Highly Complex Tasks [91144] Slawistik, verwandte Bereiche - Experte
91154 [91154] Occupations in Arabic and Oriental Philology-Highly Complex Tasks [91154] Arabistik, Orientalistik - Experte
91164 [91164] Occupations in Asian Philology-Highly Complex Tasks [91164] Sprach-,Literaturwis. asiat.Raum-Experte
91174 [91174] Occupations in Classics-Highly Complex Tasks [91174] Altphilologie - Experte
91184 [91184] Occupations in Philology (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [91184] Sprach-,Literaturwissensch.(ssT)-Experte
91214 [91214] Occupations in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics-Highly Complex Tasks [91214] Philosophie, Religion, Ethik - Experte
91224 [91224] Occupations in History-Highly Complex Tasks [91224] Geschichtswissenschaften - Experte
91233 [91233] Occupations in Archaeology-Complex Tasks [91233] Archaeologie - Spezialist
91234 [91234] Occupations in Archaeology-Highly Complex Tasks [91234] Archaeologie - Experte
91244 [91244] Occupations in Media Science and Theatre Studies-Highly Complex Tasks [91244] Medien-, Theaterwissenschaft - Experte
91254 [91254] Occupations in Regional Science-Highly Complex Tasks [91254] Regionalwissenschaft - Experte
91264 [91264] Occupations in Anthropology and Ethnology-Highly Complex Tasks [91264] Anthropologie, Ethnologie - Experte
91314 [91314] Occupations in Political Science-Highly Complex Tasks [91314] Politologie - Experte
91324 [91324] Occupations in Sociology-Highly Complex Tasks [91324] Soziologie - Experte
91334 [91334] Occupations in Pedagogy-Highly Complex Tasks [91334] Erziehungswissenschaft - Experte
91341 [91341] Occupations in Market and Opinion Research-Unskilled/Semiskilled Tasks [91341] Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Helfer
91342 [91342] Occupations in Market and Opinion Research-Skilled Tasks [91342] Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Fachkraft
91343 [91343] Occupations in Market and Opinion Research-Complex Tasks [91343] Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Spezialist
91344 [91344] Occupations in Market and Opinion Research-Highly Complex Tasks [91344] Markt-, Meinungsforschung - Experte
91354 [91354] Occupations in Demography-Highly Complex Tasks [91354] Demografie - Experte
91384 [91384] Occupations in the Social Sciences (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [91384] Gesellschaftswissenschaften(ssT)-Experte
91404 [91404] Occupations in Economics (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [91404] Wirtschaftswissenschaften (oS) - Experte
91484 [91484] Occupations in Economics (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [91484] Wirtschaftswissenschaften(ssT) - Experte
92112 [92112] Occupations in Advertising and Marketing-Skilled Tasks [92112] Werbung und Marketing - Fachkraft
92113 [92113] Occupations in Advertising and Marketing-Complex Tasks [92113] Werbung und Marketing - Spezialist
92114 [92114] Occupations in Advertising and Marketing-Highly Complex Tasks [92114] Werbung und Marketing - Experte
92122 [92122] Occupations in Dialog Marketing-Skilled Tasks [92122] Dialogmarketing - Fachkraft
92123 [92123] Occupations in Dialog Marketing-Complex Tasks [92123] Dialogmarketing - Spezialist
92133 [92133] Occupations in Customer Management-Highly Complex Tasks [92133] Kundenmanagement - Spezialist
92194 [92194] Managers in Advertising and Marketing [92194] Fuehrung - Werbung und Marketing
92203 [92203] Occupations in Public Relations-Complex Tasks [92203] Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit - Spezialist
92204 [92204] Occupations in Public Relations-Highly Complex Tasks [92204] Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit - Experte
92294 [92294] Managers in Public Relations [92294] Fuehrung - Oeffentlichkeitsarbeit
