bioage/char4: child tends to be quick to learn new things / to need more time

0001012004718239255402004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,8002,0002,2002,400Question not part of the surve...Only available in less restric...Version of questionnaire with ...Not included in this version o...Inadmissible multiple response...Answer improbableDoes not applyNo Answer[10] to need more time[0] quick to learn new things
Value Labels
en de
0 [0] quick to learn new things [0] ist eher schnell
10 [10] to need more time [10] braucht mehr Zeit
-1 No Answer keine Angabe
-2 Does not apply trifft nicht zu
-3 Answer improbable nicht valide
-4 Inadmissible multiple response Unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 Not included in this version of the questionnaire In Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 Version of questionnaire with modified filtering Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung
-7 Only available in less restricted edition Nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 Question not part of the survey program this year Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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No concept available.

English label: child tends to be quick to learn new things / to need more time

German label: Kind begreift eher schnell, braucht mehr Zeit

bioage – Variables from the Modules of Questions on Children

Analysis Unit : Individual

Dataset Type: Original

Period: 0


Study: SOEP-IS

Measure Value
valid 13126
invalid 1077

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