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ppathl/netto: Current survey status
en | de | |
10 | [10] Interviewee With Succesful Interview (_P) | [10] Befragungsperson mit real. Interview (_P) |
12 | [12] Individual Questionnaire And Person Biography | [12] Personenfragebogen und Lebenslauf |
15 | [15] Individual Questionnaire And Experiments, Test | [15] Personenfragebogen und Experimente, Test |
16 | [16] Individual Questionnaire, First Time Surveyed, Age 17 | [16] Erstbefr, Personenfragebogen, 17 Jahre |
17 | [17] Youth Biography First Time Surveyed, Age 17 | [17] Erstbefragung, Jugendfragebogen, 17 Jahre |
19 | [19] Individual Questionnaire Without Household Interview | [19] Personenfrabo ohne Haushaltsinterview |
20 | [20] Children in Succesfully Interviewed Households (_Kind) | [20] Kinder in realisierten Haushalten (_KIND) |
21 | [21] Children in Kidlong | [21] Kinder in Kidlong |
22 | [22] Children (only) in BioAgeL | [22] Kinder (nur) in BioAgeL |
29 | [29] Youth from refugee sample, age 16-17 | [29] Jugendliche 16-17 Jahre (Refug) |
30 | [30] Persons In Successfully Interviewed HH Without Individual Interview | [30] Personen in real. Brutto-HHen ohne P.Interview |
31 | [31] Successful Gap Interview (_LUECKE) | [31] Realisierte Nacherhebung (_LUECKE) |
32 | [32] Successfully Completed Biography Questionnaires | [32] Realisierter Biografiefragebogen |
33 | [33] Successful Youth Questionnaire | [33] Realisierter Jugendfragebogen |
34 | [34] Successful Tests and Experiments | [34] Realisierte Tests und Experimente |
35 | [35] Part. Success, without HH interview | [35] Teilrealisiert ohne Haushaltsinterview |
36 | [36] Child without further children information | [36] Kinder ohne Kinderangabe |
40 | [40] Person in non completed gross HH | [40] Personen in nicht-real. Brutto-HHen |
41 | [41] Gap Interview (_LUECKE) in non completed HH | [41] Nacherhebung (_LUECKE) in nicht-real. HHen |
42 | [42] Biography Interview in non completed HH | [42] Realisierter Biografiefragebogen in nicht-real. HHen |
44 | [44] Test or experiment in non completed HH | [44] Test und Experimente in nicht-real. HHen |
48 | [48] Youth questionnaire (age 17) in non completed HH | [48] Jugendliche (17 Jahre) in nicht-real. HHen |
49 | [49] Children (0-16) in non completed HH | [49] Kinder (0-16 Jahre) in nicht-real. HHen |
50 | [50] Person outside SOEP HH | [50] Personen ohne SOEP-Bezug |
51 | [51] Respondent [VP] | [51] Auskunftsperson [VP] |
52 | [52] Target person [VP] | [52] Zielperson [VP] |
60 | [60] Only Questionnaire Without Indiv. And HH Interview | [60] Nur Fragebogen ohne P- und HH-Interview |
61 | [61] Gap Interview without HH reference | [61] Nacherhobene Luecke ohne HH-Bezug |
62 | [62] Gap Interview with drop out | [62] Nacherhobene Luecke bei Ausfall |
70 | [70] Only Participation In Tests, Experiments, etc. | [70] Nur Teilnahme an Tests, Experimenten etc. |
80 | [80] Individual Without Any Current Information | [80] Person ohne aktuelle Angabe ohne Austritt |
81 | [81] Prior Interviewee Without Any Current Information | [81] Vormals Befragte(ERSTBEF) ohne akt.Angabe |
88 | [88] Repatriate - (moved abroad before [91]) | [88] Rueckkehrer - (zuvor Wegzug Ausland [91]) |
89 | [89] Repatriate - (was drop out [90]) | [89] Rueckkehrer - (zuvor Ausfaelle [90]) |
90 | [90] Individual Dropouts PBR_EXIT | [90] Personenausfaelle (PBR_EXIT) |
91 | [91] Moved abroad | [91] Wegzug ins Ausland |
92 | [92] Moved abroad (abroad) | [92] Wegzug ins Ausland (Abroad) |
93 | [93] Moved abroad (exit) | [93] Wegzug ins Ausland (Exit) |
94 | [94] Person Gap with advices | [94] Personenausfall mit weiteren Hinweisen |
97 | [97] advice to dead person (exit) | [97] Hinweise zu Verstorbenen (Exit) |
98 | [98] advice to dead person (_VP) | [98] Hinweise zu Verstorbenen (_VP) |
99 | [99] Has Died | [99] Verstorben |
-1 | [-1] No Answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Answer improbable | [-3] nicht valide |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissible multiple response | [-4] Unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar |
-8 | [-8] Question this year not part of Survey program | [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprograms |
current wave survey status 1984
English label: Current survey status
German label: Aktueller Befragungsstatus
ppathl – Individual Tracking File
Analysis Unit : Individual
Dataset Type: Tracking Data
Period: multiple
Study: SOEP-Core
This variable indicates available information and files for the entire SOEP individuals. Netto-codes 10-19 (and 29) define the respondents population of PGEN, the codes 20-28 indicate children, 30-39 unit-non-responses in partially realized households, and the codes 90-99 describe permanent (or temporary) dropouts. Further differentiations point to the survey instruments (questionnaires). The Codes 10-39 describe the population in realized (and partially realized households).
Measure | Value |
valid | 1359882 |
invalid | 24 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.