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1 | [1] A German HH Head, West, 1984 | [1] Westdeutsche/sonstige Ausländer Stichprobe A |
2 | [2] B1 Turkish HH Head, 1984 | [2] Türken Stichprobe B |
3 | [3] B2 Yugoslav HH Head, 1984 | [3] Jugoslawen Stichprobe B |
4 | [4] B3 Greek HH Head, 1984 | [4] Griechen Stichprobe B |
5 | [5] B4 Italian HH Head, 1984 | [5] Italiener Stichprobe B |
6 | [6] B5 Spanish HH Head, 1984 | [6] Spanier Stichprobe B |
7 | [7] C German HH Head, East, 1990 | [7] Ostdeutsche/sonstige Ausländer Stichprobe C |
8 | [8] D1 Immigrant W. Germany (1984-1994), 1994/95 | [8] Zuwanderer Stichprobe D1 |
9 | [9] D2 Immigrant W. Germany (1984-1994), 1994/95 | [9] Zuwanderer Stichprobe D2 |
10 | [10] E1 Refreshment (PAPI), 1998 | [10] Aufstockung 1998/PAPI Stichprobe E1 |
11 | [11] E2 Refreshment (CAPI), 1998 | [11] Aufstockung 1998/CAPI Stichprobe E2 |
12 | [12] F1 Refreshment, 2000 | [12] Aufstockung 2000/Adresse 1-12 Stichprobe F |
13 | [13] F2 Refreshment, Additional Foreigner Addresses, 2000 | [13] Aufstockung 2000/Adresse 13-24 Stichprobe F |
14 | [14] G1 High Income Pretest, 2002 | [14] G1 Hocheinkommensbezieher (PreTest), 2002 |
15 | [15] G2 High Income, 2002 | [15] Aufstockung 2002/Stichprobe G2 |
16 | [16] H Refreshment, 2006 | [16] Aufstockung 2006/Stichprobe H |
19 | [19] I Refreshment, Incentivation 2009 | [19] Aufstockung 2009/ Incentivierung I |
20 | [20] J Refreshment, 2011 | [20] Aufstockung 2011/Stichprobe J |
21 | [21] K Refreshment, 2012 | [21] Aufstockung 2012/Stichprobe K |
22 | [22] Refreshment SOEP-IS, Supplementary Sample 2012 | [22] Innovationssample 2012 Aufstockung |
23 | [23] Special Survey (Laboratory Sample) 2012 | [23] Sondererhebung 2012 (Laborstichprobe) |
24 | [24] M1 IAB-SOEP 2013 Migration (1995-2011) | [24] M1 IAB-SOEP 2013 Migration (1995-2011) |
29 | [29] M2 IAB-SOEP Migration (2009-2013), 2015 | [29] M2 IAB-SOEP Migration 2015 (2009-2013) |
30 | [30] M3 IAB-BAMF-SOEP 2016 Refugee (2013-2015) | [30] M3 IAB-BAMF-SOEP 2016 Flucht (2013-2015) |
31 | [31] M4 IAB-BAMF-SOEP 2016 Refugee/ Families (2013-2015) | [31] M4 IAB-BAMF-SOEP 2016 Flucht/Familien (2013-2015) |
60 | [60] L2/3 FiD Screening, Low Income, 2010/11 | [60] FiD Screening 2010/11 - Niedrigeinkommen/Stichprobe L2/3 |
61 | [61] L2/3 FiD Screening, Single Parent, 2010/11 | [61] FiD Screening 2010/11 - Alleinerziehende/Stichprobe L2/3 |
62 | [62] L2/3 FiD Screening, Families with Several Children, 2010/11 | [62] FiD Screening 2010/11 - Mehrkindfamilien/Stichprobe L2/3 |
63 | [63] L1 FiD Birth Cohort 2007, 2010/11 | [63] FiD Geburtskohorte 2007/Stichprobe L1 |
64 | [64] L1 FiD Birth Cohort 2008, 2010/11 | [64] FiD Geburtskohorte 2008/Stichprobe L1 |
65 | [65] L1 FiD Birth Cohort 2009, 2010/11 | [65] FiD Geburtskohorte 2009/Stichprobe L1 |
66 | [66] L1 FiD Birth Cohort 2010, 2010/11 | [66] FiD Geburtskohorte 2010/Stichprobe L1 |
-1 | [-1] No Answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Answer improbable | [-3] nicht valide |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissible multiple response | [-4] Unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.