92302 [92302] Occupations in Publishing and Media Management (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [92302] Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(oS) - Fachkraft
92303 [92303] Occupations in Publishing and Media Management (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [92303] Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(oS) -Spezialist
92304 [92304] Occupations in Publishing and Media Management (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [92304] Verlags-, Medienkaufleute (oS) - Experte
92382 [92382] Occupations in Publishing and Media Management (other Specifc Fields)-Skilled Tasks [92382] Verlags-, Medienkaufleute(ssT)-Fachkraft
92383 [92383] Occupations in Publishing and Media Management (other Specifc Fields)-Complex Tasks [92383] Verlags-,Medienkaufleute(ssT)-Spezialist
92384 [92384] Occupations in Publishing and Media Management (other Specifc Fields)-Highly Complex Tasks [92384] Verlags-, Medienkaufleute (ssT) -Experte
92394 [92394] Managers in Publishing and Media Management [92394] Fuehrung - Verlags- und Medienwirtschaft
92412 [92412] Editors and Journalists-Skilled Tasks [92412] Redakteure, Journalisten - Fachkraft
92413 [92413] Editors and Journalists-Complex Tasks [92413] Redakteure, Journalisten - Spezialist
92414 [92414] Editors and Journalists-Highly Complex Tasks [92414] Redakteure, Journalisten - Experte
92424 [92424] Copy Editors-Highly Complex Tasks [92424] Lektoren/innen - Experte
92434 [92434] Authors and Writers-Highly Complex Tasks [92434] Autoren, Schriftsteller - Experte
92494 [92494] Managers in Editorial Work and Journalism [92494] Fuehrung - Redaktion und Journalismus
93102 [93102] Occupations in Product and Industrial Design-Skilled Tasks [93102] Produkt-, Industriedesign - Fachkraft
93103 [93103] Occupations in Product and Industrial Design-Complex Tasks [93103] Produkt-, Industriedesign - Spezialist
93104 [93104] Occupations in Product and Industrial Design-Highly Complex Tasks [93104] Produkt-, Industriedesign - Experte
93212 [93212] Occupations in Interior Design-Skilled Tasks [93212] Innenarchitektur - Fachkraft
93213 [93213] Occupations in Interior Design-Complex Tasks [93213] Innenarchitektur - Spezialist
93214 [93214] Occupations in Interior Design-Highly Complex Tasks [93214] Innenarchitektur - Experte
93222 [93222] Occupations in Visual Marketing-Skilled Tasks [93222] Visuelles Marketing - Fachkraft
93223 [93223] Occupations in Visual Marketing-Complex Tasks [93223] Visuelles Marketing - Spezialist
93232 [93232] Occupations in Interior Decoration-Skilled Tasks [93232] Raumausstattung - Fachkraft
93233 [93233] Occupations in Interior Decoration-Complex Tasks [93233] Raumausstattung - Spezialist
93293 [93293] Supervisors in Interior Design, Visual Marketing, and Interior Decoration [93293] Aufsicht-Innenarchitektur,Raumausstatt.
93302 [93302] Occupations in Artisan Craftwork and Fine Arts (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [93302] Kunsthandw., bild.Kunst (oS) - Fachkraft
93303 [93303] Occupations in Artisan Craftwork and Fine Arts (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [93303] Kunsthandwerk,bild.Kunst (oS)-Spezialist
93304 [93304] Occupations in Artisan Craftwork and Fine Arts (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [93304] Kunsthandwerk, bild. Kunst (oS)-Experte
93312 [93312] Occupations in Sculpting-Skilled Tasks [93312] Bildhauerei - Fachkraft
93313 [93313] Occupations in Sculpting-Complex Tasks [93313] Bildhauerei - Spezialist
93323 [93323] Painters and Illustrators-Highly Complex Tasks [93323] Kunstmaler, Zeichner - Spezialist
93332 [93332] Occupations in Turnery and Toy Manufacture-Skilled Tasks [93332] Drechslerei,Spielzeugherstell.-Fachkraft
93333 [93333] Occupations in Turnery and Toy Manufacture-Complex Tasks [93333] Drechslerei, Spielzeugherst.-Spezialist
