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en | de | |
1 | [1] 1. Germany | [1] 1. Deutschland |
2 | [2] 2. Turkey | [2] 2. Tuerkei |
3 | [3] 3. Ex-Yugoslavia | [3] 3. Jugoslawien/MontenegroSerbien |
4 | [4] 4. Greece | [4] 4. Griechenland |
5 | [5] 5. Italy | [5] 5. Italien |
6 | [6] 6. Spain | [6] 6. Spanien |
7 | [7] 7. Ex-GDR | [7] 7. Ex-DDR |
10 | [10] 10. Austria | [10] 10. Oesterreich |
11 | [11] 11. France | [11] 11. Frankreich |
12 | [12] 12. Benelux | [12] 12. Benelux |
13 | [13] 13. Denmark | [13] 13. Daenemark |
14 | [14] 14. Great Britain | [14] 14. Grossbritannien |
15 | [15] 15. Sweden | [15] 15. Schweden |
16 | [16] 16. Norway | [16] 16. Norwegen |
17 | [17] 17. Finland | [17] 17. Finnland |
18 | [18] 18. USA | [18] 18. usa |
19 | [19] 19. Switzerland | [19] 19. Schweiz |
20 | [20] 20. Chile | [20] 20. Chile |
21 | [21] 21. Romania | [21] 21. Rumaenien |
22 | [22] 22. Poland | [22] 22. Polen |
23 | [23] 23. Korea | [23] 23. Korea |
24 | [24] 24. Iran | [24] 24. Iran |
25 | [25] 25. Indonesia | [25] 25. Indonesien |
26 | [26] 26. Hungary | [26] 26. Ungarn |
27 | [27] 27. Bolivia | [27] 27. Bolivien |
28 | [28] 28. Portugal | [28] 28. Portugal |
29 | [29] 29. Bulgaria | [29] 29. Bulgarien |
30 | [30] 30. Syria | [30] 30. Syrien |
31 | [31] 31. Czech Republic | [31] 31. Tschechien |
32 | [32] 32. Russia | [32] 32. Russland |
34 | [34] 34. Mexico | [34] 34. Mexiko |
35 | [35] 35. Argentina | [35] 35. Argentinien |
36 | [36] 36. Cape Verde | [36] 36. Cap Verde |
37 | [37] 37. Benin | [37] 37. Benin |
38 | [38] 38. Philippines | [38] 38. Philippinen |
39 | [39] 39. Israel | [39] 39. Israel |
40 | [40] 40. Japan | [40] 40. Japan |
41 | [41] 41. Australia | [41] 41. Australien |
42 | [42] 42. India | [42] 42. Indien |
43 | [43] 43. Afghanistan | [43] 43. Afghanistan |
44 | [44] 44. Thailand | [44] 44. Thailand |
45 | [45] 45. Jamaica | [45] 45. Jamaika |
46 | [46] 46. Saudi Arabia | [46] 46. Saudi Arabien |
47 | [47] 47. Ethiopia | [47] 47. Aethiopien |
48 | [48] 48. Colombia | [48] 48. Kolumbien |
49 | [49] 49. Ghana | [49] 49. Ghana |
50 | [50] 50. Bangladesh | [50] 50. Bangladesch |
51 | [51] 51. Venezuela | [51] 51. Venezuela |
52 | [52] 52. Tunisia | [52] 52. Tunesien |
53 | [53] 53. Mauritius | [53] 53. Mauritius |
54 | [54] 54. Nigeria | [54] 54. Nigeria |
55 | [55] 55. Canada | [55] 55. Kanada |
56 | [56] 56. New Zealand | [56] 56. Neuseeland |
57 | [57] 57. Tanzania | [57] 57. Tansania |
58 | [58] 58. Cyprus | [58] 58. Zypern |
59 | [59] 59. Cuba | [59] 59. Kuba |
60 | [60] 60. Iraq | [60] 60. Irak |
61 | [61] 61. Brazil | [61] 61. Brasilien |
62 | [62] 62. Monaco | [62] 62. Monaco |
63 | [63] 63. Hong Kong | [63] 63. Hongkong |
64 | [64] 64. Peru | [64] 64. Peru |
65 | [65] 65. Sri Lanka | [65] 65. Sri Lanka |
66 | [66] 66. Nepal | [66] 66. Nepal |
67 | [67] 67. Morocco | [67] 67. Marokko |
68 | [68] 68. China | [68] 68. China |
69 | [69] 69. Liechtenstein | [69] 69. Liechtenstein |
70 | [70] 70. Iceland | [70] 70. Island |
71 | [71] 71. Ireland | [71] 71. Irland |
72 | [72] 72. St. Lucia | [72] 72. St. Lucia |
73 | [73] 73. Moldova | [73] 73. Moldawien |
74 | [74] 74. Kazakhstan | [74] 74. Kasachstan |
75 | [75] 75. Albania | [75] 75. Albanien |
76 | [76] 76. Lebanon | [76] 76. Libanon |
77 | [77] 77. Kyrgyzstan | [77] 77. Kirgistan |
78 | [78] 78. Ukraine | [78] 78. Ukraine |
79 | [79] 79. Algeria | [79] 79. Algerien |
