ppathl/netto: Current survey status

00000240042751355981423651742916574912035964101635000045740291432466341317267223412222593678754146011266946713618607720599284088135502564449050,000100,000150,000200,000250,000300,000350,000400,000450,000500,000550,000[-8] Question this year not pa...[-7] Only available in less re...[-6] Version of questionnaire ...[-5] Not included in this vers...[-4] Inadmissible multiple res...[-3] Answer improbable[-2] Does not apply[-1] No Answer[99] Has Died[98] advice to dead person (_V...[97] advice to dead person (ex...[94] Person Gap with advices[93] Moved abroad (exit)[92] Moved abroad (abroad)[91] Moved abroad[90] Individual Dropouts PBR_E...[89] Repatriate - (was drop ou...[88] Repatriate - (moved abroa...[81] Prior Interviewee Without...[80] Individual Without Any Cu...[70] Only Participation In Tes...[62] Gap Interview with drop o...[61] Gap Interview without HH ...[60] Only Questionnaire Withou...[52] Target person [VP][51] Respondent [VP][50] Person outside SOEP HH[49] Children (0-16) in non co...[48] Youth questionnaire (age ...[44] Test or experiment in non...[42] Biography Interview in no...[41] Gap Interview (_LUECKE) i...[40] Person in non completed g...[36] Child without further chi...[35] Part. Success, without HH...[34] Successful Tests and Expe...[33] Successful Youth Question...[32] Successfully Completed Bi...[31] Successful Gap Interview ...[30] Persons In Successfully I...[29] Youth from refugee sample...[22] Children (only) in BioAge...[21] Children in Kidlong[20] Children in Succesfully I...[19] Individual Questionnaire ...[17] Youth Biography First Tim...[16] Individual Questionnaire,...[15] Individual Questionnaire ...[12] Individual Questionnaire ...[10] Interviewee With Succesfu...
Value Labels
en de
10 [10] Interviewee With Succesful Interview (_P) [10] Befragungsperson mit real. Interview (_P)
12 [12] Individual Questionnaire And Person Biography [12] Personenfragebogen und Lebenslauf
15 [15] Individual Questionnaire And Experiments, Test [15] Personenfragebogen und Experimente, Test
16 [16] Individual Questionnaire, First Time Surveyed, Age 17 [16] Erstbefr, Personenfragebogen, 17 Jahre
17 [17] Youth Biography First Time Surveyed, Age 17 [17] Erstbefragung, Jugendfragebogen, 17 Jahre
19 [19] Individual Questionnaire Without Household Interview [19] Personenfrabo ohne Haushaltsinterview
20 [20] Children in Succesfully Interviewed Households (_Kind) [20] Kinder in realisierten Haushalten (_KIND)
21 [21] Children in Kidlong [21] Kinder in Kidlong
22 [22] Children (only) in BioAgeL [22] Kinder (nur) in BioAgeL
29 [29] Youth from refugee sample, age 16-17 [29] Jugendliche 16-17 Jahre (Refug)
30 [30] Persons In Successfully Interviewed HH Without Individual Interview [30] Personen in real. Brutto-HHen ohne P.Interview
31 [31] Successful Gap Interview (_LUECKE) [31] Realisierte Nacherhebung (_LUECKE)
32 [32] Successfully Completed Biography Questionnaires [32] Realisierter Biografiefragebogen
33 [33] Successful Youth Questionnaire [33] Realisierter Jugendfragebogen
34 [34] Successful Tests and Experiments [34] Realisierte Tests und Experimente
35 [35] Part. Success, without HH interview [35] Teilrealisiert ohne Haushaltsinterview
36 [36] Child without further children information [36] Kinder ohne Kinderangabe
40 [40] Person in non completed gross HH [40] Personen in nicht-real. Brutto-HHen
41 [41] Gap Interview (_LUECKE) in non completed HH [41] Nacherhebung (_LUECKE) in nicht-real. HHen
42 [42] Biography Interview in non completed HH [42] Realisierter Biografiefragebogen in nicht-real. HHen
44 [44] Test or experiment in non completed HH [44] Test und Experimente in nicht-real. HHen
48 [48] Youth questionnaire (age 17) in non completed HH [48] Jugendliche (17 Jahre) in nicht-real. HHen
49 [49] Children (0-16) in non completed HH [49] Kinder (0-16 Jahre) in nicht-real. HHen
50 [50] Person outside SOEP HH [50] Personen ohne SOEP-Bezug
51 [51] Respondent [VP] [51] Auskunftsperson [VP]
52 [52] Target person [VP] [52] Zielperson [VP]
60 [60] Only Questionnaire Without Indiv. And HH Interview [60] Nur Fragebogen ohne P- und HH-Interview
61 [61] Gap Interview without HH reference [61] Nacherhobene Luecke ohne HH-Bezug
62 [62] Gap Interview with drop out [62] Nacherhobene Luecke bei Ausfall
70 [70] Only Participation In Tests, Experiments, etc. [70] Nur Teilnahme an Tests, Experimenten etc.
80 [80] Individual Without Any Current Information [80] Person ohne aktuelle Angabe ohne Austritt
81 [81] Prior Interviewee Without Any Current Information [81] Vormals Befragte(ERSTBEF) ohne akt.Angabe
88 [88] Repatriate - (moved abroad before [91]) [88] Rueckkehrer - (zuvor Wegzug Ausland [91])
89 [89] Repatriate - (was drop out [90]) [89] Rueckkehrer - (zuvor Ausfaelle [90])
90 [90] Individual Dropouts PBR_EXIT [90] Personenausfaelle (PBR_EXIT)
91 [91] Moved abroad [91] Wegzug ins Ausland
92 [92] Moved abroad (abroad) [92] Wegzug ins Ausland (Abroad)
93 [93] Moved abroad (exit) [93] Wegzug ins Ausland (Exit)
94 [94] Person Gap with advices [94] Personenausfall mit weiteren Hinweisen
97 [97] advice to dead person (exit) [97] Hinweise zu Verstorbenen (Exit)
98 [98] advice to dead person (_VP) [98] Hinweise zu Verstorbenen (_VP)
99 [99] Has Died [99] Verstorben
-1 [-1] No Answer [-1] keine Angabe
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Answer improbable [-3] nicht valide
-4 [-4] Inadmissible multiple response [-4] Unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 [-8] Question this year not part of Survey program [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprograms
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current wave survey status 1984

English label: Current survey status

German label: Aktueller Befragungsstatus

ppathl – Individual Tracking File

Analysis Unit : Individual

Dataset Type: Tracking Data

Period: multiple


Study: SOEP-Core


This variable indicates available information and files for the entire SOEP individuals. Netto-codes 10-19 (and 29) define the respondents population of PGEN, the codes 20-28 indicate children, 30-39 unit-non-responses in partially realized households, and the codes 90-99 describe permanent (or temporary) dropouts. Further differentiations point to the survey instruments (questionnaires). The Codes 10-39 describe the population in realized (and partially realized households).

Measure Value
valid 1359882
invalid 24

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