93342 [93342] Gilders-Skilled Tasks [93342] Vergolderhandwerk - Fachkraft
93343 [93343] Gilders-Complex Tasks [93343] Vergolderhandwerk - Spezialist
93352 [93352] Chandlers-Skilled Tasks [93352] Wachszieherei - Fachkraft
93382 [93382] Occupations in Artisan Craftwork and Fine Arts (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [93382] Kunsthandwerk, bild.Kunst(ssT)-Fachkraft
93383 [93383] Occupations in Artisan Craftwork and Fine Arts (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [93383] Kunsthandwerk,bild.Kunst(ssT)-Spezialist
93393 [93393] Supervisors in Artisan Craftwork and Fine Arts [93393] Aufsicht - Kunsthandwerk,bildende Kunst
93412 [93412] Artisans Designing Ceramics-Skilled Tasks [93412] Kunsthandw. Keramikgestaltung-Fachkraft
93413 [93413] Artisans Designing Ceramics-Complex Tasks [93413] Kunsthandw. Keramikgestaltung-Spezialist
93422 [93422] Artisans Painting Glassware, Ceramics and Porcelain-Skilled Tasks [93422] KunsthandGlasKeramPorzellanmal-Fachkraft
93432 [93432] Artisans Working in Glass Blowing-Skilled Tasks [93432] Kunsthandwerkl. Glasblaeserei - Fachkraft
93433 [93433] Artisans Working in Glass Blowing-Complex Tasks [93433] Kunsthandwerkl. Glasblaeserei-Spezialist
93493 [93493] Supervisors in Artisan Craftwork Using Ceramics and Glassware [93493] Aufsicht-Kunsthandw.Keramik,Glasgestalt.
93512 [93512] Artisans Working With Metal-Skilled Tasks [93512] Kunsthandw. Metallgestaltung - Fachkraft
93513 [93513] Artisans Working With Metal-Complex Tasks [93513] Kunsthandw. Metallgestaltung-Spezialist
93522 [93522] Artisans Producing Jewellery Or Working With Precious Stones and Metals-Skilled Tasks [93522] Kunsth.Schmuckher.Edelsteinbe.-Fachkraft
93523 [93523] Artisans Producing Jewellery Or Working With Precious Stones and Metals-Complex Tasks [93523] Kunsth.SchmuckherEdelsteinbe.-Spezialist
93524 [93524] Artisans Producing Jewellery Or Working With Precious Stones and Metals-Highly Complex Tasks [93524] Kunsth.Schmuckher.Edelsteinbear.-Experte
93532 [93532] Engravers-Skilled Tasks [93532] Gravur - Fachkraft
93542 [93542] Producers of Advertising Signs and Illuminated Advertisements-Skilled Tasks [93542] Schilder-,Lichtreklameherst. - Fachkraft
93593 [93593] Supervisors of Artisans Working With Metal [93593] Aufsicht-Kunsthandwerkl.Metallgestaltung
93602 [93602] Occupations in Musical Instrument Making (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [93602] Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Fachkraft
93603 [93603] Occupations in Musical Instrument Making (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [93603] Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Spezialist
93604 [93604] Occupations in Musical Instrument Making (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [93604] Musikinstrumentenbau (o.S.) - Experte
93612 [93612] Occupations Making Bowed and Plucked String Instruments-Skilled Tasks [93612] Streich-,Zupfinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft
93613 [93613] Occupations Making Bowed and Plucked String Instruments-Complex Tasks [93613] Streich-,Zupfinstrumentenbau-Spezialist
93622 [93622] Occupations Making Woodwind Instruments-Skilled Tasks [93622] Holzblasinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft
93623 [93623] Occupations Making Woodwind Instruments-Complex Tasks [93623] Holzblasinstrumentenbau - Spezialist
93632 [93632] Occupations Making Brass Instruments-Skilled Tasks [93632] Metallblasinstrumentenbau - Fachkraft
93633 [93633] Occupations Making Brass Instruments-Complex Tasks [93633] Metallblasinstrumentenbau - Spezialist
93642 [93642] Occupations Making Pianos and Harpsichords-Skilled Tasks [93642] Klavier- und Cembalobau - Fachkraft