80 | [80] 80. Mozambique | [80] 80. Mosambik |
81 | [81] 81. Egypt | [81] 81. Aegypten |
82 | [82] 82. Tajikistan | [82] 82. Tadschikistan |
83 | [83] 83. Vietnam | [83] 83. Vietnam |
84 | [84] 84. Somalia | [84] 84. Somalia |
85 | [85] 85. Pakistan | [85] 85. Pakistan |
86 | [86] 86. South Africa | [86] 86. Suedafrika |
87 | [87] 87. UAE | [87] 87. Ver. Arabische Emirate |
88 | [88] 88. El Salvador | [88] 88. El Salvador |
89 | [89] 89. Eritrea | [89] 89. Eritrea |
90 | [90] 90. Jordan | [90] 90. Jordanien |
92 | [92] 92. Costa Rica | [92] 92. Costa Rica |
93 | [93] 93. Singapore | [93] 93. Singapur |
94 | [94] 94. Burkina Faso | [94] 94. Burkina Faso |
95 | [95] 95. Zambia | [95] 95. Sambia |
96 | [96] 96. Ecuador | [96] 96. Ecuador |
97 | [97] 97. Uzbekistan | [97] 97. Usbekistan |
98 | [98] 98. No Nationality | [98] 98. Staatenlos |
99 | [99] 99. Puerto Rico | [99] 99. Puerto Rico |
100 | [100] 100. Laos | [100] 100. Laos |
101 | [101] 101. Estonia | [101] 101. Estland |
102 | [102] 102. Angola | [102] 102. Angola |
103 | [103] 103. Latvia | [103] 103. Lettland |
105 | [105] 105. Namibia | [105] 105. Namibia |
107 | [107] 107. Belize | [107] 107. Belize |
108 | [108] 108. Dominican Republic | [108] 108. Dominikanische Republik |
109 | [109] 109. Nicaragua | [109] 109. Nicaragua |
110 | [110] 110. Kenia | [110] 110. Kenia |
111 | [111] 111. Lybia | [111] 111. Libyen |
112 | [112] 112. Malta | [112] 112. Malta |
113 | [113] 113. Botswana | [113] 113. Botswana |
114 | [114] 114. Haiti | [114] 114. Haiti |
115 | [115] 115. Trinidad, tobago | [115] 115. Trinidad, Tobago |
116 | [116] 116. Luxemburg | [116] 116. Luxemburg |
117 | [117] 117. Belgium | [117] 117. Belgien |
118 | [118] The Netherlands | [118] 118. Niederlande |
119 | [119] 119. Croatia | [119] 119. Kroatien |
120 | [120] 120. Bosnia-Herzegovina | [120] 120. Bosnien/Herzegowina |
121 | [121] 121. Macedonia | [121] 121. Makedonien |
122 | [122] 122. Slovenia | [122] 122. Slowenien |
123 | [123] 123. Slovakia | [123] 123. Slowakei |
124 | [124] 124. Paraguay | [124] 124. Paraguay |
125 | [125] 125. Guinea | [125] 125. Guinea |
126 | [126] 126. Kuwait | [126] 126. Kuwait |
127 | [127] 127. Ivory Coast | [127] 127. Elfenbeinkueste |
128 | [128] 128. Malaysia | [128] 128. Malaysia |
129 | [129] 129. Samoa | [129] 129. Samoa |
130 | [130] 130. Azerbaijan | [130] 130. Aserbaidschan |
131 | [131] 131. Seychelles | [131] 131. Seychellen |
132 | [132] 132. Belarus | [132] 132. Weissrussland |
133 | [133] 133. Uruguay | [133] 133. Uruguay |
134 | [134] 134. Bahamas | [134] 134. Bahamas |
135 | [135] 135. Uganda | [135] 135. Uganda |
136 | [136] 136. Oman | [136] 136. Oman |
137 | [137] 137. Micronesia | [137] 137. Mikronesien |
138 | [138] 138. Mali | [138] 138. Mali |
139 | [139] 139. Cameroon | [139] 139. Kamerun |
140 | [140] 140. Kosovo-Albania | [140] 140. Kosovo-Albaner |
141 | [141] 141. Georgia | [141] 141. Georgien |
142 | [142] 142. Sudan | [142] 142. Sudan |
143 | [143] 143. Congo | [143] 143. Kongo |
144 | [144] 144. Togo | [144] 144. Togo |
145 | [145] 145. Mongolia | [145] 145. Mongolei |
146 | [146] 146. Lithuania | [146] 146. Litauen |
147 | [147] 147. Chad | [147] 147. Tschad |
148 | [148] 148. Armenia | [148] 148. Armenien |
149 | [149] 149. Kurdistan | [149] 149. Kurdistan |
150 | [150] 150. Liberia | [150] 150. Liberia |
151 | [151] 151. Yemen | [151] 151. Jemen |
