childl/cld0229_v1: Place where birth took place

6904003561500132799838417005,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,000[-8] Question not part of the ...[-7] Only available in less re...[-6] Version of questionnaire ...[-5] Not included in this vers...[-4] Inadmissable multiple res...[-3] Implausible value[-2] Does not apply[-1] No answer / don't know[3] Elsewhere[2] At the hospital[1] At home
Value Labels
en de
1 [1] At home [1] Zu Hause
2 [2] At the hospital [2] Im Krankenhaus
3 [3] Elsewhere [3] Sonstiges
-1 [-1] No answer / don't know [-1] keine Angabe/weiß nicht
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Implausible value [-3] unplausibler Wert
-4 [-4] Inadmissable multiple response [-4] unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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No concept available.

English label: Place where birth took place

German label: Ort der Enbindung

childl – Data from integrated parents via child questionnaires (long)

Analysis Unit : Individual

Dataset Type: Original Data (from questionnaires)

Period: 2022

Study: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
valid 8653
invalid 42559

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