93643 [93643] Occupations Making Pianos and Harpsichords-Complex Tasks [93643] Klavier- und Cembalobau - Spezialist
93652 [93652] Occupations Making Organs and Harmoniums-Skilled Tasks [93652] Orgel- und Harmoniumbau - Fachkraft
93653 [93653] Occupations Making Organs and Harmoniums-Complex Tasks [93653] Orgel- und Harmoniumbau - Spezialist
93682 [93682] Occupations in Musical Instrument Making (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [93682] Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)-Fachkraft
93683 [93683] Occupations in Musical Instrument Making (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [93683] Musikinstrumentenbau (s.s.T.)-Spezialist
93693 [93693] Supervisors in Musical Instrument Making [93693] Aufsicht - Musikinstrumentenbau
94114 [94114] Musicians-Highly Complex Tasks [94114] Musiker/innen - Experte
94124 [94124] Singers-Highly Complex Tasks [94124] Saenger/innen - Experte
94134 [94134] Conductors-Highly Complex Tasks [94134] Dirigenten/Dirigentinnen - Experte
94144 [94144] Composers-Highly Complex Tasks [94144] Komponisten/Komponistinnen - Experte
94183 [94183] Musicians, Singers and Conductors (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [94183] MusikGesangDirigententaet(ssT)-Spezialist
94184 [94184] Musicians, Singers and Conductors (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [94184] MusikGesangs,Dirigententaet.(ssT)-Experte
94214 [94214] Actors-Highly Complex Tasks [94214] Schauspieler/innen - Experte
94224 [94224] Dancers and Choreographers-Highly Complex Tasks [94224] Taenzer, Choreografen - Experte
94232 [94232] Models-Skilled Tasks [94232] MannequinDressmen,sonst.Models-Fachkraft
94243 [94243] Athletes and Professional Sportspersons - Complex Tasks [94243] Athleten, Berufssportler - Spezialist
94252 [94252] Occupations in Personal Escort Services-Skilled Tasks [94252] Personenbezog.Dienstleistungen-Fachkraft
94283 [94283] Occupations in Acting, Dancing, Athletics and Related Occupations (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [94283] SchauspielTanzBewegungsk(ssT)-Spezialist
94303 [94303] Presenters and Entertainers (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [94303] Moderation,Unterhaltung (oS) -Spezialist
94313 [94313] Comedians and Cabaret Artists-Complex Tasks [94313] Komiker, Kabarettisten - Spezialist
94323 [94323] Magicians and Illusionists-Complex Tasks [94323] Zauberer, Illusionisten - Spezialist
94334 [94334] Radio and Television Presenters-Highly Complex Tasks [94334] Hoerfunk-, Fernsehmoderatoren - Experte
94342 [94342] Occupations in Gambling and Betting-Skilled Tasks [94342] Gluecks- und Wettspiel - Fachkraft
94383 [94383] Occupations in Presentation and Entertainment (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [94383] Moderation,Unterhaltung(ssT) -Spezialist
94402 [94402] Occupations in Theatre, Film and Television Productions (without Specialisation)-Skilled Tasks [94402] Theater-Film-,Fernsehprod.(oS)-Fachkraft
94403 [94403] Occupations in Theatre, Film and Television Productions (without Specialisation)-Complex Tasks [94403] Theater-Film,Fernsehprod.(oS)-Spezialist
94404 [94404] Occupations in Theatre, Film and Television Productions (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [94404] Theater-,Film-, Fernsehprod.(oS)-Experte
94413 [94413] Occupations in Managing Theatre, Film and Television Productions-Complex Tasks [94413] Regie - Spezialist
94414 [94414] Occupations Managing Theatre, Film and Television Productions-Highly Complex Tasks [94414] Regie - Experte
94482 [94482] Occupations in Theatre, Film and Television Productions (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [94482] Theater-Film,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Fachkraft
