
en de
11 11: firstborn twin 11: firstborn twin
12 12: secondborn twin 12: secondborn twin
21 21: biological mother 21: biological mother
22 22: biological father 22: biological father
23 23: adoptive mother 23: adoptive mother
24 24: adoptive father 24: adoptive father
25 25: foster mother 25: foster mother
26 26: foster father 26: foster father
28 28: non-biological father, pregnancy by semen donor 28: non-biological father, pregnancy by semen donor
31 31: partner of mother 31: partner of mother
32 32: partner of father 32: partner of father
41 41: full biological sibling (both parents are the same as twins) 41: full biological sibling (both parents are the same as twins)
42 42: half sibling (mother is the same as twins) 42: half sibling (mother is the same as twins)
43 43: half sibling (father is the same as twins) 43: half sibling (father is the same as twins)
44 44: half sibling (one of the parents is the same as twins, which one is unknown) 44: half sibling (one of the parents is the same as twins, which one is unknown)
45 45: stepsibling (no parent is the same as twins) 45: stepsibling (no parent is the same as twins)
46 46: adoptive sibling (no parent is the same as twins) 46: adoptive sibling (no parent is the same as twins)
47 47: unknown sibling status 47: unknown sibling status
51 51: grandmother / grandfather 51: grandmother / grandfather
52 52: aunt / uncle 52: aunt / uncle
61 61: partner of firstborn twin 61: partner of firstborn twin
62 62: partner of secondborn twin 62: partner of secondborn twin
71 71: other relative 71: other relative
72 72: other non-relative 72: other non-relative
81 81: child of firstborn twin 81: child of firstborn twin
82 82: child of secondborn twin 82: child of secondborn twin
90 90: unknown relationship to twins 90: unknown relationship to twins
-87 -87: multiple answers -87: multiple answers
-90 -90: no participation in survey wave -90: no participation in survey wave
-92 -92: no participation in survey module -92: no participation in survey module
-93 -93: unclear classification of system missing -93: unclear classification of system missing
-94 -94: technical error / faulty insertion -94: technical error / faulty insertion
-95 -95: doesn't apply (screened out) -95: doesn't apply (screened out)
-98 -98: don't know -98: don't know
-99 -99: not specified (refused to answer) -99: not specified (refused to answer)
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Measure Value
valid 4747
invalid 0

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)