152 | [152] 152. Palestine | [152] 152. Palaestina |
154 | [154] 154. Taiwan | [154] 154. Taiwan |
155 | [155] 155. Turkmenistan | [155] 155. Turkmenistan |
156 | [156] 156. Africa | [156] 156. Afrika |
157 | [157] 157. Guatemala | [157] 157. Guatemala |
158 | [158] 158. Sierra Leone | [158] 158. Sierra Leone |
159 | [159] 159. Panama | [159] 159. Panama |
162 | [162] 162. Senegal | [162] 162. Senegal |
164 | [164] 164. Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria | [164] 164. Kabardino-Balkarien |
165 | [165] 165. Serbia | [165] 165. Serbien |
166 | [166] 166. Gambia | [166] 166. Gambia |
167 | [167] 167. Honduras | [167] 167. Honduras |
168 | [168] 168. Montenegro | [168] 168. Montenegro |
169 | [169] 169. Cambodia | [169] 169. Kambodscha |
172 | [172] 172. Caucasus | [172] 172. Kaukasus |
173 | [173] 173. Zimbabwe | [173] 173. Simbabwe |
174 | [174] 174. Madagascar | [174] 174. Madagaskar |
175 | [175] 175. Grenada | [175] 175. Grenada |
176 | [176] 176. Lesotho | [176] 176. Lesotho |
177 | [177] 177. Bhutan | [177] 177. Bhutan |
178 | [178] 178. Ruanda | [178] 178. Ruanda |
179 | [179] 179. Malawi | [179] 179. Malawi |
180 | [180] 180. Bessarabia | [180] 180. Bessarabien |
181 | [181] 181. Myanmar | [181] 181. Myanmar |
182 | [182] 182. Fiji | [182] 182. Fidschi |
183 | [183] 183. Niger | [183] 183. Niger |
184 | [184] 184. North Korea | [184] 184. Nordkorea |
185 | [185] 185. Burundi | [185] 185. Burundi |
186 | [186] 186. South Sudan | [186] 186. Suedsudan |
187 | [187] 187. Mauritania | [187] 187. Mauretanien |
188 | [188] 188. Chechenya | [188] 188. Tschetschenien |
189 | [189] 189. Central African Republic | [189] 189. Zentral-Afrikanische Republik |
190 | [190] 190. Djibouti | [190] 190. Dschibuti |
191 | [191] 191. Gabon | [191] 191. Gabun |
192 | [192] 192. Comoros | [192] 192. Komoren |
193 | [193] 193. Qatar | [193] 193. Qatar |
194 | [194] 194. Sahara | [194] 194. Sahara |
195 | [195] 195. Ingushetia | [195] 195. Inguschetien |
196 | [196] 196. Kosovo | [196] 196. Kosovo |
999 | [999] 999. Ethnic Minorities (e.g. Yazidi, Roma) | [999] 999. Ethnische Minderheiten (z.B. Jesiden, Roma) |
-1 | [-1] No answer | [-1] keine Angabe |
-2 | [-2] Does not apply | [-2] trifft nicht zu |
-3 | [-3] Implausible value | [-3] unplausibler Wert |
-4 | [-4] Inadmissable multiple response | [-4] unzulaessige Mehrfachantwort |
-5 | [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire | [-5] in Fragebogenversion nicht enthalten |
-6 | [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering | [-6] Fragebogenversion mit geaenderter Filterfuehrung |
-7 | [-7] Only available in less restricted edition | [-7] nur in weniger eingeschraenkter Edition verfuegbar |
-8 | [-8] Question this year not part of survey | [-8] Frage in diesem Jahr nicht Teil des Frageprogramms |
No concept available.
: Country of birth code
: Geburtsland Code [1984-1995] (unregelmaesig)
biopupil – Generated biographical information
: multiple
Measure | Value |
valid | 831 |
invalid | 8107 |
Codes of related variables with the same concept
This table provides you with an overview of label definitions across related variables to identify changes over time in longitudinal variables. The first number indicates the value code, the second number (in brackets) represents the frequency in the data. Please note that labels are simplified and values with frequency = 0 are hidden.