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pgen/pgnace: Two-digit NACE Industry-Sector (NACE Rev. 1.1, Sector)
en | de | |
1 | [1] Agriculture, Hunting, Related Service Activities | [1] Landwirtschaft, Gewerbliche Jagd |
2 | [2] Forestry, Logging, Related Service activities | [2] Forstwirtschaft |
5 | [5] Fishing, Operation Of Fish Hatcheries And Fish Farms | [5] Fischerei, Fischzucht |
10 | [10] Mining Of Coal And Lignite; Extraction Of Peat | [10] Kohlenbergbau, Torfgewinnung |
11 | [11] Extraction Of Crude Petroleum And Natural Gas | [11] Gewinnung von Erdöl, Erdgas |
12 | [12] Mining Of Uranium And Thorium Ores | [12] Bergbau auf Uran- und Thoriumerze |
13 | [13] Mining Of Metal Ores | [13] Erzbergbau |
14 | [14] Other Mining And Quarrying | [14] Gewinnung v.Steinen,Erden,sonst.Bergbau |
15 | [15] Manuf Food Products And Beverages | [15] Ernährungsgewerbe |
16 | [16] Manuf Tobacco Products | [16] Tabakverarbeitung |
17 | [17] Manuf Textiles | [17] Textilgewerbe |
18 | [18] Manuf Wearing Apparel; Dressing And Dyeing Of Fur | [18] Bekleidungsgewerbe |
19 | [19] Tanning,Dressing Of Leather; Manuf luggage, Footwear | [19] Ledergewerbe, Herstellung von Schuhen |
20 | [20] Manuf Wood Products, Except Furniture | [20] Holzgewerbe ohne Herstellung von Möbeln |
21 | [21] Manuf Pulp, Paper And Paper Products | [21] Papiergewerbe |
22 | [22] Publishing, Printing And Reproduction Of Recorded Media | [22] Verlags- und Druckgewerbe, Vervielfält. |
23 | [23] Manuf Coke, Refined Petroleum Prod, Nuclear Fuel | [23] Kokerei, Mineralöl, Spalt-,Brutstoffe |
24 | [24] Manuf Chemicals And Chemical Products | [24] Chemische Industrie |
25 | [25] Manuf Rubber And Plastic Products | [25] Gummi- und Kunststoffwaren |
26 | [26] Manuf Other Non-metallic Mineral Products | [26] Glas, Keramik, Verarb. Steinen und Erden |
27 | [27] Manuf Basic Metals | [27] Metallerzeugung und -bearbeitung |
28 | [28] Manuf Fabricated Metal Prod., Ex. Machinery And Equip | [28] Herstellung von Metallerzeugnissen |
29 | [29] Manuf Machinery And Equipment NEC | [29] Maschinenbau |
30 | [30] Manuf Office Machinery And Computers | [30] Herst.v. Büromaschinen, DV-Einrichtunge |
31 | [31] Manuf Electrical Machinery And Apparatus NEC | [31] Geräte der Elektrizitätserzeugung |
32 | [32] Manuf Radio, Television And Communication Equipment | [32] Rundfunk-, Fernseh- Nachrichtentechnik |
33 | [33] Manuf Medical, Precision And Optical Instruments | [33] Medizin,Mess u.Regelungstechn,Optik,Uhre |
34 | [34] Manuf Motor Vehicles, Trailers And Semi-trailers | [34] Fahrzeugbau, Automobilbranche |
35 | [35] Manuf Other Transport Equipment | [35] Sonstiger Fahrzeugbau |
36 | [36] Manuf Furniture; Manufacturing NEC | [36] Möbel, Schmuck, Musikinstrumente u.ä. |
37 | [37] Recycling | [37] Recycling |
40 | [40] Electricity, Gas, Steam And Hot Water Supply | [40] Energieversorgung, Versorgungsunternehme |
41 | [41] Collection, Purification And Distribution Of Water | [41] Wasserversorgung |
45 | [45] Construction | [45] Baugewerbe |
50 | [50] Sale, Maint, Repair Motor Vehicles; Retail Car Gas | [50] Kfz-Handel, Kfz-Reparatur, Tankstellen |
51 | [51] Wholesale Trade, Commission Trade, Ex. Motor Vehicles | [51] Handelsvermittlung,Grosshandel, ohne Kfz |
52 | [52] Retail, Ex. Motor vehicles, Motorcycles; Repair | [52] Einzelhandel (ohne Kfz, Tankstellen) |
55 | [55] Hotels And Restaurants | [55] Gastgewerbe |
60 | [60] Land Transport; Transport Via Pipelines | [60] Landverkehr, Transport in Rohrfernleitun |
61 | [61] Water Transport | [61] Schiffahrt |
62 | [62] Air Transport | [62] Luftfahrt |
63 | [63] Supporting, Aux. Transport Activities; Travel agencies | [63] Hilfstätigkeiten für den Verkehr |
64 | [64] Post And Telecommunications | [64] Nachrichtenübermittlung |
65 | [65] Financial Intermediation, Ex. Insurance, Pension Funding | [65] Kreditgewerbe |
