
en de
1 [1] Spouse/Partner [1] (Ehe-)Partner Ehe-(Partnerin)
2 [2] Mother [2] Mutter
3 [3] Father [3] Vater
5 [5] Daughter [5] Tochter
6 [6] Son [6] Sohn
7 [7] Sister [7] Schwester
8 [8] Brother [8] Bruder
9 [9] Other Female Relative [9] andere weibliche Verwandte
10 [10] Other Male Relative [10] andere maennliche Verwandte
11 [11] Colleague from Work [11] Kollegin Kollege von der Arbeit
12 [12] Superior in the Company [12] Vorgesetzte Vorgesetzter im Betrieb
13 [13] Person from school / training /education [13] Person aus Schule Ausbildung Studium
14 [14] Person from the Neighborhood/Shelter [14] Person aus der Nachbarschaft Unterkunft
15 [15] Person from clubs or recreational activities [15] Person aus Verein oder Freizeitaktivitaeten
16 [16] Paid Assistants, Social Workers [16] bezahlte Helfer ambulanter Dienst Sozialhelfer
17 [17] other person [17] Andere Person
18 [18] Nobody [18] Niemand
-1 [-1] No Answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Answer improbable [-3] nicht valide
-4 [-4] Inadmissible multiple response [-4] Unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
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No concept available.

: Sharing thoughts and feelings: 3rd person

: Gedanken und Gefuehle teilen: 3. Person

bhp – Data from individual questionnaires 2017



: 2017

: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
valid 3152
invalid 29333

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)