94483 [94483] Occupations in Theatre, Film and Television Productions (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Complex Tasks [94483] TheaterFilm,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Spezialist
94484 [94484] Occupations in Theatre, Film and Television Productions (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Highly Complex Tasks [94484] Theater-Film-,Fernsehprod.(ssT)-Experte
94493 [94493] Supervisors in Theatre, Film and Television Productions [94493] Aufsicht-Theater-Film-,Fernsehproduktion
94494 [94494] Managers in Theatre, Film and Television Productions [94494] Fuehrung-Theater-,Film-,Fernsehproduktion
94512 [94512] Technical Occup. in Event Technology and Stagecraft-Skilled Tasks [94512] Veranstaltungs-, Buehnentechnik-Fachkraft
94513 [94513] Technical Occup. in Event Technology and Stagecraft-Complex Tasks [94513] Veranstaltungs-,Buehnentechnik-Spezialist
94514 [94514] Technical Occup. in Event Technology and Stagecraft-Highly Complex Tasks [94514] Veranstaltungs-, Buehnentechnik - Experte
94522 [94522] Cinematographers, Camera Assistants, and Projectionists-Skilled Tasks [94522] Kameratechnik - Fachkraft
94523 [94523] Cinematographers, Camera Assistants, and Projectionists-Complex Tasks [94523] Kameratechnik - Spezialist
94532 [94532] Technical Occup. in Video and Sound Production-Skilled Tasks [94532] Bild- und Tontechnik - Fachkraft
94533 [94533] Technical Occup. in Video and Sound Production-Complex Tasks [94533] Bild- und Tontechnik - Spezialist
94534 [94534] Technical Occup. in Video and Sound Production-Highly Complex Tasks [94534] Bild- und Tontechnik - Experte
94582 [94582] Occupations in Event Technology, Cinematography, and Sound Engineering (with Specialisation, Not Elsewhere Classified)-Skilled Tasks [94582] Veranstalt.-Kamera-,Tont.(ssT)-Fachkraft
94593 [94593] Supervisors in Event Technology, Cinematography, and Sound Engineering [94593] Aufsicht-Veranstaltungs-Kamera-,Tontech.
94612 [94612] Stage and Costume Designers-Skilled Tasks [94612] Buehnen- und Kostuembildnerei - Fachkraft
94613 [94613] Stage and Costume Designers-Complex Tasks [94613] Buehnen- und Kostuembildnerei - Spezialist
94614 [94614] Stage and Costume Designers-Highly Complex Tasks [94614] Buehnen- und Kostuembildnerei - Experte
94622 [94622] Prop Designers-Skilled Tasks [94622] Requisite - Fachkraft
94623 [94623] Prop Designers-Complex Tasks [94623] Requisite - Spezialist
94693 [94693] Supervisors in Stage, Costume and Prop Design [94693] Aufsicht-Buehnen-,Kostuembildn.,Requisite
94704 [94704] Occupations in Museums (without Specialisation)-Highly Complex Tasks [94704] Museum (o.S.) - Experte
94712 [94712] Technical Occup. in Museums and Exhibitions-Skilled Tasks [94712] Museums-,Ausstellungstechnik - Fachkraft
94713 [94713] Technical Occup. in Museums and Exhibitions-Complex Tasks [94713] Museums-,Ausstellungstechnik-Spezialist
94714 [94714] Technical Occup. in Museums and Exhibitions-Highly Complex Tasks [94714] Museums-, Ausstellungstechnik - Experte
94724 [94724] Art Experts-Highly Complex Tasks [94724] Kunstsachverstaendige - Experte
94794 [94794] Managers in Museum [94794] Fuehrung - Museum
-1 [-1] No answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Implausible value [-3] unplausibler Wert
-4 [-4] Inadmissable multiple response [-4] unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] nur in weniger eingeschraenkter Edition verfuegbar
-8 [-8] Question this year not part of survey [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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: Occupation of Father [jv07] (KldB 2010, 5-digits)

: Beruf des Vaters [jv07] (KldB 2010, 5-Steller)

jugendl – Data from youth questionnaires (long)



: multiple

: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
valid 858
invalid 8881

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)