pl/plc0014_h: [de] Nettoverdienst letzten Monat [harmonisiert]

Value Labels
en de
-1 [-1] No answer [-1] No answer
-2 [-2] Does not apply [-2] Does not apply
-3 [-3] Implausible value [-3] Implausible value
-4 [-4] Inadmissable multiple response [-4] Inadmissable multiple response
-5 [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire [-5] Not included in this version of the questionnaire
-6 [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering [-6] Version of questionnaire with modified filtering
-7 [-7] Only available in less restricted edition [-7] Only available in less restricted edition
-8 [-8] Question this year not part of survey [-8] Question this year not part of survey
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net income last month

English label: [de] Nettoverdienst letzten Monat [harmonisiert]

German label: Nettoverdienst letzten Monat [harmonisiert]

pl – Variables from the Individual Question Module

Analysis Unit : Individual

Dataset Type: Original

Period: 0


Study: SOEP-IS


Step 1: The variable plc0014_v1 is converted into Euro by divisor 1.95583 (not adjusted for inflation) for the years 1998 to 2001 and subsequently integrated into the harmonized variable plc0014_h. Step 2: The variable plc0014_h is replaced by the variable plc0014_v2 for the years 2002 to 2020 and 2022.

Measure Value
Min. 0.0
1st Qu. 900.0
Median 1550.0
Mean 1758.6506416448185
3rd Qu. 2300.0
Max. 25000.0
valid 36235
invalid 39240

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