
en de
1110 [1110] (1.11) Complete (without refusal for next wave) [1110] [en] (1.11) Complete (without refusal for next wave)
1120 [1120] (1.12) Complete (refusal for next wave) [1120] [en] (1.12) Complete (refusal for next wave)
1210 [1210] (1.21) Partial (without refusal for next wave) [1210] [en] (1.21) Partial (without refusal for next wave)
1220 [1220] (1.22) Partial (refusal for next wave) [1220] [en] (1.22) Partial (refusal for next wave)
2111 [2111] (2.111) Household-level refusal [2111] [en] (2.111) Household-level refusal
2200 [2200] (2.20) Non-contact [2200] [en] (2.20) Non-contact
2310 [2310] (2.31) Dead [2310] [en] (2.31) Dead
2321 [2321] (2.321) Temporary physically or mentally unable/incompetent [2321] [en] (2.321) Temporary physically or mentally unable/incompetent
2322 [2322] (2.322) Permanently physically or mentally unable/incompetent [2322] [en] (2.322) Permanently physically or mentally unable/incompetent
2331 [2331] (2.331) Household-level language problem [2331] [en] (2.331) Household-level language problem
2351 [2351] (2.351) Soft refusal (currently not willing, no time) [2351] [en] (2.351) Soft refusal (currently not willing, no time)
2353 [2353] (2.353) Missing household interview and at least one person interview [2353] [en] (2.353) Missing household interview and at least one person interview
2354 [2354] (2.354) Lack of data [2354] [en] (2.354) Lack of data
2400 [2400] (2.4) New address after field period [2400] [en] (2.4) New address after field period
2520 [2520] (2.52) Other temporary refusal [2520] [en] (2.52) Other temporary refusal
3110 [3110] (3.11) Not attempted or worked [3110] [en] (3.11) Not attempted or worked
3180 [3180] (3.18) Unable to locate address [3180] [en] (3.18) Unable to locate address
3300 [3300] (3.3) Not worked since deleted at a later date [3300] [en] (3.3) Not worked since deleted at a later date
4000 [4000] (4.0) Not Eligible [4000] [en] (4.0) Not Eligible
4200 [4200] (4.2) Household moved abroad [4200] [en] (4.2) Household moved abroad
4300 [4300] (4.3) Household dissolved [4300] [en] (4.3) Household dissolved
4400 [4400] (4.4) Household untraceable [4400] [en] (4.4) Household untraceable
4510 [4510] (4.51) Business, government office, other organization [4510] [en] (4.51) Business, government office, other organization
4910 [4910] 4910 (4.91) Duplicate in actual sample or in other soep samples [4910] [en] 4910 (4.91) Duplicate in actual sample or in other soep samples
4920 [4920] (4.92) Post-office box address [4920] [en] (4.92) Post-office box address
-1 [-1] No answer / don’t know [-1] keine Angabe/weiß nicht
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] trifft nicht zu
-3 [-3] Implausible value [-3] unplausibler Wert
-4 [-4] Inadmissable multiple response [-4] unzulässige Mehrfachantwort
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geänderter Filterführung
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] nur in weniger eingeschränkter Edition verfügbar
-8 [-8] Question not part of the survey program this year [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms
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: [de] AAPOR Klassifizierung

: AAPOR Klassifizierung

bkhbrutto – Gross household data 2020



: 2020

: SOEP-Core

Measure Value
valid 24618
invalid 0

German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP)