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bioparen/mbstell: Job Position Mother
en | de | |
0 | [0] do not know | [0] weiss nicht |
1 | [1] Has Died | [1] lebte nicht mehr |
10 | [10] not employed | [10] nicht erw.tätig |
11 | [11] in Education | [11] in Ausbildung |
12 | [12] Unemployed, Sick | [12] Arbeitslos,Krank |
13 | [13] Pensioner | [13] Rentner |
14 | [14] war captivity | [14] Kriegsgefangenschaft |
15 | [15] Military, Com. Service | [15] WEHR-,ZIVILDIENST |
120 | [120] Apprentice,Trainee Industry Technology | [120] gewerbl. - techn. Auszubildende |
200 | [200] BLUE-COLLAR WORKER | [200] ARBEITER |
210 | [210] Untrained Worker | [210] ungelernter Arbeiter |
220 | [220] Semi-Trained Worker | [220] angelernter Arbeiter |
230 | [230] Trained Worker | [230] Gelernter und Facharbeiter |
240 | [240] Foreman, Team Leader | [240] Vorarbeiter,Kolonnenführer |
250 | [250] Foreman | [250] Meister,Polier |
310 | [310] Agricultural Worker | [310] un-angel.Arbeiter i.LW |
320 | [320] Agricultural Specialist | [320] Facharbeiter in LW |
330 | [330] Agricultural Foreman | [330] Brigadier,Meister in LW |
340 | [340] Agricultural Manager | [340] mittl.,höh. Leitung in LW |
410 | [410] Self-Employed Farmer | [410] Selbst. Landwirt |
411 | [411] Self-Employed Farmer No Coworkers, since 2000 | [411] Selbst. Landwirt ohne Mitarb. ;seit 2000 |
412 | [412] Self-Employed Farmer LE 9 Coworkers, since 2000 | [412] Selbst. Landwirt 1-9 Mitarb. ;seit 2000 |
413 | [413] Self-Employed Farmer GT 9 Coworkers, since 2000 | [413] Selbst.Landwirt 10 u.m.Mitarb.;seit 2000 |
414 | [414] Self-Employed Farmer, with Coworker, n.A., since 2004 | [414] Selbst.Landwirt m.Mitarb o.A.; seit 2004 |
420 | [420] Free-Lance Professional | [420] Freiberuf.,Akademiker |
421 | [421] Free-Lance Professional, No Coworkers, since 2000 | [421] Freiberuf.,Akademiker o.Mitarb;seit 2000 |
422 | [422] Free-Lance Professional, LE 9 Coworkers, since 2000 | [422] Freiberuf.,Akademiker 1-9 MA; seit 2000 |
423 | [423] Free-Lance Professional, GT 9 Coworkers, since 2000 | [423] Freiberuf.,Akademiker 10u.m.MA;seit 2000 |
424 | [424] Free-Lance Professional, with Coworkers, n.A., since 2004 | [424] Freiberuf.,Akademiker m.MA o.A;seit 2004 |
430 | [430] Other Self-Employed No Or LE 9 Coworkers, until 1996 | [430] sonstige, ohne oder bis 9 MA;bis 1996 |
431 | [431] Other Self-Employed No Coworkers, since 1997 | [431] sonstige, ohne Mitarb. ;ab 1997 |
432 | [432] Other Self-Employed LE 9 Coworkers, since 1997 | [432] sonstige, 1-9 Mitarb. ;ab 1997 |
433 | [433] Other Self-Employed GT 9 Coworkers, since 1997 | [433] sonstige, 10 u. m. Mitarb. ;ab 1997 |
434 | [434] Other Self-Employed with Coworkers, n.A., since 2004 | [434] sonstige mit MA o.A.; seit 2004 |
440 | [440] Help In Family Business | [440] mithelfende Familienangehörige |
510 | [510] Foreman | [510] Industrie-,Werkmeister |
520 | [520] Employee With Simple Tasks, until 1990 | [520] mit einfacher Tätigkeit ;bis 1990 |
521 | [521] Untrained Employee With Simple Tasks, since 1991 | [521] einf.Tätigkt o.Ausb.abschluss;ab 1991 |
522 | [522] Trained Employee With Simple Tasks, since 1991 | [522] einf.Tätigkt m.Ausb.abschluss;ab 1991 |
530 | [530] Qualified Professional | [530] mit qualifizierter Tätigkeit |
540 | [540] H. Qualified Professional | [540] hochqualif.,Leitungsfunktion |
550 | [550] Managerial | [550] mit umfassenden Führungsaufgaben |
600 | [600] CIVIL SERVANT | [600] BEAMTER |
610 | [610] Low-Level Civil Service | [610] Einfacher Dienst |
620 | [620] Middle-Level Civil Service | [620] Mittlerer Dienst |
630 | [630] High-Level Civil Service | [630] Gehobener Dienst |
640 | [640] Executive Civil Service | [640] Höherer Dienst |
-1 | [-1] No Answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Answer improbable | [-3] nicht valide |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissible multiple response | [-4] Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar |
-8 | [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year | [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms |
No concept available.
English label: Job Position Mother
German label: Berufl.Stellg. Mutter - im Alter 15
bioparen – Biography Information for Respondents‘ Parents
Analysis Unit : Individual
Dataset Type: Original
Period: 0
Study: SOEP-IS
The children’s proxy entries on professional position and occupation of the father (VBSTELL) as well as VISCO88 and all prestige scores are available when the father and the child do not live in the same household at the time of the survey and if the father lived in Germany when the child was 16 years old. Since 2000, the same applies to the entries of the mother for MVSTELL and MISCO88. Besides the proxy entries parents’ direct information from the $P-files are used.
Measure | Value |
valid | 9750 |
invalid | 2745 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.