66 | [66] Insurance And Pension Funding, Ex. Compulsory SocSec | [66] Versicherungsgewerbe |
67 | [67] Activities Auxiliary To Financial Intermediation | [67] Mit Kredit,Versicherung verb.Tätigkeite |
70 | [70] Real Estate, Property Activities | [70] Grundstücks- und Wohnungswesen |
71 | [71] Renting Of Machinery, Equip Wo. Oper., Pers,HH Goods | [71] Vermietung beweglicher Sachen ohne Pers |
72 | [72] Computer And Related Activities | [72] Datenverarbeitung und Datenbanken |
73 | [73] Research And Development | [73] Forschung und Entwicklung |
74 | [74] Other Business Activities | [74] DL überwiegend für Unternehmen |
75 | [75] Public Administration And Defense; Compulsory SocSec | [75] Öff Verwaltung Verteidigung Sozialvers |
80 | [80] Education | [80] Erziehung und Unterricht |
85 | [85] Health And Social Work | [85] Gesundheits-, Veterinär- Sozialwesen |
90 | [90] Sewage And Refuse Disposal, Sanitation And Related | [90] Abwasser,Abfallbeseitigung, sonst.Entsor |
91 | [91] Activities Of Membership Organizations NEC. | [91] Interessensvertr, relig. Vereinigungen |
92 | [92] Recreational, Cultural And Sporting Activities | [92] Kultur, Sport und Unterhaltung |
93 | [93] Other Service Activities | [93] Erbringung von sonst. Dienstleistungen |
95 | [95] Private Households With Employed Persons | [95] Private Haushalte |
96 | [96] Industry - NEC | [96] Industrie - ohne weitere Zuordnung |
97 | [97] Handcraft, Trade - NEC | [97] Handwerk - ohne weitere Zuordnung |
98 | [98] Services - NEC | [98] Dienstleistungen ohne weitere Zuordnung |
99 | [99] Extra-territorial Organizations And Bodies | [99] Exterritoriale Org. und Körperschaften |
100 | [100] Manufacturing - NEC | [100] Produzierendes Gewerbe ohne w.Zuordnung |
-1 | [-1] No Answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Answer improbable | [-3] nicht valide |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissible multiple response | [-4] Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar |
-8 | [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year | [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms |
No concept available.
English label: Two-digit NACE Industry-Sector (NACE Rev. 1.1, Sector)
German label: Branche nach NACE (NACE Rev. 1.1, Abteilungen)
pgen – Person-related Status and Generated Variables
Analysis Unit : Individual
Dataset Type: Generated
Period: 0
Study: SOEP-IS
This variable is designed to provide annual data on the industry of economic activity for all employed persons according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (Nomenclature des statistiques des activités économiques de la Communauté européenne - NACE). Respondents answer the question in their own words regarding the industry in which they are currently working, and this response is entered into a blank in the questionnaire. In order to facilitate international comparability, the European industry standard classification system is used by Infratest Sozialforschung to recode this information. This recoding has been documented in Hartmann/Schütz 2002.
The codes in NACE Rev.1 also correspond to ISIC Rev.3 (International Standard Classification of All Economic Activities). With the 2001 data distribution, the sector codes formerly used in the SOEP were completely recoded to the NACE classification. Please note that special codes 96-98 as well as 100 were assigned by Infratest Sozialforschung whenever respondents did not provide a more detailed answer.
Not all employed persons are asked the relevant input questions on an annual basis. Only those employed persons who changed jobs and first-time respondents were asked to provide up-to-date information.
Measure | Value |
valid | 28389 |
invalid | 47086 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.